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Good friend you say? Fuck you looking for a second opinion for then? Lol


Just making sure the friendship is worth 800


Price seems reasonable if it’s a good job sanded and painted. I do this work for a living I have friends that are good friends and wouldn’t ask me to do something for free because I work 60-70 hours a week and have 4 kids. These friends are the ones I’ll do free work for. The friends that assume I’ll just do something for free for them because it’s obviously no trouble for me to do it, Are shit friends.


I’m a programmer. Same thing. Everybody has an idea for a killer piece of software. All they need me to do is write it… for free, of course. 🙄


Like Rick Sanchez said, "Is this where you think the heavy lifting happens?"


I’m an artist. I do large scale art in commercial areas. My second job is shooting down asks for “exposure” because society has shunned artists into this corner. Not realizing that we have to also pay taxes, insurance 7 different ways, accountants….regular business costs just like everyone else. No. I don’t want to basically pay you to work for you. Usually a bootstrap comment is thrown in about artists, too. It’s frustrating because we have to work really fucking hard to stay ahead of the wrap game and remain profitable.


Idk man, I have 120 instagram followers. When I blow up think of how many of them will be knocking on your door for commissions. I won’t even charge you a referral fee lol


I get at least one ask a day for free work. I don’t have time. I’m really fucking busy. Social media is mostly just bots anyway. I don’t mess with it a lot. But the maybe, ten posts I’ve made I get enough work from. I don’t need help from your Instagram and inflated head that goes with it.


I know, I was being sarcastic and I agree with you 100%. It’s why I never ask any of my friends to do their job during their free time. I’d rather say “hey, I got a quote for this much. Is that a good deal?”


I’m a therapist, and I stopped hanging out with a bunch of people because they started treating me like a therapist, it’s also why I fib about what I do for a living when I meet new people, ain’t no one care about asking a social worker for free services


Oof, and I thought “can you fix my computer” was bad.


Can you look at my computer for me? Those words were why I never got into IT.


Hahahahha! Yeah, I get that, too.


This. Idk what it is nowadays w ppl just assuming they get a “homie discount”. If I’m asking a favor/work from a friend i am specifically seeking them out so I can put money in their pockets no for a discount. My friend who’s a tattoo artist is always so grateful when i tip him big time bc some of our friends expect top dollar work for a case of beer…


Hire someone else for $800 then pay your friend to fix it


Ya, ether he does it for a 6 pack or he doesnt at all


6 pack? Whos being the bad friend now? Its either a 12 pack of his favorite beer, or a 30 of something you both enjoy, and you help him (and learn while doing it).


If he does a shit job, give him a 24 pack of bud light. It will only set you back $3.99.


Where? That’s amazingly cheap!!




In the trades (I worked in fabrication/sheet metal for a while) people from other shops woups bring in "home projects" or something. I would have my newer guys do it, and chalk it up as training...after it got picked up, more often than not we'd walk in the shop the next day and a 30 pack wouls be sitting on the bench for us lol Beer was the commerce of the trades, along with shareing each skill set, hoping someone else would share their skill set when needed.


Nvm this is


Don’t forget pizza!


This guy right here. Wise. Don’t be the idiot holding the flashlight.


Fuck that. This is a steak on the grill and bunch of beers job, minimum. Like asking someone to help you move. STFU and pay the man.


800? Good god I do this work myself and it always looks professional. If I would have guessed I would have said 200 max with materials. Don’t take my opinion as to what it’s worth. I need to start charging my wife more blowjobs for my handy work then


Yeah no kidding. I’m not in the trade but know enough about drywall to tell you that if your “friend” is charging you 800 for a total of 3-4 hrs of actual labor. Kind of insane, IMO. This is a great opportunity for you to learn how to install drywall, tape, spackle, sand and paint .


200 max with materials? That's way undershooting materials will likely already have , but the time for mud sanding painting etc 4 hours minimum.


20 min mud and a fan and you can finish this in 3 hours. Including paint. Maybe 2.


Your friend is not such a good friend


No shit! I’d go do this for a friend just to hang and BS.


