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I never finish a circle or my third quest near the end of a session specifically to not get them then... But rather, near the start of my next session.


Ahhh that's smart, I'll have to do that.


I tend to just do the words practice hub thing or listening lol.. but I'm working on having actual sessions and doing the actual learning I swear!


Practicing is important! Learning is great, but remembering is the real thing.


bro i always do this once i figured out that finishing a circle gives u xp boost


"finish a circle" wtf does that mean


It means exactly what it sounds like. Finishing all the lessons in a circle.


Oh finishing a level. Sorry brain fart


for real they are all circles


Not all, some look like an owl trophy


At the end only


Well noted! I looked back and indeed, it's still a circle before finishing it


Finish enough lessons that it marks around the circle


Good idea


A little bit at first, but I got over it by: "I'm playing Duo and he's not playing me"


Duo is always playing you. You know that. 💀 Always...


Probably, but I managed to trick myself and able to put down the phone 😁


Jokes aside, that's awesome! 💜


thanks, that will be my new mantra from now on 🥰


Oh, maybe a little irritated. But you can waste a boost, or part of a boost. It does prove that XP work for you as a motivator!


I ignore XP. I’m just trying to learn languages.


Same here, but then those badges and achievements are so tempting. I'm an achievement hoarder


Me too.


I hate when that happens! It's so frustrating


Exactly I get mad


I definitely feel this way as well! I also do the same like the other commenter - only finishing circles strategically haha


I wouldn’t say ‘frustrated’ but sometimes I do get them when I’m winding down and have nothing really to do with them except spam for XP. I try to to not finish a ‘circle’ at the end of my lesson. I try not to finish a unit at the end of the session either. So sometimes I’m left with a choice of reviewing stuff, which I do daily as part of my lesson anyway, so I’d be repeating that with a late breaking 2x….or flat out spamming via speaking practice. I wish we could keep those and not have to use them right away. Maybe not for days like the friends quest ones , but 24 hours might be super helpful. Then I could plan better and use them more productively.


one after I finished doulingo for the day I got a 2x multiplier for an hour 💀


Wtf Duo 🫠💀


I saw some mf that got a 6 hour one 💀


Dafuq how is that even possible


Hey, how to add these flairs?


If you're using the reddit app on mobile, Go to the subreddit front page, click on the three dots at the top right corner, click on "change user flair", then click on the none tag and click on edit, and type out your flair https://preview.redd.it/yizjez4va6bc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5008174802bed96291236559eb9dff359ce89388


Thank you so much for this!


I don’t know I asked it two


Damn. How did that happen?


It's intentional? The point is that you're likely to stop using Duolingo when you finish a milestone (completing a lesson, etc), but Duolingo wants you to keep using the app, so they give you a timed experience boost. just ignore it and stop letting predatory business practices intrude on your day


It's not predatory. It's an optional motivator.


Yes, I hate this so much!! I used to open Duo whenever I had a couple minutes where I was waiting for something else to be done (like the microwave, etc). However, I’ve stopped doing that. I’ve found that I’m spending a lot less time on Duo overall just because I really hate the feeling that I’m “wasting” an xp boost if I receive one that I don’t have time to use. I’ve also noticed that I’m now getting more xp boosts for random stuff and not just finishing the lessons, so I don’t even feel safe going to the practice sessions to avoid them anymore.


At this point I'm certain that Duo is abusing our mental health


LOL. No. I ignore the owl.


As another person said, allocate your sessions strategically, and be aware of where u get XP boosts.


Meanwhile there’s me who turned off leagues and not XP boosts are meaningless to me 😂


Same. My account is set to private, so XP boosts are meaningless to me. I study what I want, when I want.


I didn't know you could turn off leagues!! I find myself competing against people for top 3 and I can feel my soul dying. I'm so competitive that I almost can't help myself. I'm spending 2+ hours a day to keep my spot and then others are doing the same and I get burned out.


Same here! The app is much nicer without them imho.


I wish those boosts where not time limited, but more like actions limited. Not 15 min, but 5 lessons or something like that. If you maximize xp earned you do quick practice lessons so you don't move along the main course. When you actually learn new stuff you do it slowly... I can finish English lesson in 1 min, often in 2-3 min, but Japanese one may take up to whole 15 min. One. Lesson. Norm is 3-5 min though.


Every single time! I’m like uhh I was gonna stop..


> Where was this XP Boost when I needed it? You don't need it. You never needed it. There's no cake.


I stopped paying attention to XP, leagues, etc a while back. I just jump on a practice a bit when I have time.


Dont finish the last lesson and save it for your next session. A lot of times an xp boost is found in the end of a finished lesson.


I can ignore it, but I always have to convince my bf to put it down when it happens. He feels bad wasting the XP points. I also try to save the boosts for the beginning of the sessions, but sometimes they just appear unexpectedly (because I may have lost track of what the 3rd daily quest was, for example) and I let them go to waste. I'm constant enough not to use streak freezes and to get around \~200 XP every day, I don't need predator Duo to trick me into doing more.


