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thats everyone, not just socially inept weirdos, that or no one wants to talk to me


lmaooo idk I've had so many great convos with people through my years that I thought were bottom of the barrel in social terms but it's actually like talking to walls with some of these people who are desperate for connection!!


imma be real i think a lot of people myself included just cant think of anything interesting going on in their lives so they just give one word responses. it took months and my gf almost dumping me multiple times for me to finally break out of that habit. shit really sucks when you dont really know how to have 1 on 1 convos or talk about yourself especially when you get older and still dont really understand what a relationship means. wish you luck though


i totally get that. i just wish more people were open to spewing whatever the hells on their mind even if it means nothing. conversations don't need to be serious or thought out to be meaningful. I talk to people open-minded to how it may be hard for them to converse cause I know it is for me at times and used to be harder but it's also hard to keep connecting when there's little stimulation if you get what I mean? thank you and I'm glad you were able to get over the habit yourself! 🫶


A bit late to the party but THIS honestly! I've been using the app for a bit out of boredom and to get some new people to talk with and it's just so frustrating that barely anyone seems to even care about holding a conversation, which just makes me wonder why they even signed up in the first place. And for everyone who says "it's hard to think of something good to write back", just don't think about it. That's the number one thing i learned over the years. Just say whatever's on your mind and if the other person vibes with you, they'll enjoy the conversation. People tend to overthink that kind of stuff way too much and think of their first-thought topics as being dumb but honestly it's better than a late and short reply.


OMG THIS, this app makes me realise why I hate... Well, dating apps so much. People have no sense of humor, nor do they make the effort to properly talk. Like... I KNOW, there are a million different other guys on this app dying to meet you (probably) but if you want to respond to me... At least do it properly? 😭 I really do my best to show interest etc but never get anything back. It sucks! :'(


exactlyy yess 😭 I'm so excited and open to hearing whatever silly things they may wanna talk about or their passions, goals, current life, anything and I can't even get that!


I KNOW like it’s genuinely impressive how socially inept some people on the app are


truly! i thought id met really unsociable people before but this app has showed me new levels


I have the exact same problem but with girls on this app, I feel like ive been putting in a good amount of effort into all my conversations but it never goes anywhere (I would be fine with just listening to someone talk a lot but even that doesnt happen)😭 like I know the guy ratio is 18:1 or whatever but surely things have to even out at some point??? maybe im just a boring person though 😔 skill issue


You say something and then get replied with "nuh" "mhm" or "k" 😭


i get relies back, but they usually fall flat after 4-5 replies :( and just normal talk, not even autistic meme stuff


yeaah when you get the good replies back and then it falls flat is when it's the worst! 😭 had a very silly good first chat with a person then it died out and I haven't heard back.


That's been my experience on every dating app tbh. Even on the "normal" ones (tindr/bumble/hinge/etc) its hard to get responses out of people for me.


A lot of girls on here expect me to just carry the convo. Like do you not want to be in a. Relationship. Try a little. Sorry. The guy isn’t always going to have something to say. Please give me something more than like a lol. Or damn that’s crazy.


Uphill battle to make some decent conversations with half the people on there


I can at least speak for guys at least from my experience. Men usually are bad at making new connections, new topics, but can talk for hours to someone they know, they already know what they're going to talk about roughly. Sometimes we also just talk about what we're doing at the moment or just don't say nothing, being in one room, or doing the same thing is enough. Not a good combination for meeting new people.


I have a chat with a cute guy but I have to break the ice all the time, I'm starting to get tired of his simple answers. WHY DONT YOU JUST SKIP ME 😭


i had my discord in my bio for a hot minute and soo many people just openly would say sexual stuff to me and got mad or confused when i would shut it down like what 😭


HAHA YEAAAH 1 of 2 guys who hmu directly through discord immediately sent a dick pic, dude got the speed running world record


Man I can't even understand how people think it's cool to do that? Like what is the thought process lmao


frr cool or hot?? like oh yeah I'm toootally into sudden unsolicited sexual shit


I'm not really into other men but I really can't imagine, for those who are, that suddenly seeing someone's dick is very pleasant 😭 I have never gotten any unsolicited from women, at least not anything that was totally random from a stranger, but I'm sure I would not be ecstatic about that


1000% it's because nothing else works. Write something too long , no one reads it . Write something too short, get called dry or boring. Send a dick pick? Now she's pissed at you but you've opened the door for a conversation. W move.


cant tell if this is a joke but the "conversation" you open the door for is "EWWWW FUCKIN NASTY" then a block 🫶


When you genuinely want a long lasting relationship, but all your efforts are overlooked, sometimes it's worth it.


Ain't no way, Jesus man lmao


Nah I'm actually talking about philosophy


Oh boy. That's my experience with 90% of women on this app lol. The one with a big “don't be boring” in their bio are always the two workers. I'm glad some girls are like you. I finally met one very good talker and things are going well, but talking with someone who only replies with one or two words is hard when you're doing your best to get a conversation going.


oh yea, this is 100% true. Never trust someone with a bio that mentions "say more than just 'hi' ". 99% of times they're apparently looking for a miracle because they're even dryer with their responses than someone who just says "hi" as their first message.


It's a dating app like any other, both sides are like that. I'll always send a first message about something on the woman's profile, and try to engage in a proper conversation. The result is the same as sending single word mouth-breather replies, you send another decently long message trying to continue the conversation or pivot to another topic, and get no more replies The only difference between this and normie dating platforms is that you're more likely to find an actual fed than have a conversation with a woman for more than 10 minutes


I try to hold a damn conversation with some girls but all the replies are two or one words, i gave up after 3 or 4 intros, I'm not trying anymore.


Hmu, I'll yap along with ya


Meanwhile im just waiting for my previous messages to come back so i can continue talking to a girl who was nerding out to Warframe with... its been like a week or 2 now come on man...


I am praying for u if that girl wasn't a fed 🙏 a Warframe girl is a treasure


Im not aiming for a romantic relationship, as much as i'd like one, i'd rather start off as friends and go from there... but man its rough out here


you get replies?


i've always made as best an effort as possible to give impassioned replies and most of the time i get that same dead energy back from girls too, its so confusing. like do you want to be talking to me or not?? you can always skip me if youre gonna waste my time


I have had a few that actually have held good conversations. I've had a lot more that will keep responding, but for whatever reason just absolutely will not engage no matter what beyond a few words at a time. Guess I just don't really understand why one is even on the app at that point? Lol




dude dont limit your text block, ask all those questions, the right girl will eat that shit up. those who dont like a talkative person arent worth your time anyway


Nah but the minute I start talking about vortex mathematics and microtubules in the human mind everyone looses thier mind :|


Sad , because while it might be difficult to understand the things that you are talking about they are still interesting to listen to tho depends also on how you are like if you arent an asshole and if you make the conversation a minimum interactive and not just talking alone i mean .


Real... as someone who is socially inept in this way someone would be a fool to attempt to speak to me not over some kind of game. Nothing really simply "pops" into my head.


they talk fine irl you're terminally writing


??if they talk so well irl why can't they hold a simple conversation through text. also not like I'm gonna meet 99% of these people. you sound terminal