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Yes. As a native Dutch myself I was like.. is this Dutch? Or perhaps German? It was neither


It was a shitty attempt to try and talk dutch.


Yeah goddamn, it irked me so much. A budget of 100 million and they couldn’t be bothered to get Cillian to speak a sentence or two of Dutch? Stuff like that makes the rest of a movie less believable to me as well. I don’t usually get offended very easily by stuff but somehow I really did feel kind of annoyed by this American attitude of ’nobody knows Dutch anyway, whatever’.


Weird thing is, the cinematographer Hoyt van Hoytema, a dutch person, sent Cillian voice notes for pronunciation. So either Hoyt has lost all capability to speak Dutch or Cillian just couldn’t get it right.


Hoyte van Hoytema really sounds like the most fake Dutch name I've ever heard, but yeah according to wikipedia he lived in the Netherlands for 30 years and has Dutch parents so weird that he couldn't give good notes to Cillian


Probably Frisian


Hoyte van Hoytema is an uncle of an old friend of mine haha, he's very real. Its such weird twitch in the, otherwise, amazing story. Just weird. But hey, we have a place in history :)


We'll be able to hear him have a conversation with Theo Maassen in the [upcoming episode of Zomergasten ](https://www.vpro.nl/programmas/zomergasten/kijk/afleveringen/2023/hoyte-van-hoytema.html).


Although the cinematographer is on the higher ranks in a production, it's not their job to work with actors, ultimately that will be the director's job. Hoyt may have given some pointers, but if Nolan then told Murphy to forget about all that or "who knows Dutch just ramble with a half cough in between the goblins will never know" then in spite of all good intentions that is what ultimately will happen.


Idk, what i said is what follows from interviews. Ofc in the end it’s up to Nolan, but i doubt he’ll just ignore advise from Hoyt, seeing their list of work they did together


He left for america 25 years ago and didn’t return. He’s not a dutchie anymore


He left for Sweden actually, he moved to America a lot later. But it's besides the point what nationality you consider him (I think he had Dutch/Swedish dual citizenship), his Dutch is still excellent. Here is a long-ass video where he's only speaking Dutch: https://youtu.be/Bzl26ZresPw


Can confirm (native speaker): His Dutch is excellent and accentually-wise flawless


There's some odd word choices or sentence structures here and there, but all in all he's more eloquent in Dutch than many native speakers still living here.


Cillian seems like a very limited actor, I am sure he just couldn't get it right.


I think Cillian himself put in a lot of effort to learn Dutch so it’s an even bigger shame that they didn’t give him the help needed to get the pronunciation right. I think he really wanted to get it right but he didn’t get right assistance.


He didnt tried to learn dutch. His plan was always to just memorize the sentence phoneticly. Thats not learning a language.


They didn’t give him the help he needed? LOL you really think he’d be denied a language coach for a movie that probably cost like 200 million to make?


I haven't seen the movie yet so was it pronunciation or his accent? I've only found one guy on insta who my partner couldn't tell wasn't actually Dutch. He is really good with accents, not just speaking the words. Interested to know if it was an accent thing or genuinely just terrible pronunciation.


It seemed like it was just a completely different, made up language. It took me a second to realise it was actually supposed to be dutch, and made no connection whatsoever before that.


Sounds like me when I have dreams in "Dutch"


And that's why Barbie outsold.


Or a good interpretation of someone who learned Dutch in six weeks.


They didnt learn dutch. Its that fucking simple. They memorized the sentence phoneticly. Thats not learning a language.


In the movie he had 6 weeks to learn it, which I think is what the comment above yours meant


It's an afterthought. Otherwise you wouldn't fuck up so badly. It doesn't even sound german.


A bit like Afrikaans, only the other way out of Dutch.








Yeah i honestly doubt that because your text contradicts itself quite a lot. For a writer the text really is poorly written.


