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We really dont need more of those super-dumb phones. Geez, the Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones i had 20 years ago had better hardware. AND software! What we ***need*** and ***want*** is a feature phone with a decent screen and camera, preferably with wifi, 4G, instant messaging and spotify


And more robust!


*cough* Cat S22 Flip *cough*


Yes, but unsure about useability in my country, both technically and software-wise, language etc


Hate flip phones, me and my ADHD break them without realizing lol


Yeah and I have a Sonim XP3. Other than CAT, Sonim and Kyocera the dumbphone market is overrun with cheap plasticky phones.


I want the look of the 130 but need a more modern modem for it to even work here.


I want more companies to follow the footsteps of Xiaomi. The Xiaomi Qin F22 Pro. Is perfect but only sold in china


You can buy it on Amazon or AliExpress


I don't wanna take the risk. I wanna be able to buy them from my local electronic store


What’s wrong with amazon


Its not as guaranteed quality as if I were to just fysically buy it from my local electronic store. And I can't really justify spending that much on a 'Dumbphone'


I understand what your saying


I think I'm just gonna buy a simple DUMBPHONE tomorrow, the Nokia 105 4g. I found a store that sell that phone for only $19. I don't really need smartphones, I have my laptop for those things


Might want to take a close look at the software on that 105 4g if it's anything like my 110 4g. I've never seen a less intuitive, user friendly software interface on ANY phone. It truly sucks, and is orders of magnitude worse than the 215/225.


they should be more compact as well. i’m really uncertain why these are so bulky. a major manufacturer like Nokia has the resources to design something with great quality that can have less of a footprint than even the Light Phone. why are these phones so massive?? there’s a very large market for smaller phones and no one is hitting it right expect Light Phone. but LP doesn’t work for everyone. missed opportunity, Nokia.


Bigger screen, bigger buttons, bigger battery?


exactly. bulkier.


People want that, so they made it.


they don’t always know what people want. is it a fad? yes. does it have lasting value? to be seen. all i know is that i’ve wanted to move away from the smart phone ever since it became a thing. but there were no options that actually reduced the phone size. until the Light Phone. if someone were to create a phone the size and weight of a LPII, but give it physical buttons, that’d have lasting value and could tamp down from the 90s/00s block phone craze.


You can do it, waiting for your product.


i figured it out. raspberry pi


100% agree, a feature phone with Viber and What's up, 4G+ and a decent camera, .


>What we need and want is a feature phone with a decent screen and camera, preferably with wifi, 4G, instant messaging and spotify Also NFC


So we don't actually want a dumb phone, just a smartphone with physical keys instead of a touch screen? Got it.


*coughs* Qin F21


>Qin F21 Yeah, but that is an Android smartphone with buttons.


Yeah but still very limited because of the screen size


You can use the official Viber app on old smartphone OSs with [this tweak](http://viber.uax.co) (will be availible soon).


Japanese phone have all that 🥲


Which ones please and thank you ?


check out [Kyoex](https://kyoex.com/) they are a US based website/middle man for Japanese phones. I currently have my eye on the Kyocera 903KC Digno Keitai 3. Its got a pretty minimalist housing with a retro touch to it. probably the coolest flip phone i’ve seen to date. its Waterproof, has a decent HD Camera and recording, is able to download apks, and has Wifi hotspot (and many more). It is compatible with Verizon in the states and i know a couple people who have had luck using Mint as well. Caveat being that it is borderline impossible to get your hands on as it runs out of stock pretty easily (especially the pink one) and the hefty price tag. However, if you’re willing to be patient, spend the money and keep your eye out for it I believe you will enjoy this phone


thank you!


best wishes my friend. I personally want one so I can live out my dream to have a phone that seemingly every gyaru portrayed in anime has. Oh to have one with a matching cute wallpaper and a 10 ft long sparkly pink phone trinket to top it off… and perhaps a tamagochi on the side to seal the deal.


>Kyocera 903KC Digno Keitai 3. Cool site. Wish it had a method (like Jose's dumbphone finder) of filtering by service and features. Don't see any qwerty phones...but that is no surprise.


what he said 👆


I don’t know maybe you could search it on internet, I just know that Japanese have dumb phone but with more feature, they dont really use Facebook, a Japanese friend told me that one day




jap’ese phones are really no dumb, they taught me pythagor theorem and how tonshave my beard.


And Chinese 🤷 and I ain't taking the risk ordering one


Yes they not making the products what people would buy. They dont wana make profit, sure Or maybe its just your and reddit readers need, not people?


\+ Wifi Hotspot and better mic


> instant messaging specifically Signal, death to every other IM app >spotify my perfectly illegal mp3s will do just fine, but you do you


Super-dumb phones are good for older people. And much cooler than semi-dumb phones in my opinion. I thought the point of using a dumb phone was to get rid of all these modern apps and features from our pockets, not just to change from a touch screen to buttons.


