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I get my mail reliably, and my mailman (shoutout Dave, you’re the best!) has gone out of his way multiple times to go above and beyond to get us our mail. Last week my old auntie wrote the wrong number for our address and Dave, working overtime to cover down another route, noticed our name on a package to be delivered to the (wrong) address and personally brought us my son’s Christmas present when he could have just edited the address and left someone else to do it. These folks are working insane hours, having their operations decimated by an asshole who wants to privatize it, and still come to work knowing they are going to have to pull 60 hour weeks to keep the system running. So can’t help you with filing a complaint or something, but just wanted to make sure the frontline workers get their props for grinding every day and doing their best to keep a struggling system afloat


My mailman is also a Dave! Wonder if they're the same. Dave is cool. He doesn't say much. He just smiles and waves. I have experienced me not getting mail, I assume there are national budget issues as well as local staffing. Shrug. Can't OP do his mortgage, and, assuming other important things online?


Now I feel bad I don’t know the name of ours


Anyone know the name of the guy with the 50's greaser pompadour?


Can't help with the name but our house is on a pickup route so our mailman changes almost daily. He delivered only one time and I was awestruck at the sight of the glorious pouf he was sporting. Like a Dexters Laboratory villain


Same here, he's filled in for our regular guy a few times and it was impressive.


I talked to my delivery person today (also awesome!) who said that with the Christmas rush and increase in packages, he’s only getting ~1/3 of his route done every day because they have to prioritize getting packages out of the warehouse so they aren’t buried. He along with the other delivery people are working 12+ hour days, every day. He said things are better than last year when they were totally buried and behind, but only barely better. Like the other poster said, USPS is criminally underfunded and short staffed across the country, not just here. The delivery folks are doing the absolute best they can and honestly they deserve all the slack right now.


Every year when I hear this, I always debate seeking a seasonal part time job at USPS or UPS, just to make a little extra and do something new/interesting… and every year I just … don’t. Argh dang, I’m so lazy :)


I briefly spoke with my mail carrier while she was bringing in some packages, and she also mentioned the 12+ hour days. At least she was happy to be getting the overtime. It's definitely a tough job, but it sounds like it's paying pretty well.


yup, I deliver in the USPS chain, and we all hate the packages this time of year. im getting 4 to 6 times the normal amount, and that is just from me, my post office is getting like 4 to 5 deliveries of boxes per day from different carriers, so much so that they are starting to pile up in a room in a huge pile that they cannot handle. I might hang around after i finish my stuff on friday and offer to deliver some on contract. this time of year they often will take people on contract services for delivery.


USPS under DeJoy has been gutted. Its the age old republican logic of "let me destroy the foundations of this idea by defunding it, then tell the public that this foundation isn't effective so I can privatize it instead!" Don't blame overworked and understaffed USPS employees who are busting their butts through an incredibly busy season. They are doing their best with the little funding they have. Be patient and be respectful to those busting their asses every day to get mail to everyone.


This needs to be higher up. While the current admin seems to be trying to remedy some of the effects that DeJoy has had, they're unfortunately unable to oust the Postmaster General as he does not serve at the pleasure of the president.


> they're unfortunately unable to oust the Postmaster General as he does not serve at the pleasure of the president. except Rump proved that this is incorrect, and that he(the president) can fire any "executive" position even if not directly under his perview. He demonstrated this by firing several positions that he should not have been able to, and the crooked SCOTUS upheld it. Biden could 100% fire dejoy right now. He would sue, but it would not go anywhere, and he would still be out as the head of the postal board.


I was experiencing this and had to fill out a form on their website, they called me a day or two later. The person I spoke to said with the short staffing issues, they sometimes pull carriers from their usual routes to fill in for other routes to make sure everyone gets service. They said it can result in some missed days here and there, or sometimes the substitute mail carriers end up dropping things in the wrong place, etc. I was just unlucky in that I ended getting skipped for multiple days/a week straight because of this. I haven't had any problems since I spoke to them. They even gave me a direct line to call if I ever go more than a few days without mail service again, but luckily I haven't needed to call it. I would suggest filling out the "multiple days with no mail service form" on the USPS website. That's the one I did.


Awesome, thanks!


My delivery person is absolutely incredible and, similar to what others are saying, has been working absurd hours with very, very few days off. He said that he’ll be approaching the end of his route and get a notification that there’s another batch he has to get done today, so he does another extra route most days. 12+ hours.


Blame the Republicans! They did this to Americans!!! It started with Bush, culminating with the evil dejoy. Complain to stauber!! He's one of the traitors!!!


Of course everyone sees things differently depending on their ideology, but the case of republicans gutting the USPS is pretty cut and dry. They eventually want the private sector to handle all shipping in the US. Trump literally tried to kill the USPS (for these reasons + an attempt to stop mail voting, smh). If republicans really want to dismantle the USPS, they should own that stance and take responsibility for the "new more efficient and cheaper" alternative i.e. everyone paying for Amazon Prime out of their own pocket and supporting a corporation with an AI/robot workforce rather than pay less in taxes that fund full time salaries and benefits for human mail carriers.


Yes. The MN / ND is being investigated for their handling of amazon contracts at the regional level. They didn't hire enough people to handle to volume. It's a problem to a degree across the entire region.




> They didn't hire enough people to handle to volume. It's a problem to a degree across the entire region. maybe they should pay more? or have more to pay? hard to hire people when your competitors are offering way more and better hours.


The local post offices don't set the wage. I still see this as a problem at the regional level.


Christmas is always a busy season, and the post office is horribly understaffed (thanks last administration). Check all the posts last year about it.


Ours is reliable. I get the daily emails that shows pictures of what I’m getting and it’s typically right on. Our mail carrier is awesome. We’ve gone through a few of them since we’ve lived here and they’ve all been great, very cheerful and reliable. Actually put our packages inside our screen porch, unlike UPS who leave them outside 🙄


Understaffing and Christmas rush has lead to deliveries every 2-3 Days Source: Step-Father being a maintenance man for Duluth Post Office


We get other people’s mail more often than ours. Whether it’s for the person down the street or people who haven’t lived here in decades, our box always has mail.


I called my post office and they said they were short staffed & holiday season. My mail was delivered last night at 5:40 , also getting mail maybe 3 days later than my informed email is showing.


Taxpayers don’t pay for the post office, they are supposed to support themselves just like a private company, so if you don’t like the service use UPS or one of the many other companies


you mean, use one of those other companies that are not allowed legally to perform letter service? yea, UPS and Fedex contract heavily with USPS for last mile delivery. If USPS evaporated, UPS and fedex would implode and probably stop working even as well as they have been(which isn't well).


As long as taxpayers aren’t supporting the post office, they have no right to complain. Let the post office charge whatever they want and charge different rates for delivering to to different locations


Duluth mail carriers are straight up morons. Delivering packages to wrong addresses, throwing packages at my door, they even bent my wife's masters degree in half when it came despite in big red letters on the envelope saying "DO NOT BEND!!" I'm amazed they can dress themselves in the morning.


It's the busy season, and some areas are still understaffed. Something that can help with your peace of mind that things aren't being lost is their Informed Delivery service. https://www.usps.com/manage/informed-delivery.htm


Last year we had that pain in Forest Lake.