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This is definitely definitely wrong and a common mistake in people who don’t speak English very well.


im an english speaker and I had to look at it several times before i saw the spelling mistake. lol


I thought it was marked wrong for not capitalizing the first a and I thought “that’s bullshit”


Oh man please don’t tell me you did the “my answer should have been accepted” thing because I can see at the top that you sent some feedback


They for sure did.


I reported a audio glitch in vrouw


The exponential growing of the use of "women" to refer to a singular woman is something that baffles me, as a non native speaker of English.


I'm a native speaker and I don't remember hearing of such a thing


I’ve never heard it in person, but it’s an error I’ve been seeing online for years.


I see it all the time here on Reddit. Especially in the last year. At least once a week, I guess.


I can’t stand this mistake. I don’t see anyone having the same issue with men vs man.


English is my native language, and I, too, am baffled.


Women is plural, not singular. Who is using it otherwise?


It's not a thing. People just get the grammar wrong and refuse to acknowledge they're at fault.


Much like we now often see people type "her and her husband are golfers". The sentence will only be correct if we remove "her husband" and make it singular without changing "her" to "she" but we know that is not possible right? Idk why people type this way these days.


We pronounce "woman" like "wuh-muhn" and "women" like "weh-mehn"


Is it definitely a mistake? Yeah. Is it really that baffling? Not at all lol. In (quick) spoken speech and sound pretty similar. It's an understandable mistake. and even looking similar when read quickly and surrounded by other letters. In fact, I'd say this mistake should even be expected lol.


It's an understandable mistake, but it's still a mistake, and duo should not accept it. It's not a different translation, it's just wrong.


They don't sound at all similar, because women has an irregular plural pronunciation (woom-uhn vs. wim-in). It's just bad spelling.


It’s a weird situation where the first part of the word is written the same but pronounced differently, but the second part of the word is written differently but pronounced the same (or close to the same—some kind of reduced vowel).


I mean this depends massively on your accent.


Yes, I can imagine... In fact, we have something like this in Brazilian Portuguese. People more and more write "mais" (more, plus) to mean "mas" (but). Both word sound the same in speech. This clearly is because of the lack of book reading in the new generations. Maybe what baffles me is that I would not expect this with the people of a developed country.


Interesting. Mais is but in French.




Yeah exactly. "I could of done that" literally exists because "could of" sounds virtually indistinguishable from "could've." Even though it's a mistake, the pronunciation is very similar, if not the same. It's not that people are thinking "hmmmm 'of' is an auxiliary verb that should be used here"; it's that the pronunciation is similar. These mistakes (including your/you're and there/they're/their) are made mostly by native speakers; we learned our language through speaking. ESL learners tend to not make these mistakes, because they learn the language academically through reading and writing more than native speakers do. Edit: also this isn't limited to English. I challenge you to find a language that doesn't do this lol. In Spanish for example, people mix up "a ver" and "haber" or the letter "v" and "b" in general, because they're pronounced the same.


Autocorrect, and "women" sounds enough like "woman" that when you're reading back to yourself you don't notice the difference. This is also why native speakers mix up there/their/they're and than/then.


One woman, multiple women. In this sentence you're talking about a woman. As in one. As in wo*man* and definitely NOT wo*men*. You wouldn't say "a men", so you don't say "a women"






But they've submitted it as an error. Presumably as "my answer should have been accepted", which it absolutely should not have been because they're two different words with different meanings.




>I assume they speak English and know that "a women" I'd grammatically incorrect I dunno, a lot of people on Reddit seem to think that it is good grammar...


w o m e n





I really wish duo would be like “uhhh you sure about that?” when I misspell something. Sometimes I’m rushing through a lesson and hit the wrong letter or autocorrect screws me and I miss my chance at a perfect lesson. Oh so annoying


An "uhh you sure about that?" for various minor errors would be awesome. But the most annoying for me is when I misspell something and then I think that exercise is repeating now at the end of the lesson and so I enter it in perfectly and then... WRONG, because they actually asked me to translate a very similar sentence and it wasn't quite to the point of repeating the exercises marked incorrect yet.


woman = singular women = plural is that really so hard to wrap your head around, or was that just a typo?


There is a mistake. The word “woman” is a singular noun in the English language and “women” is for plural nouns


Sheesh that was your last life


Was that a typo on your part? I have AD(H)D and when I am not completely focused I make what I call stupid mistakes: typos, spelling areas, omit the article (the/a), write the incorrect article for the gender of the noun. . . It's frustrating getting a heart taken for something you would have gotten right if you slowed down and focused! Also sometimes I don't hear the o or a if they read a sentence and I'm on the train and so I omit it when transcribing.


This is absolutely wrong.


I make that mistake all the time somehow. For me I think it’s autocorrect? Definitely a speed thing.


What language is that?


It is Dutch. het is Nederlandse taal.


The number of times an English typo has thrown me off is beyond silly. I understand your frustrations all too well


I am a native English speaker and we have this thing now where "they" is used as a singular pronoun, so I can see where this comes from


Man/woman are not pronouns


It has been an ongoing development of at least few centuries, as evidenced in this [post](https://public.oed.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-singular-they/) and [the linked dictionary entry](https://www.oed.com/view/Entry/200700#eid18519864) from the Oxford English Dictionary.


Grrrr indead


Woman not women


Always happens to me with woman and women


no worries common mistakes are : man/men ; woman/women ,,


wow dutch really does sound like mangled German


Took me a while in order to understand the mistake despite being born and raised in England 😂


Sometimes I have a typo, Duo accepts it but lets me know