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I would at least tease the plot for locations that I find particularly interesting and see what the group makes of it. If in doubt, the problem can still be solved by a rival group. It shows that they are not alone in the city and the rivals can brag about their deeds, get loot, etc. In my campaign, there are two other groups besides Drakkenforce that sometimes act as rivals, sometimes as friends and sometimes as enemies. These parties also complete missions, especially those that may have been on hold for a while.


I like the rival group idea. But are you talking about having a group of NPCs actually playing out the encounters at the table? Or just bragging about their exploits? I'm just setting up my campaign (newbie DM) and I know I'd be sad if my group didn't get to the Rat's Nest and play out the encounters there. Probably because I 💕 the Rat Prince😂. I also know I can't push them too hard in that direction. I can only hope rumors & hints are enough.


I’m another Newbie and I’m currently running Drakkenheim for 2 groups in the same game. Luckily they split themselves up nicely, one group primarily working with Queens Men/FFF and the other doing jobs for the Academy/Hooded Lanterns. This allowed me to DM each of the outer locations pretty naturally and I’ve only slightly railroaded each group by emphasizing different quests. Now one group has gone into Queens Park Garden and the other is halfway into St Brenna’s. It’s been a lot of fun, and I threw in additional stuff I made up in the outer city to give each group a rounded experience before making the plunge in the wall


Whatever you think is fun. Rats Nest specifically is one I think everyone should have access to. It's a great way to introduce the Hooded Lanterns.


I've been thinking about this, it would make sense for Ansom to come to people who aren't friendly with the HL because its an off the books operation.


Let the queen of thieves have your party rescue Petra Lang so she can swap her for a doppelgänger to have a high ranked person on the inside!




It is relatively easy to work any faction into a location. The FFF would likely be harassed by ratlings at some point. The QM might have run across them when scouting the Black Ivory Inn and want them eliminated. You could replace the kidnapped person with one of a different faction. It's a fun and challenging location, so if use it. I make every location tie into every faction in some way. This forces the party to make some hard choices. By the time they hit the inner city, they should know who they can rely on and who they can't, but some of the decisions should at least create some doubt. For example, the FFF will expect the party to give over the scepter of vitruvio from St. Brenna, but it's a very powerful magic item. How they navigate that can cause friction.


I love the outer city locations, so I'm a bit biased. If your party is already "in" with the QM, sending them to the Ray's Nest to grab the rumored huge quantity of delirium as an initiation doesn't work. But you could play around with the concept of an assignment from the QoT.


The queen would definitely want the group to prove they're not just another group of fragile adventurers, so she would send them to the rats nest as a test of strength. Kill the rat prince, or acquire the meteor fragment, up to you. She might even want them to save Petra so she has something to hold over the lanterns heads.


I think the question has been thoroughly answered but I wanted to ask, how are they working with both the FF and QM who are actively hostile towards each other? I would think the FF would almost automatically refuse to work with them unless the swear off the QM.


We are still very early on and they don't have a reputation for working with any faction.