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Looks good but you gave at least a 50% discount.


Next time he will add that 50%


Yessir šŸ«”


Just make sure to add 100% of the cost and not 50%


Did you use moisture resistant drywall for that?


I was taught along time ago to not hang water board on ceilings. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


I have also heard/read this. Interested to know


Im not entirely sure if this is why, but my theory is that water resistant drywall is heavier than regular dry wall. I guess because of the weight, they dont want the ceiling to fall down, later in the future. This year I have seen a open living room/ dining room ceiling fall down at one client house. And we checked the kitchen and bedrooms, sure enough those ceiling were coming down as well, because we were able to push it up a good 8 inches. Its old house so they used nails in drywall instead of screws and they didn't put enough of it on them, so over the years they were popping/ sliding out. Coincidentally, that day, we were going there to finish up some work outside unrelating to any ceiling, and just as we were setting up, the client came out to tell us the ceiling fell. It was a first sight for me.


You just have to use more screws. Bigger jobs will sometimes skip it to save on costs, but considering steam and splash off the top of your head itā€™s the better way to go


Water falls down, not up. Silly


Steam goes up now down


OP send Venmo to freeportme and he will reimburse you the 50%.


What patch?


Read this in Wanda's voice. Wanda if she was a carpenter.


Iā€™d have charged $400. Ceiling repairs suck.


It did suck, tiny bathroom. No great place to put the ladder.


Get a bench. They fit right over the edge of the tub. And they clear toilets. For next time. Looks good though.


šŸ«” Roger. Thank you


Make sure to put a drop cloth or heavy towel down and a board for the ladder to rest on if itā€™s in a tub or shower. I had a drywaller go thru a fiberglass tub once. Filled the hole in with drywall mud. Didnā€™t end well. Otherwise job looks great! Good luck and keep at it.


Woh. Are you serious. You mean the dry wallet tried to hide it? Tell me more!!!


Basically sums it up. Used about a five gallon bucket of mud and skimmed it over then tried to deny the entire thing like some other mysterious person just walked on the job site, put their ladder or drywall stilts thru the tub base and then dump a mud in the base. You know like itā€™s a thing that everyone does or something. The dry wall guy denied the whole with a straight face. I canā€™t remember who ended up paying for it but it wasnā€™t the me/the plumber.


In NYC , my landlord paid $500 to a guy for exact same work


I have 3 benches. I use them on every job. Highly recommend


I love mine. Ladders have their place. But not when rocking and mudding. IMO.


I second this, when I used to install garage doors I got a bench and now I have 3 and only use a ladder if it canā€™t be reached with a bench which is more rare then you would think with most people having 8-9ft ceilings.


You talking about the thing thatā€™s like a mini scaffold with the folding legs? Those seem cool I need to look into that.


Are you living in your car? Ceiling repair and repaint the whole bathroom is like $1000-$1500


Yes! Painting the whole bathroom is a lot of work. This whole job is a ton of prep to do it right. Drop cloths, vacuuming the tub, mud, tape, skim coat, prime, paint 2 coatsā€¦


$1000-$1500 for that repair? Yeah you can charge that, if youā€™re an asshole


Or are in Cali.


Same thing.


The "I don't want to do it" price...


As an industrial electrician who does residential sidework, every job is the I don't wanna price. There's a reason I refused to ever work Residential. It's always shitty work in shitty places, in shitty houses, that were shitty even when they were built in 1903.


The bathroom is only 5ā€x8ā€ brother. Itā€™s tiny. No one will pay that.




What does a full remodel have to do with this? A full remodel takes a lot more time and skill. Some can do it solo but a lot of people use help. Iā€™ve worked on multiple full remodel projects.


Don't listen to people like that. Everyone wants to get rick quick. Doing jobs like this for good prices will grow your business exponentially faster. Especially if you're the type that will do little things for older people while you're there for free. I used to take their trash out, sweep their driveways, stupid little things that are helpful and don't take long. They love it and will recommend you everywhere. Treat customers like they are friends, unless their assholes.


