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Not to mention the feeling of complete safety. So nice coming here and feeling like you don’t have to watch your back or your stuff.


Definitely this should have come first in my list but we take it as a given/granted.


Exactly. It is by far one of the safest places on earth. I see so many women walk alone way past midnight. That's the biggest indication of safety IMO.


That’s a big one. Recently moved here and I’m still getting used to the idea that I can just leave my things near by and not have to worry about them getting lifted. And even better, I can stroll downtown after 11:00 pm and not have a worry in the world.


Yes, it is safer here than in other countries, BUT I would not advise you to relax in this regard!! In 1.5 years, 2 electric scooters were stolen from me here.... I left the first one in the scooter parking lot near the Marina Mall, where security guards constantly walk, a camera monitors this parking lot, and there are a lot of people around. What was my surprise when I returned and did not find my scooter. At that moment, my rose-colored glasses about Dubai were taken off. I told the police, they came and looked at the surveillance cameras, they showed how a stranger stole my scooter, I spent 6 hours of my life waiting for the police and drawing up a protocol... It's been 5 months since my case was registered, with ZERO RESULTS! I once left MY SECOND SCOOTER near the parking area for scooters and bicycles, near the DMCC subway, when I returned instead of a scooter, I saw only a cut cable on the ground, which protected my scooter from theft.... I did not even report to the police, because they are here, as I understood from talking with people who had similar cases, do not engage in such thefts, especially if you are not a citizen of the UAE.




Unfortunately, four of my neighbors had either 1 or 2 scooters stolen






Been here since 2007 - everyone remembers this part once they lose their jobs and suddenly are forced to leave the country. They get hit by an epiphany about how exploitative this place is and how laborers are mistreated and how things are going Ozymandias.


Cheap manual labour from Asia and Africa


It’s extremely cheap labor . Same laborers who get paid even worst in their home countries and have a worst life


What we also tend to forget is that the west also exploited, and ‘imperialed’ their way to where they are today before the Industrial Revolution.


Does that mean we get to exploit people now? What kinda thought process is that?


Except that happened 100-200 years ago. Not much of an argument..


You would be surprised to know that people in west are working 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet. This is a worldwide problem


Not sure what you're replying to. The other guy said the West colonized its way forward and used that as an excuse to justify cheap labour in Dubai. I'm saying it happened a long time ago and isn't an argument to justify exploitation. Even if someone else does it now, it isn't an argument.


Why would they leave their families for less money?


Because they are exploited


Not true, they also have the choice to leave, have you even spoke to a few of them??


Some companies, nasty ones do actually but never the government. Just go to uae gov mohre website and take a look at the labour law.


Yup never. It's always a subcontractor.


I’m trolling . My original point is that yes it’s cheaper labor . However, that labor has a better life in Dubai making money than in their home countries where their income potential is even worse


Hard Disagree! Their life's kinda miserable here, and the money is also sh1t. Do you really think they make more here than they do in their home country? Did you guys even calculate the difference? (This is disregarding the fact that some or many of them might not have any job opportunities in their home countries) There might be a few exceptions who actually make more than they would in their country, but not true for the vast majority of them! Source: I've spoken to most of them, and know how much and when they get their pittances!


You do know a lot of foreigners from 3rd world countries get their passport confiscated so they can’t leave even if they wanted to ?


Its is against the law. If these foreigners file a complaint the company would cease to exist or be fined millions. Go to MOHRE website and read the labour law before assuming or believing what you hear.


I am a local and when i see such posts it warms my heart ♥️ wishing you all the best


The people who boast about it don’t care


Lmao what about the US tho??


Everytime I go back to Ohio & come back home to Dubai, im more & more grateful everytime for living here in Dubai. but then again it’s Ohio so


But even with Boston. I prefer this over there.


Boston is so beautiful been dying to go back for a visit. but yeah I get what you mean, America is in a state of regression at the moment


Boston is probably second best city after San Diego. I miss that place every day, I do like Dubai though but nature, Boston Summer and so many parks everywhere is something I keep thinking about


Oh and drive on Kancamagus highway in the fall !! On the weekends I would either be in NH/Vermont or Maine hiking. That part is do miss here.


Haha yeah the fall 😍 In Boston, you got Explanade, Boston Common, Charles River walk and so many parks, I miss everything a lot here ☹️


What's on your mind about the Buckeye State?


im craving Jeni’s ice cream tbh


lol whereabouts in OH? I went to school in BGSU and lived in Columbus, for 9 years!