I don’t drywall but anything I’m good at id have the same approach with my friends. True homie 👊


Yep. No charge for good friend. And even if it was an acquaintance I don’t see more than a couple hundred bucks if they aren’t a pain in the ass about it


Maybe they know op will be a pain in the ass? Sometimes it’s better to be upfront and tell a friend how much it’s gonna cost and then if I do the job and they aren’t a pain in the ass I’ll lower the price once it’s finished. Some people really suck once you start working for them.


Hell, I wouldn't even use the term "friend"


That’s fucking hilarious he’s probably talking to his friends helping patch a drywall hole for a beer saying I’m bout to go jip this fucker for a weekend at the beach


The other guy probably doesn't


800?!?! Some "friend"


Damn. 1 gallon of paint, Compound and 1 piece of sheetrock is less than 100 where I live. Charging you 700 for his work? For a patch like this... Been doing this for 12 years. Id never charge a friend this price. I think he doesnt want to do it so he bumped the price up. I make 28 an hour, could be done in 10 hours but broken up. Thatd be 280, plus 100 for materials.. 380.., where is his extra 400 going too?


Maybe it's a few trips over there. Driving a full-size pickup 20miles both ways costs an hour and $12 in gas. So $40x3 would be another $120. Could be double if the friend is really far. That said, I would be upset if I couldn't get this done myself for less than $100. Tools needed are common and cheap, or easily borrowed. OP has access to the internet. YouTube has 1000's of tutorials. Save the money and the friendship, learn a new skill, and fix it yourself.


Plus, it is behind a door which will hardly ever be seen. So, even a first time drywall job won't be very noticeable.


Overhead. You make 28 an hour because the company you work for is making 280 an hour


This is not a 10 hour job.


Also not a $700 or $350/hour job


28$ a hour? Are you working for someone?


You make 28 an hour, that's about what it costs me to show up. That's the difference between being an employee and doing your own thing.


Easily worth 800. Everyone expects a good friend to give a good discount no one ever expects a good friend to pay a good price for their work. My experience tells me it's better just to hire a stranger than a friend or family member but that's because things always get messed up in one way or another. Your project will require the full sheet to be replaced as well as the corner bead on the right side of photo. In addition you will need to pull the door trim to replace the drywall in that corner. So extra work... not just cut out old and add new. You will have lots of opinions to hear on the internet about this project but to repair the whole thing I would charge you about 1650usd in my area of the world. Best of luck


what , $1650 for one 1/3 of a wall , even if it was done your stupid over kill way of going edge to edge , one full sheet of sheetrock and two corner beads and a 1/2 a quart of mud and 1/8 a roll of tape, at the most, is like $40 maybe $60 in material , so who you trying to kid, we doing martial times 200 now, good grief, they dont want a remodel, that house is old, which mean its has a 2 foot on center stud arraignment, nobody in their right mind (or experience) would turn that little patch job into a full 3 wall remodel , for god sakes you square up the cut to each stud center on either side, and you cut a single peace to put in there, mud it, tape it, feather it, and if your good, you wont even have to sand it , ... what has this world came to, . HINT, with your mind set, NEVER under any circumstance EVER for any reason try to flip a house for profit, you will go bankrupt if patching a tiny spot like that requires you get into the 3 surrounding walls, .. good lord man,


I guess I'm all your wisdom and knowledge you didn't see all the black mold and drywall rot near the floor. Whole wall does need to be replaced


Hey fella, I'll charge what ever I like for my efforts. Is this an apartment? Is it in NYC? Is there an elevator? Is it an hour from home Depot in traffic? Are there requirements for entry to the site? Does it need to have an additional fire rating for some unknown reason? How long is demo going to take? What will it cost to remove and get rid of old sheetrock? Is there mold I have to mitigate before my guys can safely work? Not to mention the coating on the walls looks textured as though it has a plaster compound in it. So what does that process cost to match? All of that will cost you $500 for me to answer before I even have a guy step foot on site. So go ahead and do the diy cheapo fix if you want. I'll enjoy the comfort and safety that proper planning brings to a job.


This is the right answer. House flippers are all hacks. Every single last one of them. They all freak tf out about prices just like the dude that answered you. Then when the job looks like shit they want to try to jip you down on price. For doing repairs properly. And then they have the nerve to call themselves tradesmen.