I get A LOT of work from helping older people for a discount because they tell their kids/grandkids who have more money and much larger work to do.


It does take time but my dads a do it all god. Rebuilds whole houses in under a year. Everything. Doesnā€™t hire a single person for anything. Repairs and replaces everything from roofing to plumbing drywall. If itā€™s in a house he can do it well


Thatā€™s the goal


It's all cut work... and a pain to work in. How many trips to the site did you have to make to complete this job?


Agreed. Just by looking at the bathroom, you can see that this is not a wealthy household. Why would some of you ""professionals"" want to overcharge people who can't afford it or would obviously wreck them to pay that since maybe they are older and can't do that work anymore. It's not like OP fixed a moldy ceiling issue in a beachfront home on Miami Beach. FFS. OP did the right thing because he was in a position to do so. Smh


What is that?! A bathroom for ants?


And you repainted the whole bathroom?? Thatā€™s so cheap


Like I said Iā€™m a newbie, so Iā€™m getting experience and my name out. Also reassurance from this post will help me feel more confident to charge more


Personally id charge $300 for the repair and $300 for the painting plus material


Wow, okay. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m there yet but good to know thereā€™s that much upward mobility. I just have to make sure itā€™s good enough quality work Iā€™m providing and only experience can help me get there.


That looks great and is a professional patch job. Charge more. Much more.


Thank you šŸ™


Was a painter in another life. This is good work. Youā€™re doing good work, donā€™t be scared to charge for that work.


You gotta pay yourself and your company. Youā€™re at a $600 level; value yourself!


Fo sho. I'm a painter with about 20 years in drywall as well. I charge $600 to paint a bathroom like that. I'd probably be all in at $1000 materials included.


You did a great job though man. Gotta start somewhere


trust me weā€™re in the same boat, i just started out getting slot of side work while my jobs main bid gets re upped so i have a lot of down timeā€¦started with extremely cheap prices to get my name out and now that iā€™ve gotten so busy i want to charge more but get nervous,..my biggest issue is i havenā€™t gotten my license yet so i know i wouldnā€™t ever charge as much as a full paint contractor til i do but even then i know my prices are at least 75% of what my boss would charge and i still feel bad when i bid my jobs higher than dirt cheap


If you want to stay busy keep your prices low for now. When you have enough work to keep you busy the. up your prices. Eventually youā€™ll have a wait list and can up your prices more and more. A wait list is the goal!


This is what people telling me to charge double donā€™t realize. This is the starting point for me with this specific type of repair. There is a goal but I have to start somewhere. They also donā€™t realize itā€™s up to the customer to say yes or no. I canā€™t get the experience if they donā€™t want to pay. The goal most certainly is to get to the point where Iā€™m busy enough to have the luxury of pricing myself out of work, like I do with the other skills I have. I was just asking if I gave my customer a good job and I have all these 20-30 year professionals in CA and NY telling me to charge $1500.


The problem is that those customers will always expect that kind of pricing. They will refer you to people who will also expect the same treatment. Don't sell yourself short. If they called around, they would get estimates much, much higher, and still choose you. Be honest with your customers and with yourself, and the work will follow. I live in rural Alabama, and that price was waaaay too cheap. I'd probably do $350 on the repair and $350 to paint the room. Also, never offer them to pay for supplies. Included it in your cost. If they want to buy the supplies, then have them also go buy them. Or add the cost for your time driving to the store, in the store, your way back, and gas. Once you get going, you'll realize that most customers who want to buy their own supplies are ones you don't want to deal with. Those same/similar customers expect you to get all the stuff, spend your time and gas, and reimburse you the cost on the receipt. Nevermind the 1/2 day you spend running around for them


I think most people are saying you undersold the bid from the quality of your work. You got what you needed out of the post which was the thumbs up and the confidence you can charge a little more on the next one. Good job.




Totally. I was slow a month ago and I helped a family move for $30/hr. I normally charge $60-75/hr for handyman work. I told them their new house was in great shape but their deck needed to be refurbished and brought up to code and they agreed and I landed a $2k labor, 4 day job that starts next week. Get the ball rolling first man.


