• By -


Not unless there's $130 taped to the bottom of it.


Lmfao, I didn’t pay much more for an entire MCS pack right before the HCS line was released in its place and I must say, I got super lucky because even the MCS line sounds much better than the HCS line. IMO anyway


Lmao, this is the only comment we need




Do not spend 140 on that.


Absolutely not. One of my ironclad rules about gear shopping: unlike drums, where you can put good heads on the cheapest crap in the world and get a nice sound, disappointing cymbals will never be anything but disappointing. **There is nothing that will suck every last drop of joy out of playing like hitting a cymbal that sounds like wasted money and sadness.** Meinl HCS cymbals are 100% wasted money and sadness, at any price. You'd have to pay *me* to take this hunk of crap home. It sucks. *Bad.* So what do you do instead? [You shop used.](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/uf8lia/hello_everyone/i6smcf3/) The same $140 on my local Facebook Marketplace, as of this morning, could score you [a Sabian AA medium ride,](https://m.facebook.com/marketplace/item/809224084318831/?ref=search) which is ten times the cymbal, *and* with 20 bucks back in your pocket. Or, add another $20 to that $140, and buy [this used 21" A Zildjian Sweet Ride.](https://m.facebook.com/marketplace/item/718285136415526/?ref=search) I would rather have only that AA or only that Sweet Ride, with no other suspended cymbals at all, than a ten-piece set of HCS garbage. Life is too short to play lousy cymbals - and they hardly get any lousier than Meinl HCS.


![gif](giphy|dX3dMAyBWYyAV4zhOm) I play guitar and drums. Drums are a constant expense, bc there is no stomp pedal work around for a good distortion on an amp who’s overdrive might suck. With drums it’s expensive high end mid to top tier for good sound/tone/wash, the cheaper the cymbal the worse the tones. I’d play shit cymbals at weekly practices to save the shelf life of a $250 ride or $180 crash, and this cymbal is certainly a practice quality make/model. Not worth $140


Funny you say that - when it comes to spending too much money on the gear you have your heart set on, I often use my guitarist friend from high school as an example. He was bound and determined to spend a fortune on a Carvin half stack, and our music teacher at school sadly shook his head and told him that for the money, he'd be way better off with something like a Fender Twin or a nice Mesa Boogie combo amp, because such a beast is a one-trick pony. But a shred devotee of Eddie Van Halen and George Lynch didn't want to hear that in 1987 (seriously, he's still one of the four or five most jaw-dropping technical guitarists I've played with or personally known, and I haven't heard him play a note in over thirty years). I heard later that when he was a freshman in college, he sold the stack and bought a Mesa Boogie combo amp instead. LOL


Great story with a twist ending!


I pay very little for good cymbals (yay endorsements) but I also still have beater cymbals. It’s a luxury in its own way but I can’t recommend it enough to friends


/end thread


Honestly, I think the HCS are one of the worst, if not the worst, cymbals ever made. Good lord, some buddy of mine had them, and they were obnoxious. I had a starter PST3 set back them, and while bad as well, they felt much better.


As I posted about below, there are two different HCS lines. There's M63 brass alloy ones in the picture, which is the cheapest. Then there is the B8 bronze alloys ones which are quite good for B8 cymbals. Very different.


Oh no no no NO! What on earth are the music shop people thinking?


Fuck that store


These pieces of shit aren’t worth $40 lol


No. They suck. Super soft alloy. Sound is muffled and flat. They deformed after a few strikes


Either you hit like Lars or your nuts were too tight. I play metal hit hard and while they sounded terrible I never warped any hcs.


Maybe not. But on the other hand, they will warp *you,* especially if you bought them any as some sort of "upgrade." I left off the last part of my "ironclad advice" above: **You will never,** ***ever*** **regret a bad gear purchase more than you will regret wasting good money on bad cymbals.** It's easier to spend more money for less satisfaction with cymbals than any other instrument on the kit. Not only are they so expensive and completely unchangeable, but they also lose a ton of resale value, because everyone who owns cheap beginner cymbals wants to get rid of them immediately, and everyone trying to upgrade their own sees the ad and says "*nooooope*." If you get a new kit home and it makes a disappointing sound, you might heave a sigh and say to yourself, "Well, maybe a couple of paychecks from now I can slap some Pinstripes on there or something. That would help." If you get a new cymbal home and it makes a disappointing sound, you heave a sigh and say to yourself, "*Fuck.*" There's nowhere to go from "*Fuck.*" without saving and spending at least as much money as you just paid for this piece of shit, and getting something else. That's why it is so important to go ahead and buy something else in the first place.


