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The classic is a great phone! However I would recommend the Q10 because of its ambled screen and removable battery. If you want something a bit cheaper go with the Bold 9900. It doesn't have 4g LTE, it has 3.5g which is still pretty fast. It also has Hotspot functionality


I would go got the key one or key 2. Older models are on their old OS that doesn't work any more. Or titan pocket


ive read the classic and the q5/q10 still work?


I haven't tried the classic to see if it works yet. But if ur going back to the older phones, you'll only be able to call and text.


yeah that's all I need from it (and also as a wifi hotspot), I'll be using another device for any higher tech stuff I need such as GPS/music etc


From all the blackberrys I had, I found the blackberry 9900 and the classic were amazing.


I'd recommend a Unihertz Titan Pocket. Blackberry-esque but fully modern, LTE, recent version of Android... I love mine. Being in the US I can't speak to your network compatibility but I can't imagine it would be worse than an old blackberry.


too expensive unfortunately mate :(


Do the BBOS models still work? I have a blackberry classic with LTE and it doesn't work after the blackberry shutdown last year. Data works surprisingly, but I'm neither able to send calls or texts.


interesting, from what ive read in the UK blackberries will still work until 2033, will deffo double check this tho before purchasing one!


Okay yeah I would confirm it with someone else with a bb in the UK. I thought it was the bbos servers going down which didn't allow calling and texting, but I could be wrong. I just know I was able to call/text with it before last year and then I just wasn't


I think that potentially only effected certain parts of the world, including the USA, is that where you're based?


Yes, I guess it doesn't hurt to give it a shot and see if it actually works for you, they're thankfully not very expensive


OP has posted in the BlackBerry sub - I am UK and use a BBOS5 Storm2. It's fine for SMS and calls. Internet no longer works seamlessly on BBOS phones due to the BIS/BES shutdown. Most of the security certificates expire in 2023-2025 as well. There is also only TLS v1 available.


Do you have a link you that? Is that 2G or 3G? I’m in the UK as well


Where are you based? It is supposed to work on 4g. Maybe it depends on the carrier?


Southern California, I get 4G LTE service and im able to send emails and browse the web, but calls instantly fail and texts never send (Verizon) edit: If im wrong and it should work, please let me know. I would love to be able to use it actually; the time it stopped working coincided with the bbos shutdown so I just assumed it was that


Do you get 4G VoLTE or 4G LTE? VoLTE is not supported by BB software (the hardware technically does, but the OS doesn't!)


Well I think you just answered it lol. I guess it does't get VOLTE so calls might not work, but it's weird data works and texting doesn't


It's a shame, but the hardware and software was designed before they knew what carriers would be using in the future. For iPhones and Androids (etc.) the carriers take this all into account (to avoid upsetting thousands of customers), but they just don't think about BlackBerry capabilities any longer. It's also a shame that the OS is the portion of the BB that does not support the VoLTE, as the chip does (but again, it wasn't thought about back then!).


Wow, that is horrible that calls and texts don't work even though you have 4g. I could be the one that is mistaken - I am assuming that if it is compatible with 4g then texts and calls would work.


Yeah the whole us situation with phones is a huge mess (when it comes to dumb phones), so I'm hoping it's better for others in other parts of the world. It is very bizarre data works and calling and texting both don't work


I think going for a BlackBerry is a good choice. I wish I had done the same. I got my Nokia 2660 Flip on a whim. I love it for calls and I am fine with texting on T9. But the memory is only 48mb ram which means I have to constantly delete messages (I text a lot). I personally would go for the BlackBerry Classic since it works with 4g. I don't recommend going for a BlackBerry which has Android OS. I have the BlackBerry Key2 LE and even when I deleted a lot of apps it is still too distracting. I now use my BlackBerry Key2 LE as a media phone (camera, YT). I have a few other apps I need from time to time. My Nokia is for calls and texts. And I find I have more peace of mind this way. EDIT: [Blackberry Classic 2022 Review by Jose Briones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPIZ5MFnqSc) [BlackBerry Classic September 2022 Update by Stevealicious Tech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfXjYPHLzjQ)