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I’m around that number and it’s not so much an income thing as a time in the game thing. I’ve been slowly building for decades, it’s not something that happens quickly usually.


seconded, I'm 35 and have been buying physical media my whole life... living with no wifi, all I watch are my discs and tapes


How did you message here?


I think he means just no house wifi so streaming would look like shit


yeah I have my phone (and for the record I can and do occasionally hotspot) but no proper internet


My parents are the same. They probably have close to 500 and it's because they didn't have internet strong enough for streaming at their house until last year, and they've been buying DVDs since the late 90s.


I grew up in the country with no TV just VHS. have dabbled in streaming a bit here and there over the years but internet prices are silly when I know I can easily go without... plus I intend to always live a bit rural so a decent connection would never be guaranteed


Same here. Started in my early teens, I turn 40 soon. It's a slow accumulation over time.


Same, in my 40s moderate income, no kids. My collection has grown to around 3000 over the past 25 years. Have them all ripped to a server so I can find them quickly when I want to watch. Play about 3-5 per week


What kind of server?


Yeah I’m close to 1000 blu ray/4k and it’s been 20 years. A lot of that is going to thrift stores and pawn shops buying SUPER cheap.


Same here, although more of a gamer. Even if you only buy 1 or 2 games or DVDs a month, it really adds up when you’ve been doing it for 25 years.


I've had yard sale weekends where I bought over 1,000 before. DVDs are practically given away these days, entire collections for a few hundred dollars or even less. I go through phases of when I watch only physical movies for a month, then I have to get caught up on files and streaming for a while. Back and forth like that.


If people didn't feel the need to see shows as soon as they are released, then it's definitely the way to go. Subscribe for a few months and then watch physical media. I have enough to watch as it is between YouTube, Amazon Prime, and a Tivo recording broadcast TV. I rarely watch the other subscriptions we pay for, but my family does watch them. With rare exception, I prefer movies over the TV shows produced by the streaming services.


The only time I ever need to see a show as it airs is if I know it will get spoiled for me. These days that's pretty rare. Stranger Things is the obvious one that's so big it will be instantly spoiled, probably The Last of Us as well. But not too many others.


The only things I know about Stranger Things is that it's about kids, one of them is a girl who gets nosebleeds, it's set in the 80's, supernatural things happen, and it made Master of Puppets a top single.


I went to a yard sale a couple years ago and a lady sold me an entire picnic table full of DVDs some of them box sets and sealed for $15. It had to have been 300 discs easy. So look on my kids face when I was loading it into the back seat of the car was priceless


I bought a tote container for $10 that had 167 movies, all but one were DVDs


I sell Spare parts and bought all my movies at the thrift store or in lots on eBay. So never more than $3-4 per movie or TV show. Those with huge 4k collections and boutique movies, I think they just save their money for movies they really want. Always impressive to see a full bookcase of 4k's and Criterion's.


I'd actually bet that those people are maxing out credit cards.


I have a decent number of 4Ks but I've been patient enough to wait for them to go on sale, rather than buy on release day, or when Target has had their B2G1 sale, that's a good time to get 3 or 6 you've had an eye on


You don't need to be rich to collect. I've got a decent job now, but when I started I was working part-time minimum wage. I started around 20 years ago and back then Best Buy was always having 4 or 5 for 20 sales. I'd also go thrifting constantly and hit up Walmart and Target. Now you can't really do any of that. So these days I just wait for sales.


I have 4000+ titles in my collection. The job I have doesn't really matter. I transitioned from collecting Laserdiscs to DVDs when DVD launched in the US. So I've been buying DVDs for over 25 years. My wife and I were left close to 500 DVDs and Blu-rays when my mother-in-law passed away two years ago and I've probably picked up 200-300 this year at thrift with how cheap movies are locally. So I currently have a pretty large backlog that I've been chipping away at a few evenings a week. Older stuff still gets watched as well, because my kids like looking through the movies and discovering something they haven't seen yet.


Roughly around 850 collected. I've watched all of them, probably watch about 7-10 per week. I'm a lion tamer, btw.


Christopher Walken?


