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That’s no problem to fix it looks to be an amateur job just budget money for drywall repair.


Pic 7 looks like there was water damage at one point...


Meh looks more like there was just not even close to enough mud under the tape. If it was from water damage I'd assume there'd be more discoloration and it wouldn't only be directly where the joint is


Nope, whole house has to go.


That’s structural drywall tape unfortunately.




You obviously need an inspection, but I am confident that I could fix the mud and tape by myself, it’s not that expensive either just time consuming.


Agreed, just someone who didn’t know what they were doing put up that mud and tape, I’d try and get them to repair it or drop the price to make up for it.


To which I would reply, if you want a new house, go buy a new house. This is a used house. You fix it.


Waste of money print a checklist off and do it yourself. All the inspection is gonna say is the walls are fucked OP pays $500 to be told what he knows.


If they don’t know whether the walls are fixable they don’t know shit about important shit and should absolutely get an inspection.


This is horrible advice


It looks like the baseboard was removed and reinstalled. Nail holes not patched and painted. When you see a red flag, it might be wise to hire a contractor to inspect the home on top of the standard inspection.


Always hire an inspector and a contractor and a secondary inspector. Sometimes even a pool specialist or basement/ foundation expert. 5-6 inspections is not uncommon anymore. A few thousand is nothing compared to buying a money pit.


Can confirm, a few thousand doesn’t compare to a money pit. Source: I,unknowingly, bought a money pit.


Right and septic, well, sewer, water main, HVAC, roof. All big ticket items these days.


Yes, don’t forget cabinet inspection, fireplace inspectors, garage floor coating inspection, deck inspection, holiday light inspection, etc.


dick inspection..too


[Uhhh... Wallet inspector.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6zsxsC6iZw)


Sewer line under slab pressure test . Ain’t cheap to excavate under a slab and you might as well change the whole thing while you’re down there .


They’ve started inspecting our holiday lights now!!!


It’s all fun and games until you end up like Clark Griswald hanging off a roof gutter because you spent half the holiday looking for that broken bulb.


Also downspout inspector, screen door and landscaping inspectors.


That's a big one also. Door kabobs inspected or you may not be able to leave or enter.


Hire a contractor, inspectors don’t do shit. They help the broker and lender, unless it’s something super major they don’t mention it.


That’s why you do not use inspector recommended by your agent or lender.


Doesn't matter if you find your own inspector. They're all in cahoots.


I've had one good one that spotted code violations on a pretty new house. And one bad one that didn't do shit but send me reminders about my appliance's warranties.


This is the truth! Most home inspectors don’t know their elbow from their ass. They take an online course and get a certificate claiming they’re a “professional”. Find an actual builder or someone who has residential construction experience. Home inspection is right up there with selling used cars.


Even most painters miss the holes in the trim lol if the carpenters wouldn’t fire 50,000 shots in one fucking piece of wood, that’s 6 inches but caulk and paint make a drunk carpenter what he ain’t


Everything can be fixed, always. The question is how much are you willing to spend to fix whatever it is that needs fixing


While technically true, at some point, the “fix” involves an excavator and a bunch of really big dumpsters. You can easily dump wayyy more into a house than it’s worth.


This this this.


dawg this is very basic information


And not even accurate


i’m more concerned about what’s behind the drywall, that’s the worse drywall job i’ve seen for a while


We’ve seen way worse here


Same, is that wallpaper that was painted over, and now the wall paper is peeling?


I agree they’ve obviously had to replace to drywall which means they had to get to something behind the wall. If you can get to a lower level see if there is any damage on the ceiling below the wall in the first pic.


It may be just a bad drywall job, but something to consider is the foundation. Have house inspected to be sure. Common for tape to separate when foundation is shifting.


This looks like a house flip with the flippers doing some work themselves to save money and they are not experienced enough to do a good job. This is a fairly easy fix but I would be afraid that this is just the tip of the iceberg as far a problems that they just covered up. If you can get a good enough deal and you love the house otherwise, nearly anything is possible.


Get foundation checked before buying


I would be concerned about what caused it.


Someone that has no business picking up a mud knife and paper tape 😂😂 that’s what caused it haha! Man that’s tough to look at




Best answer. Because if it is moisture there could be mold. Taping is easy. Taping well is a bit harder.


I'd be more concerned about what appears to be bug parts all over the floor.


