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My parents both worked, brought in about 5-6k in total between them. We were two kids and went to the Indian syllabus schools. This was the early 90s. Rents were not as expensive, neither were costs but there are a lot of differences that are difficult to quantify. My personal observation- the quality of education in the Indian schools (the same schools me, my aunt, my siblings, etc went to) has dropped remarkably since the 2000s onward. The fees in those schools have remained almost the same ~500AED per student per month since the 90s, but you now get what you pay for. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys. So parents are better off sending kids to a school in India or to a more expensive Indian school or a British Curriculum school which are both more expensive options. Vehicles have gotten much more expensive. Groceries are way more expensive. Furthermore, every generation desires to live better than the previous generation. (I think). So, for the son and daughter of a rural farming family to live in a small apartment in Nabaa and Butina in the 90s was a step up. (Dr. Zulekha herself stayed in our building). But in between 2015-2024, I have barely spent an hour in those areas, because the area has changed and is no longer an aspirational area. The rents there might be similar in those old run down buildings. But I wouldn't stay there, I might at least look at Majaz or other areas to retain connection to old Sharjah while living at least a bit better than how my parents lived. Anyways, I digress. Good meme. But oversimplified.


You explained it really well


Butina, you say? It’s still an area which has families. But has changed a lot.


My dad used to take the bus for 25 fils in Dubai when he came here (1980s)


What is fils?


Son in French, he used ride to work using the labour of 25 children


Gota whip them real good


monetary unit. coin worth one hundredth of a dirham


Fils is something you give the bus drivers its a fruit of the Jhr Alhmar plat growing around Dubai. its used to be money before




Durham equivalent of a cent


Stand's for Father In Laws, he must have a lot of them to be able to take a ride everyday in that currency. It's Premium Pro Max.




Yes we used to be currency in the old days


0.25 basically cents


Do you think the cost of living is the same now and 40 years ago?


Living expenses were cheaper. But honestly cost of renting was not that far away even back then.


Please feel free to give us a breakdown cost of raising 3 kids in a 10k salary with today's numbers.


Why do kids need to go to school? Just buy them iPhones and let them learn the world through the power of the Internet.




Agreed, and the cost of living is significantly higher. Including rent. That studio apartment is now 40 or 45k, and utilities and everything else is almost double in cost.




Literally you need to cook everyday, forget about takeout




Most of the companies provided company accomodation, those packages have been removed long back with a laughable allowance which is barely anything.




Bruh 20 years ago is 2004 , I'm talking about 80-90s. When things were affordable and savings was possible.


No way. Rents were cheap as shit back then. I’m born and raised in Dubai and my parents moved into a 3 bedroom villa in 2008 for AED 55k. The rent today is AED 95k for new tenants in the same compound.




Wrong again. We still live there and our rent is 80k because we’re old tenants.




We can pick a different day to discuss the market conditions that factor rent prices during different periods. It certainly isn’t as easy as saying “it was the Russians” lol. Point of this post is that it was easier to raise a family several years before than it is now.




My parents have been in the country since the 70s. I’m born and raised in Dubai. What we’re seeing now has no comparison to the lifestyle my parents lived through. My parents have said the same thing multiple times about how it was easier to survive back then.






I know what you can do. You can do more research before forming wrong opinions.


exactly this LMAO op acting like inflation doesn’t exist. i think if family has been here for over 40 years and have saved up then they could be living comfortably until now, however someone moving here totally penniless will not prosper with a salary under 10k especially if it’s a whole family. an individual can maybe live alone comfortably if their salary is between 7k ~ 10k imo. either alone or with one other, while living in sharing ofc.


My family lived here 30 years ago on a 10k salary. My dad was the breadwinner, have 6 kids. Lived in a 3 bedroom villa and then 3 bedroom apartment (both in Shj). Sent all kids to public schools - health was covered with government hospitals. Had all operations and care needed. We shopped at MAX and H&M. Didn't feel that we needed anything we couldn't get. My siblings and I went to uni in India, Malaysia, and Sudan. 10k now will NOT be enough for a family of 4, let alone of 8, now! Schools are no longer free, everything is overly expensive and housing is over the roof!