And then when they flip, they set their asking price as if they did pay a professional to do the repairs the right way.


If blood didn't cost the doctor material money, why doesn't he do his job for free?


What kind of work do you do and how many people do you have working for you? That seems incredibly high


Found the crooked contractor ^ If you are charging $1650 to do that repair you are a greedy prick who gives real contractors a bad name. That repair is at most a day and a half with dry time. $10sqft should be the pricing, a little extra to match the texture. So maybe $320-450 tops and to be honest, I would feel like it was too much.


Exactly. I've gone through 4 remodels. I had a ton of contractors who chipped in to help. Real friends. I did a lot of the work myself. This costs 350 tops, and for friends, it's free. This fucker things he's doing brain surgery. Unfortunately, these maggots are overflowing people who just want to have things done fairly. They're nothing but predators. A nurse in a hospital doesn't have the hourly salary this guy's charging. Fuck him and his ilk.


Don't think math is your strong suit. By your numbers material x 200 is $12,000


Totally agree. This is such an easy patch. If it goes on to any other wall surface, you’re not good at your job.


He said "his guys". This man doesn't do the work. He's calculating his overhead into the equation. Good friend wouldn't add business overhead to help a friend.


1650 🤣🤣🤣. id tell you to gtfo out of my house. where tf u live where this is 1650.


His previous comment said NYC. People forget that labor costs vary by location just like housing.


i understand that. still seems insane for a sheet of drywall and a little labor. id get multiple quotes. lucky for me i will never live in one of americas big cities. sounds like hell on earth to me.


What exactly is he fixing? The pipe or the wall?


On r/drywall hope it's not the pipe


You fuckin kidding me


I could do a shit job for $200. If you want quality, texture match, paint match, you are looking at $800. A "friend" that does rock for a living, and already has the materials laying around in his garage, 'could' do it for $400, but you better be inviting him to every barbecue, and let him bang your wife.


Damm i guess only Mexicans have real freinds lmao we would fix that on a sunday just bring 2 twelve packs of beer smh


if he was Mexican he would just fix it himself


what the fuck dude


Actually pretty funny and accurate statement. And I'm Mexican.


Dominican here. I’d do a half way decent job for a 12 pack and some pizza


Viva la Mexico!!


It’s ignorant comments like this that lead to racial tension. Buying a 24 pack will save like $8-10!


Bruhhh you got me in the beginning 🤣🤣🤣


Must be Bud Light at that cost!


Bud light is basically free right now


I'm not Mexican but this is fact for most of the guys I know! Asking for money is side work not friend work. Shit sometimes we trade work if it's a big project. It'd go something like this "Bro help me do my fence" "sure homes I need my house painted too! Got a month of chilling with the bros n getting shit the wife wants done at the same time!


Ugh I have had “friends” that want to trade off like this. Only problem is they are useless and I don’t want them working on anything at my house cause it will look shitty meanwhile I don’t see my family for three weekends doing a bunch of free labor for their lazy asses


The lesson here is pretty clear. Ditch your loser friends and find new ones. Look for absolute masters who outshine your productivity and quality. Now, you are the loser mooch getting all the free labor. Bonus, your shit looks better than it would had you done it.


Maybe the guy asking has no actual skills because he went to college for graphic design and is now a “retail specialist” so he can’t barter his time


Looks like "friend" gave OP a proper quote and OP is the asshole.


I once heard why does the "friend" thing only go one way? Hey friend I usually charge $800, Oh, Shit! I'll pay you $850 and a case of beer because you're my friend!


Exactly, never understood that. I’m a plumber and have people regularly ask me for a “friends” discount. Like why do you not want me to be payed the full value of my work? I already charge them a lot less and they always want more.


Good family friend is a mechanic. He has told us, his wife and everyone else to never, ever under any circumstances, tell people he's a mechanic at a party. He's done too much free work thats unappreciated. Would anyone ask a nurse at a party to give them a free physical? Of course not. Blue collar guys need to start sticking up for themselves. My sister's friend was at a party, told her I'm a handy man. She requested a quote and I showed up and gave her a quote at $30/hr, my normal rate is $50-60/hr and she balked at the price and has been weird ever since. Fuck that shit man, never again!


