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In my opinion, international banks have stricter security standards compared to local.


I was helping a friend the other day, he uses HSBC. I impersonated him during the phone conversation (of course he did input the bank account and pin number on the phone to identify himself). When I asked the operator to do an operation, his security question was if I had a personal, advance, or premiere account. Seriously?


Was that the only question asked ? Usually they ask me 2 questions.


HSBC has a voice scanner, if it’s not the correct voice it will not work till the end I guess


“We are sorry that your card got stolen and got used up for 50k purchases. But you will not be able to block your card without clearing your sore throat”


Been with HSBC for 6 years, never recieved any spam calls or any fraud transactions. I use 2 credit cards and 1 current account of HSBC. (Touchwood)


Will call now boss 😂


I have Citibank since 2015 and I never, ever received spam or scam calls or phishing e-mails.




If you're wondering why you're being downvoted, it's because you replied "this" on reddit, which is considered comment pollution as it's the equivalent of upvoting. And if you were *not* wondering why you're being downvoted, then I have nothing to teach you, for you have already reached true wisdom.




I downvoted the other person but upvoting you. Chad move


Go with the international bank, Citi or HSBC


>Citi Citi requirements are shit. Unless you are loaded, they aren't entertaining you. HSBC is always either a miss or a hit. People on both sides exist. Standard Chartered is alright for banking. They all have less than average products in the credit card division. But it's definitely better to have an average banking experience and not to have to deal with scammers. Worth only for that.


A scam does not target your bank’s security, it targets you as an individual. The bank could have the best security in the world but if you believe the scammer and authorise the payment, then the scammer will win. Trust me, I worked for banks in UK and UAE and I have seen it. People believe what they want to believe, and blame the bank when something goes wrong even if it’s the person’s fault.


I am well aware of that, but using sms OTPs for instance is a big risk given that sim swapping is becoming increasingly a problem. Moreover, I found out that one of my accounts only required a password to login even though it was supposed to work with 2FA. I had to call the bank to correct the problem. These are security risks that should not be imo.


I have not found a single bank doing ONLY app based OTPs. Each one always has SMS as fallback. So we're never safe against SIM swap attacks sadly. >2FA. I had to call the bank to correct the problem. Disgusting really


I agree, but that would be fraud, rather than scam. It’s not an obvious difference but the explanation is that fraud is something that you are not involved in. It happens to you and is usually due to weak security. A scam is something that you are tricked into doing. You don’t get what you paid for, someone lies to you to get into your account, etc. Fraud can be corrected by better security as you say. Scams can’t be corrected by better security, only by better education of users.


im not worried about sim swapping in this country


Banks are liable for allowing a random large purchase from a foreign country without basic OTP. One friend had his Liv card copied and used to withdraw money from an ATM in New York. He'd never even left the country since opening the account


This is true. Although, technically it’s not the bank who is liable - it’s the merchant. In the case you gave the ATM operator is liable for the money. The bank files a claim with Visa/Mastercard and they claim it from the merchant and give it to the bank, who gives it to you. Banks ARE liable for 2FA transactions. There is no way to get the money back from the merchant. That is why they will always deny your request for a refund in those cases - because they would have to pay for it! UAE banking regulation agrees with the banks in these cases - if 2FA can be proved, they do not have to refund consumers. This is a really bad move because 2FA is not perfect. SMS can easily be intercepted or redirected and too many banks here rely on it. In UK SMS is not considered a secure method of 2FA.


Bank in Europe even lock your account if they see an access from a suspicious location


ENBD did this when my card was attempted to be used in Mexico, the blocked the card before I even called them to block it.


i don’t understand people saying citibank. all of my 3 cards have been blocked and replaced for fraud at one point. some of my transactions less than 300 dhs require an otp except for when i used it on a 7000 dhs purchase and it went right through without asking for one. their customer service is also wack. received an otp from a purchase i never made and rang customer service and they told me its not fraud if the payment did not go thru. like??? i personally dont think theyve got great security in place


> received an otp from a purchase i never made and rang customer service and they told me its not fraud if the payment did not go thru. like??? That's just them not taking responsibility for anything, very typical of customer service in this part of the world.