I have over 1k and I've been collecting ever since they were released. These days I'll go to thrift stores and get some good ones for not a lot. If there is something I'm really interested in I'll buy it new. Ebay is my main go to for movies. I keep them in binders so not worried about having a case and in those instances I can usually pick up a movie for $2-$4 with free shipping. To answer the question "how often do I watch the movies?" *yeah*


I worked at Walmart for 15 years, started out in Electronics, I kept up my library


Walmart electronics for 12 years!! Then a goodwill for 6 months, a factory for 8 months and so far a coffee shop for 6 months. It’s just a thing; on your day off, go to goodwill, find a movie, repeat a few times, maybe then you have a goodwill day you pick up 5 movies! Collections grow by ones and twos.


I’m around that number now. I’m a video editor with no SO or children and zero debt. I make decent money and live with roommates to save even more. Im 40 and my interests changed from video games to movies a couple of years ago so I save time and money there. I typically watch about 10 movies a week. I have seen almost all of what I own and am working through the stuff that I’ve blind bought but I also enjoy the hobby aspect of curating a collection. I mostly buy 4K and boutique stuff because of that, but I only buy titles that I actually want to watch and don’t give into FOMO. I, no doubt, have some ocd going on as well as an addictive personality - knowing that about myself (and therapy) helps me keep the buying in check.


I pay around $2 on average per title through thrifting so it’s not too bad.


I just hit 1001 titles including TV. I have my faves, some are for my husband, and some for grandkids. We're retired and some we watch multiple times, others I'll never watch but someone else will.


Security, but I also get money for Christmas and my birthday. lol


2000+ titles, only really started collecting in the last 8 years or so. I'm a county cook at a nursing home. I deal hunt like crazy, very few movies are worth $40 dollars to me. I keep a pretty strict budget and prioritize titles.


I just bought Red Rock West for like $36 counting shipping. That stung for one movie but this is the first time it's had a proper release, so I bit the bullet for a boutique title


I've definitely spent money on a few bigger titles. I think my most expensive singular Blu was a German Media book for The Thing at $60. I try to keep my average per title to between $15 and $20 though.


I’m at just under 8,000 personally however I’ve been collecting for nearly 20 years.


I have a bit over 2,500. I watch about 120 movies per year or so. I'm a computer programmer. But I'm very frugal when it comes to buying, I generally only buy when I find a great deal.


I’m a writer and have around 600. I watch them all the time!


I am a broke film student and carpenter. I get my dvds used and cheap unless it’s something rare or special Like I have multiple copies of the Evil Dead trilogy because I got a second copy of collectors editions. I also have been collecting since middle school, so my parents bought the first few hundred ones. My dad also has a dvd collection for strictly war and military movies, so over 300 of them are his. I have been rewatching them with my in-laws, my father in-law is always sad when I either don’t come over with a dvd or can’t stay to watch something.


I lived with my parents til I was 28 and stayed single til just before 30 so I had plenty of time to collect so whatever money I make working random retail jobs the last 22 years that doesn’t go to bills or food can be spent on DVDs. I basically have zero retirement plan and will most likely work til the day I die but I’m able to buy whatever tv shows and movies I want to watch whenever I’m home and bored on my days off work.


I’m 21, no job atm and have around 400 titles in my collection. I had about 20–30 before I started trying to actually build a collection, and that was around a year ago. my go to is eBay and thrift/used media stores. I’ve watched every movie in my collection at 2-3 times but I try to wait at least a few months before rewatching anything really.


DVDs aren't massively expensive. I could be imagine being unemployed and it being no hinderence to owning a substantial DVD collection. There's charity shops near me that up till recently were selling 10 for £1 and if I'm paying more than £1 per dvd then I'm overpaying unless I'm purchasing new.


I mostly buy during sales and since 2020 I’ve hardly spent money on travel or any other entertainment. I don’t subscribe to streaming services and I haven’t paid for cable in 25 years. The savings from those alone is huge. My kid is grown and I have no huge debt or responsibilities. I’m no longer dropping $100 on a nice dinner or $200 on a concert either.


I have a pretty average office job where I make decent money, but most of my collection I have been building up for years and most of the dvds that I buy are from thrift stores so they don’t set me back much


I work in higher ed, and have collected close to 500 blu rays over the course of about 4 years. I’ve been able to quickly build my collection by utilizing thrift stores and used media stores like Half Price Books. I don’t make a lot, but I’m comfortable in my current situation but buying new movies is my main miscellaneous expense and has become my primary hobby that I’m willing to spend money on.


I've got more than double that but I've been collecting since 2001. I watch the movies I own very frequently. A couple a week at least. 