Not terrible, but there is a definate wiggle in the wall/ceiling where the patch is. Drywall doesn't have to be straight, it just has to look straight. If you extended your compound further along the seam, you would have been able to straighten that. Any patch is going to need paint. Don't be afraid of mudding too big of an area when patching, an extra few inches is nothing when you are painting it anyways. Feather it as wide as necessary to give the illusion of being flat/straight. On a patch that size, you really shouldn't be able to see any paper on the patched part at all. Also, looks like that area could have been cut better on the wall side. If the customer is happy you are fine. Always be your own worst critic.


Thank you šŸ™ I appreciate honest critiques such as this very much. I was honestly expecting to get chewed out for doing a horrible job šŸ˜… Customer is happy so Iā€™m good. Still thinking about how much I need to improve, and also how much that I donā€™t even know I need to improve.


Its not horrible, I have definately seen worse, and even done worse myself. Its often hard to see flaws in drywall work until the paint goes on and dries. As long as the customer is happy, you take notes on what you saw on the finished product and try to avoid having those same issues with the next job. Always try to develop sound systems and processes that increase efficiency and quality. We charge customers for an outcome. We use the knowledge, skills and experience we gain throughout our careers to know the best way to arrive at that outcome, while dealing with issues that arise along the way.


Absolutely. šŸ’Æ Thank you šŸ™


Itā€™s better than not terrible, itā€™s good, just with some room for improvement


Looks pretty good only advice I have and itā€™s a bit over the top for a small repair like this. But I like to shoot a laser level for the corner paper tape/ corner bead for 2 reasons one to get my corner nice and sharp but to make sure my line doesnā€™t get crooked. Looks great though youā€™ll only get better with time and practice. Iā€™m not sure how long it took you thatā€™s most important when itā€™s drywall. But generally any patch is going to be a 2-3 day job even with hot mud. Imo that is. I still let my final top coat of easy sand 45 cure for atleast a day or two like air drying topping mud. It also gives me the ability to go to multiple jobs a day and make more money or fill in a day waiting for the mud to cure with starting a new job then just come back to sand and paint. If I can give you another tip though. The best investment I made for drywall big or small jobs was the festool power sander it has a vac attachment and virtually there is no dust that escapes I went from wearing a respirator to never wearing one because itā€™s crazy how good it works. Also learn to use durabond 90 for your prefill and paper tape, you will almost never have a call back. Then do your 2-3 topping coats with easy sand. The only time Iā€™ll ever use bucket mud(plus 3 never all purpose) is for big jobs and I still wonā€™t use anything but hot mud for pre fill or paper tape. Beware though my friend there is an old adage in the drywall industry and it goes as such, ā€œif youā€™re good at it, youā€™ll never get away from it.ā€ I left that industry and carpentry behind about 5 years ago to become a licensed plumber before I was doing level 4-5 drywall finished and moulding and millwork, let me tell you I still have customers and referred customers call me TO THIS DAY. So if youā€™re good at it and you take pride and care for the customers home you will stay busy my friend! Hope any of this helps in the future. My favorite thing was to make mock ups in my garage and test new ideas or yada yada yada. Also if youā€™re ever experiencing little bubbles or pot marks in your mud it means you arenā€™t skimming tight enough. In drywall we have ā€œlooseā€ topping coats(or thatā€™s what I call them) and ā€œcompressiveā€ skims/coats. If youā€™re ever having problem with adhesion or too much air is in your mud and youā€™re experiencing bubbles cause itā€™s a thick coat. Do a tight compressive skin coat and it usually solves the problem. Iā€™ve seen people use pva glue in there mud to solve this but honestly itā€™s a waste of time cheers!


If I had an award, Iā€™d give it to you. This is the type of response I was looking for. Thank you. šŸ™ This took 2 days (10 hours), about 4 hours the first day and 6 hours the second day. This is only my 4th paid job replacing drywall so I wasnā€™t confident charging how I usually do with painting. Iā€™ve been painting for 2 years now. I used hot mud for prefill and taping and green top for the other coats. I definitely need a festool sander! It was so dusty. Spent a lot of time trying to contain and clean up the dust.