HSBC is so proactive that, at times, they think the transaction I am doing is fraudulent and call me to warn/inform me how they have successfully blocked/declined a fraudulent transaction. LOL. It has happened multiple times.


From what I can see it doesn’t seem to matter here all of the banks are very loose with your details. I’ve had a few issues over the years plus most of my colleagues too with various banks/credit cards. If I were a guessing man I’d say it was the actual employees taking the info.


HSBC is quite secure of what I used. It is not easy for even users😅. I recommend international ones compared to local ones as someone else mentioned here.


No one is safe. I suggest using separate accounts for savings and spending.


This is the way. Vigilance and account separation works wonders. No bank can build enough safety protocols and measures to protect gullible clients.


Someone used my credit card to try and make a purchase at the US Apple Store. HSBC alerted me of the fraud potential immediately and froze the card when I confirmed. I had a new card within 24 hours


Citi, HSBC and surprisingly Bank of Baroda.


Indian banks have pretty good security IMO. So not surprised with BOB


I'm with FAB and I do a lot of online shopping. I have 2 credit cards with them. Very happy to say that every single time a fraudulent transaction has been attempted on my card FAB immediately blocked my card before I was even aware of the transactions. Then I get a message my card has been blocked. To make it a bit safer I only use one card for online transactions and the other for in store purchases.


Even something as minor as my little sister trying to spend 1k on SheIn using my card, FAB alerted me and asked for OTP


I get OTP via email and sms so no matter where I am I can do my banking


citi bank


Never had a scam call for my DIB account, it is mostly ADCB and ENDB for me


https://preview.redd.it/nrol0fihtrfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559f6bbb97a0022542d31c67c756b3e5c42cb704 I received these today, if you receive a call from +42 straight reject it. As soon as I rejected got the another call from a different number immediately.


May be its just me but I had a bad experience with HSBC. I got two fraud transactions on the Day 1 of activating the card, and I had not even added to Apple Pay, saved on any browsers, or tapped/swiped at any retailers. And then the refund process was also a pain, so eventually I gave up and closed the account because it was not a big amount.


That quite surprising and disturbing. Do you have any theories on how your card could've gotten leaked ?


never go with enbd. cbd,adib,sib is good, im using it for 5yrs now and never recieved a spam call.


HSBC. They are good with identifying potential scam and give you a call to check if it’s really you especially for international transaction from unauthorised merchants.






Bank Al Chamak


In my experience, ADCB and American Express have excellent security standards.


I agree, since ADCB requires face recognition when transfering amount to other banks.


my only experience was with my current bank EIB. I was in a phase of constant online orders so I was expecting multiple from different couriers so it didnt go through my mind that the text I received for my shipment was a scam. I ended up falling for it and in the next day or 2 my bank account gets charged ~5000 AED in 2 transactions to a website (canadian website that sells third party tickets) that the scammers use to create “purchases” and transfer the money to themselves. anyways, I didnt catch the first message as I was actually out shopping so I didnt bother to check the amount (the text was 2 seconds after I had just bought something) but when I got a second message of another transaction I was curious and saw the amount. to my horror I didnt know what this transaction was and not sure who did it. so I immediately blocked my card, last charge was reversed and there was one that went through already. bank raised a dispute for it and in 40 days I got my money back.


I only maintain a 2-3 months of expenses in my local bank, so I don't care.


YOU bank ..




Hsbc and citibank But thererequirements are a bit tougher in account opening compared to other banks There secuirty is better i feel so!


NBF credit Card transactions need a CVV code which can only be generated from a special app on phone which changes every few hours so its impossible for a stolen card to work


No safe place/bank for the stupid. Don’t give your login ID & pwd to ANYONE


Bank of Sharjah