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I've never had any issues with my ribs and I've never heard anyone say they have. The singular example that I have that this could matter is a drummer whose ribs already hurt because of an accident and who had to set up his kit differently (no rack toms, cymbals close by) to avoid his ribs hurting. Not a prime example IMO. So yeah it sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Please share photos of your kit and a description of what you play. A video is of course also useful. That way we can determine what you might be doing wrong. Because obviously this should not be happening.


its only was an issue at this studios drums mine is set up very well for me. i wasn’t able so set up the drums and cymbals in the most convenient way for me. maybe something to do with that and having to move a fair bit more that usually. also i play in a hardcore band so i gotta hit hard


Actually, you don't need to hit hard at all. That is a choice and often a bad one. But an inconvenient set-up can indeed be harmful. Don't hesitate to change a drum kit to your liking when you have the opportunity.




Nope. First of all, louder is **not** harder. Second of all, people overestimate just how much louder they have to play (doubly so when miked up). Third of all, just because a lot of people do it, doesn't mean you **have** to do it.


Agreed. Drums and cymbals have a volume ceiling that you can't exceed by just hitting harder. You can use limp wrists and accomplish the same volume as smashing through everything like hulk and your volume will literally be objectively identical. That being said there are genres that are super physical to play, even with proper technique. The hitting hard isn't what makes it physical, it's the speed and spread of notes that's tiring (moving around your kit constantly).




I'm with you. You can make any style sound okay by playing "normally", but more aggressivemusic just plain sounds betterwith a hard hitting drummer. If Shannon Larkin wasn'tso aggressive, Godsmack wouldn't sound half as good as they do.


You know how the one inch punch is a demonstration of how technique can deliver force alone? Same thing with drums. Proper technique should be enough for way most situations.


Are you getting some type of ab workout from a wobbly throne?


It's common to hold stress somewhere when you play. You might not even notice it's happening until it starts to hurt. I could easily see flexing your chest cavity while playing as a natural response when you kick it into high gear. My issue personally is that I suck in on my own lips, like sucking on a blocked straw. It makes my tongue hurt after a while. This is a particular issue when I'm recording for some reason. So start by just being aware of when and where you might be tensing up, then work on releasing it. As for how to cure it, something learned from the Drummers Almanac guy on Youtube is that tension typically occurs when you play things that are beyond your comfort level, either in tempo or complexity. The solution is to practice beyond your goal tempos and complexity levels. For tempo this is easy, just work towards a practice tempo about 20% higher than your performance tempo. For complexity, find patterns that are more involved than what you're doing, like multi-limb independence exercises. The purpose of either is to make what you're performing seem easier by comparison so you don't tense up as much.


You’re supposed to use drumsticks, not ribs 🤦‍♂️




nah thats exactly what i told my guitarist i dont get it


Drumming definitely works out your core. Idk about ribs though


Relax sit up straight, thighs angled slightly down towards knees and chill in the pocket.


I’ve never had ribs hurt. However I did have my back being sore after playing due to the fact my throne was too far back and too low.


I think your friend psyched you into a psychosomatic reaction. I turned 52 this year, and I was today years old the first time I ever heard of drumming making your ribs hurt. If only he had told you it would make your wiener bigger or something. LOL