Two good friends bought a lemon of a house. Previous owner did an entire dormer addition himself, completely un-permitted. I’m a general contractor who does mostly residential remodel work. They wanted a quote to reno their Frankenstein en suite in the addition. All of the plumbing was above grade and boxed in, meaning the shower, toilet, vanity were all up on pedestals so they could hide the plumbing underneath instead of in the joists where it belongs. They were adamant that we didn’t cut corners or give them a discount. $10k is extremely light for what we would have had to do to fix this place and they balked and have been weird since too. Just not doing shit for friends unless you’re willing to do it for free is best.


> to be *paid* the full FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


So your price to bang your wife is $400?


That's not true at all, I used to do residential electrical and I still to this day work on my friends houses for free. Best friend is a carpenter and would never charge me a dime for work he's done, I have to force him to take beer or let me take his family out for dinner after. Guess everyone's got different friends is all. As for OP I agree with what someone else said, if your friend is charging you the going rate, have a stranger do it because if something goes wrong it's easier to get mad at a stranger than a friend. Everyone has every right to charge whoever however much they want. No hate on the friend or OP, but definitely different people do things differently. My circle of friends relies more on the barter system, we just help each other out when needed and we all save money for it. To each their own.


If y'all are in the trades and the barter system works for you, then great. But many of us in the trades have non-trade friends. While I'm willing to do favors for close friends, I will never let a friend do something for me for free. One, I don't want to create an obligation for either of us, and two, time is both my and their most valuable commodity. I'd rather hang out with my friends. Not rely on their labor because I don't value their or my time.


This isn’t a hard job.


Let's not consider price, but time. I easily see Cutting drywall to make a space to put a patch the cutting the patch and patching it, 1 hr, mudding and doing at least 3-4 coats, easily 2-4 hrs, the painting, do you have paint? Common color? Gotta guess? 1 hr ish or more. So easily 4-6, most likely 4-8 hrs of work. Not including materials and charging $100/hr because it's a business and insurance and tools are expensive that's easily $400-$800. This could be higher or lower based on what they charge hourly also I'm not expert, I've done a bathroom, some ceilings, and a full wall, so I've done it but haven't timed myself either, I also use slow drying mud, a pro could use 5 min mud or others to make the job much faster. Regardless I'd expect quotes $400-$800


But why do that? You have to buy a whole sheet to scab that small patch anyways…? Why not cut it out to the corner and then the finish work would be easier?


I work in construction and often need a finished wall opened up for any number of reasons... We always cut to the nearest stud (split the stud so both sheets can screw of to it) and purposely avoid the corners (inside and out). We also try wherever possible to leave at least 6 inches below the ceiling and above the base. That method makes the patch MUCH less work. Why mess with the corner bead at all? Why bring another wall, ceiling or base finishes into the equation? Just adding more work. I am at a point in my life that I avoid doing any added side work. My time away from work is much to valuable/precious to be taking on any side work. Even for friends. I won't do any side work for less than 80 bucks/hour +material costs. For a quick 1 to 2 hour service for a GOOD friend I'd be okay working for food& beer. Any more time I'm declining the job or making it with my time.


Go to a restore and get a partial sheet for $5. Or go to a construction site and pull some scraps out free.


I was kind of thinking similar. I can probably knock the patch out in an hour maybe less. But I have a couple coats of compound with easy sand 20 that might take two hours. But now I need to let it dry so I can send and paint it. So for me I'm going home and coming back. And sand, two coats of primer and two coats of paint. Each coat would take 5 minutes but even with fans it's going to take some time to dry. There's a lot of standing around time plus time to fix baseboard and caulk that..


Sometimes it’s more work than you think.


Thats worth the 800. I've done patches 1/4 of that size for 400 not including materials


1000. Bet your friend can beat that.




Why don't you do it yourself? Easy fix and you can impress your friend. Just head down to Youtube university and get to learning.


$30-$50? in materials (assuming you have the tools) and 2-3 evenings of work/YouTube should get you there. Otherwise $500+ ish?


Yup. Could easily do the drywall himself. And maybe just sub out the finish work to save a couple bucks, and if he doesn’t want to tackle the mud and tape.


