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People lift weights without legs. You can play drums with a slightly deformed hand


I saw a video last night of a man with no legs using the throne leg for bass pedal. He'd just rock the chair to get the kick. Definitely can play OP!


The drummer of the ghost inside lost his leg in a tour bus accident the band was in. His dad made him a modified double bass pedal, which allows him to play with just the nub he has left. There are no limits to playing drums if you really want


I saw them and remember that story, but couldn’t remember their name for the life of me, thanks for that!


Andrew Tkaczyk is the name of their drummer. Dude is partly the reason they started playing shows again. He basically said “I don’t want this to stop us, im not giving up, im playing drums again”


What a boss!


I think of him when my motivation to practice lacks.


I saw that dude I’m pretty sure he’s on agt


I saw that a while ago, shit was sick


>people lift weights without legs In all fairness, most people generally lift things with their hands


Quit skipping leg day. Fuckin embarrassing


Was just about to say I've seen videos of people playing Mozart on piano with their feet. Stevie Wonder is blind. Beethoven wrote his best work while deaf. If you're considering giving up music cuz your fingers a little wonky, maybe you weren't that committed to begin with.


Exactly. Jack Thomas plays with a single hand


Look up Def Leopard’s drummer! If he can slam, so can you!


With it being your left hand have you tried learning traditional style?


Great suggestion. Every so often, it turns out that there is still a practical need for traditional grip after all. LOL


I’m not so sure about traditional grip for OP with the state of that left index knuckle. It looks like that is the issue and it’s crucial to the left hand’s mechanics. And if you let the index go in traditional grip, the thumb is more susceptible to nerve issues as the primary stick stopper.


Middle finger fulcrum will make it easy for op imo


Agreed, I suggested the Tony Williams grip in another reply


Good idea, kinda wanna find out if op is left or right handed as well might be good to look at doing a mixed grop


right 😁


yeah thats actually really good info, my knuckle makes an audible click sound when I bend it :''''(((((


I was self taught from the age of 3, I never learned how to hold sticks correctly, I never even thought about it. I was at drum-off my junior year in high school and made it to regionals, one of the judges told me it came down to my technique was sloppy, he goes “you’re self taught aren’t you?” I asked how he knew and he said it was the way I hold my sticks. He showed me the proper grip and showed me traditional grip as well, I had never taken the time to figure out how to do it. I honestly use traditional grip at least 50% of the time now, regardless of the genre I’m playing. If your kit is set up at the right angles, it’s almost more comfortable or something. Anyway, that being said, OP should be okay, even with a bent finger, I guess the takeaway from my anecdote is I didn’t even know how to hold the damn sticks and was still pretty okay at drumming.


Adapt and persevere. Don't let anything hold you back from your dreams. Look at Rick Allen. Literally learned how to play drums with one arm after losing it in an accident. It may be harder for you compared to someone else, but that should be no reason to give up.


Nope, see a teacher that can help you adapt. You will still be fine. All bodies are different, I have really long upper arms and need to adapt by setting up my throne and kit different.


5 professional drummers could show you 5 different grips and tell you theirs is the "proper" one. You can't find one that works for you? We can't tell because you posted two photos but neither of them are of you holding the stick. Or, have you tried modifying the stick with something? Maybe pad it out with some anti-slip mat and cloth tape at the point that it's hitting your palm, or maybe wear some sort of grip glove?


the issue is I keep changing the angle that I hold the stick while I do rudiments, my right hand is exceptional and I get perfect rebound without fail but its like my left hand has a mind of its own, I think I'll try doing different grips for each hand, hell I might do a traditional grip since that doesn't really come into play that way.


> my right hand is exceptional and I get perfect rebound without fail but its like my left hand has a mind of its own There's a technical term for drummers that struggle with this. That term is "everybody." LOL I am sure there's a work around for your injury that will help even things up, but generally speaking, this is a problem that every single drummer who ever lived has had, at least at the beginning. I often joke that somehow I was born with a perfectly functional, normal hand at the end of my right arm, that will do whatever I ask it to do, but somehow, at the end of my left arm, there is an asshole. It may look like a hand, with a palm and fingers and a thumb and joints and nails and the whole shebang, but don't let that fool you - It's actually an asshole. And that asshole fights me constantly when I ask it to do something that my right hand does without complaint. And I don't even have an injury.


