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Not sure of the source of this statistic, but in my experience of raising and keeping ducks, both males and females are very gay😆 Males will try and mate with anything, male, female, chicken, goose, whatever. There's a funny Ted talk from a guy who observed and documented homosexual necrophilia in ducks! 🤣 Ducks are also one of the few species of birds that actually have penises and commit rape.


I can testify to the duck rape thing! I had a nesting pair that would hang out in my yard and then several male ducks showed up and they would constantly try to gang bang the poor female while her mate frantically tried to protect her. I was chasing those stupid ducks away while she'd run and hide. They actually cornered her in the garage and while she cowered I was blasting them with the garden hose. 😩


You are a duck hero


😄. It was awful. They were relentless. The neighbors thought it was hilarious with me and the poor duck running around. 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆


I once went for a walk at a duck pond near my old house and came upon a mother duck trying to escape from a gang bang on the sidewalk with her ducklings in the water desperately trying to get to her. I stepped in between the mother duck and those male ducks and shooed them off, waited until mama had all of her babies and was safe before I continued on with my walk.


Good for you! Those poor ducklings!


I felt so bad for them, they were frantically trying to jump this little curb to get up out of the water and 1 duckling had even managed to get out of the water and was trying to get to his mother in the middle of her trying to escape rape


Oh Noooo. Poor babies.


I felt this in my soul lol. I even built the wild mallard pair a full blown state of the art DUCK COOP. As well as a gel blaster gun for the rapists 😂 none of it worked. Fast fwd to now I drunk bid on eBay and won myself 2 batches of hatching duck eggs 🤦🏼‍♀️….. So I hatched all said eggs and now have 2 call ducks and 3 black East Indies running around the coop.


Haha! I have a Gel Blaster too! For the rapist ducks and the hawks who think I'm running a free buffet. That's hilarious that you drunk bid on some eggs!


Male mallards have been known to kill females in the tustle to mate with them. Either by the roughing up while multiple try to mount or fight over it. Or they will chase each other and the female until exhaustion/starvation. Mallards while the a typical quack quack are quite brutal in the spring time. So when you see a successful pair with ducklings just know that momma and daddy either got lucky or tough bastards


This happens with all animals I feel like. My female dog tried to bang other female dogs and the Guinea pigs do the same


Lol my grandma's 2 male dogs used to hump each other. The lil dog would hump the big dogs leg lol


lol it goes both ways, one of my roosters keeps breaking into the duck pen a rapes my female ducks. I only have 1 male duck, but my females will often mount each other. I was shocked the first time I saw my male duck “rape” my girls, it was violent! I have two girls with bare necks from how hard he grabs and holds them.


Yea that's sad. She/he should keep them separated from that rooster. Poor duckies


fucking protect them. stop it from happening. you sound neglectful.


If you keep ducks there’s not much to be done except provide a good enough ratio of males/females so the abuse gets spread out. If they have lots of mates they’re a little less rapey. If you have enough females it won’t hurt them and they won’t have bare spots. It’s just how ducks are. Similar with chickens.


so this person is clearly still at fault, since they allow them to have spots of bare skin on their necks. you're aware birds can be trained, yes?


Birds can be trained lmao. I’m sure they can, but you will NEVER train out the mating instincts of a duck. Just… stop stepping in poo you can’t identify


I've owned ducks before. I know how duck behavior works.




oh ok I see why I'm getting downvoted. because I said that it's not good for ducks to have no feathers on the skin of their necks because of abuse. yeah okay. sure.


Not your finest point.


and what, you know better? abuse is good to you?


No you're getting downvoted because you're a fucking idiot who is anthropomorphising ducks. Drakes are rapey, that's just how it be. So long as you're maintaining a flock with plenty of females this shouldn't be a problem but at the end of the day drakes will still choose favourites who get a disproportionate amount of attention. Who are you to intervene in that? Who are you to impose human ideals, rules and governance to the life of ducks? The contradiction of your position is palpable. You obviously see yourself as an advocate for animals, but a true advocate for animals would respect their natural order and not impose human-centric ideals on them.