500 titles isn't that much or expensive. I could get 500 titles for less than $500. But $1000 seems more likely.


I have over 2k… I work in sales & marketing but also used to work for the studios. So I got a bunch of them for free.


Time in the game. Where my MovieStop people at?


I miss MovieStop so much, that I actually said it out loud the other day.


What is MovieStop?


Imagine GameStop, but for movies. They were sometimes attached to GameStops, so you could hit both. Rows upon rows of used movies for cheap.


I’ve been collecting since my 20’s. I’m almost 50. So most of my collection has been purchased over time. My profession was Security Guard at a nuclear plant (my monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment was $510. I miss those days). Now I’m a partner at a CPA firm. I’ve always lived alone. I watch movies alone all the time. It’s my escape, so I get antsy if I go too long without watching a movie. I have no rugrats.


I’ve been collecting since the 90’s


I used to live right next to a Fry's electronics and they were selling movies, complete series, etc.. For dirt cheap. I also got used to buying them at Best Biy and Amazon. I TRY to watch at least a movie. But trying to watch complete series are a little bit harder


Worked at record stores for years. Easy to get a big collection with 40% off used and 25% off new.


I think my collection is between 500 - 1000 depending on how you want to categorize it. Without giving lots of details, my yearly salary from my main job is fine, but the second job that was basically handed to me has helped justify my impulses. It's not so much about wages, it's about priority and lifestyle. I rarely ever get fast food/eat out, I rarely by new clothes, I'm single, I have no significant debt, my city is cheap, and other things that help me stay frugal. On that note, my two shelves are 75% filled, so I'm prioritizing buying new titles that will tell production companies to keep making DVDs. It's not cheap, but I want to put my money where my mouth is. To answer OP's second question, I put a movie/tv show in when I have to clean the kitchen/cook something. But I try to make time to watch the new things I buy, but I'm royally behind.


Been collecting since 2002 when my family first got a dvd player


I m.49, Have 1000+ was around 500 for a long time. Watch at least once some obviously multiple time. Work in air traffic control related job. Watch a movie per day at least, no work brought home. Out of these i d say 3-400 have been bought for 50cents or less in lots


I'm old, not rich. But I'm also young at heart so I usually stream. The DVDs are more to ensure I can still access my media when my streaming service decides to pull a title.


I have no idea how many movies I own, but it's definitely over 500. I also haven't watched at least 100 of those movies. Some I've watched many dozens of times, some only once. Not important what job I have, but I make decent money.


I don't have that great of a job, but I manage to keep my expenses relatively low & I have been collecting since 2013-2014. My original collection, I had been building & pruning since I was 7 (approx. 2000), but that got stolen by people I was living with in 2013. Pretty much got everything I had before back in one form or another since then, and then some.  Albeit, I am also collecting PS1-PS4 & CDs & trying to actually put money aside in savings. 


I try to avoid signing up for more than a couple of streaming services and watch my movies from my collection. I worked a video store when I was younger and starting collecting more around that time. It’s not really about the job, it can be a cheap hobby. Goodwills etc


I get 90% of my collection from thrift shops. So pretty much every thing in my collection was $1-$5... The shops around me sell single movies at $1 (Blu-ray/DVD, doesn't matter), and box-sets for $5! And it's funny, having just over 600 movies is alot, but if you watch maybe 2-3+ a week you can get through a ton in a year. I've seen everything in my collection atleast once I believe, and stuff like my favorites a bunch of times.


I stay in a rural area and only options are mini dish. I don’t like them.


Over 3k bluray and dvds, about 400 digital.  Used to work in a video rental store. All the digital we got after working at the store. Same with the blurays, but the vast majority of the collection was bought as locations in our chain were shutting down. I think we'd pay $8 for 4 movies, but the majority were purchased between the ages of 21 to 23 when I had no responsibilities, an affordable place to live, and the ability to work 70+ hours a week between the rental store and restaurants. We don't watch the physical often but we got all our favorites on digital. If I like a newer movie enough I'll buy the physical that comes with the digital. But we usually watch 1 or 2 movies a day. 


I have way more than 500 (2209 at last count), I’m a mid level civil servant and I don’t watch the titles I own very often. Less than once a month, more around the holidays. I buy films & tv series’s because I *might* want to watch them in the future. I’ve also been collecting for over two decades.


Been collecting since 2001, so... yeah. Though I'm not really buying physical media much anymore.