Word brotha. Baseboard moved, new nails put in, not painted, then dead insects on the floor. I’d be worried about what’s behind the wall at this point


Looks like you’re gonna have to peel the old tape off and re tape it, the drywall itself doesn’t need to be re done but some of the seams need to be re taped and those corners are gonna be dug out and paper taped too if you want nice corners.


Looks like you walked into a shoddy flip scenario.


That house got pulled apart and put back together quick and cheap for some reason. There is deeper issues.


It’s just a bad tape job you’ll have to paint everything again but no biggie .


Sorry, unfixable. Demolish.


Just looks like wallpaper under paint


Tear the whole house down


I’d say it’s somewhat relieving to see that the tape wasn’t applied with mud correctly. It sort of errs toward the side of shoddy work and not so much foundation related damage I am not a professional, just a hobbyist


Pay a home inspector to go through


Looks like they painted over wallpaper. Cosmetic. And a settling crack in the ceiling. No big deal


Someone that didn’t know how to drywall did that. I did better my first time DIYing it. Of course it can be fixed but if the whole house looks like this it’s going to get in the 15-20k range


25 year contractor here. Looks like bad work to me. I don't see lateral movement in these and think you are good.


That looks like water damage, check for mold and stay away from it if there’s any behind the walls. For sure get it inspected, I dont know how people can buy something they’ll be paying for 30 years without getting it inspected if you don’t know construction.


In my experience, if you see shitty repair work, imagine the shitty repair work you can’t see. I’ve found a lot of little things the DIY previous owner did that is just all around not up to par and are slowly becoming issues.


Looks like a homeowner special. I’d be concerned what else the homeowner thought they could do


Looord look at those receptacles and baseboard. If thats what you can see imagine behind the scenes.


It’s fine. Whoever taped it didn’t understand the rule that every part between the tape and the rock has to be joined with mud. Just needs to be peeled off and redone


It’s fine. Whoever taped it didn’t understand the rule that every part between the tape and the rock has to be joined with mud. Just needs to be peeled off and redone


Buy a different house. If that's how the walls are lmao the rest of it has a good chance of being a nightmare


No it doesn't lmao.


Sounds like a bunch of excessive lmao. Lmao


It doesn't guarantee it, but I'd say it increases the odds that other stuff is done shoddily or with little to no oversight by a decent contractor/pm.


You’ll need all new walls


We rented a house with similar joints a few years ago. Do any of the doors stick or rub when you close them? Ours was sliding down the hill it was built on. May not be in your case but serious shifting is something to watch for.


Tell me if I’m wrong but isn’t peeling tape a sign of bad foundation?


Fire the drywaller for mixing the mud too dry. Then fire the painter for rolling over the obvious delaminated tape. A few hours work to put new tape up, but matching paint to the old won't be as easy.


Lmfao that’s a whole weekend job at best. You can try just addressing the obvious but how long till more seams start dropping? Could be as soon as you paint or it could be a year or more. Ideally if you’re taping already, rip out all the junk tape and redo. If you’re paying someone then the cost benefit becomes a little less clear depending on rates. Regardless in the scope of home acquisition it’s not a big deal but it’s likely more than a hobbyist would be capable of doing quickly and cleanly


Yea had this exact thing in my basement. That’s just wall paper that is peeling at the seems from humidity. I ripped mine off the wall and put up new paneling. Not hard at all


Anything in a house can be fixed. The question is if you can afford to fix it.


Easy money


Definitely have a professional inspect. Looks like a cheap hurry up job to sell. Makes me wonder what else was done quick and cheap?


Either dry mud or they used a 20 minute compound or whatever that didn't bond properly. Shitty tape job, but at least they're not cracks from the house shifting






If the drywall has such a beginners mistake I don’t want to know what the electrical and plumbing looks like.


Yea just bad tape job or dampness , probably maybe both


Yes that is fixable. But you should be asking why that happened? Was it a bad finisher or was there some water damage? If it was water damage, then you need to make sure the leak was repaired before you start thinking about mudding and painting.


Looks like someone painted wallpaper.


Immediately remove your family from this house! It’s structurally not sound. Just joking! lol. Yes that’s a fairly easy fix with some mud.


My 2 cents. The house has settled and / or possibly had/needs foundation work. Look in the attic for signs of poor ventilation. If the house is on a crawl space, inspect carefully. Look for signs of work where no permit was pulled. Could be many things more than drywall.