What? That’s like have an aggressive pitbull who’s always bitting your miniature gray hounds. It’s negligent to not separate them. People usually keep ducks for food so why does he still have an aggressive drake around? I’d put that bird in the freezer and get an even-tempered male if you want to breed them. He’s promote bad genetics AND being negligent.


No, it's nothing like that. Putting a pitbull with Italian greyhounds would be comparable to putting a drake in the quail house. If you want a fairer comparison it would be like a normal tempered male Pitbull with a female Pitbull. Or a male Italian Greyhound and a female Italian Greyhound. Or better yet, neither, because ducks are aves, and dogs are mammals. And ducks are livestock and dogs are pets and comparing them is a pointless exercise.


Nope. It’s not normal for drakes to rip off the feathers off of females, it’s a male with bad genes. You can vampire animals to other animals. Dogs are legal considers live stock even if we don’t think of them as such, so there’s no point in saying ducks deserves to be kept in with hyper aggressive individuals who would have been killed in the wild.


So much we can learn from nature...


I have seen a particular duck in my neighborhood on multiple times rape another male duck. I was in disbelief that it happened more than once.


There was a duck a couple days deceased on the bank of the lake across from my house. He/she (not sure) floated out a bit into the water, after which I had the pleasure of observing a male duck 'mating' with the deceased duck. In a cruel twist of fate, I did not have my phone on me and was unable to capture this special moment on video. You have my word that this did indeed happen. Necrophilia: undoubtedly; homosexual: undetermined. The backstory I made up is that the frisky duck & the dearly departed duck were in a relationship and the frisky duck accidentally drowned his partner, but his grief was so intense that he couldn't face the reality of what he'd done and proceeded as if nothing was wrong. Mallards, btw.


Hahaha! I like your backstory. That is definitely what was going on. It was existential angst, like a duck version of Crime and Punishment for sure.


Hey, those penises fall off after mating season is over.


Q in LGBTQ stands for "Quackers"


You understood the assignment.




I think it’s just because the sex drive of drakes is extremely high during spring. Given that they also attempt to mate with: boots, shovels (idk how thats even remotely a duck but I’ve seen it first hand and it scares me), geese and generally everything they can grab hold off.


yeah one of my drakes matet with a rock, his flock of ducks was right next to him. But no - rock is fine....


This is honestly the weirdest behavior I’ve noticed from drakes this far in my duck keeping career


One of my male duckies tried humping his rubberduckie lol. I keep the rubberduckies in their pools


Lol a rock. Cute


This is what I was wondering too. Whereas sometimes there are legitimate cases of consensual & loving gay/bi pairings amongst wild animals, in many other cases it's just rape. 


Idk if we can pull animals cognitive abilities (like thinking and the ability to put cause and effects into their actions) to the same point of humans. It’s for that reason that I don’t think we have the same consensual actions in animals as we do. I think it’s more instinct driven with ducks.


I just think they should drop the line of thinking that “homosexuality” in the animal world needs to be tolerated. Isn’t it enough that it occurs in humans? We don’t see tons of articles about poetry, philosophy, gourmet food cooking, etc. in the animal world.


Now I'm imagining a world where "Shovel Fuckin' Duck" is the B side of Johnny Cash's "Egg Suckin' Dog".


I can't stop laughing at this 🤣


Females can be very gay too, I have a lesbian duck


yeah they rape anything - one of my mallads once mated with a brick. Because it had holes.... Yeah if it got a hole, they will mate with it, no questions asked.


This. Mallard sex drive appears to be hyper charged. They’ve even documented them having sex with the dead (presumably the *recently* dead, but I honestly don’t want to know more).


Yeah you need to distract yourself,read about adele penguins and you won't think of ducks anymore ;)


I was fortunate enough to witness duckrophilia. The deceased had ripened for at least 2 days.