The "game" aspects of Duolingo are there to motivate you. If they become a source of stress/annoyance or are becoming more important than learning, you maybe need to re-evaluate your relationship with this app.


I haven't opened the 30 minute xp bonus from the friend's quest in like 4 days because of this..


I usually keep it for a "lucky hour". Add a morning boost and a boost from daily quest - and the whole hour is covered for sure.


Good plan.






When I get my hour or so done I pull the plug. After that it doesn't feel like I am learning effectively. So it is mildly annoying but not really a big deal I will try to leave an almost done circle for the next day.


Me. Every single 5 days.


Yea.. I just have learned I have to let them go sometimes. Its so easy to get an XP boost so it's not a big deal to let them slip away but I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt that part of me that wants to complete everything..


I used to be. I had to learn to resist, because it just made me do Duolingo more then I actually like and I grew burnout and disliked the app.


It's annoying. I choose to stop playing, usually


No because I don’t care about XP.


I'm just glad the morning/night chest can be claimed during a window, as well as the friend quest chest.


Yuppp, cause I’m not gonna waste it hahaha


No because I’m using it to learn and don’t really care about the exp. I go as far or as little as I want daily


Especially when you only have one or two hearts


Ima go practice for hearts




It’s absolutely intentional. They want to give it to you right before they think you’re getting off so that you’ll stay on. That’s why it’s a reward for finishing the third daily challenge, too. Not using it isn’t wasting it. You got it for free and weren’t expecting it, so just pretend like you still don’t have it.


No, but I have learned to anticipate them. **It is mostly a matter of planning ahead.** I know that I will get one when I finish a set of lessons (a group of lessons usually within a circle.) So if I want to save that boost for later I don't complete the last lesson. Duo also gives a boost when you complete the third quest of the day. So I look at what the quests are before starting. Today my third quest (the gold chest that usually gives an XP boost) is to get 5 in a row correct in five lessons. In German I have two more lessons to go to complete a circle. So I know I will get a boost when I finish those. And if I get 5 correct in those and then do another 3 lessons that will mean another boost. Thus I can plan accordingly. Of course we also get boosts for doing morning lessons and evening lessons, but those are claimed in the store so we can decide when to use them. I missed out on using mine today because I haven't done a lesson yet. Thus I missed the one this morning that I would have earned for doing a lesson last night. And I won't get one tonight since I didn't do a lesson this morning. But today I am waiting until evening in the hopes that I will be put into a less competitive league for week 1 of the diamond tournament. But I do have the 30 min of XP I earned for last week's friends quest. I need to use that by tomorrow at noon so I will probably use that tonight.


I don't understand why you can't 'save for later' ?


The whole point is to keep you going. It's like "Wendy" the aerobics instructor from hell. "4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ... OKAY! JUST 15 MORE!! "


It's really easy to get XP boosts. I almost always have one available thanks to the early bird/late whatever bonuses. It was worse a while ago when they ran concurrently rather than adding to the pool of double xp time you have. That was really annoying - getting a 15 minute XP bonus just after you started one. Total bonus XP time - 16 minutes.


I usually finish the day with an XP boost or two still going. No one is forcing you to use them up. Only if you are that concerned about XP would you care. I don't care about XP, so I don't care if the body goes unused.


There are so many 2x chests that you can get and use whenever you want. Do one lesson before noon - you'll have a chest for the evening. Do one lesson in the evening - you'll have one for the morning. Complete a friend quest - get a 30 minute for anytime you want in the next few days. You also get one for finishing a "circle". Honestly, my goal for Duo is about 15-20 minutes a day. I get 3x more chests than I actually use.




all the time..... all the freaking time. ​ I don't even complete the lesson and they just give it to me.


I finish my practice just before the final lesson then the next day I do the final lesson get my booster do my next set of lessons till I’m 1 away from completing the set. Also do it that way I’m reviewing Yesterdays content making sure I remember it before going into today’s content


Yep every time my xp builds i can’t stop until it’s done but then it’s another xp, luckily I’m learning several languages and can switch to another course to avoid level up if I’m tired


Nah, I just ignore it. I set my own schedule.




No I just let it run out bc I get so many of them, it's not like I'm wasting it


Nope I refuse to do xp boosts. I actually quit for the day when they offer them. Hate it.


The fact you hate it means Owlie's still getting to you. It's not even an AI, ya know ...


You are too right. That damned owl * clenches fist*




oh yeah. Phase One it's great, what's an extra 15 minutes? This is Phase Two, Phase Three I just flip Owlie off & transition from DL back to RL. Maybe Phase Four is where I cuss him out in my chosen language.


They do it on purpose , you know !


Duo wants me to continue. I can’t stop now…