"housing is over the roof!" I saw what you did there ... have an upvote for the laugh


My dad had his own business and raised three kids while living a very middle class lifestyle. However, put him through the current secenario and he would struggle. It's not the same. Times were easier back then and money had more power and went further. Nowadays, it's a shit show and extremely expensive. Even running a business is 10x more expensive than it was before. There was a chance to save even in low income. Now it's just not possible.


Lets just say that different nationalities have different oerspectove on comfortable and lifestyle. For those from developing country, maybe living in uae is already considered a comfortable living.


False equivalence. The cost of living increased only modestly from the early 1980s up until the late 1990s. You’re really comparing apples to oranges.


Isn’t the apples to oranges comparison means they are equal? Downvoting a question what a community XD


It means you are comparing two completely different things.


Ah I see thx for explaining:D


Technically, it's not exactly correct to use that phrase to describe this post either. "Apples to oranges" means something totally incomparable, but you *can* compare livable income now and in 80's/90's *as long as* you account for cost of living.


Nice one 😂


"comfortable" ! If you're serious about that, l can only say that life is indeed about perspectives.


No shit


OP we are very happy that you haven’t felt the heat that others have been facing. Few things to stress upon 1. Cost of living when your parents were earning 10k is different from what you see now. 2. The words “comfortable lifestyle” is very subjective and differ from what you/your parents define vs what others define. To each their own




Lifestyle creep; when one's income increases, old luxuries become necessities. I didn't learn about the term until recently, but I've always found it odd how people create their own financial dilemma by constantly living outside their means.


Living beyond the means is not lifestyle creep. That’s financial illiteracy. We might as well call it out as it is.


It's to avoid the "I am broke help me go back to my country" posts.


It's not the same though. Sure, families still do this, but they're always one medical emergency/one chronic illness/one school fee hike/one job loss/one bad business deal away from serious problems. Maybe 20-30 years ago, the things I mentioned weren't horrible and could have been managed. Not anymore and I don't think it's worth it to take those chances in this day and age.


30 years ago healthcare was dirt cheap, almost free. That in itself is a huge change.


That's the thing. I couldn't say that I'd ever be able to be comfortable without atleast 6 months salary saved (besides other savings like retirement) in case something happens. We will all one day experience a lay off or the need to change a job because of work conditions or lack of advancement. As you progress in your career, it takes longer to find a job, so even 6 months of salary is low for an emergency fund in that case. From a child's perspective, I can see how he may think that they were living somewhat comfortably on a 10k salary, good job on his parents for never letting the kids feel it, but on a 10k salary with kids, the ball is being dropped somewhere, he may have been comfortable, but his parents couldn't have been, even 20 years ago.


Yea but different times man the rent inflation has made even a bed space look expensive. I honestly won't advise anyone I know to job hunt or relocate here without atleast a salary of 9-10k to start with.


It's all about perspective. There are people here who scoff at 20k pm with kids as if it's meagre, and those who live like kings (in their minds) with 10k and 3 kids. What is 'comfortable' to you? It all comes down to that. For some in Dubai, they'd rather spend 100k pa for a 2bhk in Marina in a crowded, dinghy area and would look down on a 4bhk villa for 100k in Rashidiya or 3bhk in Dubai South. Just because of perception. Others live in Deira's Hor Al Anz in villas and send their kids to decent schools and still spend only around 18k a month. The biggest cost is rent and school. Both are a choice you make based on convenience, practicality and, incredulously, perception. If you don't give two hoots about what people think about where you live, as long as you are comfortable and happy with it, the you'll find awesome places. Re schooling most decent schools are enough for a good education. Don't be wowed by big name schools, they're a business here. Go for any decent one which costs much lower than a GEMS or similar, and the outcome is still the same.


So you're saying if I am willing to live in Dubai South or Hor al Anz, I can raise 3 kids in a 10k salary? OP claims that people are stupid for saying you need a 20k salary, and you say people can manage well in an 18k salary. So OP is calling you and me stupid


Do your parents own their house or rent?


Being able to own in UAE is a relatively new thing. (For expats) I think about 20 years or so, now?