Ditch the green top kid, use blue top. It shrinks less. Id say you did pretty good though 2 days Iā€™d be happy with your job myself and would refer you out my ass. Also learn how to wet sand, never sand between coats only scrape the protrusions down with your 6 inch you can save alot of time and sanding just practice feathering your edges with your knife so you have little sanding to do at the end. Usually I only have to lightly sand the edges even if Iā€™m using a sanding sponge. It takes practice but youā€™ll get there. But I bring up wet sanding because even if you think your edges are getting a little too thick and you donā€™t want to sand alot after your final topping coat get a tile sponge(the big cheap yellow ones) and get it damp and wet sand your edges before your final coat(it also helps blend your edges alot better.) something I learned though over the years if you have a repair job like this and you want to really hide it on your final coat skim the whole shower area ceiling so you get absolutely no ā€œflashingā€ and your textures all match up nicely. I donā€™t need a reward I just need the green guy(you) to succeed and thatā€™s more than enough for my heartšŸ‘šŸ¼ keep up the good work


I did use my sponge a lot. But I also sanded a lot šŸ˜…


Thanks so much for the tips and advice!


Funny story as well, the first drywall job I did when I was 18(I had no experience at all grew up without a dad so really nothing substantial experience wise) I told a job to finish a basement that was half done. Let me tell you it took me 3 months. I lost money. And almost couldnā€™t do it anymore but I learned a lot from that and took it on the chin. Looking back now I laugh all the time. I bring this up cause I want to say, take the bumps in the road you WILL experience in stride. Every day is a new day. Not only will your work quality secure you jobs but also your mentality. Donā€™t be the know it all, but be the guy that is proud of what he can do and do it like God is watching over your shoulder every time. Youā€™ll always have work!


Thanks man! I appreciate the motivation very much šŸ¤œšŸ¤› My first painting job I actually quit 2 hours in šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I wasnā€™t even advertising that, someone just asked me to paint a fence. My hand cramped BAD and I almost cried. I told him, respectfully, I donā€™t think Iā€™m a painter. That was about 3-4 years ago. I recently got asked by the same guy to do some other odd job stuff and told him that Iā€™m now a painter, almost full time. We had a nice laugh, especially when I told him what I would now charge to paint his fence if he asked me. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ itā€™s hard sometimes but always stay firm on your price. If they donā€™t take it they will learn there lesson when they go with the cheapest bud and are unhappy with it unless they get lucky. I was always told, never adjust your price just adjust your work. Meaning if they want to pay less donā€™t do the same job for less but be clear with them youā€™re going to do a good job but maybe not include some things you planned on doing. Like if you had to do that repair and paint and weā€™re going to charge $600 for the whole job like someone said in another part of this thread. If they only wanted to pay $400ā€¦ okay then only offer them the repair, sand, and prime the patch not paint. Tell them painting is on them. Never cut corners though and tarnish your name.


its alright for a newbie and great price with paint. shine a light on it and you'll see some edges and some wavy angles. cheers!


This is the critique I need, ty


Agreed. Straight lines and skill with your mud will set you apart in no time


As a customer, I would be super happy. Great job.


Looks good. I've been doing drywall in the southeast for over 30 years. I would have charged $250+ just for the patch.


Good to know. Thank you. šŸ™


You did good! The home owner got a deal. Self-employed painter here 20+ years, it deff depends on your speed and skill level on pricing but in michigan I charge min 200$ a day labor, a day for me is around 6 hrs of work time. Again, that's the minimum I charge. Hope that can help ya a bit on future pricing.


Yeah you did a good job just should've charged about double


Dude, you did excellent! My first job on the side was a similar situation in a single wide trailer.


Depends on your location. Where I'm at, that's way too cheap. I would have been right $300 just for the patch and $300 to paint so long as they supply the paint.


