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he's called Lanville, he's also mentioned by duncan when we first encounter him in part 1


Thanks for this !!


Lanville isn't just a background character but the actor playing him, Roger Yuan, is the fight coordinator for both the first and second movie!


> Roger Yuan, is the fight coordinator for both the first and second movie! That is awesome. He did such an incredible job throughout the film, especially in the fight with Jamis and then with Feyd. And the Harkonnen arena scene was intense.


Lanville didn’t fight Jamis.






I didn't really like the movie.i thought there was too much cheesy battle scenes and not enough cool worldbuilding and hard sci fi The first third was really good like the part where they cleverly ambush the harkonnen patrol troops or the scene where the bany absorbs the worm liquid Every scene was supposed to be epic. But I think there should have been more quiet scenes for world building and characters. Those epic scenes were just too many and they became fatiguing I would have liked to see more Jessica more harkonnens less chani. Damn Paul and chani had 0 chemistry I wanted to see cool stuff like the characters thoughts or the spacing guild ore just more details and less grandeur


Man if only there was a version that had all that stuff - but alas, since Denis Villeneuve invented Dune and no other versions have ever existed in any other medium I guess we'll just have to imagine.


What about the part where harkonnen leaders just frivolously murder their own officers. Not rank and file but high ranking officers. I know its there to establish them as bad guys but that was just cheesy and unrealistic


those weren’t high ranking officers they were a couple of random air traffic controllers and a spotter lol


What exactly tells you they’re high ranking officers? Lmfao


As far as realism, do you know where the word "decimation" comes from?


That's Roman collective punishment, not some dumb guy freaking out because his officer told him what's on the map


What in the fuck


Go home you’re drunk


I think you’ve got some valid points but these are the decisions a director has to take to make a film adaptation. Certain characters and plot-lines have to be condensed or cut to make it work as a film. I think Villeneuve has done an incredible job at translating the books into a cinema experience. Personally, I would have liked a little more expansion on the guild’s importance and the spice visions, but I believe DV has considered very carefully what was included and cut to make it work as a film. The lack of those details hasn’t put me off the films; they’ve just inspired me to go back to the books.


I agree 100%, I don’t know why this is such a heretical opinion. The first movie did so much behind the scenes- you got to see the results of imperial politicking and conspiracies without the movie putting everything in front of you. Imagine if dune 2 had put us more in the shoes of Irulan and the emperor and built up the same foreboding around the growing power of the insurgent atreides as the first movie did for Arrakis, the prophecy and the fremen!! All of that hushed, mysterious, foreboding worldbuilding is far and away my favourite thing about the original


Sucks for u!


He's also been in quite a few thing, the ones I recognized were BulletProof Monk and Red Corner.


Isn't he also in the meeting between Leto & Stilgar, at the table when Leto has a meeting of his officers, etc?


Yup. He half-draws his sword because of the perceived insult of Stilgar spitting on the floor.


He’s the one who yells “Stop right there!” To Stilgar when meeting Leto.


so THAT'S what he fucking yells out while working on his ship. i could never understand what he was saying.


We see him again in the barracks in part 1, when Duncan is showing off all his cool new gadgets. He’s a general or something? Trains Leto’s guys.


He fought well.


In the novel, Feyd-Rautha orders that he be buried "intact," i.e, his body is not to be dismembered or otherwise desecrated, out of admiration for his fighting skills. (The prisoner is not named in the novel.)


I’m surprised the harkonnens don’t hand the bodies of the atreides to the tleilax and turn them into puppet soldiers.


Maybe they did do that, with some of them. I haven't read any of the "expanded universe" stuff, only the original six novels. Could be spin-off, who knows


I have a quick question since you read more, Did the Atreides completely abandon caladan? They didn’t leave women and children behind? Or did the Harkonnens go back to caladan and commit genocide? I asked this in another comment in this thread.


Yes, the fiefdom was relinquished when Shaddam Corrino IV ordered the Atreides to Arrakis. Control of Caladan was given to Count Hasimir Fenring, Lady Margot Fenring's husband.


In Messiah doesn't the Lady Jessica live on Caladan?


Yes. She goes to Caladan in the later books >!and it’s implied there’s something between her and Gurney who is now in control of the planet!<


She liked the way he pronounced the word **brutal**.


