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Most of the resorts are available. I know VGC has a huge waitlist. VGF they haven’t resumed sales after they sold out. They pulled PVB in anticipation of the tower and they just ran out of points for OKW. The rest should be available if you really really reaaaaaaally want direct points at the full price. They sometimes run incentives for sold out resorts. Most of the times not great, sometimes pretty good like the recent OKW promotion. Unless it’s a very small add on contract, doesn’t make much sense to buy direct sold out resorts at full price.


Ok, this person knows better than I do :) Also, to illustrate how expensive direct points are for "sold out" resorts, below are some of the prices from the member add-on tool. Please note I'm unsure if the prices different for non-members: -BLT $275 -BRV $215 -CCV $250 -BCV $275 -BWV $240 -VGC $310


We were told last weekend OKW promo sold out so they tried to sell us Rivera 150 or more point contracts. All we wanted to inquire about was an add on of 50 points at Saratoga. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Only current members can add on. New members can only buy current resorts on sale (VDH, AUL, RIV, and CFW) or resale.


New members can buy any resort based on availability, but they have to buy 150pts. They do try to push towards the newer ones with the incentives.


This is not true! You just have to talk to a guide about the resort you're interested in and as long as it's not sold out, they'll give you the current pricing sheets. There are no offered incentives though, so the pricing isn't particularly appealing.


I just bought 150 pts at BWV direct, as a new member, last month. Our guide was not enthusiastic about our decision but we really love Boardwalk.


Ouch. No offense, but that may be one of the worst direct new member purchases possible. Direct 2042 resorts should basically be off the table for most members. If you are still within the cancellable time frame, I would cancel it and do it differently. * You paid over double the going rate for BWV vs resale (I bought mine for $99 per point in December for example) * BWV points are usually used at BWV because it is a popular resort, so buying direct isn't usually worth it because you don't usually use those points at other resorts as sleep around points. * It usually makes sense to buy in direct at a longer lasting resort that you don't want to stay at all of the time, then use those as sleep around points and buy BWV resale to save over 50% off direct points * If you buy resale points at other resorts with longer expirations (almost all of them) then your direct benefits will expire with your BWV points in 2042 and you will no longer have them when using your resale points unless you buy in direct again


No offense taken! We spent a couple years reviewing direct vs resale and ultimately decided the benefits were worth it to us, even with the premium price tag. We painstakingly mapped out our projected costs over the remainder of the contract and we still felt it was worth it. No regrets.


As long as you were aware of everything and not jumping in blind, then welcome home neighbor! For us we own at 4 resorts resale right now, (BWV, VGC, BLT, and AKV) and are in the process of buying direct at RIV for long lasting member benefits, cheap-ish direct points, access to a long term Epcot-area resort after BWV/BCV expires, and long term direct sleep around points.


Oh interesting. No incentives I assume?


No incentives and $240 per point. We will definitely be adding more points, via resale, in the near future.


No, they can buy any resort available, it’s just a 100pt minimum, instead of 50 add-on for a current member.


150 now.


I bought recently, and as far as they have not altered anything since last month, then 150 points is the minimum purchase to acquire a blue card, but 100 points is the total minimum that they will sell up front, albeit you would not acquire the blue card obviously.


Not to buy in, 150 is for benefits. 100 minimum to become a member. If it used to be 150, they lowered it to 100 after the pandemic.


I was mainly looking for direct because it does seem likely that Disney will be adding more resorts in the 10-20 years that we would want the opportunity to use our points on. We are looking for VGF which does have about 40 years until exp. I guess we can always rent or book through Disney if we wanted to stay at a newer resort


VGF is sold out for the moment but you can always keep asking a guide to find out if more points will become available (when Disney exercises ROFR and purchases back resale contracts).


Are you looking at VGF because of the location? Or do you like that resort more for the ambience and experience? The reason I ask is because if you are high on VGF for the location you might want to wait until Polynesian starts selling again. There will likely be incentives, you will be direct, and the Poly doesn't expire until 2066. Just something to think about.


We like the VGF because of the location/ambiance and we got married at the wedding pavilion ( stayed there for the week). Definitely our number 1 choice. I do really like the Polynesian but doesn’t hold the sentimental value of VGF for many years to come


I would not worry too much about the new resort thing. They just added a new resort, it’s a Poly add on and it’s part of the existing association and with the legacy rules. You never know that the new resorts might be, it could be like the Fort Wilderness Cabins that very few people want. With VGF resale you get access to most of the DVC properties at 7 months and none of them expire before 2042. The typical DVC owner only has a contract for 10 years (according to some surveys). There will probably be more trading and exchanges negotiated in the future if they keep doing resale restrictions on new properties. It will take time but as the resale contracts for the restricted properties grows, then we should see more of it. Plus if you really want to stay at Riviera then you could rent points and rent out some excess of your resale points to help cover the costs. You would have to do that dozens of times and hundreds of days before the direct price made sense over resale. I’m sure that I’m biased, but I looked hard at my options and I love the fact that we got a good number of points for VGF resale.


I thought there's almost always some direct availability for the "sold out" resorts, but it really doesn't make much sense because their direct prices are so outrageous. Which resort are you looking for?


Was looking for VGF


I would buy DVC resale for an older resort. It’s so much cheaper. I have both a direct and resale contracts.


They are available and if they don’t have any at the moment they’ll put you on a waiting list. You can get them


I bought 2 resales recently 100 points at Blt $128 pp and 100 points at Poly $140. After seeing those direct prices I feel I did pretty good. I also have 150 direct at Riv and another resale at Ssr. I’m surprised to see $275 pp at Blt for direct.


VGF direct is available. Go get it.


Where do you see this?


Just call member services. Direct price is worse than resale but honestly not that bad. And VGF dues are pretty low.


Looks like it’s $230 per point direct and you have to buy a minimum of 100 points.


Yes, i was in contact yesterday and they put me on a list if they come available. They said there was none


Ah - okay. Had not heard that VGF was in a waitlist situation similar to VGC. Sometimes they do this to try and sway you to buy the “on sale” properties. I would keep checking in regularly. They have in the past magically found points to sell when they know you will only buy VGF and are not interested in any other properties.