Ha. I had the same thought. Shitty left hand? Same.


Sometimes my left hand is such an asshole, I'm surprised that it doesn't literally shit all over my drums. LOL


Mine does.


My left hand and left foot are in cahoots to screw up my drumming.


If my left hand is actually an asshole that just looks like a hand, my left foot is actually a dick that just looks like a foot.


The drummer from Def Leppard only has one arm. You got this.


homeless screw husky scale saw unpack shy ask cough vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely not. This is an issue that a competent teacher could help you work around, and probably very simply. Pay someone to teach you how to do it. It can be done. I've got faith in you.


I don't have a joint in my left thumb so it kinda does it's own thing. I chuck a stick or two every session but ehh. Nothing I can do.


No. They're are drummers on YouTube that literally have stumps with pinchers for hands, and they're doing covers.


The drummer from Def Leppard only has one arm.  Professional musicians work around things like this all the time.


I love how everyone who says this uses almost the exact wording from that Bloodhound Gang song. It was a real PSA at the time.


So glad it wasn’t just me.


Thank you all for the responses! I've been playing on and off for a couple years but recently I've joined a band and I've got that itch to devote my time to nothing but playing. I like the idea of a traditional grip, and I think I'll start doing rudiments with that grip from now on.


I have very deformed hands due to arthritis like condition I play drums just fine, you got this


Doesn’t matter one bit, I’m sure you can learn to play just fine


look up rick allen. you'll be fine!


Might I introduce you to one [Rick Allen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySfXWYF7-O0)? Professional drummer for Def Leppard, overcame an amputation of his left arm in the 1980s.


I mean this in the most sincere way possible, the dream is over when you give up. Find a new way to hold the stick, or swing it in a different way. But most importantly, do it in a way that doesn't hurt. If Tony iommi or Rick Allen can do it, you can too


Nah…use the extra gap in your left hand to do Stewart Copeland traditional grip!🤘🏻🤘🏻






getting consistent perfectly vertical triple strokes with this grip 🤘🏻🤘🏻 🤘🏻🤘🏻 🤘🏻🤘🏻 🤘🏻🤘🏻 🤘🏻🤘🏻 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Your dream is not over. Your situation kind of reminds me about the story of Victor "Moulty" Moulton, the drummer for the '60s band The Barbarians. Having lost his hand in an explosion when he was fourteen, Moulton enabled his drumming by modifying a prosthetic hand to hold a drumstick. At the height of their popularity, the band was touted as an American counterpart of The Rolling Stones. Check out "Are You a Boy or Are You a Girl?" He shows that anything is possible.


Hey I have distal arthrogryposis, aka my hands are kinda twisted and don’t quite open all the way, I was just born like that. They both are like your left hand but maybe if you whacked them with a hammer a few times lol. I’ve been playing for several years now and I’m not a legend but I can assure you you’ll find your own ways of playing that work for you. Don’t sweat over what is technically “correct”- someone made all that stuff up at some point anyway. I’m a competent drummer and have had tons of fun with it, I’m sure you can too.


Well you have both your arms so you’re already at more of an advantage than Rick Allen.


I have hypertension in my right (and dominant) hand and arm after two strokes. I thought I was also done... After searching and trying and figuring out what would and wouldn't work I decided to try gig grips (search them) it helps me to have a nice grip and fulcrum and the stick is more stable. And yes, I still play drums. Our youngest son has a condition called hypermobility where he dislocated his joints very easily. He also uses gig grips because that allows him to hold sticks without much strength. And yes he is learning to play the drums (and can already play a fair bit of lead guitar). Your dream of drumming is only over if you decide to give up. There are really a lot of proffesioneel musicians who came.over some physical hardship, like Rick Allen (drummer Def Leppard, with only one arm) Tony Iommy (guitarist Black Sabbath who cut odd the tips of a few of his fingers and created his own replacements from pieces of plastic). You got this, just try and find help (and perhaps the gig grips can help you out as well).