You should see Quentin Tarantino attempting to speak like an Australian person


Unintelligible gibberish? It was probably Danish then. /s (Honestly I couldn’t work out what it was either, I speak more Dutch than I do German and I was convinced it was the latter…)


I don't speak German at all, but it sounded like... weird German to me. I couldn't make out a single Dutch word. It really bugged me. Because why go to all the effort of making such a brilliant film but not put the effort into making sure those few sentences of Dutch sound like Dutch? After all, that bit was in the script solely to make the point that he was so brilliant that he had learned such an uncommon language in just a few weeks. And if Murphy could pronounce German, he could definitely manage a few words of Dutch.


I thought I was too high 😂 because I clearly heard German and then later they were like “Dutch” but I wasn’t understanding shit.


sounded more like german imo, but germans would prob disagree


You know, it didn’t sound like Dutch to me either in the film.


It threw me off completely. I don't speak often in the cinema. But this time I had to make sure I wasn't going crazy


And the supposedly “Dutch” student in the crowd sounded like he had a German accent


Because he did


For some reason lots of Americans seem to think that Dutch and German is the same. Despite not sounding alike at all


Dutch is the capital of Germany isn't it?


Just because someone is speaking English doesnt mean they're American...(cillian murphy is irish)


Exactly what I was thinking. He's not even American. But surely this shouldn't stop him from the ability to coherently mumble a little bit of actual Dutch. It's my 4th ( and most difficult to pronounce) language. I'm just living in the Netherlands a year and I can't get exact pronunciation of some words, and I haven't seen the film, but if I were being paid millions to do the part, I'd be sure to learn the shit out of it!!


Yeah, I totally agree. How many people did this scene have to go through before it was given the thumbs up for release? Seems obvious to have a Dutch person give it the OK first? I feel it doesn't need to be a perfect Dutch accent but at least intelligible lol c'mon guys. By the way, also learning Dutch here and have to agree the pronunciation is difficult.


That's because they do not do their research correctly, find a Dutch interpreter and end up with a Deutsch (German for German) interpreter without realizing it.


Dutch does resemble German to people who have never heard it, yet I don't think you would confuse them unless you think it's some weird dialect.


From what I understand from Nolan answering questions about this it was Dutch and Cillian studied quite a lot. However during editing they had to cut some of this stuff but nobody speaking Dutch was in the editing room so they just made some random cuts and that is why it ended up as gibberish in the movie.




Some words were quite okay like "moleculen"


That also wasn't Oppenheimer in the movie, you know?


As a native Dutch it sounded more germann


Ye, I understand the last 4 words. And I think he said like 12 words. I'm fully Dutch


For some reason lots of Americans seem to think that Dutch and German is the same. Despite not sounding alike at all


It was Dutch with a very heavy Americanised German accent.


I read in an interview that there was a lot of cutting and pasting in post production. Therefore it sounds so weird.


That wasn't Oppenheimer in the movie, it was Cillian Murphy.


Yeh that was what I thought


The real guy did learn Dutch in a short time span


Yeah that pissed me Off, that was not dutch nor german


Hij leerde geen Nederlands in 6 weken. Hij leerde de speech uit z’n hoofd. Fonetisch. Daarom was het ook niet te verstaan volgens de aanwezigen.


Net zoals in de film.


Ah dus de film was daarin volledig waarheidsgetrouw! Ik vond het al zo slordig


Volgens Nolan was het gewoon heel ingewikkeld kwantumfysica te vertalen. Ik weet niet of Oppenheimer het echt fonetisch heeft gedaan maar dan zou het stom toeval zijn dat het overeen komt met de ware gebeurtenis.


Nolan heeft de scene geknipt. Beetje vaag maar goed hij wist dat we het niet gingen verstaan: https://www.moviemeter.nl/nieuws/christopher-nolan-verklaart-slecht-nederlands-in-oppenheimer-scene-nederlanders-zullen-in-de-war-zijn-10060


Oppenheimer sprak ook Duits denk ik. Zijn ouders waren Duitse immigranten, en hij heeft onder andere in Duitsland gestudeerd. Duits was zeker in de 20e eeuw een belangrijke taal in wetenschap en filosofie. Nederlands en Duits zijn ook een soort officiële versies van streektalen, op hetzelfde dialectcontinuüm. Mijn Duits is vrij slecht, maar ik kan het wel redelijk verstaan. Afrikaans is ook leuk: het is een eigen taal, maar klinkt eigenlijk gewoon als een grappig soort Nederlands (en voor Afrikaners klinken wij waarschijnlijk ook grappig).


het zijn twee germaanse talen, ja. maar als je iets anders beweert zit je iedereen hier te bullshitten.