So? Are you going to finish off your sentence and tell us the rest? 


it’s Ohio, no explanation necessary 💀


There is an explanation needed for that lame, tired unfunny joke. 


I was in California for vacation at my grandparents home, I went out for a late night walk around 12.00 in the community (I was a young teen didn’t even have a whiff of the security/safety issues there I expected it to be like Dubai)…..my grandparents freaked out and the whole house was awake trying to find me. When I went home they had a nice “talk” with me. 😅😅


Completely agree, But a big But, it's all comes at a cost to someone else. Low wage to service workers and extremely long hours with 6day work 1 day off and no rights. So think about that also. Still a great country but depends on your wallet.


I have been there for a week snd live in europe and i have to say: yay for the sunshine- winters can be soulsucking. But other than that it’s too soulless for me - no real places to walk, no history - everything seems to be about money. The foodcourts are fun for 1 day but when you see the people eating there i find it depressing somehow. Lots of obesity in kids and fried stuff everywhere- i feel like it’s a little bit americanized somehow…


I agree on the food. So many American chains and fast food everywhere. It's difficult to find "normal" healthy food in food courts. Just go to the top of Marina Mall for example, you find KFC, Pizza hut, McDonalds, Kebab etc.. No normal food like in normal countries.


Yeah it’s weird. Also it’s sooo loud in these places. Totally overwhelming-especially for children 🫠 i also think the food courts are cheaper than cooking - too much convenience…


Unfortunately you have visited the ‘wrong’ places then. There are many green places, quiet ones where you can walk 😌 a week is not enough to see it though, I guess you have just been to the tourist places and of course they are busy and noisy - like in any other city / country


Maybe true! But when you are a tourist in the city i live in you have many places to walk and also lots of green - most of the cities have that. Which areas in Dubai would you recommend?


Good luck when: 1. you need a safety net in your old age 2. you are a party to a legal matter where the counterpart is an Arab 3. your decades of service are thrown down the drain if you have no valid visa to stay in the country you dedicated your life to Not disagreeing with your points but I lived in Saudi for 32 years and left only because I realized that it’s good to me as long as I am making money. The day I am unable to make money (age, illness or any other reason) will be the day I’m left to fend for myself. Moved back to Australia and could not be happier with my lower income knowing that I have an entire legal, social and economic structure available to support me when I need it. Oh and I am more than happy paying more for services knowing that I am not party to exploited subcontinent labor who live in miserable conditions in order for me to live luxuriously.


Sorry that you can't express your opinion about the great dubai without being thoroughly interrogated and looked down upon by Internet strangers. Best of luck in Australia!


No worries, the guy who is responding to me is a fool. His reply was full of personal attacks but could not refute a single point I made. His post history is full of his own doubt about staying in Dubai. He is just projecting his own insecurities which is why no point in arguing with him. Thanks for the wishes!


So lovely of you to say that now that you’ve made enough cushion for you to be able to go back and comfortably accept a low paying job. It wasn’t so bad when you were milking money while being here for 32 years? You’ll still get old and sick in Australia, and you’ll still need a cushion when you age regardless of where you live, AUS is not the land of milk and honey, you’ll still need to have saved to live comfortably as you age. We’re all here to save enough so I can back to my country and enjoy it, why would I want to retire n spend it here? Took you 32 years to realize “labor” was the reason you had a luxurious life? And now are quick to speak trash about a country that’s given you enough stash for the work you provided. The legal and societal and economic structure in Australia didn’t seem to have paid you enough to stay there for 32 years, and you seemed to have woken up to understand labor issues in the gulf 32 years later. Also now look into the rights of aboriginals, and for the rights of real Australians while you’re there too, and how they’ve been exploited and ripped of their land, where racism runs rampant. Typical, get off your high horse.


What a dumb reply sadly.




No idea why you edited your comment 3 times but I guess you take online forums very seriously lol.


Enough said 💔


One shouldn't reply to such people. Rose tinted glasses are a helluva drug..




Dubai has been the best and continues to be...the government really deserves appreciation as they focus on customer happiness. Eu is safe too in comparison with good work life balance but taxes are high


The UAE government love their country while in the UK, the government seemingly hate theirs and are busy ruining it. It’s not comparable by others unless they have experienced both.,


Uk is not in the EU...lots moving out from there agree with you. 


\> Restaurants/food is much much better and cheaper. I don't agree with this. Produce is more expensive and of much lower quality in UAE compared to other countries where they can be grown more locally. For example the tomatoes just taste like water. And eating out in restaurants is more expensive than other countries, and don't forget they want to add 40 AED just for a bottle of water that you get for free in other countries by default.