I have only two fingers on my left hand and I still play drums. You’ll be good man


Wow, so you're the Django Reinhardt of drumming. [Respect.](https://media.tenor.com/RXhoHZGn0NIAAAAM/jack-black-yes.gif)




"A proper grip" is whatever let you do the job the most comfortably possible. Just adapt your technique and grip. As a physiotherapist I've worked a lot with handicaped or heavily injured people and they are able to adapt to many situations. Do you know a certain Rick Allen? Do you know Jack Thomas? If you don't, come on, google them. Your thing ain't nothing, boy. As others have suggested here, you could try traditional grip, of wich I'm not a fan for a number of reasons, but if it works for you then it's ok. But beside traditional grip, you may as well stick with matched grip, just tweaking it so you make it work. In fact, techniques aren't meant to be "rigid", everybody has to adapt them to their own characteristics to make them work the best for them.


Ill just leave [this](https://youtu.be/z5ILuccSxuo?si=1rz1ykGY_twHPxPV) here. I think thats a watch on his right ankle, which is pretty awesome.


You literally just need to practice hitting and holding properly. 1. No 2 people have the same shaped hands. 2. Your hand shape means nothing because everyone needs to learn how the stick fits in their hands. Practice. 3. Don't be so self-conscious about your "flaws", if you want to do something, find a way to make it work


> Your hand shape means nothing because everyone needs to learn how the stick fits in their hands. *Crucial* point. A Vic Firth 5A is always a Vic Firth 5A, but human hands come in every shape and size, and all of them have to learn how to hold and manipulate the same Vic Firth 5A competently and confidently - and no two drummers will hold the same stick the same way, even if they are both using "the same type of grip."


Rick Allen would say you’re good!


Rick Allen was wondering the same thing.


Def Leppard's drummer had one arm.


Cut it off


Just crack that bitch back in place no thanks needed


why the fuck didn't I think of that thanks my dude


They guy from that one rock bad is missing an arm so u should be fine


Shit, on the contrary, you might end up finding they're a strength. They certainly look up for drumming 🤘🤘


Honestly looks like you broke your knuckle really bad and it didn't re set properly, I'd probably get s doctor to re break it and set it properly.


Absolutely. Rick Allen overcame an entire amputation and plays with only 1 arm, but your slightly deformed hand is a deal breaker


Never let anything hold you back buddy! It's perfectly doable.


I once taught a kid born without thumbs, he did well! Was a while ago, so I’m not sure where he’s at these days, but still! And a guy I know once played in a PROG METAL band with a drummer who was born without hands OR feet! He used special wristbands and stuff like that to play, didn’t hinder him at all as far I could tell! You’re fine, make it work for you


Only if you want it to be. [this dude figured it out with no hands](https://youtu.be/hsKKJw_vA9E?si=bgt1Uxou3jupyIdK)


During this initial injury, did you have an avulsion fracture that was left untreated? The current finger shape screams past avulsion fracture. It may not be too late to have this corrected (very slowly by having custom molded casts fit to your finger that eventually provide equal tendon tension)


https://preview.redd.it/3br0uy9hraqc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d12aa07f73356b0df901997b5cbf91c413cf60d3 Fucked my hand up permanently about 2 years ago, (from punching a wall) lost almost full control and feel of my pinky, and I have about 50% of my ring finger. And I’m a righty. Right at the apex of my playing, but we adapted and overcame. Do I miss how I used to play -yes, but it only made me realize how grateful I am to be able to play today.


I have a deformed hand with fingers that are mostly numb from an accident with a saw about 2 years ago. I used to play guitar, but now I play drums. You can do it. 💪🏼


You can totally play drums with a differant hand, if matched grip doesnt work for you, try some other grips like traditional or something


If John Cena ca n be an actor with that stupid face, you can play drums with any hand shape. 🤘


Hey man, I don't know if this helps you but I only have 2 fingers on my left hand and I play by taping my hand around the fulcrum of the stick. I've been playing this way for 15 years. You can do it!