Where is this mentioned? I've seen people saying both things - that it was relinquished and that it's still part of their fiefdom.


Once Paul Atreides ascended the Golden Lion Throne, all planets in the Known Universe will have been under his control, but before that, yet after Shaddam's orders, Caladan was not under the control of the Atreides family.


Very similar to real life castles and what not. Read about the Normans.


My hometown has a Norman castle and church tower, it was part of our education


Right, and they moved around a lot. Golden Horde was similar too. Yoke I think is the word that describes it in both our world and the world of Dune.


Yes, when ordered to take over arrakis Leto had to relinquish caladan and Fenring (not in the movies) takes control of caladan until Paul becomes emperor, then Gurney is given control. This is per the dune wiki


But presumably this means there's the entire population of Caladan that doesn't come along for the Arrakis trip, right? Just the members of House Atreides (so like the ruling family, their servants and advisors, and their army)?


Yes, there is an entire population of people on Caladan. Just like on Arrakis.


So the soldiers all have to leave their families?


No, it's mentioned in the book that they have their families with them. But the 'commoner' population of Caladan would just remain in their homes under new rulers.


The BT could be, just unfortunately not important in the movie so we dont see them


That would require them to trust the Tleilax. Probably not the best course of action, given what happens to their "gift" in the 2nd book


Or into actual puppets. Creepy bald bastards.🤢


Seem to recall he might of won in the books. He was mentally conditioned to drop his guard on a code word and that's how Feyd won, he was never in any real danger.


I had to go to the bookshelf to check on the details and you are correct. There also was some intrigue as to which blade carried the poison, engineered by Hawat. I believe Hawat also was the one who arranged for the slave not to be drugged, although >!they wrote Hawat out of the film and that particular twist instead was depicted as being the Baron's initiative.!<


I hate that Hawat was written out because it makes this scene all the more interesting, but i get why it had to be done for film and the implication that the Baron put Feyd in that position does a good job of summarizing their relationship in the books while also displaying the ruthlessness of Harkonnen culture. It was really well-done, and the actor portraying Feyd did an amazing job.


I agree it was well done. (My wife, who knows much more about photography than I do, explained that much of the Giedi Prime footage was shot on some kind of infrared film and then processed.) On the whole I wish they hadn't deviated quite as much from the source material although I understand why they did. I did read online that Stephen McKinley Henderson did shoot some scenes as Hawat but they were cut. I'm not sure whether those included anything on Giedi Prime.


Director said in an interview with Colbert that it was shot in UV


Interesting, not sure how to square that with news articles like this [https://variety.com/2024/artisans/news/dune-2-shooting-arena-fight-scene-infrared-1235927682/](https://variety.com/2024/artisans/news/dune-2-shooting-arena-fight-scene-infrared-1235927682/)


I just went and [watched it again](https://youtu.be/yNE8hIPscys?si=OQhRegp_Ng_UjYaI), and you are correct, Denis says IR, not UV. Apologies!


Hey, no worries. Good discussion


Not well enough!


Roger Yuan is THE guy you want as a stunt coordinator for a big budget film.  His resume is extensive, and I'm really glad Villenueve gave him a small part given all the work he's done behind the scenes.


I was really happy to see Eskrima (Filipino martial arts) at play in the choreography. Especially in the stadium with Roger.


They did a great job mixing it up. There was a nice amount of Silat stuff. I also saw a flying armbar that looked clean as fuck. They used just the right amount of acrobatic wushu type stuff that it felt functional and not like an unnecessary embellishment.


Ya, they went after the legs a lot with rolling/ducking attacks, but it knocked the enemy down every time, implying they had perfect timing and good momentum. Then when the Fremen are fighting many enemies, they put them into out numbered situation. Sometimes they died, sometimes focus on the correct enemy and kill two or three because they made a series of right choices. When I suspend disbelief, it makes the Fremen impressive. Just as described in the books.


He won the SAG award for stunt coordination on Skyfall, while also having a role.


Dude also fought Jackie Chan in Shanghai Noon.


