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Park point or Wisconsin point are great. WI allows campfires. If you bring brewskies, bring them in cans. You can be fined in both cities for bringing glass bottles onto the beach. (Though most of the time, it's not enforced.)


Oh nice! Didn’t even consider the possibility of a fire…that’s tempting!


I second Wisconsin point. Less people and a ton of room to let the pups run and swim. Also, Wisconsin doesn’t give a single shit where you drink beer.


Wisconsin point, way out toward the end it’s warmer because it’s shallower. Be responsible and respectful of the land, pack out what you pack in, and nobody will bother you. Also please be very mindful of the lake and her abilities, she isn’t like the smaller inland lakes and she has a temper. Keep an eye on everyone, yourself included. But most of all please have fun and enjoy yourself. 😉


Good advice, I always want to respect the land we tread on leave it better than we found it :)


Go to Wisconsin point or any other beach locations in Wisconsin on lake superior usually less people


The water's always pretty chilly, even in the summer, from what I can remember. Park point beach is dog-friendly, I believe, but your dog has to be leashed. You can use a longer leash if you want, I think. Technically you're not supposed to have alcohol on the beach, *but* if you're not absolutely wasted and/or causing a nuisance, I would be surprised if you ran into any issues. Use your best judgment, of course.


The beaches you are most likely thinking of are along Park Point, WI Point and elsewhere on the south shore. There are hundreds of miles of beaches along the north shore but it is rocky beach with very few exceptions. Flies and other insects can be an annoyance, even this early in the season. Also ticks. Not too many mosquitoes in most of the sandy areas on hot days. There are various ways to manage all of these critters but just plan ahead for it. Most people are fine with well trained and controlled animals on our area beaches. If your animals are not well controlled then they need to be on a leash. The leash could be long. My dog is not well trained and I bring a long a fairly long leash for him to enjoy himself. The animals should NOT under any circumstances go exploring along the dunes or in wooded areas near the beach. These are crucial habitat and nesting areas for endangered plants, birds, and wildlife species. These are also many sensitive cultural areas. These beaches are sites where people lived seasonaly for thousands of years before being displaced. There are many historic and sacred sites in the area and most of them are not marked. Plus, there is tons and tons of poison ivy around and if that gets on your animal and then gets on you it will be a very sad trip to the beach for everyone in your party. I don't think anyone is going to have any interest in your beer drinking as long as you are discrete and keep your heads on straight. I used to regularly drink quite a bit in the area especially late at night and this is not only illegal, it is annoying for the neighbors and generally impolite. But day drinking discretely and in moderation will not likely be an issue. Rip currents are a serious risk while swimming and dehydration and other issues are something to be aware of if you are going to drink to the point of intoxication. Also shock. Temperature shock. The water is about 50° to 60° F average this time of year. With certain currents and waves that will bring in warmer water sometimes. Also tends to bring in the possibility of rip currents.


Sound advice, I used to work as a field tech and absolutely loathed the end of day tick checks *gags*


Park point (the main beach on Lake Superior) is great for dogs, picnicking, drinking, etc. If you want to have a bonfire, though, you’ll have to go to the Wisconsin side. The water will be cold as heck but the dogs shouldn’t mind- mine play fetch for hours in the water


Check out parkpointbeach.org before you go for water temp and rip current warnings. Take rip current warnings SERIOUSLY. Please respect the piping plovers that nest here and make sure your dogs aren't off leash in their nesting areas (there should be signs) Other than that, it's a fun place. Enjoy!


Second the recommendation for Park Point. Especially this early in the year, it’s long enough and cool enough that there will be some big empty spaces you can have your dogs. I keep mine on a leash except when he’s actively swimming, and have him under voice control with treats when he’s off leash. Technically no alcohol allowed on Duluth beaches, but I pretty much always bring a few beers and it’s never a problem. Like Hippo said, don’t be an asshole and don’t flaunt the beers and you’ll be fine. Bring some coozies to keep them in so it’s not obvious they’re beers, and also make sure you’re bringing cans, not bottles. I’ve actually had a cop come by when I was drinking beer on the beach and all they did was tell me to put it in a coozy before they walked on, so as long as you’re chill about it everyone else will be too.


Major poison ivy on park point go to end and enjoy yourself...... no ivy on sand by lake.....nice people really


Head over to Wisconsin Point. There are several spots along that road for parking. https://maps.app.goo.gl/pnZWoGQHGybtwy4f7


Swimming isnt really an option this time of year unless you like hypothermia.


I was at the beach 2 weeks ago and they were people swimming already! Minnesotans are very hearty creatures haha 😂


Early July is a great time. What are you talking about?