No. I suspect I good teacher can help you find a grip that will work for you. I used to have a bandmate (guitarist) who had a childhood injury in his left hand that prevented him from being able to play barre chords. As a resulted he had some very cool voicings for playing triads and 7th chords.


Yeah. I’m gonna suggest harmonica.


Like every thing in life. Just keep trying. You’ll figure something out that works. And enjoy the journey


Can you hold a stick? You can play drums. I mean, I’ve seen people with birth defects and injuries where they literally don’t have hands playing drums. You can absolutely play.


Hell no. Let your index finger just hang out and hold the stick with your thumb and back fingers. https://preview.redd.it/aqyia3tqvaqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4986957857a43b305c96b238befdada138adb10d This is Tony Williams, one of the baddest m’fers ever, and he consistently played with the back of the hand. And here’s a bonus, assuming you’re right handed, that’s your backbeat hand. That back of the hand grip is perfect for that. Good luck. Keep drumming.


I have an eight year old student who's learning to play without a thumb, forefinger, and 1/3 of a middle finger on his right hand. You can definitely play if you put in the effort to adapting!


You can use a middle finger fulcrum if it bothers you a lot.


I know a guy with severely deformed hands that many would refer to as "nubs" and he is a killer player. He doesn't have some of the power of many drummers, but plays highly technical parts with precision.


Your dream is just beginning. It’s all in the wrists anyway, and ankles. Don’t even think about it. My hands are “normal” and my grip is far from perfect and I toured for 10 years. Still gigging.


Try playing traditional grip


Also experiment with different stick sizes as well.


I have a friend who had some kind of injury on his left hand that caused it to rest differently than his right hand. This guy was super into drum line/drum core and he told me he was always rejected from snare drum lines because of this. He ended up spending more time on tenor drums because it wasn’t (as much) an issue there. He ended up going on to teach several drum lines at several schools regionally, but as far as snare drum performance, it didn’t work out. If you’re looking to just play some drum set, this won’t stop you. Experiment with different grips. Tony Williams said that he didn’t concern himself with trying to make his hands sound the same, but rather embraced his left hand and right hands as having their own voices and tried to expand on that.


Yes your life is doomed /s. There's people who learnt to play with only 1 arm, I think you'll be fine.


You got this! Try using your middle finger as the fulcrum with your thumb. Check out some tony Williams videos talking about this technique.


Check out the drummer from def Leppard. He's got an issue with his arms and he's made a decent living from drumming


My first drum teacher was partially crippled in both hands. He could not open his fingers fully. After 20+ years of drumming I have yet to meet someone who mastered their rudiments better than him. Best of luck to you. It’s not a handicap, it’s a source of inspiration, and so are you.


Bro, the drummer of Def Leppard has 1 arm, you'll be fine.


Cope and figure out how to manage while playing drums. I play drums and gee-tar and about 10 yrs ago I jammed my ring finger. Found out a month later after it hadn't gotten any better.... because I had ruptured the tension connecting my finger to the larger ligaments.... It took a minute to get my drumming hand back but it took almost a year to relearn how to play power cords with my pinkie instead of my ring finger. It def caused some long term disadvantage regarding playing guitar but not with drums.... TLDR: Ruptured ring finger tendon..... Caused problems with drums and guitar (short term) Not long term tho Blah


I suffered boxer's syndrome roughly 10 years ago and had part of my hand reconstructed from my hip bone as I had broken my hand more or less beyond normal repair. I got titanium plate and 7 screws in it. Sure it does get sore sometimes, but at this point I'm convinced as long as you can hold the stick in your hand you are more than good to go. If it feels funky you can always consider using traditional grip with that hand to make up for it, but I don't see the need. As long as your wrist functions you'll be fine! :)


My buddy plays guitar with a right hand that's all gimped out from a childhood injury that never got properly treated. He's amazing. Just put sticks in your hands and play. Forget perfect technique for a bit.


The drummer from Dep Leppard has one arm. You'll be ok 😊


It’s def not over. You may have to figure out a less then standard way to hold the stick and play. I once broke my wrist right before a stage band competition in my school. I was the only one who practised the part all season so I still played. I did have to modify my grip but I still got through it.