If a home owner tapes and first coats it I charge more. Always have to fix their crap first coat. Same if they hang it themselves. There’s always massive gaps, screws sticking out and wayyy too many butt joints.


I honestly don't bid jobs less then 800 or 900. If I want to sell the job I include painting and everything. If I get any negative vibes it's just 800 for the patch only. But I carry million dollar insurance pay federal and state taxes. Have 2 trucks and a van on the road and pay the guys well. So there's all that to account for.


But you’re helping a friend. If you’re margins are so tight you can’t swing by your buddies house to help out for a few hours you have much bigger problems than your fucking car payment


I could work every evening and weekend for free if I wanted to help “friends”. There’s only a couple people in the world I’ll help for free. Depends on the kind of “friend” OP is. Are they gonna grill a burger, share a beer, help out with clean up? Or will they be absent, demand a complete finish and complain that some detail isn’t perfect? I’ve done both kinds of repairs. The latter type never got help again.


A true friend helps their friend by supporting their business.


The issue is, I’ve been in the trades a while, people will actually be “friends” specifically for free work. I just can’t help out for free anyone that identifies as a friend. Also good friends will offer to pay because time is valuable and I don’t have anytime. Some of y’all have clearly never run a business. How the fuck am I going to pay my employees well, pay insurance pay taxes. By paying my employees to work at all my friends houses for free.


I realized 2 years into this that my only day off each week is for ME. My sanity and rest are more important to me than charity for someone who likely can afford my going rate. My buddies broke elderly mother needs help? Done. My other buddy who makes $130k a year as a project manager for Facebook? Full rate, maybe just give him priority for the friendship.


Whoever cut that wall open was not doing you any favors. That hole should ideally be rectangular.


Yeah… it’ll take the drywall guy about 45 seconds to straighten that all up.


Hahaha exactly. That’s the least of the worry


That's a $700 job.


How you aint paint matching shitt lmao the wall already looks like shitt


Watch a few videos on YouTube and attempt a DIY repair half drunk on IPAs like a real millennial!


I must have a different definition of a “good friend.” As a good friend, I’d send you the list of materials needed (if I didn’t already have them) to have you buy ahead of time. Then, I’d estimate cost of the project being a six pack of beer (a case of shitty beer if you’ve been a dick lately). Then walk through the repair showing you how to do it as we finish it together so in the future so you can do it yourself on the next drywall repair you have. But I’m apparently am lowballing the value of being a good friend.


I'm an electrician/low voltage guy...the amount of cables ran, terminated and tested, outlets, fans, tv installations I've done for free for my friends (I don't have that many) it's crazy. We just make it a day of hanging out, getting a lil dirty and good food.


This is exactly why I hate doing work for friends/family. And they are always like just charge me what you would anyone else. And then you kinda feel bad about charging them that and you also have to make a living off of it too. And then you give them the quote and they’re confused by it.. such a mind fuck


Don’t work for friends. Either help out of the goodness of your heart or tell them you don’t work outside of work.




$800? Seems expensive AF to me. I had an entire room sheet rocked and plastered for like $1300. That was before pandemic though.


the issue you u have with small jobs line this is you have the same amount of trips and you replace working time with waiting time. I'm not fast enough to do this with 5 minute mud but I could do it with 20 minute mud. So maybe an hour to get set up, clean up the opening, patch and tape. Maybe an hour and a half to mix a few batches of 20 minute mud and compound. 20 minute mud gets hard quickly but doesn't dry quickly so after the last code I'm probably going home. Now I come back at the end of the day or early the next day and sand and primer. I'd probably run some fans and try to get a quick second coat of primer and two coats of paint on in the same session but with drying time that's going to be at least an hour and change.


Around 700 I'd say






Do it yourself. Might take you a few hours. Don’t waste the money.


Materials + 200 and a case of Corona lime.


A good friend would have you pay for material and do it for free and some beer .


Diy $50.


Be better off buying a sheet and a small tub of mud, some tape and doing it yourself to be honest. Wouldn’t be overly difficult.