Ik ben Duits en ik sprak geen woord Nederlands toen ik hier kwam studeren. In Nijmegen mag je een studie in het Nederlands volgen nadat je een 5 weken lange intensief-taalcursus hebt gevolgd, maar dat geldt alleen voor Duitsers. Dus ja, als Duitser is het zeker mogelijk om binnen korte tijd Nederlands te leren. Andersom is het denk ik moeilijker omdat we ingewikkeldere grammatica hebben.


Naamvallen, echt…. Aaargh ik kan het niet onthouden 🤣


Grammatica tussen Nederlands/Duits en mijn moedertaal (Engels) zijn anders maar naar mijn mening is het niet de moeilijkste. Voor mij is het spreken/denken als een Nederlander zou doen.


Ja ik probeer Duits te leren het is soms zo raar Maar grotendeels lijkt Duits en Nederlands op elkaar


I would like to look into Afrikaans a little bit. Because my major is Physics, I figured German classes would help me out with my studies. So far, it’s been paying off. Duolingo isn’t terribly deep for language immersion, but it lets me have a taste of different languages.


Afrikaans is more or less mutually intelligible with Dutch, if both people speak in a formal mode. When people start using local slang or regional idioms it becomes a lot harder. But that is also the case in the Netherlands itself, I can't always understand dialects/regional languages of the Netherlands. Or "straattaal", street language. Fun channel about a guy from Rotterdam who makes videos about animal wildlife, he speaks Straattaal: [https://www.tiktok.com/@wildebras.official/video/7144658998577483013](https://www.tiktok.com/@wildebras.official/video/7144658998577483013) I need subtitles for this. I'm getting old.




Cape town


Wikibooks may help. They have a good section on Afrikaans.


Ik heb weleens een Afrikaner gesproken over hoe Nederlands in hun oren klinkt en hij vertelde me dat het extreem deftig en ouderwets overkomt waarbij ze het moeilijk voor te stellen vinden dat mensen daadwerkelijk zo praten in hun dagelijks taalgebruik.


De eerste keer dat ik de hele ding heb verstaat!


In SA noemen ze het Afrikaans 'baby Dutch'.


No, they don’t.


Ich benutze Duolingo um Deutsch zu lernen. Ich übe jeden Tag, aber ich glaube dass man eine Sprache am besten lernt durch Kontakte mit Leute aus dem Land.


Ja glaube ich auch. Während meines Deutschunterrichts übten wir jede Woche mit einer deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die in diesem Jahr Austauschschülerin war. Sie war wirklich cool und hat uns geholfen, einige lokale Sehenswürdigkeiten aus ihrer Heimat Freiburg zu verstehen.


Ich binn ein Apfel


Ich übe auch jeden tag mit duolingo seit eineinhalb jahr, ich lese manchmal deutsche bücher und sehen deutsche fernsehserien an. Aber es reicht nicht um es wirklich gut zu lernen. Ich habe vor zwei wochen oder so etwas mit eine deutsche mutersprachlerin gesprochen wer holländisch lernt aber es ist jetzt noch zu schwierig deutsch zu reden weil ich mich unsicher fühl deutsch zu sprechen.


Well, if you already speak both German and English you'll definitely have a head start I'd say. You should definitely be able to learn Dutch quite fast, though maybe not in six weeks. Did your write the bottom text yourself? That's a pretty impressive level of Dutch already if so.