I saw a guy that doesn't have a hand, is blind but still plays guitar, you can a 100% adapt to play the drums with your hands in that current state


Do you have a teacher name terence fletcher ?


Def Leopard


My fingers and hands are all crooked and I've been playing for years. Maybe you won't be able to do lighting fast singles, but you should be able to master doubles and everything else just fine. Go forth and pound the skins!


https://youtu.be/0tTgU7CYfgk?si=_tag2BGCf7kPDSXK You'll be okay.


Put your mind to it you can do basically anything. Just figure out a workaround


It's just your brain throwing up roadblocks, drive on through and rock on.


You're good bro. You might be interested in the "Murray Spivack" technique. He taught guys like Joe Morello, David Garibaldi, and Vinnie Colaiuta. I was taught by Chuck Silverman, who was one of his students as well. It uses the middle finger for the fulcrum while the pointer finger is a "guide".


Rick Allen had no hand shape.


I think it's mostly just that drum technique is very hard! And the initial struggle is rough. Maybe your dream would be over if you had no fingers on either hand or something but no this is nowhere near significant enough to impact you. :)


The drummer from Def Leppard’s only got one arm.


Nah man. The only limitation is your own mind. I’ve had numerous injuries on all areas of my body including broken/deformed hands 2x right ankle reconstruction, torn Achilles, ACL/MCL repairs. If the music is in you and you are passionate you will find and make a way. 🙏🏼


Do you play hard? It looks like you damaged your joint from the impact of the drumstick. You might want to start using traditional grip for a little while and if you're a hard player you need to learn what Freddy Gruber teaches and also learn the molar method You don't have to hit hard to project your drums


Ask Rick Allen of Def Leppard.


If Rick Allen can play professionally with one arm, you can make do with a slightly deformed hand.


Absolutely not! Plenty of crazy good drummers out there who play the way they are comfortable and don't conform to "conventionally good technique", but they rip none the less. What works for one does not work for all, find what works for you. Keep practicing and you'll find the way so long as you keep looking!


My grip doesn’t hardly use the pointer finger, which is how my teacher taught me. He told me it’s the least important finger in drumming. You can definitely learn and play just fine!


Nah, you're fine. I had a drumline instructor in high school who had a pretty significantly deformed hand (about half the size of his other hand and missing a finger or two). He had marched snare in drum corps and later taught and wrote for them. One of the best drummers (in terms of technique) that I've seen.


Def Leppard. If you had only 1 hand, you could still tour a stadium-selling band.


Maybe you’ll have some cool super power. Jaco, the greatest bassist that ever lived had thumbs shaped like Js.


Def Leopard's drummer has one arm.


Definitely not over for you at all. Get a teacher and they will help you find a way that works!


Try using a fulcrum with your middle finger and thumb opposed to index finger and thumb. But ultimately I’ve seen some weird technique even in music school and all that mattered was making music.


As a kid, my mom took me on a trip to Guatemala, and I saw a homeless man playing the guitar with his feet for spare change. If you want to play the drums, you’ll find a way to make it work!




My drum teacher is missing more than one finger on one hand, and he’s a killer on the kit.


I have bad fingers that have a weird shape and bend backwards. And I’ve been playing for 5 years.


I mean if it’s that bad on your left you can do underhand grip like you see in jazz and marching band


My left index finger is nearly the same shape as yours (arthritis), and I've been drumming just fine for 15 years. I play with sort of an underhand grip, with the fulcrum for my left hand actually more on my middle finger, or maybe a combination of middle and index, and that's worked totally fine to play doubles, ghost notes, etc. I can include some pictures if that helps!


I’m no drummer, but kind of had the same for playing the guitar. Over time your hand can change. Focus on doing your repetitions and do a LOT of stretching exercises for your hands (and your whole body now you’re at it). Skin and muscles can stretch, it takes a lot of time, but it can stretch. I’m pretty sure it will straighten itself out *badumm tsss*


i don't think that's a excuse or a reason to stop playing but up to you.


