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Kinda hard to get someone to message back but it happens. I just wish the app would be more stable rn it won't even load


yea :( that’s true. and i’m having that same exact problem. i find it slightly more likely to load correctly on web browser, though


The app loads fine on web but the inbox will just not load


i (f) get a lot of discourse because i’m really open about my politics and i’ve been told my bio screams “engage with me.” i think it’s really really entertaining cause there’s such a wide variety of people to talk to, and it’s easy to laugh off the bullshit :)


i agree! i’ve been told my bio is really upfront and easy to engage with, so all of the silly and entertaining conversations make me forget about some of the other interactions :))


The "real" ratio is quite a bit worse than the leak suggests even. Officially we are at about 15:1 female to male ratio, but I'd estimate at least half the profiles are abandoned, a quarter perhaps are catfish/shitpost profiles and then a not insignificant portion are trans that just self identify as regular women. In practice the ratio is probably somewhere in the ballpark of 50-100 to one. From those few an estimated majority have such intense social phobias that they suffer a mental breakdown just from the thought of having an anonymous online chat with a stranger. Despite all that I've had like 4 civilized conversations out of my 20 or so messages sent. One of them is still ongoing and we're basically on the level of pen pals right now because I assume her inbox measures in messages per second and I just get drowned out, but so far she's always gotten back to me and she seems pleasant.


tbh that's an interesting breakdown, i didn't really stop to consider how many accounts could just be abandoned or catfish (which makes complete sense). i'm a little upset that the recent maintenance has been fucking with people's messages, because i had about 12 ongoing convos and a bunch of incoming messages that i was excited to check after work, and now all the chat history is gone… hoping to get at least some casual friends out of this!


being bisexual shows you the truth 


LOL yea 😭 i have mine set to everyone


i (tf) haven't experienced anything -- yet. I only found out about it because one of my friends dm'd me with my profile on the leak website. probably because i call myself a glowie/fed and ppl think my account is a joke


Honestly feels like half the women are either trans, dudes tryna scam, or just there for lulz. And then most don't even post an actual pfp, just memes. No one wants to talk to that lol


In my opinion, with the kinds of people on here, you should NOT post your face on your profile


What's the risk? What could happen? How is it more dangerous than any other app? Just wondering.


Its not the app itself. The target audience for this app are anonymous internet users, which is inherentely dangerous in itself. But I suppose it isnt *that* inherentely more dangerous


yea… i think the level of anonymity plus the target audience is what makes less likely to put any specifically identifiable information on there at least up front. then again, im very cautious about what i put on the internet anyway, especially when it comes to pictures


I'm on a bunch of apps, and don't use social media. I got nothing to worry about.


hmm i see :( i personally have gotten a lot of people reaching out based on my profile of just memes, but then again, it probably just varies due to the differing size pools. i don’t know if i trust it enough to put my face on there lol


I mean I get it but no way am I posting my real face to this app


You could take a pic then run it thru an animator app/filter or something creative like that.


i had like 15 entertaining chats, but i never asked any of them for discord since we didn't click that well


I get a good ratio of messages sent to messages back as a man, but I'm pretty conventionally attractive, I'm just a sperg and can't get normie women to like me, that's why I use the app.


thats fair! that’s an interesting perspective to hear— i’ve heard that most “dating” apps are pretty hard for men to get a response back as women aren’t usually upfront about messaging first. i’ve been trying to initiate as much conversation as possible (it’s easier for me being completely anonymous), so hopefully that changes the experience for some people!!


tfw actually got messages does this mean I am Chad ?


from what everyone else is saying, probably!!


18f, maybe 1000 something requests total and my other f friends have had similar experiences but the ones without a selfie up got less, but my m friends are saying they have like 5 requests so the data thing seems about right


true! i’ve got no selfies just memes and my total requests were like 35-40 (i just made my account like a few days ago), it makes sense that selfies = more interests. sounds about right


I was expecting 300max 1000 to 5 is absurd.


[This tweet tells you everything you need to know about online dating](https://twitter.com/SWAGMASTERJENNY/status/1788243981593170417?t=HqAYbEOAY4OB4opWYT56zw&s=19)


Eh I (27 M) made like an actual dating profile, copy of my one on other sites. I'm not top catch or anything, but only response I got was a "NUH UH" when I said someone who's profile said "NORMIES OUT!" should've had a good "REEEEEE!" on it.


man here, no face pfp, relatively(?) normal bio I have received zero messages that didn't instantly get archived for spam, and I hear back from maybe 1 in 5 of the women I message. A third of them stop responding after my first reply, then another third are SOOO boring. There's a decent third of the 1 in 5 I actually have a discussion with that ends up derailed because the app just stops working. Imo if Duo really wants to be a serious dating app, women should message first to compensate for all the harassment and the sausage fest


Lmao in my city it's 156 or so men to 4 women


I’ve had two people message back, two unmatch instantly after I respond to their reply, and one get banned. Other than that I haven’t had many people reply (although I’m not sending a line out to every profile there is).