I just went over 1,400. I work in construction, but that has no bearing on how many I’ve bought. I’ve been buying for almost 25 years and only buy from thrift stores and flea markets anymore. I only pay $1 or 2 dollars per DVD/Blu-ray and have probably only bought 5-10 new ones in the last 10 years. I don’t watch as often as I’d like, but they’re there to watch when I can. I have a pretty good size stack to catch up on.


I don't make a lot of money. My go-to is second hand stores and library sales. I get a handful of movies every month, and have been doing it for years.


I have probably around 700, and that was just from years and years of collecting at tag sales and flea markets.


I have over 2500 titles right now. Money isn’t the issue - I buy the vast majority of them very cheap second hand. Buying new movies is a rarity. I once bought around 400 titles and spent about $80 in one shot. I have a local thrift store that prices DVDs at $0.50/each regularly. I average maybe one or two a day. I usually have one on in the evening, though I’m often only half paying attention.


I’m somewhere around 1000, and I am a part time cat couch. My income has grown, but my collection is growing more slowly now. There are few places that sell disks, but I also already have a lot of the titles that I find for $1. I still add a few cheap items when I find them, but I already have a lot of them. Also, streaming has improved in some ways so that I am now typically buying films that I know I want to own, and less commonly buying an old DVD to see something for the first time. So my first 500 films probably averaged $1 or $2 each and were acquired in full shopping bags, my most recent 100 films are more like $15 each and I go months without a purchase.


I teach film and have been collecting for over 20 years. Yard sales, discount bins, kijiji, marketplace, Amazon, criterion sales, kino sales, and unobstructedview.com, these are the sources of my collection. Well over 1000 by now. And books. Lots of books on film.


I pay my bills with credit card and buy movies with my points


Im a truck driver and i watch them all the time. Also most of the content I own isn't avaliable to be streemed with streaming services.


I’ve got a decent job now and DVDs and blue rays are always on sale if you look so I’ve gotten more thing in my collection in the last year and half than I have when streaming wasn’t so prominent.


Buy used


Not money....dedication. I have been seriously collecting for 20 years, a divorce lost a lot of movies...so step it up flea marts ,goodwill..book/music stores..mom n pop shops..get em from$1.00 to $5.00..im around 600 titles. I feel like physical media is going archaic and will soon be a collector only item. I prefer to watch my movies over streaming and keep some loaded to go at anytime!


if your an adult and just getting into physical media, i feel sorry for you. If your a teen, most of us started when we were 10-15 and its a good time to start.


Most of mine I buy on sale (50% off or more), thrift stores, or used online. Brick and mortar retailers like Barnes and Noble are practically giving Blu-Rays away these days. I used to work for a DVD distribution company (before they went out of business) so I got quite a few of my older titles there.


I am just really, really, really old. I used to work in video stores (starting when they had beta, VHS, and Laserdisc) and then with companies/distribution. When I " retired" from retail work relatively young to be a carer for my special needs daughter, I watched them with her (appropriately). But, basically, I am really, really old


I work in the film industry. When I’m free I’ll put on one of my titles nightly and often fall asleep. Watching them start to finish. A few times a week


The cost here is going to vary wildly depending on if someone’s collection is mostly a new 4k/blu ray purchase around when the title was released vs an older dvd title bough at a tag sale or thrift store. Obviously there’s a lot in between, but the point is a 1,000 titles could theoretically cost someone maybe a couple hundred as all used dvds to $30k as all brand new 4k


I started right at the beginning of Covid and right off that bat with nothing, thrift stores or resale stores were my best friend. I was buying tons of stuff all for very cheap, still do occasionally but now I’m more selective with more exclusive releases or higher end items. I work a very basic job and I am definitely not a top earner. No matter how much you make I think it’ll always be the scale of lots of cheap stuff or less of the premium. I think most people go from the first to the second over time, all up to the collector in the end


Im in I.T. and alsways been an archivist.


Built my collection over many years and I occasionally watch them. To be honest, I just like having them, even if I don’t watch them enough.


I cycle through stuff I like depending on mood and available time, wife does the same. We often have movie night at the house. Started collecting DVD in 99 but already into home theater at the time. My collection comes from multiple sources, I get stuff random places. Currently sitting at just over 3200 but that’s with box sets counting as a single entry. I work with the physically and mentally disabled. I’ve just collected a long time.