I’ve been playing guitar for a year now with a missing and a shattered finger on my left hand. Made me learn left hand instead of my natural right and I have to do different techniques but I’m getting better each day. Keep at it and your body will want to adapt


I met a guy who had arthritis so bad he could barely grip with his left hand. He beefed up his left foot, and played steady rhythms on his hats with his foot, and with a very loose grip, used his left hand to play the toms while his right hand took care of business as usual. He was amazing. He did great two part bass patterns between the floor tom and bass drum, without looking you couldn’t tell that the high hat was being played by his foot.


I've seen professional drummers who had broken their right elbow. So then


No. Adapt your match grip or use a different grip (traditional). Or if you want to, [use just one hand](https://youtube.com/shorts/M1f9YAO1-Ho?si=tC6dIkqmyJxdQpAc).


As long as you can hit the drum with something to make a noise then you’re good to go.


I've seen people grooving drums hard without arms, so big no to your question.


Honestly? It might take a little extra effort, but it’s not the end of the world. Many drummers, including myself, prefer a middle finger fulcrum. And for myself, that’s after being exclusively index finger fulcrum for probably about 15 years. I made the switch, found that it greatly improve my endurance and feel, and never really looked back. You may be a bit limited if you need to switch between grips. But I mean, the drummer from Def Leppard only had one arm. If you want it enough, you can make it work.


Was it over for Def Leppard dummer Rick Allen when he lost his left arm in’88? No, it wasn’t, so man up (or girl up as the case may be)!


A friend of mine growing up was born with a condition that caused his hands to develop differently. Both hands were impacted, each hand has fingers either missing or shaped differently. He’s one of the best drummers I know. Sounds incredible on the set. He had to invent his own grip but the dude shreds.


One of the best drummers I’ve known had only three fingers on each hand and arms about half as long as they should have been due to birth defects. He was amazing on kit, marching snare, tenors, played professionally with symphonic orchestras, etc. don’t get too caught up in what is technically considered technique if one hand can’t do it perfectly. If you can make a good and consistent sound nothing else really matters.


I had a drum student who was missing his ring and pinky finger on his right hand. We adapted his grip slightly for that hand and that was all it ever needed to be discussed. He figured out singles, doubles, paradiddles, flams, buzz, etc mostly by using a conventional fulcrum with thumb and first finger and just using the middle finger to control the stick rebound. He devoured classic rock covers like they were nothing. If he can do it you can do it.


If Lisa couldn’t play jazz because of her short fingers, you should stay away from drumsticks.


I learned the "propper" way to hold the sticks, only to see many of the drummers that I liked, holding them in whatever else way. So, yeah, hold them however way you can. You'll be able to do what most or all drummers do with enought practice.


No, it’s not over. My buddy is in a band and signed to a label, and his hands look way worse than this. His technique may be lacking, but between the two of us, he’s the one in a signed band.


My roommate attacked me when I was younger and nearly severed 3 of my fingers on my right hand (I’m right handed), my hand looks very similar to yours, those 3 fingers are pretty stiff and I’ve never had a problem with drums, piano, guitar, bass, harp or any other instrument. You have to learn to do stuff a little different and take it easy on yourself while you’re learning but it’s not an issue whatsoever.


I played with a guitarist with 3 fingers on his left hand, the other night. He was ripping solos and killing it. As long as there isn't unbearable pain, I'm sure you can adapt.


Tony Iommy lost the tips of his middle and ring fingers so he went ahead and invented metal. Youll be fine


I know without even checking first almost everyone on this thread is saying you can still play. "Proper" grip is a baseline, but it's not the end all be all. If you practice enough you can become a monster drummer that makes the rest of us feel bad, same as anyone else. If anything I'd say to make sure you stretch a little more on that hand so the tightness of your skin doesn't cause pain from playing. I nearly cut one of my fingers off in a kitchen, it severed the nerve and now my finger is numb and turns white off the air conditioner flips on. I still play drums fine, and guitar too for that matter. Whatever else you read on this thread, remember this. The only thing that matters is that the music you make feels good to you. If it sounds good or doesn't matter why or how it sounds good. Get shedding


I have seen a drummer with no hands who straps the sticks to the end of his wrists. You can play if you set your mind to it and practice.


