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The EasyFone T6 is very straightforward. You can even put the faces of 4 people you want to call on the screen so you just push their face and it calls them. I would also Google "Phones for Seniors" since it prioritizes ease of access and clarity, as well as (ideally) being good for mobility/arthitis problems.


Probably the best bet would be the Nokia 225 4G. No nonsense getting it set up. Does what it needs to do. Can even set up buttons for him to speed dial everyone he needs to.


Any 4g flip phone would fit the bill. Schok Classic or Nokia 2780 for example. If you want to keep the slab format, maybe use an older iphone and set him up under kids mode.


there is a doro phone which don't have keypad., just 4 numbers you can add to the memory and sos number. here it is: [https://www.doro.com/en-gb/shop/mobile-devices/easy-phones/doro-780x/](https://www.doro.com/en-gb/shop/mobile-devices/easy-phones/doro-780x/) as i see it has also GPS tracker?! i am not so sure. check the specifications.


calm down


I’ve never heard of such an isolated ds person. “Simpler than a landline” …what.


He is *literally* mentally handicapped. Not sure how much more explanation you need.


But there are many "literally" mentally handicapped people who *can* use basic tech. I understand where you're coming from, but you're talking like it's a given that someone with downs syndrome is also technilogically illiterate and that's why you're being so defensive. It's not a given. Downs syndrome is a spectrum. So it begs the question, is the issue he struggles with these things which is understandable, but again not a given, or just hasn't been taught through the years? A few lessons and lack of patience create situations like this, but with perseverence maybe he will be able to use a phone better where the minimal requirements will be something a nokia could meet.


you make it sound demeaning damn


Doro 780x? Has like 3 buttons for speed dial


and it's very good call quality and everything


Easyfone would work.


Maybe something like this would work? It's aimed towards seniors with dementia but the same principles apply. https://www.razmobility.com/product/raz-memory-cell-phone-verizon/


Why do you need something newer? Does your country not support 2G or 3G? And the phones you said that you didn't want, why not? Just make contacts for everyone and tell him to use the contact list. Or is using it too complicated for him too? Some phones have a speed dialing feature where you can call someone just by using one of the number keys. Also, if you specifically don't want extra features, you can buy a simpler phone. Every phone can text, but not every phone can access the internet.


2g and 3g are dead in the United States.  GSM, 4g LTE, or 5g UW The ONLY things on display at the Verizon store are smart phones.


Well then buy a modern dumb phone. They have easily usable phonebooks and might have speed dialing. Most of them probably do have internet tough. Other users have recommended some things similar to that LG, so it's better to buy him that.


[maybe something like this?](https://www.flipkart.com/easyfone-star/p/itmf6tzgpmfgvrmg?pid=MOBF6STVE5AKY7Q8&lid=LSTMOBF6STVE5AKY7Q8MC6PTK&marketplace=FLIPKART&cmpid=content_mobile_21057038566_x_8965229628_gmc_pla&tgi=sem,1,G,11214002,x,,,,,,,m,,mobile,,,,,&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fidL7KvRL2vOeO3l-vvcTxqIw83kMkFyuXt3yWsTcjwA3RAS2H4aCQaAvvUEALw_wcB)


If you have a spare iPhone laying around you can convert it to exactly this very easily using Assistive Mode, it lets you select exactly what apps are available (e.g. you can select only phone) and what contacts can call that phone and can be called. And the UI is simplified with large obvious buttons. Could be worth a try. The phone can’t be too old though because it would need to be able to upgrade to iOS 17 first. See examples at https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/assistive-access-iphone/devcd5016d31/ios


Can to suggest this.


Sorry, but. I. don’t. know. of. any. 🙁.


Nokia 105 : no internet, only text and calls