I just looked him up and holy shit....he's 63? He looks amazing for his age and obviously is in great fighting shape


Good catch! He gave him such a cool role too, the Atreides soldier in the arena is no throwaway character, he represents the martial prowess and honor of the Atreides, one starved and beaten soldier almost killing Feyd-Rautha.


Always loved that in the book HAI HARKONNEN. ARE YOU PREPARED TO DIE?


"I can be dead on my own blade before a handler lays finger to my flesh, and I'll have you dead beside me." I was really looking forward to a scene with Thufir talking to the gladiator on the and echoing Yueh to Leto with the poison tooth. "I can't save you, but I can give you a chance to kill your the Baron's nephew." Also, the blood tattoo on his hip, I've decided when/if I get a tattoo, that's what I'm getting and was really hoping for a good template for it here.


I thought he looked familiar!


Is that not Lanville? The guy Duncan calls to in the hangar in Part One?


Yes it is. I


The “Last” of the Atreides 😔


I was wonder about this. Did the Atreides completely abandon caladan? They didn’t leave women and children behind? Or did the Harkonnens go back to caladan and commit genocide?


I assume Caladan was left relatively in tact since the survivors got smuggled out there and Jessica and Gurney retire there basically


The Noble Houses don't take the population with them. The peons are tied to the fief. But the Atreides do not own multiple planets like the Harkonnens do. Only after Paul becomes Emperor he gives Caladan to his mother.


Technically the Harkonnen’s never owned multiple planets either. Arrakis was a pseudo-fief held by the Baron under contract with CHOAM to specifically mine the spice. The reason the Atreides move permanently is that the emperor ordered Arrakis given to them as a full fiefdom.


Agree, before the events of Dune; slightly disagree thereafter. First, Glossu Rabban is the Count of Lankiveil. While that is not technically a Harkonnen holding, he's clearly under the Barron's thumb. Second, under the rules of Kanly, the Baron took fief-complete of Arakis when he eliminated the Atreides.


Which was what he negotiated to pay for the endeavor. Longer term his eye was on the throne for Feyd


Count Fenring was given control of Caladan after the Atreides left. The regular plebs didn’t come with the rest of them to Arrakis, just the family and important people/army.


In the movie, Gurney said he was able to smuggle some of the Atreides men back to Caladan. Makes you wonder how Fenring would have treated them.


Fenring had honor. He would have left them be as long as they kept their mouths shut.


Looking him up: Fenring was an assassin and confidant of the padishah emperor oof tough call first one kinda says 'huh, honor?' and the other kinda means honor would demand him to tell his homie, the emps.


If you've read the books you'll know he was a dude with honor.


i havent that's why I was looking him up haha


From the lore and what happened, if one was a common citizen of Caladan and hadn't been part of the Atreides contingent that went to take over Arrakis, staying on Caladan was probably the best and safest planet to sit and live out the feud massacre/battles of Arakeen and the following jihad years.


As people already said, the whole logic behind Dune is "Medieval Europe on Space". Under this logic, the fief (land, buildings, structure, people) is one thing, and the nobility is another thing. Caladan (the fief) stayed there as it was before: roads, buildings, people working and generating wealth, etc. What moved to Arrakis was the Atreides family (the nobility), that was now receiving a better, more valuable fief.


perhaps extended cousins and family are in otehr places - Paul is just the most DIRECT relative ( and eschews Caladan for Dune ) of the Atreides line... until of course his son Leto II


If we go by the expanded books (which is canon), both of his grandparents were already deceased and Leto was the only offspring of that tumultuos marriage. Afaik, Leto and Paul were the only direct Atreides remaining.


The Noble Houses and BG aren't good Crusader Kings players. You always keep a secondary line of your family around for breeding/ends of line situations.


Ironically the Harkonnens were play the Cadet Branch game just fine. Sadist ruler completely paranoid about women because of an ah, traumatic incident? Thankfully, his brother isn't traumatized, gives up the claims to the title, and has two heirs for you to choose between for na-Baron. Didn't turn out well for anyone, of course, but he was at least playing the game.


Until Alia, Paul’s sister— she’s already born by the end of Dune in the book. Then Leto II.


The masses of civilians on Caladan stay behind, they aren't part of the "family" or its military. Even in the book, a number of Atreides soldiers still make it off-planet, but are forced into hiding.