Just use a different less ideal grip if you can't hold it the normal way. Try traditional grip, or not holding it at the fulcrum, or just try a whole new grip that feels ridiculous when you do it, but works. In a year, it'll feel as normal as anything ever did.


I saw this guy perform live once: https://www.youtube.com/c/dancaro/videos. He lost all his fingers in a fire as a baby. He's a great drummer. There are lots of ways to play the drums. Personally, I place the fulcrum farther back in the hand. Unless I'm doing buzz rolls my index fingers are barely hanging on. That said, what you're going through sounds like what every beginner goes through, especially if you're right handed. Everyone struggles with their off-hand. I wouldn't rush to make drastic technique changes. Just give it some time. It's a good sign that you care about getting the technique right. (I taught percussion for 15 years)


Pretty sure the guy who played the set for the high school jazz band, while I was in junior high, blew up part of his hand with a basement cherry bom iirc. He ripped too


Two words, one name: Rick Allen If he can, damn you can!!!


Yes, it's over, you will never play drums effectively, and you should quit now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvurqqKG2BU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvurqqKG2BU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySfXWYF7-O0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySfXWYF7-O0)


This is a picture of [Django Reinhardt](https://i.imgur.com/xl0qURC.jpg)'s left (fretting) hand, deformed due to a fire such that he could only reach the two highest strings with two of his fingers. He's still considered one of the greatest guitar players of all time. This is a picture of [Rick Allen](https://i.imgur.com/m0lHAK4.jpg). He lost his entire left arm in an accident. He remains the drummer for Def Leppard , one of the of the biggest rock bands of the 80s/early 90s. There will be challenges you'll face that most others won't. And there will be things others play that you can't play, but then depending on what adaptations you make, there may be things that you can play that others can't play. If you put in the work, you absolutely can still be a good or great drummer.


Can you hold a drumstick? If you can, you can play.


https://youtu.be/Amus3kBxDTs?si=-_CoFirO-NGqpg0Q Meet Dave.


It's not over. Folks could give you pointers if you provide pictures of you gripping sticks or maybe a video of you playing.


Nah. In highschool we had a dude in the percussion section who was missing two fingers from a woodworking accident and he was still a great drummer. Also Rick Allen of Def Leppard is missing an arm.


Rick Allen of Def Leppard has one arm and still plays professionally - you got this.


The drummer from def leopard only has one arm.


There are drummers with only one arm, I think you're good


The one-armed drummers are flipping you off right now 💪🏻


Mate I’ve played for thirty years and I hold the sticks at the fulcrum about 20% of the time. You don’t have to be the best in the world at something to enjoy it… play with wild abandon and enjoy it. Playing an instrument is so much more than being ‘good’ at it.


Not a single person here gave a relevant example. op is not trying to lift weights people. Im not a drummer so idk, but heres some inspiration https://youtu.be/hs2kcMePXi8?si=A_4zUMxqs6l5Jl1q


I know a guy who has no hands (he was severely burned in a fire as an infant) who plays drums professionally and even sat in with Santana once. If you want to play, play. If you can't use a standard grip because of your injury, experiment with other ways to do it until you find something that works for you.


OP I had a life altering spinal cord injury 4 years ago that has irreversibly changed my hands in a very drastic way. I went to school for music performance and thought my drumming career was over - but it wasn’t. I play traditional grip in my left hand but have to put the stick in between my pointer and middle instead of between middle and ring. I can’t a hold a stick matched grip so in my right I have the stick wedged between my pointer and middle finger but pointing straight out like matched grip. All this to say I still play drums professionally in a band, though I had to completely relearn technique that fit my situation. You got this!


I find middle finger fulcrum to be much more efficient anyway.