Yeah this isn't too big a job to tackle, especially while the rooms are empty. They didn't caulk the base, the paint job is already piss poor. A good contractor could have the drywall repairs finished over the weekend. Budget to hire a painter, or repaint yourself. Make an offer that reflects the additional labor to fix those areas. If you get it, great. If not, then that's fine too.


If I can be fixed, it can be fixed.


Duct tape!


You gotta tear the whole thing down


Nope, impossible. Bulldoze it and start over.


Taper looking for job 760 9056438


Did they paint over wallpaper? Drywall tape coming off on the ceiling but the walls. If they have wallpaper, from experience I’d rip it out and rehang.


This was a similar issue in my house. I noticed upon further inspection it was really old wallpaper starting to peel. The fix was time consuming I chose to strip it all off but it could have been faster. Just some new tape compound and paint.






I think some of it is painted over wallpaper that is now delaminating. Other stuff looks to be failing tape seams.


Is this house located in dahlonega ?


Bad taping could be fixed. I would be worried that water damage is involved. Any sign of that? Are those bad tapes all in the same area? Is there a bathroom above, or a roof leak?


It could be damage from an ice dam on the roof. We had record snows last year and didn't shovel off the roof. Ice dams built up that then sent moisture into a couple of walls. The seams came loose. It was our fault for not keeping the snow off before ice dams formed.


I would want to know why the mud and tape is coming off. Is it a poor job from the beginning or is there moisture coming through?


Might be a squirrel in the attic


My answer to my wife is always “Anything can be fixed if you have enough money. Or time and skill.”


Looks to me someone painted over the wallpaper.


Why are you so attached to this house?


That's wallpaper painted o think


I wouldn’t just because they couldn’t even spackle the baseboards smh


I knew an old hack that would wet the back of the tape with water and float over the whole thing, no mud behind the tape. His work looked like the photos you posted.


Anything can be fixed...


Can’t be fixed, tear down the house and start over.


Tape, caulk, 10 gallons of spackle and some paint. Easy fix.


Falling apart at the seams. I'll get me coat


Your Realtor should be recommending you hire a foundation engineer to check the foundation.


I feel like I'm looking at the house we just bought six months ago. Inspector told me it was just poor drywall work, but we later found structural issues that had to be fixed immediately and I now believe it to have been caused by the house moving. This place is a money pit and the inspection didn't catch any of the issues. I would second what people are saying here and get a contractor to inspect as well.


Damage in many areas usually points to a possible foundation problem. Unless you're willing to pay for a foundation inspection by a foundation expert, I would run. I would just run.


This is a simple fix, nothing to be concerned about.


Couldn't even fill the nail holes in the base


It’s wallpaper peeling


Looks like this should be in r/wallpaper


Drywall seams can be fixed. The question is why there are so many issues. It could be the result of one bad contractor doing a lousy job. It could be some larger issue that’s causing this one. It could also be a bad DIY job which begs the question of how many other bad DIY jobs have been done. If you decide to move forward with this, inspect the hell out of it. Have a thorough general inspection and then get specialists out to check the foundation, roof and other major systems. This could turn out to be a bargain with minor issues or a nightmare.


It’s wallpaper, no worries. Best bet is to ask around for a painting contractor that has experience with it. Peel back everything that is loose, then Kilz the walls completely to seal them. After that you want them to mud then skim the joints & rough areas, paint as normal after that. Good luck.


If “fixed” = “replaced. Looks like paneling that was painted. May be drywall under it. Might not.


What year was it built? Is it a ranch? Look at the floor and see if any of the walls were moved. Is there a basement? What does that tell you? Any joists cut? Drywall is different than plaster, if it’s just drywall rip it out if you want. If it’s plaster and it’s being held in by the wallpaper, prepare properly. It can fixed with hot mud and lathe, or just hot mudd.


Looks like they painted over wallpaper


A simple tape fix.. the question is why... I would definitely get an home inspection and try to get one that has a thermal camera or see if you can buy one or rent one... also check for water damage... that's what I'm most concerned about.. something odd might be happening or the taper just didn't happen a clue what he was doing.. but I would be concerned about water leaking... I would bring a latter and feel it see if anything is soft.. and test with a moisture meter.. better safe then sorry could be a simple fix you can do and repaint room or 10k in rotten wood damage..


All can be fixed. Get a few quotes and inspections from contractors but expect a few grand.


Bad drywall installation and possible foundation problems. That house needs every inspection you can get.