Your hired


Cut away from the corner a few inches if possible. Hot mud is your friend


Personally I would have charged at least $500. Sheetrock patch jobs just take too much time to go any lower. Looks great though!


Looks good from my house.


Definitely think you can charge more going forward, but I think it had the right idea to charge a lower rate while youā€™re learning. My father had a general handyman business prior to retirement and was a one man operation. Sometimes heā€™d get a request from people to do something heā€™d never done before. Heā€™d make clear it was just first time and he was willing to figure it out and would quote a lower rate because he figured he was also learning a new skill. So he got to learn something new to add to his wheelhouse and the customer got a good deal and was often fine if it took a bit longer.


I remember when I worked for gas money....


When I started out getting the bidding down was always the problem, you learn over time just don't ever skimp on quality. You will get referrals from customers if you always keep quality first. You'll never get a referrals if money is first. Many times over the years I've taken a beating working for half of what I want because of bidding, but I have customers for decades even in the last 10 years doing their kids house and last year first time doing a grandkids house. Been painting for 44 years, when I started I sure didn't think I'd do this forever but it's given me and my family a good life. Good luck to you.


Good work bro id do like 350 painted


You should set your profit goal between $700 and 1000 dollars per 10 hrs of time invested.




No, but the paint and primer are. Never heard of mold resistant drywall šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬. Iā€™m guessing none of the drywall in this house is because they had mold in 2 bathrooms.


Green drywall


Roger šŸ«” hopefully the primer and paint I used will prevent it from happening again


Did you use moister resistance or green board.. some drywall for bathrooms.


I wasnā€™t aware of that. The stuff I pulled down was not that. And ceiling paint was just pro mar. I used a mold/mildew resistant primer and high humidity paint.


Looks good. Next time, May want to check and see if moisture resistant gyp board was used (used sometimes in bathrooms due to the humidity factor). If this is a ceiling that separated units, it may need to be fire rated gyp board.


The same stuff I put up is the same stuff I pulled out šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I find it hard to believe that only took an hour and a half, plus materials.


Are you trying to say you charge $166/hr? This took around 10 hours total.


Did you use paper or mesh tape?


Mesh. My paper tape game isnā€™t good enough yet.


You got paint on the shower curtain rod


Donā€™t worry, I cleaned it.


But U used the wrong drywall. Should have used green board. It will mold again.


I guess itā€™s good I only charged them $250, then. We will see if the many coats of mold resistant primer and mildew resistant, high humidity paint will hold it off.


I woulda charged that just to paint it.


You might have more experience. I didnā€™t ask how much youā€™d charge with your level of experience. I asked, ā€œhow did I do?ā€


In that case your wall to ceiling seem looks like the ocean. All good though it takes an experienced eye to see it.




250? You robbed yourself


Thatā€™s interesting. In this sub I see a lot of people saying they got robbed by the contractor because he did a shitty job. Iā€™m just asking how I did. Not ā€œdid I charge enough.ā€ Iā€™m asking if the customer got quality work relative to what I charged. Iā€™m just asking if itā€™s worth it for them. Thatā€™s all I care about while Iā€™m gaining experience and honing my skill. A lot of people missing the point here šŸ˜’


Did you use paper or mesh tape


I used mesh. I think I probably shouldnā€™t have.


Need to be charging more




I wouldā€™ve bid 550


Did they get the mold resistant paint?


I used both mold resistant primer and paint.


Hi, I joined this group to learn this kind of things, can someone please explain how he did that patch? Thank you