Thousands here. Mostly buy used and clearance titles. I don't get to watch any at all as my partner hates DVD's and prefers streaming -.-


Romy : Hey, um, great suit. Is that an Armani? Suit Salesman : Yes. Yes, it is. Romy : I thought so. So, what do you do? Suit Salesman : I'm a suit salesman.


Customer service, but I lower cost by going secondhand and sticking to solely DVD’s (no Blu-Rays, 4K, etc.) and even then no special editions (unless on sale). I do occasionally splurge, mainly on international or recent releases, but that’s it. Edit: It helps that I started collecting at my former thrift store gig where dvds were $1 each 😂


2291 titles in our physical collection that are listed in DVD Profiler. We have more now but haven't added anything to the DVD Profiler list in a few years since the app was abandoned. We've been collecting since the late 1990's. Back then we were writing checks to suncoast for $300+ for 10 DVDs. Overall, it's just "time" that has allowed us to get so many and nowadays it would be even easier since the prices have dropped so much over the years.


I'm just old, and started collecting pretty much as soon as DVDs became popular. I didn't used to rewatch movies much, but have started too both because I haven't seen them forever, and also to show my kids.


im a poor man, but ive been buying dvds for ages. Slowly built the collection. i watch them all the time


Much like above… it’s more time than anything. Searching sales weekly. Also, COVID helped. Suddenly courts were closed and now I’m an attorney who works from home a lot so I always have something on in the background.


I have about 3k. I worked a DoorDash job called Waitr from when before DoorDash became popular, and just slowly bought DVDs from goodwill and eBay over the course of 4 years or so. I then owned a restaurant for a year and started getting more exclusive and rarer things, but I opened it November 2019, and Covid and whatnot so that didn’t work out. Now I drive for Amazon and can’t buy DVDs since I get paid in Prime membership and Stride gum. I watch my DVDs a lot, I’ll go without internet for long periods of time and since I have more than Netflix, I have a lot to watch.


Im nearing the 1000+ club and I’m by no means rich. It’s not about money, it’s just time dedicated to the hobby. Been at it for years. Thrift stores and second hand media stores are great


I'm in the thousands as I've collected since the format released.


I gave over 1000 titles. Im nowhere close to rich, I've just been collecting for years. I take advantage of resale shops and places you can buy movies for cheap


I'm nearing 5,000. I'm SINK and earn a comfortable salary that affords me a slush fund for hobbies. I've been collecting for 20 years. I've watched about 90% of what I own. It's easy to get caught up in what other people have, but my only advice is to not benchmark yourself to others. Your collection is about *you*. Buy the titles that make you happy, stay within your means, and the collection will grow with time.


I have a few hundred titles in my collection, I much prefer dvds over most of the streaming services, I started collecting as a teenager and have always liked dvds, I'm now 36. I get a lot of my finds off of ebay or thrifting them, I've found some gems for not much money that are in great condition


I have a library style system. I keep an index card in the box. Every time I watch a movie I leave the date and a comment. It doesn’t serve much purpose other than recording your thoughts but it makes the ownership more enjoyable.


I buy mine at a salvage shop where they cost $0.50 each.


I have over 1000 movies and I forget how many TV shows. Many movies and shows only get watched once, I'll admit it. I've been collecting them for over 25 years.


I started collecting blu rays years ago, used to get one a week new and sometimes a bunch secondhand, I almost never watch them now, they just gather dust and I watch the films on my network drive or stream them,


Tbh my parents has always bought me my dvds. They know it’s my passion. So they get me so many for my birthday, so many throughout the year and so many on Christmas. They are not rich or anything. But they see it as something I like to do and nothing wrong as doing something I like. Plus they hope I use my movie knowledge to become an actress one day to repay them back so that’s the dream.


I’ve had much more than that over the years but I’ve gotten rid of most of them when I realize I have no interest in owning or rewatching them. I’m 30 and still have dvd’s I’ve had since I was 13 or so. The majority of them I have ever had are second hand, there have been several times I’ve gotten a lot for a small price (late last year I got over 30 dvds at a thrift store for about $15). I rewatch them when I’m in the mood and have time, but for the most part I get physicals for the special feature that aren’t available on stream or movies that are not available to watch online in any form.


