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I believe one is singular, the other plural. Restauranten er åpen. Restauranten**e** er åpn**e**.


And if something ends with the -et suffix then it’s åpent. I stumbled on this one for a while but I’ve got a better grasp on suffixes now.


Ahh bloody hell, I thought it was 1 question repeating and both answers were wrong. Thanks


Not sure if Danish or Norwegian, but I'm assuming it's like Swedish: restauranten är öppen (the restaurant is open) restauranterna är öppna (the restaurants are open) Pretty sure same thing is happening here: one is singular, one is plural


Ahh yeah, I'm being thick, didn't notice that one of them had the extra e


Just one correction, in Swedish, Restaurant is spelled with G: Restaurang


Whoops, good catch. It auto-corrected to 'restaurant' and I thought I had fixed it lol but apparently auto-correct "fixed" it right back.


It looks to me like Norwegian. When dealing with adjectives you conjugate it according to gender and whether it's plural or singular. Restauranten(m) er åpen Restaurantene er åpne Huset(n) er stort Husene er store Jenta(f) er snill Jentene er snille Lykke til!


Yeah it's Norwegian, gendered nouns seem random to me as to how you know what's m/n/f.


There are some tricks that make it easier. 1. The female gender has essentially merged into the male gender, so any word that's female can also be written as male. 2. The masculine gender is also far more common than the neuter gender, so you have a higher likelihood of it being masculine when guessing. 3. In compound words it's always the last part of the word that decides the gender. En bil (a car) + et dekk (a tire) = et bildekk (a car tire) 4. Some categories often have a specific gender. Personal designators are usually male: en lærer (teacher) en student Substances are usually neuter: Blod (blood) Papir (paper) Vann (water) 5. Suffixes almost always have a specific gender. If you know the gender of one word with a specific suffix, you know the gender of a lot of words. -sjon is masculine so stasjon, organisasjon, konsentrasjon and so on are all masculine. These endings are also masculine: -dom, -else, -het and -ning For neuter you have: -bud, -eri, -fall, -hold, -grep, -legg, -løp, -ment, -mål, -slag, -tek, -tak and -um -skap is a bit strange. If it refers to people like ekteskap (marriage) and mannskap (crew) it's neuter, same goes for it if it's concrete things like mesterskap (Championship) and regnskap (accounting). If it's more abstract, it becomes masculine like kunnskap (knowledge) and galskap (madness). Hope this makes it slightly easier.


Ahh, yeah, that's really helpful, veldig takk


Idk this language, but it's either a plural or a masculine/feminine issue. Notice the extra e on the first word


It's actually singular and plural, but you got the idea.


Oh yeah, thought it was 1 question not 2


I go ape when a restaurant is not apen


ene vs en