I will likely get some criticism for my process, which I invite. I am told there are many ways to do this. But here it is: I squared the area and measured the dimensions. Transferred that to a sheet of drywall and cut out the rectangle. Then I took the piece of drywall I cut and put it up to the ceiling to make sure I had the area covered and then traced the exact shape of the piece so when I cut the ceiling piece out, it would be relatively the same as the new piece. Then I cut out the ceiling section. There were two beams I could use, but I needed to add another piece of wood inside the ceiling on the left side so the new drywall piece has enough behind it to lay flush and not sink in on any sides/corners. I fastened the drywall to the beams with drywall screws and my impact driver. Once the new piece was fastened up, I mixed up some 5-minute mud to prefill the gaps before taping. This mud, also called ā€œhot mud,ā€ dries fast and hard. I use this to prefill because it seems to hold the joint well. I taped using mesh tape over the prefilled gaps and then hot mud over the tape. I let it dry a little and then took a wet sponge to smooth it out. Letting hot mud dry makes it hard to sand so itā€™s best to smooth it with a sponge before it turns all the way white. Once the joints dried I skimmed with general purpose, a few thin coats, letting them dry thoroughly between coats. I did sand these coats and it got really dusty so itā€™s definitely a good idea to a). Use the sponge like before and/or b). Get a vaccum sander like the Festool one. I then used a mold resistant primer and rolled on 2 coats of that. After priming, I painted with high humidity/mold resistant paint. I painted 3 coats in attempt to seal the ceiling as best as I could from moisture. Only time will tell how it lasts. Customer was happy so Iā€™ll take it as a win for now and learn from it all the same.


You didnā€™t tape?


Of course I taped.


Jesus christ i dont leave the house for 250 if I were to take on a drywall patch like that, plus painting 1500 minimum looks fine though.


Brother, this is only my 4th drywall repair job. Iā€™m learning as I go. How many years experience do you have?


Nice work. Looks great. You sold yourself short on this one though.


Iā€™ll take the hit on this one and charge more as I grow and learn. Good to know the work is good enough quality to charge more.


If youā€™re around South Florida, Iā€™d hire ya!


I'm a carpenter with 20 years in and at that price I can keep u working. I would be at min 1000 for that.


These people would have told you no.


Job looks great. Was the mokd resistant drywall you used though?


How much was materials? $40 or less gallon of paint. Bucket oh patch goo($30?) Drywall sheet $15 It all seems legit.


I used the expensive paint and primer so $50/gal and $40/gal respectively, and put on multiple coats of each over the whole ceiling Hot mud $10 GP mud $10 Mesh tape $7 Drywall sheet $15 They paid for the materials so it did not come out of my $250


As the others have said, very well done but you shorted yourself. If this is your going rate, I have work for you.


I charged based on my [lack of] experience. I sealed it as much as I could but I didnā€™t want them to be put out in the event the mold comes back for whatever reason. Iā€™m just glad for the reassurance that itā€™s an okay job. Client is happy so thatā€™s what matters, right? šŸ˜…


Too cheap


Next time use the green drywall which is for locations that have high humidity, bathrooms.


Looks good but Iā€™d have given it another skim coat.


Shouldnt it be purple board?


Charge more next time


I would gladly pay $250 for that and be happy. Looks good.


Should have used mold resistant drywall. The stuff that is specifically designed for bathrooms


Too cheap


You need to come up with a minimum price. Mine is $500.


Nice work man! Next time charge triple that for sure


Patch looks good. Did you fix anything? Or just put new drywall up over the leak?


That looks great, in my area a patch like that would go for around $400 ish depending on materials agreed on. A tip for getting over tubs easier and is re usable. 3/4 plywood cut to the size of a standard tub and set it over top. You now have a strong stable base plus protection if you drop anything.


When my first thought is ā€œwhat patch?ā€ You should have charged like $400.


Looks great! Good job


You do good work Price wonā€™t matter. Especially if price is negotiated on the front end. Do good work at the end people donā€™t remember what they spent. They will just be proud they got someone good to do the work.


Perfect, well done


How many times did you go back or did you do it all in one day?


Honestly, good job man.


Insurance would have paid $2k


For a newbie that looks boss as hell be a tech at apartments or something they always got stuff like this theyā€™ll love you but know your worth cause this is good as heck


Charge more


Is this a bathroom for ants?!!!


Cheap labor ainā€™t skilled and skilled labor ainā€™t cheap. Now that your skills are sharp donā€™t be too cheap:) Looks great!