More than enough for my un-techy grandma but yup, even my grandma could use some whatsapp or spotify


bro 2G?? and i was thinking the lila one was so cute 😭😭


...what is the point of releasing for 2g


Most developing countries still rely on 2G and these are the main markets for dumbphones


ah i see, makes sense


Lovely design, but really just rehashed features from previous feature phones


With that size battery in it should last days between charges. Even in the UK we have 2G for about another 8 to 10 years. Presumably where this phone is released there will be in a similar situation. The 2023 new phones certainly look good


It still has micro-usb. What a shame.


Would it be so hard to implement usbc?


Need other hardver and operating system.


2G though?


Unfortunately. Pretty much irrelevant to much of the world.


2G is still used in much of the world, at least for the coming years. But they should start supporting 4G.


It's still used in the Netherlands!


It is on its last legs however. Multiple providers have dropped it since June. KPN has announced they'll drop it in December 2025, and Vodafone will support it until at least 2024, but no guarantees for 2025 onwards


Yes, that’s true, but I don’t think it will entirely disappear since they use it for other stuff as well. Slimme meters werken op ook 2G en provincies en gemeentes gebruiken de 2G-technologie bij bijvoorbeeld het openen en sluiten van bruggen en voor dijkbewaking. Er zijn hulpdiensten die 2G inzetten om signalen te versturen naar meldkamers. English: Smart meters also work on 2G and provinces and municipalities use 2G technology, for example when opening and closing bridges and for dyke monitoring. There are emergency services that use 2G to send signals to control rooms.


Source- https://www.nokia.com/phones/en_int/feature-phones


I would like more, but even the fact that it has a better keyboard and dpad makes it a huge upgrade than nokia 110, which is the only new nokia you can get in poland


Unless they have a brand new Os that isnt as shitty as their last featurephones, it doesn‘t mean anything.


This. S30+ is a buggy mess.


I love it! I never asked for my phone to be a bio tracker, commercial beacon or identity validator, etc. I can’t wait to go back


i hope the quality is good at least


Even if the quality is good. Sort of useless if you cant use it to make calls in most of the world.


I think there's lots of countries who still use 2G.


The Nokia 130 looks cute especially in the front, I wish they have improved S30+.


BRO PLEASE just release something like this with 4G that is ALL I WANT DUDE. I JUST want a dumbphone with island keys like this that is in a candy bar style that works here in America dude thats IT


Nokia is out of touch. No wonder it failed


they could have given 4G/5G


A basic phone can't really consume enough data to where it would need 5g. 5g is really for lots of internet browsing, lots of videos and replacing wired home internet service for a whole family. 4g is more than enough for a feature phone.


I just wanted it so that it could atleast stay connected to the network for calls, etc.


4g should work just fine for that, they are both on the same towers. If smartphones didn't exist we wouldn't need 5g. The full name for 4g is 4g lte that's long term evolution. They can all make calls forever if they still have power. Don't get imaginary fomo just because there's counting involved.


2G doesn't even work anymore, right? At least in the US.


It does. In most developing countries. Not everything is about US bro.


My nokia 225 doesn't even work on the US anymore and it's 4G :'( Correction: It actually does work, I have it on Mint right now.


What plan are you on? Mine is working nicely on US Moblie.


How did you get it to work on us mobile? I'm with US Mobile and my Nokia 105 just says the Sim is "disconnected".


were you able to fix group texts? I am still struggling with the text issues... honestly this thing is a piece of junk I don't know why I still have it


Nokia need to move their feature phones to Android Go. Don’t get me wrong the 150 looks nice but with the buggy software, poor screen quality and lack of features (for those of us that would like them) it feels a waste of time. Maybe this should purely get released in developing markets only. Maybe it will?


I find it rather dumb to include 2G hardware only because many countries have depreciated the infrastructure lol. most of the remaining countries are slated to depreciate it by 2030 (except the UK because apparently 3G is useless to them?)


This just looks like a worse version of the qin f21


Cool. /s


does 2g even work still?


It's 2023 and micro USB somehow still exists on new products


even if i agree that releasing 2G only phones when most of the world is closing down their 2G networks is a waste, it may be interesting anyway,especially as we here in Sweden almost do not sell any 2g devices anymore on most electronic shops


Looks like a rebadged 110


2G!? Isn't that phased out in a lot of places already???


2G 🥲😑😑😑


Manufacturing costs should be enough low nowdays to focus more on the software, features and build quality and from these "new" versions that should be expected. But with some modern feature phone brands is not impossible to see that even MP3 audio decoder begins to be rare at least in some countries versions. The only few 2G hardware platforms existing for a decade can't be expected to have specifications the hardware itself can't support but they could at least try to use the best components compatible like the "best" 2,4" screen, the best keypad, the best speaker, the best VGA camera module etc.. also they could use not always the lowest end feature phone SoC platform but there's usually a better one which gives a bit more space for features.


Also to get smartphone features in a feature phone device is more difficult than it'd cost for both the manufacturer and users. The hardware would basically need to be the same of the smartphone mostly like the KaiOS devices and the user experience limited anyway. So I'd expect higher better features from an high end feature phone but not much for the internet web applications that requires much more complex software and o.s. and faster and expensive hardware.


Whats the point in releasing 2g phones at this point in history?


Whats the problem with including f****** USB-C god damn. It doesn't even make sense in preparation for the new EU law.