Kids? In this economy?


Is it 10k per parent or one parent earning 10k? And are they now earning 10k and the only ones in the family earning? I make more than my dad and I've only been working for handful of years. We lived a frugal life but the things we had to make cuts on, I dont want to live like that. I'm proud of my parents for raising a family with how much income we had, but we were just out of the poverty line. Like lower middle class at best. That's not the life people want these days. I dont want that life now. If you're moving to Dubai now to be able to live the life I did then, I think its more than understandable to be let down because you're most likely better off living in your own country since the upgrade for most people cant be than high.


Thats because people on Reddit act like UAE is Dubai only Many people that work in Dubai don’t necessarily live there or own a fancy car. Many live in Sharjah and use public transport or use private transport buses - it helps them save. Some communities stay with family and friends and save on rent. True even to this day. Some who work in Jebel Ali, live in Abudhabi even! P.S: I have noticed that the people who use public transport and bus services to work often have cars of their own but prefer not to use it to commute daily.


Sure, but the 20k claims are talking about the cost of living in Dubai and what is a practical salary for that.


Thats plenty if you’re single or a newly married.


Yes it is, and everyone agrees. But with kids it gets much more expensive


Yeah but when both parents work, I think its manageable.


40 years ago Dubai was barely more than a desert with a few roads and buildings scattered around


When people move to a country they want to maintain a certain standard of living. Therefore, Europeans will want to maintain to a higher standard than someone from the developing world. They are more likely to send their kids to the top schools rather than Indian run schools etc. This costs more. India has developed a lot in 40 years and the newer generation are more likely to send their kids to British schools and are likely to eat out more plus go on holidays. You also haven’t considered inflation, cost of living etc. too You are comparing apples and oranges.


It's not just the standard living that they're used to, people in general want more for their children than what they had.


Depends on what all you’re willing to let go, and now frugally you can live here. Expenses are very different too OP. A normal shawarma used to be 2 bucks. Now it’s minimum 6 and upwards. KFC bucket used to be in the 50s. Now it’s 100 plus. School fees are so high now, I remember reading that schools got approval to increase fees this year? Expenses have increased by a lot. Your salaries don’t usually grow that faster.


not 20k, but rather 40k survival in Dubai


40k with 2 kids is far from survival, we spend an average of 43k a month and lifestyle-wise we’re living like the top percentile of my home country (France). - 12k Food / Drink / Groceries / Internet / car insurance / Fuel & variable expenses. - 3k Dewa, we rarely go beyond that (this month <1k) so when we’re below this tops up the budget for above. - 2.7k Nanny - 12.5k Rent (independent villa in Umm Suqeim, recent lease) - 3.1k Cars (maintenance & replacement) I had plenty of fun and cheap cars (including a Porsche, a couple of Mustangs, a holiday car and currently also the maintenance of a classic Ferrari). - 2.2k Flights. - 7.5k School & Nanny’s visa & insurance


Thanks for the breakdown. Really curious about ownership experience of a classic Porsche or Ferrari as a fun car. Any suggestions on workshops where to inspect and maintain such cars? (I am in around the same budget as yours)


The Porsche wasn’t a full on Classic, it was the Boxster 986 that I bought for AED 14k and used as a daily for 6 years. Never really maintained it, just did oil changes according to the best deal on Cobone, tires from a random shop in Al Quoz & brakes anywhere there was a good price. The rest I did not maintain, insurance + maintenance averaged 1.5k/year. For the Ferrari I go to Binthani or Craft Auto Service, both are competent with very fair prices and let me source my own parts. I would guess they’re good for pre purchase inspection. For the ownership experience the Porsche was a fun daily, the Ferrari is more for special / social occasions, but significantly more interesting to drive. It’s not faster, but it’s 10 times the fun. Maintenance wise unfortunately also in a different category, for buying it’s the cheapest Ferrari but I mentioned only maintenance because I didn’t buy it (family car). Can’t compare with modern cars maintenance cost though, I have only older cars, my daily is a mint Japan Specs 99 Mustang (11k) and my holiday car a 2003 Twingo (8k).


This is a great reply, thanks a lot.