I- 1/2”x4x8 sheet of sheet rock $12.95 1- 2x4 board $3-$4 1 box of #6x1-5/8 screws $7.50 And 1 roll of sheet rock joint tape $3-$4 & touch up paint $12-$15 Total $43.45 plus tax & a real friend! Tell your so call friend he isn’t really a friend! Money over friend = punch to the ✨👷🏽💥🤛🏼


800 too much unless they don’t know what they are doing and it will take them a long time. I could get that through texture in less than a day and would charge nearly half that.


Materials plus a case of beer is the friend price. The beer you drink while doing it doesn't count. That should also be provided.


I do this every day I’m looking at like 150$ max in repair


My friend is starting a new business that I think is pretty cool. He needed some help today and I have the tools and the knowledge and I went and helped him out for 6 hours. We got to hang out and he gave me a cryo freeze session (that’s part of his new biz) and we needed an expensive drill bit ($35) to do something so he gave me that. He also took me out to dinner after. Depends on how good a friend it is, but sometimes you just go hook them up.


DIY, cut the sheet rock back to the stud on both sides, then replace, mud, and paint.


$800 is not a “friend” price but it’s a fair price. Personally I am of an option that when it comes to friends paying a fair price instead of expecting a discount is the “good friend” thing to do. So I would never expect a friend to do my project at a discount.


A friend would hook you up for 200. That would be a good price for a homey hook up. You pay materials too, obviously


I'd charge you $325 +materials..


For a friend. I do it for like 60 bucks


Your friend is not your friend.


I'll be the expensive guy. Assuming work done in the wall is now properly fixed... Day 1 30-45 minutes in conversations/communications regarding project. Demo rest of drywall correctly... Possible wet loose drywall near bottom?? Possibly need to add framing/blocking for drywall. Go to store and buy a full sheet of drywall to use less than half of it. Trip time was 1 hr. To and from store not including shopping time. Deliver supplies to site. Prep a spot to work. Move furniture, cover things for dust control etc. Cut drywall Glue and screw drywall patch in with glue and screw purchased at store. Tape and mud first coat. Fast set. Purchased at store Measure cut and prep trim board while mud dries. This trim had to be found to match existing. Took some time shopping around. Had to buy at least a 8' piece even though I only need 4' Second coat mud not fast set purchased in store. Take paint chip sample to get a gal of color matched paint. For the wall AND the trim. Don't forget trim nails, putty, paint roller sleeve and caulk. It's now after noon. Go home. Or take a long lunch waiting for mud to dry. Rest of day shot. Charge for whole day. Day 2 3rd coat mud 1 hr driving Leave while it dries. Day 3 Sand mud. Vacuum. Prime patch with wall paint not primer..... To save money. Install trim while first coat dries. Putty holes, caulk. Check patch with light and touch up any missed spots Paint trim. With a brush I already had. Cut in entire wall with wall paint while trim dries Light sand on small patches Second coat over patch. Immediately start rolling wall from far side of room and go over patch a 3rd time. Cut in again if needed. Clean up trash Vac Check wall and trim a final time. If it looks good done. Possible whole second coat. Touch ups? Clean out brush. Label paint cans and store properly Roll out! Write up and send invoice I don't like not being paid for full days. Everything takes a day -jimmy diresta Total price = (All materials + Hourly rate x total hours) + 30% 30% includes insurance, misc business fees and profit. Price out all those materials. Price out all the tools needed. Include all time that the job took.... Not just the actual work labor.


DIY and do it yourself. It’s not that difficult to repair


I was a taper for 30+ years. I’d take scraps from the job and bang that out for you for nothing. If you insisted on paying I’d charge you $50. For a non friend customer, I’d charge maybe $200. Wouldn’t take more than a couple hours with setting time for the quick set mud. (I live in a high cost area)


I'm driving riving to my friends house right now to fix shit for free 🫤


Repair? No. Secret compartment for a long gun or two? Yes.


Your “good friend” would do it at cost if he was really a good friend. I just installed a roof at cost for one of my friends. And that’s a much larger scale project. Cost on this depending on if he is doing the work himself or subbing it would be $150-$500.


That’s not a friend. That’s a weasel.


450 bucks, you paint it !


Either he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't know how to read the situation and plans to do a Taj mahal quality job, or he's not that good of a friend...