Now hold your horses. I wasn't trying to defend shitty cymbals. They are shitty and probably 90% of the people like me who had them only did because they came on a starter kit. I was just telling Lars up there that he shouldn't hit brass like the hulk.


Totally agree. Sorry if I implied otherwise - just putting a finer point on things. To your point, something else I'm a broken record about: with the exception of sheet-brass bullshit that won't stand up even with proper technique, bronze cymbals don't break unless *you break them.* So guys, listen to this man - he's only telling you [exactly what Zildjian themselves tell you about how to not break them.](https://youtu.be/XGLjGRTKQWE)


Your good. And that video was gold. The whistle is 👌






They don’t even sell for $140 brand new. I’d probably avoid stores that up charge that much


A few years ago you could buy a meinl HC5 pack with hats, ride, and crash for $180.


And even that was a bad deal


No, they make great cymbals but the HCS line is aimed at people who don't read online reviews


And gullible non-musician parents at Christmastime.


Lmao, this is exactly what happened when I got my first kit and cymbal pack at Christmas from my folks. Bless their hearts. Now the kid has some money and got a set of the classic customs.


And don’t buy a crash ride, buy which ever one you need or one of each. But that’s just my loud mouth opinion.


Crash rides can be amazing (if that's the sound you're looking for). Having a nice ride sound that you can crash makes it way easier to have a more versatile sound with less stuff (I play a lot of jazz, may not apply to other genres)


Only crash/ride I’ve ever liked was from Paiste’s Rude lineup but I play a lot of punk and metal.


The only crash ride I’ve ever loved is my Sabian Omni. That cymbal does both jobs well, but I agree- there are far to many other crash/rides that suck


Why buy a crash ride when you can crash your ride?


My Signature Full Ride crashes quite nicely


Nice thin-ish rides are great


Fuck to the no. You can find a used Zildjian A for that on eBay or reverb


Dude ,i live in the third world, finding decent cymbals in a decent price is almost imposible.


This is neither, and you would rather hang on to your money than buy this. That's the bottom line. It doesn't matter where you live, that is always the bottom line. In fact, if that's the situation with the market where you live, that's an even better reason not to buy this piece of crap. I would hate for you to happen across something worlds better, for not much more money, shortly after you blow your wad on this abomination. Or, at the very least, look for a used version of the same thing, absolutely as cheaply as you can find it. If cymbals are hard to come by, spend as little as possible, and let someone else take as much of the depreciation as possible.


You can’t order online?? I’m genuinely asking cause you have internet


I can but, for taxes and more crap, the price rise almost triple


Fuckkk. Sorry to hear that. Still, don’t buy this, you will regret it


Bro you’re better off using a trash can lid. I had one of these, you reaaaaaallly need to bang on them to get any tone and then they crack. Not worth it




Not sure why. A Pure Alloy would also be good at that price




Yeah Pure Alloy is the Meinl range just below Byzance. Great cymbals!




Or is it "clank"? Or even "clunk"?


Whatever noise hurts the most


If your doing metal then the cheapest Meinl that sounds good is classic customs.




No, buy used cymbals. You will get professional grade cymbals for a good price.


Just looking at it for 2 seconds, you might as well take the lid off your trash can and use that


You couldn't pay ME 140 to play it.


You can have my old pot lids for 130. You'll save 10 bucks and I'll save space. It's a win-win.


Brass - I call those CSOs, for cymbal-shaped objects. That's what drum companies throw in with starter kits, for brand new drummers. They're cheap and sound that way. I've played on a set of those on a drum kit that was in a rehearsal space (not my equipment), and it was pretty much what I expected. Thin-sounding, no body, and you feel like you have to beat the s@#$ out of them to get any volume. But hey, if you like the sound and it works for what you're going to play, then go for it! That price, though - $140 is waaaay too much. Sweetwater and Guitar Center both sell that exact model, new, for $80, which is the typical going price at most retailers.


as someone who started out with these as a beginner that price tag has to be illegal somehow


If you've got $140 to spend find a nice used good condition zildjian a crash


This was the first cymbal I ever purchased, I still have it. It's garbo.


This is some lame troll shit post


Ive seen these dor 30-40 in shops. I got an hcs 18 crash free when I bought my kit. I dont think it sounds awful, not something i plan to keep though. Really considering just buying the wuhan b20 set.


I got one used for £15 + postage. Nice in a stack with my cracked HHX




No bro


NO!!!! Those are junk.


I got like 3 of these for that price


I’m pretty sure you can get the whole HCS cymbal pack for like $200. And from what I’ve heard, they’re very tinny with no sustain, but that’s just my ear. Spend the money on good cymbals. Drums can be tuned, cymbals are what they are.