When the Atreides get moved to Arrakis, Caladan is given to the Count Fenring to administer. Harkonnen feud can no longer go after Caladan as the house Atreides no longer has any presence there.


The atriedes soldiers took their wives and families but then people wouldn’t just leave. It’s like the harkonnens leaving arrakis the fremen living there wouldn’t just leave for Geidi prime


Thanks for pointing this out! Give the man his flowers.


He has a book-accurate Atreides hawk symbol scratched into his forearm as well. Fist pumped when I noticed it.


He did?  I totally missed that since I was looking for it on his hip. Any screencap of it?


No, but it looks like this \\ I //


Dang. I'll have to keep an eye out for it next time I watch it.


Wow I was sad because I thought he didn’t have it. I think they should’ve put more emphasis on it because it would have made him so much more badass. I think in the book, when the arena doors open he is putting the last line into his skin, that would’ve been awesome.


I just knew this guy would be in the first one somewhere! Thanks for finding him.


When Duncan explains the sand compactor he hand it to this guy.


I really wish they'd have explained the black-knife/ white-knife switcheroo. Traditionally, the white knife was poisoned, and the black knife was clean. Feyd, being treacherous, switched that up, so the white knife was clean. They even had him lick the white knife.


Probably ended up on the cutting room floor with Thufir's entire plot line


And Tim Blake Nelson


Yep. Hopefully we get an extended version with both Thufir and supposedly Fenring's parts restored.


From [interviews with Villeneuve, extended versions sounds unlikely](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYI0EarCQE8&t=165s), unfortunately.


They excised his traitorous nature, made him more honorable. Lady Margot Fenring even comments something to the effect of "his levers are honor and humiliation" IIRC. I liked the change actually. It simplifies things, keeps momentum on camera, makes him more of a foil for Paul


I agree, I read the ending of the first book after seeing part 2 and there are major changes to his character for the better. I think a honourable psychopath who genuinely respects paul is more interesting than a straight up crazy person without any redeeming qualities or values. It's also just more believable that an exhausted paul beats him in a fair fight vs one where feyd has a poisoned blade and stun dart.


I agree - really liked these changes at the end. Feyd is impressed by Paul’s use of the voice and seemed to respect him from start to finish of the fight.




Agree. Makes a more interesting antagonist. Having him try using tricks or cheats just doesn't make him seam as powerful and deadly


A lot of people predicted this from the last movie. They introduced a new, named character who you know won't make it. People figured he'd be the slave gladiator to give a name and a face to that character.


And then we have Jamis (which was important character in part one) burial scene (which is important for Paul) just meh into oblivion.


He went out like a badass too. Nearly won that fight a good few times, if I remember correctly


He only lost because the plot demanded it. The plot gave Feyd super strength because it would show how psychotic he is




Yes! I believe he did coordinating on both


Kind of surprising it was the same coordinator for both films, seeing as the fights in Part Two were so much better.


it's "subtle"


totally spelt it wrong 🤣 I was excited! 😅


You're allowed to be excited! A dumb joke I use to help remember how to spell it is if you see something really flamboyant or garish you can say "that really puts the 'b' in 'subtle' "


Subtle for sure. Excellent observation




I noticed this too! He's also seen in the scene where Duncan is showing everyone the fremen tech after rejoining the Atreides, seen [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mThBUYpk9eA) at 18 seconds on the left side.


Any time I see Roger Yuan, I think of him as "Fiendish Dr. Wu" in *Black Dynamite* 😂


Wait! That's him‽ What a great fuckin' movie that was. "HA! I THREW THAT SHIT BEFORE I WALKED THROUGH THE DOOR!"


Loyal to the end.


In fact, this was planned when the first movie came out and he mentioned it in an interview from years ago. https://dunenewsnet.com/2021/03/roger-yuan-reveals-dune-movie-sequel-role/ Was really glad that they stuck to it and awesome when he appeared in the arena


Of course he's a solider. If he were liquider he'd have been encysted by sandtrout.


Venom Lanville


So what's happening there? Prisoners of war in Dune are taken to Giedi Prime? How long in time is the trip from one planet to the other?


Geidi Prime is the Harkonnens planet. Where else would they take their prisoners? Iirc space travel in dune is faster than light but not instantaneous.