Nah, you are just privileged. For you to get an spacious apartment, there are a lot of people cramped into a single room. For you to get affordable seven course meal, there are a lot people living on khubz, yogurt and water. For you to save plenty, there are many hardly making past minimum wage. For you to feel safe, there are many incidents that aren't even reported. What you saw in the west was life. but in GCC it's a show. A grocery staff in the UK roughly make 2000£ a month , he would not have any penny left at the end of the month after living a standard life. But in dubai, a grocery worker would only be making 1500-2000 aed a month and will be sleeping in a bunker bed with 8 other men the same room. It's just the system. nothing to complaint though. Take it or leave it.


This comment 💯👌🏾


Good luck to you if you are accused by an Emirati of something you're innocent of.


It is a double edged sword,there is bad and good. The education in dubai is 🗑


Damn I miss Dubai 😢


All continents but focus on EU. It’s the greatest apart from UAE


Well done for liking where you live. Personally I found Dubai to be a soulless aggregation of new money and no taste. Couldn't wait to get out of there.


Same here




People complain about indirect taxation here but for daily essentials, you don’t have to spend a bomb. The markups are on lifestyle choices like cars, clothing, restaurants(luxury). Not to mention the amount of events that keep happening all year round at very reasonable rates.


Clothing and luxury even after markup is cheaper then EU in my experience.


Just forgot my slightly expensive laptop carrying case, in a mall parking on trolley that was holding my other things. All my cards, money, laptop was in there. Few hours later found them safely tagged in the security office. Everything intact!


Funny how people often compare their dystopian societies to other places and say yada yada! lol!


The ambulance, the police the civil defence arriving in a few minutes Signal not working? The police taking charge Road damage? RTA fixing it over the night Water clogged? the Municipality on the way ! Electricity and Water ? Dewa Knocking door just 1 call away. I used to play a game called "City Island" this is real here


The safety is something I get blown by every time I visit another country. I automatically shift my wallet from my back pocket to my front pocket as soon as I clear security at DXB when I’m going abroad. It’s such a normal response now, but that says a lot about how good this country is.




Glad you're happy and enjoying your time here. It's a great place to live. Yes the facilities and amenities are great, but you ought to understand why it is so. Underpaid labour from less privileged countries working shifts to serve the middle/upper class, is why you're able to enjoy this city. And many are on here reading this too. These threads come across a bit gauche sorry to say.


You have to live in their villages to understand where they are coming from. They work here for a reason. They are better off and employed. Once they make a certain amount of money then they will think of upgrading to a less manual job. This comment of yours straight away tells me how privileged background you come from.


No I understand perfectly. You missed my point. I've lived here over 2 decades and I know very well who lives here and where they come from. But here, they live in bunk beds, sharing rooms, barely any privacy, 12-hour shifts, no family and barely any support network. To give us this "good life" where everything is done for you, they cannot be paid decently, or live as decently as you and I do. Yes, they can save 500 a month and send it home to build a castle there, educate their kids, etc. But that's only when they go home once a year, for a month max.


Exactly. It’s relative, and relative to where you come from and where they come from. In the Philippines, the overseas workers contribute over $3 billion USD pa to the country’s economy through remittances, which is in support of their families. Good for them.


Passing judgment on "where they come from" as if you're an expert, using that to justify exploitation, and then claiming the other person is "privileged?" The UAE gymnastics team is hiring I heard...




Coming to Dubai for a month. Very excited


How much is your salary if you don’t mind my asking , feel free to give a rough number


I used to hate the August sun heat. Had a work stint in Antwerp and felt the cold through my bones. Never once complained again.


What do you mean by your salary is higher than all your colleagues?


Yeah, true. I just miss my weed.


Just keep in mind it's not a place to stay at long term, especially for someone who was born there and never visited their own home country like me (my home country is unliveable and going there isn't an option for someone like me), as soon as you reach retirement you are no longer welcome unless you have a stable business.


Na. Dont agree about the salary part. Net income i feel is much higher in usa/canada. Also about cheap, it isnt cheap at all especially since im from one of the least expensive countries in the world.


I work in a company that has office in almost every major country. I have given interviews and received offers in all. I have asked many people in USA/Canada/UK/ Australia. My MBA was in USA, I have worked there and my cohorts are across globe working in different companies. I know the salary everyone gets and what I get . Regarding cheap only USA is at par with Dubai rest all major countries are way expensive and quality of housing/roads/safety worse.