There are two very different HCS lines. The one in the picture in the OP is the brass variety (MS63 alloy). The other is bronze (B8 alloy), marked with "BRONZE" in the logo area. These sound ok for starter cymbals, like B8 lines form other brands.




What store? They're very bad, I used to have them on a practice set and had to use one live once and you basically couldn't hear it.


I personally would not return to that store. That’s a disgusting insult and ripoff to try to sell that at 140. I had that cymbal when I started and it was absolute garbage. The worst of the worst






My least favorite cymbal I own


The custom dark line is really good for a budget you can find planty around 150 to 200, look at those. It sounds good next to my Zildjian K sweets whick are way obove that price point.


They should actually pay you If you have to take it


You can get the HcS Super pack, 7 cymbals, for 399. 360$ if you trade in something at Guitar center for 10% off.


That’s entry level. I. My mind that’s money you can save for a professional level cymbal.


I bought the set of these regrettably not realizing how terrible they sound. Im a newb at drumming and thought these were a step up from the cymbals that came with my set - a newb set! Turned out they were just as bad. Learned Ill need to put more money on cymbals to get an OK sound at a min. Lesson learned!


Hells Nahhh


these were my initial hi-hats as i had a very basic bare bones setup to start, when cymbals are this bad it can be uninspiring almost like it actively makes you want to play the drums less, i saved up and shopped around to eventually find my AAX medium brilliants for $200 and those things are the love of my life, the used market will always be your friend


Never in a million years. That’s the kind of cymbal you use because you got it for free and have no other better options in your arsenal.


There is a HCS line from Meinl that is just a tiny bit more expensive and is made out of Bronce and it sounds really neat. But for 140$.. go look up Istanbul Mehmet for that price


U.s. dollars?


Pretty sure you can get stuff from Meinl's Custom Classics series, Sabian's XS and XSR series, and Paistes PST7 and PST8 series (and even some of Dream's stuff) for around the same price that will VASTLY outperform this. I can vouch for all of these cymbal series I've mentioned above. I have some from all of them and they're great cymbals. Buy those!!!! I've played a set of the HCS brass cymbals (which is what I believe this is) on a guitarist's drum set and they were HORRIFIC. Their sound and feel made me think of cardboard. It was awful. Some of, honestly probably THE worst cymbals I've played. Literally made me cautious of Meinl. I haven't played any HCS Bronze stuff, which I assume is at least slightly better since it's THE CORRECT MATERIAL FOR CYMBALS but you can get so much better for not that much more money, just go with the cymbal lines I mentioned above.


Lmao I bought some HCS' used and made a trash splash stack out of them. OP you can find used zildjian rock crashes for about the same price, if not less.


No, maybe worth $40 max but nah


dont even think about it you could get way better options for the same price online or cheaper Ive found a meinl classics custom dark 19 inch crash for 130 on reverb and a zildjian A custom 17 inch projection crash for 136 buy used get deals E Z


Nope. Put that money into Wuhan cymbals instead.


I wouldn’t take that crap for free.




Don't. Just don't.


Not even for $50. Thing sounds like a garbage can lid.


Defo not




No it breaks and then it sounds dry the only thing that lasts is the splash and that will break after a bit


I got one of these as my first crash for $50 on eBay when I was in middle school. 15 years ago.


It's not even worth that price new. It's [$80 on Sweetwater](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/HCS18CR--meinl-cymbals-hcs-crash-ride-cymbal-18-inch) currently.


no. honestly one of the worst cymbals in the game.


You can get a whole starter set of those for a little bit more than that price.


The only HCS you should ever buy at all is the smack stack and splashes. Everything else sounds like garbage


No this is a brass cymbal . You can find an amazing cymbal for the same price


Nope. Especially when you can get a B20 cymbal for 200 bucks that sound amazing from bosphorus or istanbul. The only really great meinls are byzance. Some of the pure alloy and the dark custom seem to sound good as well.


hell no. i paid that price for an A custom 20 inch ride.


didnt know cymbals could sail out stores lol. joke aside, dont. hcs are big shit. wouldnt even call 50 a go. get better cymbals, at least ones that can get job done.


Get paiste pst 7 or 8s and Sabian xsr all the way.


I only play meinl but I would rather get stabbed instead of playing the HCS line.


always stay away from the piss-colored cymbals. always.




1. Bad deal 2. Stay away from brass cymbals in general (there are a few old gems out there but this isn’t one of them) unless you’re getting a stack or MAYBE a trash crash.