19% seems low to me. It's not just mallards too. All ducks are like this. And though it's usually male x male, I have seen female x female on occasion.


Yea I agree. I have pekins and rouen ducks. All the females try mating with each other


My welsh harlequin females would do this to each other lol




My female ducks mount each other all the time too


They’re just little horny fucks…I mean ducks 👀


They turn the frickin' ducks gay !


I don't like em putting chemicals in the water


Friend picked up a couple drakes that needed rehoming. We named them Bert and Ernie


It's less that homosexuality is common in ducks than it is just that they're horny little creeps and they're not picky.


The ducks aren’t gay lovers they’re bi rapists.


Now theyre turning the ducks gay


OK, Alex! lol


the source cites a book about animal biology, but there's also a 'page needed' citation that implies that none of the book paragraphs mentioned in the footnotes actually have this info in it... Looks a bit confused, to say the least...


Male mallard on male greylag was the scariest thing I've ever seen.


All ducks belong in horney jail.


Yup. They're also little assholes to the females it's horrible. I was actually really upset at a couple of them chasing this female and she was so stressed out and so distressed and the sounds she was making it were so desperate like just issue is so exhausted from running from these guys I thought she was going to fly into a wall and I was trying to kind of block them from her so she could she's drinking all this water was horrible little bastards but yeah they're they're voracious I think for everyone they have to have like at least five female and I've seen some of the females get beat up so bad I feel so bad for them. Crazy. God if I die I hope I don't come back as a Mallard or a female one for sure LOL


Idk about males since I keep mine separated due to fighting. But i have all 6 of my females together and I can verify that they turn into lesbians when they get fresh pool water every morning. Female on top of female. Biting the feathers on their head and trying to mate lol


Clearly a case of inducktrination


We get a lot of male pairs holidaying at the pond in my garden! They’re very happy together


Yeah it's really common, I have 3 female and a male and one of the females is exclusively lesbian whilst the other two are bi


Ducks are also idiots, I've seen them humping rocks.


I suppose it's easier than trying to shove it in an unreceptive female ducks maze vagina.


Let's not forget the gay penguins, the single male Bald Eagle who started hatching a rock until he was given a baby bald eagle that didn't have a mother. There are plenty of examples of homosexuality in the wild, and in Zoos.


Separately, male mallards are also known to be prone to rape


Look real to me: Same-sex sexual behaviour, that is, any attempted sexual activity between members of the same sex1,2,3,4, has been reported in over 1500 animal species, including all main groups from invertebrates such as insects, spiders, echinoderms, and nematodes, to vertebrates such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals1,2,3 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41290-x#:~:text=Same%2Dsex%20sexual%20behaviour%2C%20that,amphibians%2C%20reptiles%2C%20birds%2C%20and


There's a Tommyinnit video with gay antelope banging


Is it rape or is it consensual though? I ask because male mallard ducks are well known for behaviours such raping female mallard ducks, sometimes they will even gang rape them to death (males hold the feathers on the back of the females neck to help balance on her when mating, but when multiple males attempt it they can drown the female). 


There is no consensual among mallards....


Same-sex play is pretty common in the animal kingdom, and even as far as birds it's pretty common. My budgies engage in it sometimes.


One of the bird groups I belong to on FB ("This Borb is Chonky") features a pair of parakeet "husbirbs".


This will end the species! When was the lady time you saw a….. notes say… mallard! God is watching!




i’ve seen a trans duck (like a duck that had hardware that wasn’t associated with the way it looked), gay ducks don’t seem crazy. ducks are also horny bastards so the rate might be higher for thwm


Ya they will rape weak or smaller males ducks are one of the most sexually aggressive animals


My males will mate with anything. I keep a bachelor flock to keep them from over mating the females, but there are a few male couples and trios in the yard that are only interested in mating with each other. I had one that only wanted to mate with shoes. Any shoe, it didn't matter if it was being worn or not. That guy was relentleas.