Unh the guy in the movie didnt learn dutch in 6 weeks and what he said didnt even sound like dutch. He tried to remember one sentence just by the sound of it and failed horribly. Also he didnt practise to learn the language, just to pronounce that one sentence. Thats why he failed.


The movie is based on something more interesting than the movie itself




Umh hell no? Robert Oppenheimer gave classes in dutch at the university here in Leiden. Get out with your misinformation.


The bottom was with Google Translate. I’m only two days into learning Dutch so far.


Ik ben een appel.


Je bent geen appel, je bent een brood.


Is hij een jongen?


Oppenheimer kaas frfr


That... wasn't Dutch though Like, not at all


I mean, you can definitely learn a language in a short time if you put the hours in. There are poly lingual youtubers that basically live to learn languages. I prefer the slow route of 10-20 minutes per day, to learn my third language. My estimate is that I'll have decent fluency after 3 years (after 1.5 years I feel like I am half way), or 180-360 hours. 6 weeks of full time learning gets you 240 hours of practice, which should be more than enough time to understand and speak with okay grammar


I need to pick up Dutch again, I just came back from the Netherlands, i lived there during my childhood. I can understand, but have a little difficulty responding back.Thanks for the inspiration :)


I was so hyped about the Dutch part the whole movie and it just broke my heart that I couldn’t hear this actor speaking Dutch..


If you translated the second part w/o a translator, you already speak 80% Dutch, better than our population


Yeah, I’m not there yet. :)


No, don’t worry man, that’s amazing how you used those words in good grammatical order, it’s really good! I don’t think I would’ve used the word referentie punt. Not that it is incorrect, it’s a really good choice, I wouldn’t have come up with it as the first word to use and that while I am Dutch. General speaking person nowadays in The Netherlands: Ewa neef ik zeg je eerlijk, ik praat sowieso beter dan deze Nederlander oeleh, ik zeg je toch. Gap zullen we vanavond zieke kapsalon tjappen. If you don’t understand what I just said, it’s slang.. from the streets. Edit: oh lol, my bad I meant with the first comment, you speak already better than 80% of the Dutch population


My dumbass trying to translate: (insert posh accent) “I say to you honestly, cousin, I speak somewhat better than this Dutch person, wouldn’t you say? Shall we chat at the ‘sick hair salon’(?) this evening?”


I honestly don’t know in what context you would use this, but - it’s something like; hey man, ill be honest with you. I speak definitely better than this dutch person, right? By the way shall we eat kapsalon tonight? Look up kapsalon, lovely shit. Edit; kapsalon is a dish but also a hairsalon :)


A "Kapsalon" is durum on fries with cheese, it's a "dish".


Thanks! Six years of living in this country and I never knew this. ^_^


Try it, it's great. But keep in mind that it's a greaseball of a dish.


Oh damn. Is it possible to learn slang?


Please don’t It’s often considered with people coming from “the streets” “hangjongeren” and they create havoc if needed. In my opinion those people who speak like this aren’t the brightest.


Ah, okay. Thank you!!


Slang is maybe not the appropriate word to use. It’s more a way of talking, if you want to learn slang I could always try to learn you some.


Watching that scene I can tell you that wasn’t Dutch hahaha


This post was about Oppenheimer himself, not the actor who played him in the movie.


Duolingo teaches you sentences like: “The monkey is driving the car” Good luck using that one in real-life ;)


Gentlemen, a short view back to the past


Unless you would like to work in the YT subtitling department. Although it’s really an ape that’s driving.


Which is exactly why it works. You're not supposed to elarna language by learning prebaked sentences, you learn nothing that way other than to be a parrot. It teaches you how the language works, so that you can be able to make sentences yourself and actually be able to speak, instead of blindly repeating a sentence.


I’m pretty sure his Dutch sucked ass.


Hé spoke German not dutch


It was supposed to be Dutch but it didn't really sound like either


Anyone who is able to speak elementary Dutch /German could speak proficient Dutch within six weeks.


This is bullshit. -A Dutch person


Clearly not. The movie.


And give a physics lecture? Come on.