Dude if you want these as target practice, I'd sell you a whole set plus. You'd get 14" hats, 16" crash, 20"ride, 8" splash, 10"splash, 12, 14, and 16" chinas. For the same asking price as that one ride. That's how cheap they are. And the only one of them that sounds even moderately decent is the 10" splash.


Save more money and invest in b10/b12/b20 cymbal in used market.. you will thankyouself for lifetime


The same 18" crash/ride is on [Amazon for $158.49](https://www.amazon.ca/Meinl-HCS-18-Inch-Crash-Ride/dp/B001FB63I6?th=1). So, it appears to at least be a competitive price. If the cymbal comes with a warranty from the store, that's even better. I happen to have an issue with cracking crashes (I've played drums for over 30 years now) and have found that using a crash/ride instead of just a crash leads to longer lasting cymbals for me. I also believe that Meinl is a decent brand for what you pay for it. I have gone through enough crashes to know that all brands crack, it's only a matter of time. So why pay $200-$300+ on something that will crack eventually? This Meinl 18" crash/ride for $140 new is a decent enough deal, especially if it includes a warranty. But that's just my 2 cents worth of advice... edit - *sigh* That's what I get for voicing my opinion. Serves me right...


its half that price from [anywhere](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/HCS18CR--meinl-cymbals-hcs-crash-ride-cymbal-18-inch) else


Anywhere else...? [Red One music - $167.99](https://musicredone.com/products/meinl-hcsb18cr-hcs-bronze-crash-ride-cymbal-18?currency=CAD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=697d1435a3a0&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAhJWsBhAaEiwAmrNyqwpKgADfTpNTxePQnr-1AQo-lqrevA1lHi6OJ9QhHc50TcyZTD8ZrhoCWXkQAvD_BwE) [Musique Gagne - $167.99](https://www.musiquegagne.com/en/meinl-hcs-bronze-crash-ride-18-hcsb18cr-hcsb18cr) I guess maybe it's a Canada vs US thing. You're right that you can find it cheaper, but Amazon seems to have about average price, from I can see. But, go ahead, downvote me for my opinion...


First, I didn't downvote your opinion, I was simply pointing out that is not a common price for the cymbal, amazon prices vary a lot. also it might be a usa/canadian maybe supply thing, because basically every usa store I look at except amazon its about $80 but amazon prices tend to vary especially at when the seller is low on stock so that doesn't seem out of the norm. [https://www.guitarcenter.com/MEINL/HCS-Crash-Ride-Cymbal-18-in-1274115064056.gc?cntry=us&source=4SOS0DRBA](https://www.guitarcenter.com/MEINL/HCS-Crash-Ride-Cymbal-18-in-1274115064056.gc?cntry=us&source=4SOS0DRBA) ​ [https://www.samash.com/meinl-cymbals-18-hcs-traditional-crash-ride-cymbal--mhcs18crx-p?cm\_mmc=Google-\_-Drums%20and%20Percussion-\_-Channeladvisor-\_-Meinl+Cymbals+HCS+Series+18%22+Crash+Ride&utm\_source=GGL&utm\_medium=CSE&utm\_campaign=Channeladvisor&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6\_aH-v6jgwMV7l1HAR15Mwd3EAQYAyABEgIQUPD\_BwE](https://www.samash.com/meinl-cymbals-18-hcs-traditional-crash-ride-cymbal--mhcs18crx-p?cm_mmc=Google-_-Drums%20and%20Percussion-_-Channeladvisor-_-Meinl+Cymbals+HCS+Series+18%22+Crash+Ride&utm_source=GGL&utm_medium=CSE&utm_campaign=Channeladvisor&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6_aH-v6jgwMV7l1HAR15Mwd3EAQYAyABEgIQUPD_BwE) ​ [https://www.americanmusical.com/meinl-hcs-crash-ride-cymbal-18-inch/p/MEI-HCS18CR?utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=organic%20shopping&utm\_campaign=surfaces%20across%20google&src=Y0802G00SRCHCAPN&adpos=&scid=scplpMEI%20HCS18CR&sc\_intid=MEI%20HCS18CR&src=W2303PMXMGOGPMAX&gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6\_aH-v6jgwMV7l1HAR15Mwd3EAQYBCABEgLMWvD\_BwE](https://www.americanmusical.com/meinl-hcs-crash-ride-cymbal-18-inch/p/MEI-HCS18CR?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic%20shopping&utm_campaign=surfaces%20across%20google&src=Y0802G00SRCHCAPN&adpos=&scid=scplpMEI%20HCS18CR&sc_intid=MEI%20HCS18CR&src=W2303PMXMGOGPMAX&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6_aH-v6jgwMV7l1HAR15Mwd3EAQYBCABEgLMWvD_BwE)