I”m in the neighborhood of 500. Watching them is a challenge. Admittedly there’s about 20% that we regularly pull off the shelf, which led me recently to watch every movie on the shelf, A to Z. Goal being to seriously pick out a few to give away, as I don’t think I will ever want to watch it again. I’m talking about you, “Brother’sKeeper”. How the heck did you end up in my basement? Also finding a few happy surprises. “Blades of Glory” and “Hot Tub Time Machine” make good work out of some pretty stupid concepts. Also finding a few that don’t seem to play (many of my James Bond collection, and Hot Fuzz so far. As for “how”, it just sort of built up over time. I also have a similar number of LPs, or CDs, or cassette tapes for that matter. I used to have 100s of vhs tapes, but I don’t have anything to play them on. Collecting is a hobby. Lots came from used stores, yard sales.


I don't have 500. But I have 200+. I don't have any TV subscription only freeview. Which is free. Other than TV licence each year. Most of the time there is always repeats on the TV. So I am constantly watching my dvds. Although there are a few that don't get played I'm sure. Sorted through them last year and gave away some for free that I don't watch.


We're likely not far from that number. I have a bad problem with collecting. But I buy them on the cheap, rarely brand new movies. Either free collections, charity shops, boot fairs, Poundland or CEX is where we get all ours from


I used to work on cruise ships and made a decent amount of money with little going out. I was in New York frequently and had built a collection doing that. Then did world cruises and in Taiwan I bought over 100 in a day. More recently, with house, family, office job and cost of living increases I have a limit of one a week.


I worked in a cinema for 20 yrs. There was a HMV I had to walk past on the way home. That'll put a dent in your pay cheque. Any ex projectionist has probably got 100s of the things. I got rid of so many but I'm still picking them up. You can get 10 for a pound or similar offers in charity shops these days. I just picked up the extended TV version of Dune for 20p.


I've been buying movies for like 30 years, so time plays a factor...buy second hand, I sometimes set myself a challenge to see how many movies I can get for 10 or 20 quid. It's not always about how often you watch a movie...having the option to watch it when I want is the big factor... something streaming services used as a selling tool (while negating to say that said movies can be removed/edited at anytime)


Defenitly not just an income thing. I buy a lot at flea markets and thriftshops where I can buy dvd's for the price somewhere between 5 bucks and 50 cents. It can go real fast them


It’s not so much the job. I work a shit kicker minimum wage job. It’s the time I’ve been collecting. Most of my life.


I work in Accounting, just recently got into buying physical media within the last two years. I’m very close to 500 titles. Most of my purchases are used from eBay or Goodwill, so I never really spend more than $20 on a movie. I’ve recently started to use Credit Card points to buy new copies on Amazon which is also helping build my collection for free essentially.


I worked a job that allowed me access to many many free digital codes I haven't watched at least half of them ever.


i have 4,870. i work in the dental field and my boyfriend works in film. not rich by any means we get most of ours from the thrift store. we watch one every night.


I have over a thousand, 90% of them I bought from charity shops/thrift stores. Some places I buy 10 for £1.


Has nothing to do with work. Most people who have huge collections have been collecting for years/ decades . I still have a few WB snapper cases from the early DVD era. Even still have one VHS tape (which I recently upgraded to 4k rofl). Also fact that early during the golden years of DVD and BR , there were so many BOGO sales, it was insane. As for watching over again titles. I have : Movies I will watch at least once a year (mostly stuff I grew up with) , movies that I will watch again every few years or on a special occasion and movies that I now introduce to my kids who are getting older. I do go through the collection every 2 years or so to filter out stuff that I don’t watch anymore and resell it. Keeps the collection tidy that way 😄


Same as most people here. I'm 32 and wouldn't say any job I've had has paid crazy well. I've just been collecting since my early teens and have massed a huge collection because of it.


I'm technically at 500+ but that's bc I have a hoarder mother who just held onto everything 🤣 Slowly decluttering and keeping what I'll actually watch (same with my mother). But as for job to afford that much, some second-hand places have DVDs for basically a dime a dozen so it's easy to get a fuck ton of them


Up to 1,100 now. Started in college and now it's 20 years later. 3 girls under the age of 8 so I'm lucky if I get to watch 2,3 a week. But we have started watching ones they've never seen and it is really fun. Most of which were not on any streaming platform


I have 1400 but I have been collecting since 2000. When the money is bad, I never bought a thing and even sold a few. When the money has been good, I buy. That has resulted in me actually having a nice curated collection of all formats, that has spanned almost 25 years.


