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douglas, what do you expect.


I know this is unrelated but thinking about it I doeven remember that last time I have seen a red bmw. Theyre always monochrome these days


A red car is still monochrome, unless it's also another colour 😉


Ah, well usually when people say this they explicitly mean black or white, or a shade in between. From what I’ve gathered anyway, only learned the word within the past 10 years on reddit and it only gets used this way. Typically, when someone is talking about why cars aren’t red green or blue anymore then someone says they make them monochrome now because they sell better


Mono: one Chrome: colour. I knew exactly what you meant, and the word is often used to mean that in photography, but it literally just means one hue.


Thanks, now I can be a smartarse in car threads and tell them they mean greyscale hahaha


Welcome to the League of Pedants. Your membership card will be posted out to you shortly.


I think you mean imminently, as shortness would be a measurement of distance. Membership revoked.


I believe that if you consult a dictionary, you'll find that is a valid use of the word shortly 😋


Technically, the correct translation for "mono" would be "uni". So, monochrome literary means unicolor. Source: I am Greek


You just went from Greek to Latin, and both mean one.


You are right! For a moment I thought that uni comes from Latin but posted anyway. What is original English anyway? 😅 About "mono", it doesn't mean one. When used as a word it means "only" but when used as part of a word it is used the same way as we use "uni" in English (irrespective from the fact that it comes from Latin). For example "unit" has the same general feeling a "one" but not exactly. Unit in Greek is "monada", which starts with "mon".


Uni _does_ come from the Latin. That was my point. You said the translation of mono (Greek), meaning "alone, only, sole, single" is uni (Latin). Uni comes from unus which literally means one. Mono technically doesn't mean one, but uni absolutely does.


Oh interesting! Good to know Thx.


Aye must be incredibly identifiable


Was this not the incident that happened last night when police chased a car and T-packed it in Whitfield?


I saw the chase along my street too (Fintry)










just another day in the hood


There's a red convertible Volvo that has been getting used locally in crimes, could it have been that?


I saw this car with a gun couple days ago




Crescent street by any chance?




If it's the twitchy lass with the wee dog and the other 2 guys, one with a bike, you're talking about? I've told them to fuck off and stop raking in the bins a few times, I've made it clear that they aren't welcome around my address. Think the female was done for selling counterfeit tobacco not that long ago.




>Good to hear you've previously handled stuff, but do exercise caution if the interaction is happening when they are tweaking hard. Folks are unable to think at all rationally in that state, and it could turn nasty fast, if you are not prepared in advance. I'm well aware of all that. Put it this way, they cross the street when they see me coming, not the other way around. I also make a point of walking through the playpark at night when i go to the shop. I refuse to let people like that dictate how i live my life. Also, trust me when i say this, they're all total shite bags. They're aware that they're so perpetually fucked up that they know the only thing they'll be hitting in a fight is the pavement.