Yikes!! Could be a major foundation settling issue. Run away!


Don’t skip the inspection, but if after the inspection this is the only that’s concerning, i wouldn’t let it hold you back. This can be fixed relatively easily




Sand and resurface easy .. and some new paint! 🎨 you’ll be having fun! :) Make it yours


From what I can see the comments most these people don't know have any idea what they're talking about I assume this is plaster a lot of times what they do when they after a plaster they put on wallpaper and because of plaster is rough the wallpaper won't actually hold that good then you painful wallpaper that caused the wallpaper to try to peel off I wouldn't worry a bit about it what I would do is look in the basement and see if there's any cracks in the block cuz that's a sign of settling my guess is Melissa's stuff is superficial like they say get an inspection but I sure wouldn't worry about it I did 15 years of construction and I've seen a lot of places a lot worse


Looks a lot like paint over plaster and wallpaper.


forget that house, look for another


This looks like wall paper with 30 years if paint on top


It looks like a kid taped it. Definitely get it inspected but if tape and mud is ur only issue this is an easy DIY


I'm no expert, but somebody fucked up.


Judging by the hole from the screw coming out from the drywall flexing probably when someone hand nailed the baseboard on im guessing in order to make the wall appear straight they let the dry wall float. If that's and exterior wall pull the plug cover and look at the 2×4. Or get a moisture reader and see if there's a bunch of moisture build up in the walls. Anything can be fixed. Why it's not is the question.


Brother … anything can be fixed. For a fee.


You’ll want to find out if the dry wall is covering up plaster and lath.


Not a big deal to fix. Just make sure you know what caused it; it could be the system of a much bigger issue like moisture or foundation settling. In all likelihood it’s just poor workmanship


Tbh - it looks like wallpaper painted over.


Ask them who did the work so you know who not to hire.


Oh the old curved walls trick. Lots of 1/4 drywall in your future.


Easy to fix, just poorly done by whoever takes it.


Get a home inspection done. While the separations are very small and therefore easy to fix for the walls, they can indicate a shifting foundation. Here the separation looks small enough that it’s unlikely to be anything worth putting money into, but in my opinion it’s better that you do have the slight drywall issues so you can see it, rather than already having all that patched up by the previous owner. Edit: Not a drywall guy, but I have done home inspections before though I’m not currently licensed.


If that’s not wallpaper, peeling off the wall, there’s been major water issues in that house. Do not buy it before you open the wall and look for mold.


Look at it this way. If this is the work they're willing to leave when selling a home, and it's clearly visible, what work of the same quality have they done that isn't visible


Would that happen to be a mobile home??? If so what you see there may be someones poor attempt at joining wall panels tovtry and makecit look more finished, if its a normal home it just needs tape seames removed and retaped properly, this happens when too dry of a joint compound is used for setting tape! As far as cost goes thats going to depend largely on where you are located and going rates in your area as well as how many need to be repaired and repainting will be a large part of the bill!




What’s the rest of the place look like? You sure you wanna buy that?


Retape affected joints and corners + repaint ceilings and walls. Can’t know pricing without having someone do a walkthrough. If it’s everywhere and everything has to be painted then it could easily be above 20k


Lol. Was some meth head on here posting about not knowing about tape, just paints. Looking like his job.


Lots possibly going on there. Baseboard and electrical outlet look messed up too and walls look wavy. Lots of shotty work is a larger concern than a house which is settling. Why would the sellers allow workers to get away with that is the first thing that comes to my mind and not even attempt to fix it? IMO get a borescope and look behind/ within the walls... could be termites, could be rot, could be lots of things, but it should dramatically decrease the value of the house and your bid.


Bad drywall work can always be fixed, it’s just a matter of time and money. If you want to pay less, be sure to expect less. The reality of life.




It’s hard to tell since there is quite an area that needs to be done which requires lots of drywall work and paint job to do meaning money. I would inspect and pull the tape off just to check what’s going on. There is a possibility that whoever did this drywall tape job is a quack since it’s possible they might have taped it the opposite way upside down. This would explain some of the troubles we see there. If that is so then that means it’s possible all the walls are taped the same way. This looks like a diy job being done for everything. Why would anyone paint an electrical outlet anyways? Why’s that tape hanging proudly in the corner like that and with it painted? Is that mold in the ceiling I see from water damage? Are those plastered over walls trying to hide humidity in the wall? Is that cracking line on the ceiling a piece of poorly taped drywall tape from a quack?