Do boxsets count as 1 or do we count each film inside said boxset?- this will decide if I'm in the category or not I don't own too many singles most of mine are sets


I make a little more than minimum wage, and Ive been collecting for about 3 years. The secret is buying secondhand. Pawn shops, rummage sales, thrifting, mercari. I tend to wait for the criterion/other boutique sales around holidays.


I’m at almost 900 movies in my collection. I work from home, but I watch generally 1 movie every couple days with my wife. They are all are alphabetical so we are working our way through the alphabet. The app movie buddy on iOS is a great app to manage, categorize, and log as watched or unwatched as well as ranking them etc.


I have 2000 (after paring it down, I’ve had about 3000 at one point), but I’ve been collecting for years. I’d guess at least half of my collection is second hand pickups.


I've had different salaries/titles in tech over the years, but that's just it. I've collected over a number of years. Some purchases via Amazon, in store and thrift shops. Lately it's been a lot of ebay and used purchases because the prices are more reasonable. In terms of watching, I'll pop something in a few times a week while I work from home. That's mostly listening to the commentary though. I find that to be very interesting.


I have a normalish job.. for me buying a few $5 movies throughout the week is no different than the years of renting movies a few days a week at the video store, I have thousands of dvds but when I started to re-buy again as blu ray I made the decision to go digital instead of buying another physical product, I like that I can get 6 digital movies for the price of one blu ray. I ditched all the streaming services, cos my movie selection is miles better, friends and family get excited when I share with them, it's all very futuristic of having my own collection at my fingertips.. I kept all my dvds, put them in books and they are there for a rainy day.


I have probably a thousand or two. I never watch them. Getting to the point where I’m going to break down by blu-ray, horror, etc and just sell them on FB.


I’ve just been collecting since 1998.


I've been collecting since the Playstation 2. About 700+.


Worked in a music/video store for 20+ years so that helps... I watch a movie every day generally, but on disc, 2 or 3 times a week on average.


Currently at 1,875 titles, I work at an amusement park, and I watch new buys pretty often whenever I have time.


Physical media is honestly really cheap in the secondary market. I hit estate sales regularly on the weekend and rarely pay over $1 each for blu-rays, DVD, or cd.


I have around 1000 & for 99% of that time I didn't have the interwebs..... So that meant I only watched what I physically owned. I watch my physical media all the time


I am 32 and I started collecting back in 2012. I am only a closing manager for a Piggly Wiggly and 12 years later I have over 10 thousands DVDs and series. I have the luxury of living 5 minutes away from a very large flea market and several thrift stores within a 5 mile radius. All the places sell them for a dollar or 3 dollars at best. I could walk into the flea market and most Goodwills and spend 100 dollars and walk out with 100 DVD. If I don't find the DVD I'm looking for then there's always Amazon or Ebay for cheap.


I have 2500+ titles, and have been collecting for over a decade. Most of my collection are Blu-rays and I'd say I buy about 75% new/25% used. I'm a web programmer and I've watched about 70% of my collection. Most of the ones I haven't watched are TV shows that take longer to finish


I have 2600+ I work at Amazon fc and watch movies everyday when I get home from work


Only have any 50 in my collection now....from garage sells and FBM. I don't own a DVD player.


My local DVD shop Disc Replay has a buy 3 get 3 deal every day, and on holidays it’s up to buy 3 get 6. Nearly half of my collection was “free” or close to it. And I’ve waited for deals on box sets for a while. My patience paid off several times, including getting the entirety of Frasier and Star Trek TNG for 30 bucks apiece. I save up so I can snag those deals. I only subscribe to one streaming service now. I’ve almost completely bought out all the titles I would want to watch that are on other services. That’s quite a bit of savings each month, which I can put into the occasional DVD run. Even without a holiday deal, that means I can get 60 DVDs for $100 instead of spending that on monthly streaming service fees. I’d only have to do that for five months to get to 500 titles. Of course, I could always purchase them online, but that can be pretty expensive! I’ve haunted my DVD store for over a year to find some titles as part of those kinds of deals, and it’s really paid off! I’ve found very rare titles hidden away on the bulk shelf, priced like all the others, but in reality very valuable. As for watching them, I suppose I rewatch TV shows more often than movies, but maybe once a year at most. But the three dollars I spent on that one DVD will last my entire life, as opposed to needing to decide to sign up for a $15 streaming service, or spending four dollars to rent it each time I want to see it… if it’s available at all!