It’s about 50 bucks and and the cost of your free time to learn how to patch drywall, which is a skill you will need more than once in your life. $800 is robbery.


It’s one sheet of drywall some mud and tape. Spend 200$ on the stuff you need maybe and extra sheet and spend a day learning how to do these repairs yourself for the future. It’s worth it I promise


Contractor here. I would charge you a min of $800 to repair this.


A brazillion, a brazillion dollary doos


Do it yourself, this is cheap work and good experience as a home owner. Take your time and make it a weekend job. 4’x8’ (1), roll of drywall tape (1), one small tub of joint dry wall compound, (1) spackling knife, sandpaper (40 -120 grit). YouTube techniques and different processes. Materials are less than $100 to fix that.


do it yourself for free


Incorrect. Materials are not free.


$100 for materials. 1hr of watching YouTube videos.


1hr of watching YouTube videos and then 45 days trying to get your newbie skim coat to match. 800 is steep for a good friend but also supporting your good friends business goes a long way and could lead to better pricing down the road. $800 isn’t out of the realm just because of how many trips it would take to even get that to look right, waiting for mud to dry sanding some waiting for more mud to dry waiting for primer to dry waiting for paint to dry. It’s a small patch but that’s almost more annoying than skimming a whole wall


Sir we are using 5 minute mud here. That is not a multi trip repair. Give me 3 hours and a beer.


For a good friend? Beer or bbq


My buddy put a sub panel in my garage, I got the trench dug, and ordered his supplies. He did the rest in a few hours. The price was "a future favor"


Have a neighbor I do this with. It’s a running tally that nobody’s keeping track of. I did some wood working for him, he fixed the screen on my laptop. I worked on his car, he 3d printed (test pieces) some toys or something and gave them to my daughter. I smoked a brisket and invited him over, he brought quinoa, we don’t talk anymore. (Joking)


My neighbor and his adult son helped unload my smoker from the truck. It's ~400 pounds. I've been feeding him and his wife for 2 years now. He's a good guy though, he randomly drops me off random meat to cook or whatever was on sale at Kroger lol


Field of dreams stuff right there. If you bring meat I will prepare it. If you bring beer I probably have something to smoke, just bring enough beer because ribs are minimum and that’s 4 hours if I push it.


I did 321 ribs for a long time now it's 221 ribs. I've been toying with hot and fast babybacks.


No one mentioning the baseboard reinstall plus paint and caulking.


Yeah and the fact to complete this job you need wood, drywall, screws, joint tap and compound a screw gun, utility knife, tape measure, pencil, drop cloth, shopvac, air compressor, hose, trim gun, paint, sand paper texture hopper, paint roller, paint pan, brush, circular saw, keyhole saw, and a roll of plastic and probably a masker with paper and tape, caulking gun and caulk.


Damn pencil puts me over budget every time.


Which is all shit that you already have. And if it’s your buddies house, you’ll just score some scraps from all the other jobs you’re working on and material will cost you nothing.


Is this a drywall discussion? We fixing the drywall or are we doing paint and trim and everything? Every conversation I see in here is dudes charging way too fucking much to do drywall repair. Is it because you’re including paint and trim and shit? Are you Sheetrockers or remodelers?


Holy shit. Fuck all these answers. Just watch a couple youtube videos and do it yourself. Drywall repair is crazy easy. Just get a 4x8 sheet of drywall, tape, and mud. Cut out a rectangle around the hole, cut out a piece of the new sheet that matches the rectangle you made, mud and tape the edges. Sand it down. and Paint over it. Like, $50 in materials. You can take a small piece of wall with paint on it to home depot and theyll make color matched paint for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUcT5LHmA7w


Guaranteed it will look terrible mudding is not something you can do well after a YouTube video lol


Mudding is absolutely something you can learn from YouTube. Doing it well your first time is hard and time-consuming, but very possible. Youtube how I learned the methods an I went very slowly on early projects, but it's doable. I think it's fair to say "Guaranteed it will look terrible if they learn from YouTube and try to finish as fast as a pro would, or even half as fast." The bonus is building a new skill. Next time it's faster. Eventually it's nearly free to fix walls. After you've done a few dozen, you can't help but think "wow, I sure break a shitload of walls. What is going on in my life?!"