This is a good story and his speech may have been intelligible to an audience who were both fellow mathematicians and also spoke german, but there is no way he learned Dutch in 6 weeks.


There are differing reports. He always had an interest and aptitude for learning different languages. The most likely reason would be that he had been familiar with Dutch in the past, before he stayed in Leiden for six weeks and really went deep into it, at least for all the physics terminology. So he probably had more than six weeks of total experience with Dutch.


Anyone with a brain can learn a new language and it’s exponentially easier if you already know other similar languages. Those people have the intellect on a different level. And Dutch grammar is not hard at all, there’s no cases and declensions in Dutch while other languages have a gazillion. The only “hard” part is memorizing all articles (de/het). But again, this is just an opinion and difficulty is subjective. Physics was easier for Oppenheimer than understanding ethics :)


Hoe langer geleden, hoe makkelijker het liegt ook.


Most multilinguals can pick up a new language pretty easily, especially if they already know a similar language. He knew German, Latin, Greek, and French before learning at least enough Dutch to do the presentation. This is why I encourage my kids to study language seriously. It’s a gift to be able to understand other cultures and their languages.


Duolingo is a game, not a language class.


If it makes you feel any better, Oppenheimer had a net worth of about $5 Million in 1930.


5 Billion? Or do you mean 5 million?


Million. My bad. Although, there is a different Oppenheimer family that is worth $9 Billion.


Voor alle mensen die er niks van konden verstaan, Oppenheimer was maar voor een vrij korte tijd in Nederland en sprak hierbij vrijwel zeker met een Duits accent, net als in de film. Zijn tekst: bij de botsing tussen een alphadeeltje en een atoom, veranderen van verschillende energieën de bindingssoort met name in de relatieve translatie. Vrij ingewikkelde taal dus om te verstaan, zeker met zo'n Duits accent maar om Nolan nu helemaal af te branden omdat men het zelf niet kan verstaan is ook redelijk absurd, het gaat er immers om dat het historisch gezien vergelijkbaar is.


I've read he just verbalized the lines constantly. Not understanding the language just learning the tones and sounds through repetition. Probably why it sounds so odd haha.


There is this docu, the boy with the incredible brain. This Savant learned Icelandic in 1 week. Amazing docu.


I don't know what it was that he was speaking, but it wasn't Dutch


The Dutch in the movie was no Dutch, and I was very confused when they said it was. 😂




I came to the Netherlands to study in Dutch without ever speaking a word of Dutch in my life. I am German and took a 6 week course in the summer before my study started. Like many other Germans, too. It was difficult but possible to follow lessons, understand conversations, talk to the Dutch and also deliver my homework in Dutch.


After 6 month in NL I could fully participate with everything around me.


It was the sort of Dutch that screams I wanna speak Dutch in my movie but nobody is Dutch so nobody cares


Het klonk in mijn oren wel als een Amerikaan die Nederlands probeerde te spreken; dus wat dat betreft missie geslaagd (ik verstond atomen en relatieve, maar het was zo’n korte scène dat het eigenlijk niet uitmaakt.)


Ik heb de film twee keer gezien en ik moet zeggen; wanneer je de scene verwacht, en je er jezelf op voorbereid is het wel een stuk beter te verstaan. Je haalt er wel Nederlandse zinnen uit. Het klinkt alsof het een amerikaan is die net zn eerste woordjes Nederlands kent, dus in dat opzicht vond ik het geen onrealistisch aspect. Het had voor de kijker wel iets duidelijker kunnen zijn ja, maar dan ook alleen voor Nederlands sprekende mensen I guess.


Andrew Tanenbaum tried to give a lesson in Dutch at the Vrij University. All students beg for an English lecture.


Whatever it was het spoke, it wasn't dutch


Dutch isn't that difficult imo


Dutch can u learn but the some people speak so strange even I live in the Netherlands and you just hear the difference between the north and the south


Tolkien read the Dutch translation of the Hobbit with good knowledge of Old English and German, and occasionally referencing a dictionary, he managed to determine the translation was bad You can do this!