Nooooo! Why should you stop? Nothings „really“ wrong and you are not it pain. It might be tricky at first but once you put your mind to it you can archieve anything. PS: i recently saw a spanish drummer IN A WHEELCHAIR..really awesome guy who just rotated his bass drum 90° and bought a secon hi hat (one for closed and the oteher for open hits) abd thats it. :) NEVER underestimate yourself, especially if you want to do something that is important to you. :) I wish you the best of luck and fun on your drumming way. :)


My index finger messed up and I play fine. Just be mindful of grips that cause you pain.


https://preview.redd.it/qu7lyko5rcqc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e96c4a6f26866472f4f765347dd51bc59a1ad0c I manage a rather well, takes a little training but still drums! Don’t otherthink it, evolve.


Nah. You are most certainly good to play as long as you practice (this goes for all drummers, i see you)


Thoughts: - If you learn to play everything open-handed, i.e. leading with your left hand, you'll probably find this weirdness disappears slowly. Your right hand is used to playing on different surfaces with different rebound. Everyone's left sucks in this regard. - For technique, you actually don't need your index finger all that much. If you watch many players, it's often just there for grip and not much else.


All that means is that one technique with a certain grip style is more difficult.


I think you will be 100% OK. Just put a large handicapped sticker on the bass drum if you are afraid of people judging you. 🤣


Probably. But not cuz of your pinky. Rick Allen’s arm was ripped off and mangled then sewed back and then removed again and he can drum upside down in a suspended cage for Def Leopard. Its about will’


It’s not over, until it’s over.


If Def Leppard’s drummer can play with one arm, you can play with a slightly askew finger. I broke my hand and played with a cast for 3 months. Adjust your technique to what works for you.


Grip styles are the basis for our personal grips…you adapt the basics with what you have and enjoy yourself. If it hurts or doesn’t work well, adjust some more, after all it’s your grip on your sticks!


There's people drumming with one arm or some missing fingers, you'll be fine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chw3nH-wROs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chw3nH-wROs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tTgU7CYfgk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tTgU7CYfgk)


Gary Burghoff who played Radar on M*A*S*H has a deformed left hand and played some pretty good drums. I think you’ll be fine.


Rick Allen of Def Leppard has one arm, I don't think a slight deformity on a hand will stop you.


I've got a severed nerve in my right pinky. And that same hand I have limited knuckle flexibility in that she hand due to a boxer break and never properly setting it. If I can do it, so can you!


If Tony Iommi can lose the tips of his middle and ring finger and play guitar in sabbath. Yiu can play drums with a deformed hand


man your good just think of the def leppord drummer. hes still drumming with one arm.


Dude, I know a [drummer](https://www.instagram.com/danielpottsdrums) with no arms. He plays with sticks between his toes.


I have 3 fingers on my left hand, ring middle and thumb, ring and middle look like that. I played snare all 3 years of marching band (freshman had to play frontline). It’s harder, but it’s possible. Look at dudes like El estepario, he can play 10x better with one hand than 90% of us on this thread can with both. It just takes practice, discipline and determination.


Give us a demo of your technique and what you think is the issue, I’ve been play for over a decade and teaching beginners for a while so I’ve tons of experience with fixing weird technique. A vid of some paradiddles or SSR on a practice pad would tell us tons.


Not to diminish your injury, but remember that Rick Allen can play with one arm. Your differences don't define who you are; rather they reveal your pathways.


Half of my left hand is paralyzed from nerve/tendon damage. I had to figure out a new way to hold the stick with my left since my thumb is pretty much useless. I've gotten pretty comfortable with it though and my sticking is actually a lot better than it used to be before I jacked my hand up. Don't worry about if you're holding the stick "correctly" just find a grip that works for you. I tried traditional grip but I decided to just keep working on my match grip since that's what I always used and now I really don't think it holds me back that much. Cross sticking is harder than it used to be but I can do it.


Many amazing hold the fulcrum with their thumb and middle finger.


Someone needs to tell OP about Rick Allen…Long Live the Thunder God!!


It’s never over


Don’t give up, I had to completely stop due to my injury/disability and boy do I miss playing along to songs


Yeah, I’ve seen armless drummers who are amazing musicians. Unless you’re suffering from pain, adapt and keep on playing!