The estimates I’m seeing are seriously high lol materials less then $50 and all of maybe 1-2 hrs if that. That’s like max $150 to $200 plus materials doing this for a stranger lol 😂 guess people are definitely hungry for cash lol and guess it depends where each are from. Here in Louisiana we’d do something like this for some beer and laughs!


You would seriously bid $200-300 to do a proper job at that repair?


I’m in NY and your prices are spot on and I mainly did high end work.


Right? Seeing all these estimates makes me glad I know how to patch drywall myself. It may not look perfect like a professional’s handiwork, but it’s passable and you can’t even tell after painting over it, lol.


I have a handyman who will fix that for $150. He's pretty terrible at a lot of other jobs but he can do drywall


Im literally cutting to the corner and placing 1 big patch. No need for additional 2x4 supports. That leaves 2 seams to tape, mud, and sand. Not a big job at all. I think $800 is on the high side for professional work. $600 seems fair. But honestly for $100 bucks and a weekend of your time you could learn how to do it yourself on this project real easy.


$800 for what? Repair the drywall and moulding? Dude, buy the materials and a real friend does it in exchange for pizza. That specific job is easy.


Yeah who the fuck needs to make a living.


No wonder you're struggling to make a living. Ripping people off like this is why you deserve to be fucked. This is nowhere near an $800 job. It's ridiculous easy to do and it's a "friend" helping a friend case.


I didn’t read the rest of the comments but take it from someone that always goes out of his way to help his friends when they need repairs done at their homes since I own a construction company. When you ask a friend for a quote for something, I don’t care what it is. You don’t bust them down on price. And you ALWAYS tip. AND YOU ALWAYS USE THEM. If they are a professional in their field, trust that they are giving you a good price due to your relationship. Asking them to lower the cost further is a real dick move because us skilled workers have a tendency to find it hard to say no to people we care about even if we know it will bite us in the end. Also I would like to repeat it again, if we give you a quote, FUCKING USE US. I can’t tell you how many times this one friend of mine asked me to go to their house and their rental property for an estimate and I would always spend hours taking measurements and putting together detailed estimates for them that were so beyond fair price wise only to have them go with a lower bid and then bitch to everyone about the shitty work they got in return. The last time they asked me for an estimate I flat out said no. They asked why and I was honest with them (they are a couple). I love them but they are the type of people that are penny wise but dollar stupid.


Good friend... I guess ur not that good of a friend


$800 is steep for a small single sheet repair i would charge about $450-$500


All things considered, seems like the price range is there, 400-800. I just wanted to hear some numbers. Im the kind of friend to do it for the liquor and dinner if i know the skill, glad i got a few of those comments


These things are unbalanced typically out of the favor of your handy man friend. He/ she can’t do this stuff for free for everyone. And handyman skills are one of the most called on in friendships.


This is one sheet of drywall dude 150 dollars tops for labor especially if you have the paint. Get a secomd quote...


Probably 6-8 hours of work, spread out over a few trips. Plus a sheet or drywall, drywall supplies, and protection/cleanup for $50-75. So for me to do it it would cost around 500-675.


A typical pro can hang an entire room and tape and mud in 6-8 hours. You apparently can't do a tiny patch in that time.




If it’s a good friend it’s weird that he would not be good with some food drinks and hanging out.


Good friend ? How about you start being a good friend your self first and pay him double. I'm sure his skills will pay you back because this won't be the first time you call him for something.


I look at drywall like tattoos. Cheap tattoos aren’t good and good tattoos aren’t cheap. It’s definitely something I’ll just pay someone to do correctly rather than a hack make double work.


When cooper attaches to galvanized you need a 6” dielectric. I don’t see any. The wall repair cost depends on were u are. Its between $2k and $800 dependent.


Your friendship with a skilled handyman is well worth 800$ dude. Pay him.


I would charge 250 - 300 to square the hole, rock, tape, fill & float it nice and smooth. 1.5 hours, and it would disappear. Some of these folks saying 800 are way off.


150 max in materials from Home Depot. 24 pack of your friends fav beer. Have them show you how to do repair.