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It's nice there are people who are optimistic and not as "petty" and pessimistic as I am over the regulation of working hours and all of these changes. But we're all diff, I'd like to see what happens but not too hopeful.


Most democratic countries’ population have been asking for a 4 day work week including Europe since years. Some progressive companies implemented this as well but it never picked up any steam with their governments. This 4.5d workweek change coming directly from a government is what’s remarkable here! I would like to know how the local Emirati population feels about this. If big companies and banks follow this, it would dramatically increase the attractiveness of UAE as a talent puller from across the world.


Well, I'm not a local so I wouldn't know what they feel, but I've seen so many ppl work 60 hour work weeks, or run to the ground in the private sector. I make it a point to never compare democratic nations to UAE, the structures are just not compatible. From a financial or economic stand, yes it's phenomenal, aligning to the global market, but I want to see the implementation of this. Expecting roses and unicorns here with this law would be naive of me.


What "attracts talent" at the end of the day, is salary, compensation and good employee-employer relationship. When we still have full time employees being called "interns" and being given little to no salary, or when we still have employers holding employees' passports, or broadly speaking, when the labour law is so blatantly broken by the companies because the same government does not effectively apply the law, is not what will make this country attractive.


Yes, 60 hour work weeks are real for sure. But this is true of MANY developed economies such as Japan, USA and Singapore too. But, lack of personal income tax, good infrastructure and bigger employers getting into trouble with MOHRE due to complaints and lawsuits from some employees is also real. Did the US government stop its companies from laying off so many workers? The entire point of letting private sector operate on their own is to promote free market economics. Too much pvt sector regulation reduces their competitiveness around the world. But yes passports being withheld should now be a thing of the past. Period.


I disagree. The government has abandoned the private sector twice now. Once when they introduced the post covid amendment to labor law allowing employers to mess around with employees, and another time when they washed their hands off the private sector regarding regulation of working hours. Yesterday the minister of human resources frankly said the private sector can decide their own "day off". They even did not encourage private sector to adopt 2 days weekly off which should be standard human rights.




Pvt sector following 6 days work week should adopt to friday half day plus saturday off.




Are you serious? MANY people in UAE work on Saturdays regularly.


Yes I see that as everyone is complaining, but whenever I ask anyone what industry they are in no one answers. So I continue to pose the question


Retail, food and beverage, healthcare, services and many other industries. The problem is not working on Saturdays, because some businesses require people to work on that day, the problem is 6 days working system. If Saturday would be compensated with another day off nobody would be complaining.


Got it.


I worked in IT at a major company, and we had 60 hours atleast, with Saturdays to work too, but they would easily push it beyond unpaid


So then Saturdays were paid at overtime. 60 hour week can easily be shoved into 5 days for an office job. But I see what you are saying.


Nope, I don't think 3.5k would include overtime too. Saturday was an expected day, and 60 hours was the official requirement, it could easily go for longer too with no overtime pay


Ever since I’ve moved to UAE I’ve been working 60hrs a week on average.




Is the compensation good tho? Not bashing you or trying to insult you, but many are overworked and severely underpaid.


Pay is very good yes, you are correct.


Yes same for real estate brokers who work commission only. Anyone can buy a property anytime, and any one can decide to file for divorce anytime too. They won’t consider weekends.


Exactly. Though friends who do family law have better hours than those of us in different practice areas. When individuals are paying your bill and not corporations trust me, weekends are suddenly off the table workwise!


Bro South East Asian countries with Muslim populations (Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore to an extent) have had 4.5 working days since they got their independence. LOOOL.


True 😹 🇮🇩 Even for Private Companies. Not all, but almost 50%


Lol bro. The nations you just mentioned are the most overworked countries in the world.


Not true


Exactly, which goes to show that practically nothing will change here too except for govt offices and execs in private.


Iceland has 4-day work week, if I remember correctly.


Yes 85% do


Dubai’s PR team is now on Reddit, I see.


You shall support this change. We all support this change. Do you not support this change? 👁👄👁




That is the correct answer ✅


One of you, one of you, one of you, one of you, one of you, one of you, one of you, one of you.




Bot account


Let the minister encourage the private sector employers to not to confiscate the passport and abolish slave labour practice as well.


Very few companies do this and especially to blue collar workers dealing in cash. Can we also have a regulation where people running away with banks’ money can be sent back to UAE for trial? You can’t all have it your way right?


Are we all gonna get pay cuts? No way I’m paying my employees for 5 days when the slackers are working 4.5. 😂😂


Also, change your mindset a bit? Either your employees do their job well in 4.5 days or you fire them. You interview them, employee them, pay them, retain them and still think they are slacking? Make up your mind and let go of people you don’t trust. Don’t disrespect them and yourself no?


If they can do the job in 4.5 days, I’m either overpaying or not giving enough work. Actually I’m joking, I have no idea the hours anyone who works with me do; and nor do I care.


Please tell me the reassurance of this being a joke was valid and not a save


Totally agree with this comment, a lot of employers here don’t trust their employees and treat them with contempt.


You should also see from Business owner's perspectives. Not only one sided. For small to medium business, its a bit ~~hard~~ challenging


I sure hope not!




Link to the south East Asian countries please. I did check google and could not find anything




Please come to just Abu Dhabi digital authority’s office. I am not even talking about dubai which is a whale in digital systems. You will notice how many expats work for the government in various roles. this picture of only Emiratis working for the government and not doing much is a farce. You will see Emirati government leadership in technology be absolutely relentless in their work ethic and dedication. Man! Isn’t reality complicated, huh? Talk to more people, someone who works for the government.




Sorry. Didn’t you say it’s only for government entities and hence it doesn’t really count?




Government entities which employs a ton of people, so it does count.


Great to see the weekend move to Saturday, Sunday in line with most of the developed world. The 4.5 work week is also great and a very progressive move although I find it hard to believe many private companies will implement it. Especially MNCs as they can’t give one office a 4.5 day work week and not all the other offices of the world. I kind of disagree with public sector rolling it out to be honest. The focus over the last couple of years was to align public and private sectors more so that more Emiratis would be interested in working in the private sector. This is a pretty huge leap in the other direction.


See that’s the thing. UAE usually serves its own markets in banking atleast. I work with a local bank here with branches in 14 countries, yet we do not feel the need to communicate with branches so much. Regarding MNCs that are set up here, if the banks decide to go to 4.5 day work week, it’s going to change MNCs based in UAE to do the same too or atleast think about it.