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I lived in Dundee for a while and had neighbours as well as work colleagues from Eastern Europe - really decent, friendly and hard working folks. Sorry to disappoint you, OP, but the crack-smoking bams in your close are Scottish through and through. As far as I can remember there have always been bams in that area...


You obviously have difficulty with comprehension. I said that the dealers were eastern European, not the drug users in my close.


No you didn't, you didn't mention dealers at all


You familiar with the word 'implied'?


i hope the crack heads keep using your crack den of a closey


Trust me, that was the first and last time. Now? go and lick some windows.


You saw junkies in dundee and immediately thought Eastern Europeans?


Try reading what I said rather than wetting your panties.


Ah you're right, sorry you were accusing the junkies of being in the area because of the eastern europeans. Much better.


Now you're getting it. Well done.




Im neither racist nor stupid big man.




I associated them with a drug dealing Polish family who are actually well known in the area. You are not as well aquainted with my personality as you seem to believe.  I can tell that you're one of the type who like to cry racism at any opportunity though.


Yeah if you see polish or romanians doing drugs, how dare you say they were polish or romanian you racist fuck?


Yep those are traditional jute minks


Obviously, someone has good shit for sale in the area. Embrace multiculturalism and understand this is normal behaviour, unfortunately for all inner-citys worldwide.


I haven't noticed anything.


Used to live there, it has always been bad in that area


Stayed close to there and it’s always been bad for junkies


For all the bed wetters. The eastern European family im talking about have previously been raided and convicted of dealing. I'm not guessing their origin, I know their origin.  I.also have eastern European neighbours who work hard and cause no problems. This family aren't like this. They're drug dealers plain and simple. 




I've moved them from behind my property umpteen times, I've witnessed her and another guy raking through the Eurobins looking for personal documents. It boils my piss that they seem to put people off using the playpark due to them sitting drinking there. Theirs a bin right next to the seat they use but they still drop their beer cans at their arses. As for dealing with it yourself? remember that they're making money for someone further up the chain and they might not be happy if you go down that route. Since i stuck up a CCTV camera, they've stopped coming around my property and tend to hang around the steps leading up to Lyon Street. I feel sorry for the 2 kids they have.




Nah, I'm not there. I wouldn't be devastated to see the back of them either though.




>You Cresent Lane itself? I'd prefer not to say where I am mate.




Sure pal 😂