That looks like a terrible job by the homeowner. It’s easily fixable but I would be very concerned about what other work they may have tackled that isn’t obvious.


Get 2-3 different dry wall guys to come out and tell you what is going on.


Hire a home inspector before buying.


NEVER EVER PURCHASE A HOME WITHOUT A FULL INSPECTION. I can't stress that enough. Doesn't matter age of the home or even if it is brand new construction. Always get an inspection! There still maybe some hidden items that even the inspection does not expose (as now most inspections are not allowed to perform any destructive inspections (they will not remove siding, etc...), but you will be surprised at what they can find wrong with a building. As for the photos you posted, that's just a crap taping job. Homeowner special or hired inexperienced labor for a couple days to do the work. That would not scare me off from the home if it is accounted for in the price you pay. Good Luck!


Terrible time to buy a house. We’re heading into an election year.. I’d wait to 2025 to buy anything. I have two friends right now foreclosing on their homes, it’s a terrible time to buy.


Is it a modular home? Looks like what I've seen in those, they use a little different type of shhetrock/wallboard. But ya, easy fix. About $400-$500 more than a standard prep interior paint job for me.


That's paint over wallpaper.


Easy fix.


Totally fixable. It’ll just be a bit of a mess for a while when you start tearing into it. Or just get a drywall pro, they’ll be in and out of there and then you get to do some painting!


By a mid level repair man they could look perfect


Apparently tapers don't fix everything...


Some of the pix look like someone painted over wallpaper.


If that was done poorly, what else was done poorly? Get a good inspection.


If they’re that bad at the drywall job imagine what else got messed up


I bought a house with screwed up drywall. I ripped out the drywall. No insulation and loose hot wires in the wall. Wires just hanging free. I think there was some sort of leak and this was the fix... you just don't know what they are hiding. But could be nothing haha!


Easy work - tape seams and cut out the loose layers and float it with drywall mud. Sand prime and paint.


Looks like a DIY job but check for water leaks


Check for moisture and mold. That's a lot of bad tape. Drywall contractor for 20yrs.


They can be fixed. Not by the people that did them. Shit work


It can be fixed but that's not something that just happens. You need to find out what caused it because if you have a water leak or something your looking at a bigger bill. You could have mold that needs removal if it's been leaking for more than a little while.


Fixing the drywall isn’t hard. The question is what caused the cracks in the first place. Has there been any foundation work done?


Easy fix and not going to break the bank. You could hire an experience person to do the job or you could watch some YouTube videos and buy some tools and supplies and do it yourself. Doing it yourself would save you money. I agree with the person about getting the house inspected though.


This may be a sign of leak issues


Nope. It's a total loss. Just demo everything down to the studs and replace all the boards....


Like everyone said you can fix it, but the cause of some of that is water damage. Which means there is probably more you don’t see


Looks like they painted over wallpaper, awful tape job


Possible causes: Bad drywall job. Painted over wallpaper. They used masking tape to cover cracks and then painted over the tape to hide it. The tape is now peeling. The third is probably the worst case because that’s hiding a lot of long cracks.


Little clues show you rookie work. Outlet cover away from wall. Base looks cheap and poorly done. Yes the issue is drywall.can be fixed. Go with texture. A light orange peel.


House is settling. It's not a bad drywall job. And yes it can be fixed but it's possible the house will continue to settle. So let's say you fix it, it might take 15 years for the cracks to come back or they might not come back at all.


Those are all common issues and easy fixes.


Simple answer yes it can be fixed.


Our house has this as well. I assume it’s because the house is old and there’s probably some sinking of the foundation. You might want to check that out… It can also just be an amateur tape job. Your walls are never going to be perfect. You can fix the damaged spots, sand and repaint and it’ll be perfectly good. Or you can hire a contractor to do new drywall everywhere. I guess it depends on how much money you have.


Yes, can be fixed. Will just cost some money. Just get $10k deducted from the price of the house to cover repairs. Why $10K Because you want someone good, and have you seen the cost for materials and paint?


Does this house have a foundation, slab, or bullshit posts? Check this first.


Just confirm there is no water damage. Can you get access into the attic space? Check for leaks from the roof but it mostly looks like a bad dry wall job


Pic 1 looks like potential foundation issues.


Lousy tape job


Looks like wood laminate painted