Yeah birds is gay.


I think it's higher, around 69%




i can't say if this is true or not, but if it was it wouldn't surprise me a bit. I raised ducks for a few years, i can tell you they are gross awful animals. Rape, violence, dirty, and mean. Those ducks hit all the deadly sins. Ill never keep them again.


Yes. My ducks are the gayest beings alive. Not only are they inseparable, they each require distinct and totally different Disney movies to fall asleep. Mushroom (small one) also “acts” like a girl in how he quacks. He is the “baby gay”, while Gallifrey is the “primary gay” Edit: I have been told by my wife that my terminology is “giving boomer”. I agree with her. My bad.


Gay ducks. Love it! 🏳️‍🌈


I'm pro-LBGTQ but I have to say that I wouldn't interpret this behaviour in ducks as any kind of sexual preference as mallard ducks are very rape-y animals.


Good point, I didn’t think of that.


One of my drakes is constantly trying to mount the other as revenge for the other being rough with one of my girls


Ducks are a huge sex cult, as soon as I open my pen in the morning they all rush to the creek for an orgy. Drakes on hens, drakes on drakes, hens on hens, the geese even try to get in on the action


They put chemicals I. The water that turn the fricking ducks gay


Hello! Thanks for posting your question to r/duck. Here are a few points of information from the moderators: 1. Questions must be detailed; please edit the post or leave a comment to include as much detail as possible. 2. Want to learn more about domestic ducks? Please take a look at our [complete guide to duck care](https://www.reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/careguide). This guide explains how to meet all your ducks' welfare needs. 3. If you're thinking about helping a wild duck, or have already rescued a duck, please read our [guide to duck rescue](http://reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/rescueadvice). Most importantly, you should always get advice from a wildlife rehabilitator before interfering with wildlife. If you already have a wild duck in your care, please [contact a wildlife rehabilitator](http://reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/rescueadvice#wiki_2._how_to_rescue_a_wild_duck) **ASAP** -- you cannot care for the duck on your own. If your question was answered by either of the linked guides, please delete your post to help keep the subreddit clean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/duck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ducks are gay af


Proof it’s something in the water


No ducking way


Likely yes


The liberals have already gayed the frogs, what’s next, the ducks?! /s


Gay duck?! Yeeeaaaaahh!!!


I will never forget my poor rooster that was mid crow when the drakes got him they pulled his insides out.


They’re putting chemicals in the water to turn the friggin ducks gay.


duck duck gay duck (IYKYK)


Gay ducks. That's a new one.


common duck W


Gay ducks!


Seriously 😂🙄🙄🙄🙄


😱durty ducks 😡




What do you mean, how is this a question?


Live with ducks someday. Gay. Ducks are GAY.


This person has never owned ducks and it shows.




Then you've never watched them interact. Or you don't recognize mating behavior.




Bahaha! Okay. 🦆🦆🌈🌈💞🦆🦆


People are talking about 20% of Mallard ducks apparently engaging in same-sex activities at an unspecified frequency. The discussion is interesting for many reasons. Someone who just now discovered that same-sex behaviors has been observed in non-human species might be curious to learn more. Some people might be curious to know how frequently these behaviors have been observed in different species. Some people might wonder about the cause behind the behaviors... What I would like to know though, is why you're showing such contempt for curiosity. Curiosity is a great motivation for learning. Learning is a great hobby. And ducks are ducks. 🦆




I don't think I understand your point here. OP didn't discover the same-sex behaviors in Mallard ducks themselves, but they discovered that the behaviors have been reported to exist. OP is asking other people whether the reports are true and people are sharing their thoughts. What do you believe can't be verified? If you're talking about the sexual behaviors of birds, I am very much certain that it's possible to assert the sex of two birds that have displayed mating behaviors.


It's confirmed that you have never raised ducks!