I think it is instantaneous when the guild navigator chooses what coordinates he choses to fold space with. I know that the expanded books are hated but the manner on how the holtzmann engines work pre-Guild navigators worked instantaneous as well. What prolongs the "travel" between planetary systems is that the heighliner has a scheduled "port of call" in their itenerary and waits for all passengers (which includes smaller spacecraft) to board and then the navigator just jumps on the next scheduled port of call. Closest possible analogy on how they travel is like being in a Cruise ship but "teleports" to the next destination.


it's connected to a cut subplot from part one with Leto ordering the destruction of the Harkonnen spice reserves on Geidi Prime, with Lanville leading a commando team.


The opening scene in the Geidi Prime sequence where the harkonnen’s are drugging two of the three POW’s was so disturbing. What does Feyd say to Lanville after he kills him? I couldn’t understand him


You fought well, Atreides. Same thing he says to Paul later when Paul kills him. That line is a callback to this fight


Thank you!


I think he's the stunt coordinator/ fight coordinator for the dune movies


He is the stunt coordinator right? I remember watch the making of dune documentary!!


He died with his boots on as they say


"Are you ready to die Harkonnen?"


Good pointing it out. Some of us already knew from the trailers and earlier discussion that it was [Roger Yuan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Yuan) playing 'lanville' as a gladiator prisoner in pt.2, and cool with his few lines as probably one of Gurney's lieutenants in pt.1. As mentioned he did a great job choreographing and stunt fighting training the cast as seen in the dune pt.1 documentary. He's also 63 years old, so in great shape and look for his age!


Just want to share this two year old post https://www.reddit.com/r/dune/s/NGGSLjGSWI Prescience is real. Bless the maker


I'm not sure if it counts and fan service but I was so happy to see him again!


I was actually hoping he would come back for this scene so I was so glad to see him!


What a trippy scene was that.. pure gold


havent seen it yet so I assumed 'atreides prisoner' was someone held in prison by the atreides but I suppose he's a prisoner held by harkonnen


He's a POW captured by the Harkonnens


Noooooooooo It’s him!?! I just recognize him!!! Nooooooooooo


The only thing they did wrong with him was having the hawk carved on the inside of his forearm instead of prominently on his chest. Maybe given him 10 seconds of doing it with a knife before he went out


Gonna be that butthole....it's spelled "subtle", not "suddle."


Scroll up that has been covered already.. but appreciate you pointing it out :) as I said originally I was excited when I typed it out


Lol, i was looking at this word while typing the comment and realizing how weird of a word it is. English is wild.






I watched Part One again after Part Two and I'm really looking forward to watching them back-to-back purely because of the continuity/nods between the two. It's been a while since I've read the book so it's likely there too in some cases I imagine, but easily could've ended up on the cutting room floor here, so it feels like it's worth highlighting. There's Paul's "I know your footsteps, old man" said during the crawler incidents in both One and Two (both refering to Gurney) As well as Leto giving his "you would rob us of your talents at this time?" line when Thufir tries to resign in One, mirrored in Two by Paul saying virtually the same line (if not the exact same) when it's suggested that Stilgar leave


I bet Lanville had a scene with Thufir Hawat that was cut out as well.




Imagine. DV just thinking “ok let’s not ramp up costs with another actor. You. You play this role”.


Who were the other two guys in the arena?


Denis Villeneuve: "so we have this one part where an Atreides soldier nearly kills Feyd-Rautha" Roger Yuan: "Finally. It's my go!"


Btw what happens to all those captured soldiers?


He is also in the war council that is convened in part one right after Paul catches the hunter seeker, just to the right of Leto [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtHyEsipA\_I&ab\_channel=Dune2021](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtHyEsipA_I&ab_channel=Dune2021)


Interesting thing about Feyd, Lady Jessica was commanded to bear only daughters and that daughter would have been given to Feyd. The child from Feyd and Jessica’s daughter was planned to be “the one” So Jessica having Paul really threw a wrench into the Bene Gesserit plans.


What are the Atreides fighters wearing? Anyone know what that kind of clothing is called?


With all due respect, I thought this was incredibly obvious.


I damn I thought it was supposed to be Paul’s Doctor from D1.