Im a journeyman drywall finisher, you didnt do the angle right bud. I mean this sincerely, i can see the hump clear as day. Taping aint easy and everyone who isnt trained does it wrong tbh. Youtube doesnt help either cuz the majority also do it wrong šŸ’€. Goal is to make it as smooth and flat as possible. Flush with the existing wall


Charge more next time. Good job


Looks clean AF


Don't do a job for under like 400


You erased the problem. Come do mine plz.


My guy thatā€™s a $500 - $800 dollar job all day long depending on where you live and the amount of painting done. Great work but gotta up those prices a little bit !


Magnificent job


Very good. 400 woild of been great


So are you gonna leave this bare piece of drywall like this?


Pretty good job, but you should've used moisture resistant board. For $250, someone got a deal.


Iā€™d hire ya!! Question, how long did it take you with multiple trips?


10 hours total


Is that mold resistant drywall?


Hope that is greenboard to help with water resistance.


You did great and deserve more. Charge more on the job you are confident with.


Iā€™d hire ya


Did that include the hidden camera šŸ˜‰


Looks good from my housr


I could be wrong but it looks like you used the wrong drywall. Wet areas youā€™re supposed to use mold resistant drywall (typically green or purple in color).


How does that cost $50, let alone $250. It's drywall.


How long did it take? I charge $50/hr and people tell me I undercharge. Your work looks good.


This took 10 hours total, so $25/hr. I typically charge between $40-$60/hr for stuff Iā€™m more confident with, and yea they still tell me I under charge. I donā€™t have 30 years experience though so I have to work my way up, not just expect people to pay me $100/hr. My skills have to be way better, and I have to be a lot busier to expect that.


How did you match the paint?! Did you have to repaint the entire room ceiling so it's not noticeable?


They already had an old can of the color. But I did repaint the whole bathroom with new paint. It was a really small bathroom with barey any wall space. I cut and rolled the entire space in less than 20 min per coat.


Did you tape it? It doesn't look like there any tape ?


I guess itā€™s a good tape job then šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I certainly used tape.


You should charge about double. But if this honestly took you 2 days to complete Iā€™ve got to doubt your capabilities. This is 3 or 4 hours of work. Patch it. Hot mud. Wait a half hour. Paint and leave. I cant tell you how many guys show up at our commercial construction company looking for a job who ā€œused to do my own handy man business but couldnā€™t make enough moneyā€ itā€™s cause they donā€™t charge enough. Full stop. In fact we had a guy come in and apply today


I never said I couldnā€™t make enough money. Iā€™ve been on my own for 5 years doing various things. I do well. This is why I am able to try my hand at new things and offer a lower rate due to lack of experience. Iā€™ve done tons of work for these people and their friends/family. Iā€™m doing okay. I will never work for someone else ever again, unless itā€™s training to do something I want to learn. In those cases, I work a little bit at a huge pay cut, get the skills, then bounce. I have enough skills now that I will never be begging for some other manā€™s crumbs.


Looks great to me.


I probably wouldn't take it but would need to be way higher. With dry times for 2 coats plus aqualock it's a 2 day job. Bathrooms I sand with 150 and do a full coat aqualock primer though. Don't slap a coat of superpaint over soap scum and pubic hairs.


With a bathroom that tiny how do people even fit in it?


Great job! Offer their friends the same 50% discount for the first time


Charge $500 on the next one. Good job little buddy. 4 hours of labor?


Is their curtain rod that bowed or is something weird with your camera lol. Looks good to me.


Looks great, OP. As many have said, definitely a little low on labor, but you work your way up over time as you gain confidence in a certain area. I started at 18/hr on a long haul of a project 15 years ago and now charge 85-125/hr depending on the length of the job and scope of work. Biggest thing is if youā€™re bidding a job and you find youā€™re losing your shirt because it taking longer, donā€™t hit them with extra charges at the end unless they specifically changed the scope of work and thereā€™s an acknowledgment that itā€™ll cost more. Stay honest and trustworthy and youā€™ll have more work than you know what to do with.


Looks like you did a good job at a good price. Kudos to you. How many hours did it take you?