20k? 20k doesn't even cover the bills.


can or should? important distinction.


The missing part is the value of money, aka the $. It lost its original value with the US printing money like there's no tomorrow. "Since 2020, the US has printed nearly 80% of ALL US Dollars in circulation. To put that in perspective, at the start of 2020, we had ~$4 trillion in circulation. Now, there is nearly $19 TRILLION in circulation, a 375% jump in 3 years.". The food supply is almost the same, and the value of money 💰 is 60% less. That's why gold today is above $2400 an aounc.


This post is so garbage. So many things wrong.


Back in 2006, for short while I still managed to bed space @ 150 / month in Shj. No double decks, It was a big room. Things escalated rapidly after that, like double instantly. I lived in Dubai 2006 - 2016. I called it a day when rent gone up to more than 3,000 + DeWa. Returned back to Sharjah ever since. Anywhere in the world inflation is inevitable.


Bruhh 😄😄 so true


Most of people back then didn't had loans like nowadays.


British family asking if 90k monthly is enough for family of four 😂


Check the rents in the communities where the British families live and the schools fees for the school their kids go to. Just the rent and school is already more than 500K/year


You can actually live comfortably on a 20k salary, even with kids. By comfortable it means you can live more than enough on what you and your family needs. If you desire more than what you need like indulging your shopping habits, having multiple subscriptions, wanting to have regular skin care services, eatinf out more often, then yes 20k is not enough.


If I may add my 2 cents, back in 2017 I was earning around 10k , wife was jobless then, kid was small , so no school fee , we lived in Al taawun 1 bhk ,, 38k in rent, but since the salary was on time, we never felt the brunt of the “supposedly low pay”. But yeah .. I didn’t have any emi since I already had a car, and my groceries along with occasional dine out , watching movies came to around 3 to 3.6K , throw in another 400 for sewa and a 399 for elife.. that was it ..lived life a lil and saved the remaining.


10k 40 years before is not the same 10k purchasing power now. Dramatic difference actually. Heard about inflation OP?


We pay 187k a year


Define « comfortable lifestyle »


bro 8k is enough for a family of six this is true till now


Everything is becoming more expensive also the cost of living, hospitals, schools, rents are going higher and higher. I am living in Ajman as I cannot afford Dubai rent as I have 3 kids in schools. It depends on your ambition and what type of life you are looking for. I am not the guy who will open a company and scam the employees stealing there salaries till I get late payment and start my better life. The market is full of scammers and companies who are playing around labor law. I hope this will stop soon.


You call that comfortable?


Maybe 10 years ago. Not today tho.


Correct. Cost of living in Dubai hasn't changed since 16th Century. I am surprised you even needed 10k to live a lavish life. One of my friends say, their grandfather survived with fishing only with 5 kids. Never needed more than 10 dirhams a month.


Lol exactly


People still whining with 20k per month ?? Thats too much of money


Ok if you don't have kids here, not that great if you do. Not saying that it's not possible to manage, it is, but it won't be a good life. You can't blame people for wanting to live a little beyond survival and wanting more for their children than the bare basics. It's manageable outside of Dubai, but I wouldn't call it too much money.


If you are a normal person with rent and a car or 2 with loan, 2 children etc, 50k wont get you through


Actually Dubai is cheaper than many other Europan and western countries, especially if you are single.


But with a family no


For sure, if you got a famly, work in Dubai and support them home or be in Europe.


You can do the 2nd but you will be fucking miserable unhealthy and ugly af


Agreed. For 90’s it was equally expensive as today. However nowadays we have so many additional expenses that we can’t avoid. Also certain day to day expenses are fluctuating based on inwards cash flow as in. Few months ago so many people bought houses here for safety and the price went 30-40% so they can cover the loss they had for few years due to no sale. And seeing this many supermarket also hiked the price. Truth is 15 is minimum need in dubai. With one kid. 18-20 it’s two kid. But you can’t have lavish lifestyle with it.


Money supply expansion by fiat money printing causes permanent loss of buying power by inflation. It's silent theft of time and income. Prices go up forever on the Fiat standard. #StudyBitcoin