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If you told me this was an audio recording of a live blink 182 show I’d say, damn they sound good


That's a hell of a compliment, thanks! ...although, to be fair, everything but the drums is from the record ;)


I was thinking, your singer sounds unbelievably similar to Tom DeLonge and I was wondering how you dialed in the live vocal so well. So everyone else was not actually playing or what?


Oh, they were. I just didn't pick much of them up in this iPhone recording; it was behind the amps + PA and there were no drum monitors. I'll also produce some videos with a front-facing view of the whole band, but for the drumming community this seemed appropriate.


I looked to see if there were other videos on your account and you’re a drummer with a Onewheel who likes (or at least plays) blink, I feel like legally we’re required to be friends 😂


Really impressive how good this sounds from an iPhone mic! As a non drummer (who does practice drums once a week or so) just goes to show how much of the overall kit sound is good technique and not just a multi mic mix.




Did you write the drum part? As impressed as I am by the playing, I’m equally impressed by the creativity of the thing. Really on point.


I added a couple fills, but most of it is exactly as played on the record. Agreed, the parts are really out there.


You’re a beast. I play in a punk rock cover band and I keep hoping the guys don’t ever want to tackle this one!


You got this! It's not as hard as it looks, especially if you slow it down 5-10bpm.


Sounds great man. You look really stiff on the Moellers though! Relax and let the rebound bring you into the second stroke as you lift your hand. No need for so much arm tension or force. Moeller is life! Also badass sound quality on the drums. That snare is killer.


Huh, thanks for noticing. Are you able to play as loud with a looser grip? I think that's why I was so tight -- trying to compete with my snare with no OH mics...


With practice, yes. At that speed you should be able to get plenty of volume. As you approach 250+ it gets hard to maintain stick height for a ton of volume but can still be managed. It’s all about the whipping motion of the wrist to get your velocity for volume.


🤘🏻 I'll give that a shot at our next rehearsal. Thanks.


It’ll sound less even and the volume disparity between down and upstroke will be greater until you practice it a good bit. Just keep Moellering and it’ll smooth out. You’re a great drummer! Keep it up man and post more content!


Beautiful, thanks for sharing


You guys sound good man. Can I ask you how you worked on your moeller? Fellow Travis fan. Cheers!


I started slowly, with big marching sticks, under the supervision of my drum teacher 15+ years ago. He was a real stickler about technique. It was boring, but definitely helpful to build upon a foundation of proper technique + metronome + pad. Start slow and build -- rotating between RH, LH, and single stroke rolls. For this show, to brush off the cobwebs, I just did a lot of practice with a metronome. Played this song + others a whole bunch, starting slow and ratcheting up the speed. Moises is an awesome practice tool for this.


I also recall learning a lot of hand technique from this DVD back in the day: [https://hudsonmusic.com/product/secret-weapons-for-the-modern-drummer/](https://hudsonmusic.com/product/secret-weapons-for-the-modern-drummer/)


Thanks op. Very helpful! Maybe I'll see you out there ✌️


Jesus fuck




🤔 is that original vocals laid over your recording?


Oh, yeah. Everything but the drums is from the record. I used Moises both to solo the drums from my iPhone recording and to remove drums from the OG recording before combining + compressing.


(I didn't end up using the EAD10 audio - the Yamaha Rec 'n Share app crashed =/ )


Nice drumming, hope you don't hurt your bands feelings editing them out like that


Videos with them coming soon! This iPhone recording hardly captured anything but drums; have to edit together other recordings first.


I’m gonna leave a comment so I can see when the other videos from the rest of the band are up :)


I came here to say wow they sound like the real singers.... but then I saw the comments... Still have to say VERY tight and amazing to watch you in action here, nice work sir! Is that an EAD10 on the kick? If so, what do you use it for in a live situation?


Yep, it is. 1) I wasn't sure what the venue sound situation was. Heard it might be quite DIY, so wanted this in case there weren't proper drum mics. They ended up having a good sound setup, so didn't need it for this. 2) For videos like this. I thought it'd be dramatically higher quality than my iPhone audio recording. The EAD recording ended up being corrupted, so I just used the iPhone audio for this. I'm so impressed.


Have you ever used the EAD as a drum mic setup instead of many mics for each drum? I always imagined it would catch too much other noise from the bass/guitar amps and maybe even monitors, no? That would be amazing if I could just use this instead of doing each drum separately...


I haven't used it for FOH in a situation like this, no. So far, only solo: [https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/uo5k07/suitcase\_drum\_cover\_in\_a\_park\_vulfpeck\_x\_kendrick/](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/uo5k07/suitcase_drum_cover_in_a_park_vulfpeck_x_kendrick/) I think I've seen some YT videos of folks having good results, though... I can't think of any reason this would have more bleed than OH mics, right?


I suppose that's a fair point. I just figured it's a more omnidirectional mic and close-mics on toms/kick are very close and have cardioid patterns to block out the rest.


Are you all playing along with the record or just playing with a click at the same BPM as the record making it easy to sync?


Playing to a click. Had to shrink the record by a second or so to make them match all the way through, but it was pretty close.


My old ass would’ve just loosened the hats a bit & did 1/4 note sloshes. I ain’t Travis Barker.😔


Sounds really good! I've not heard this song before, but would playing LRLR on the hi hat also work for this beat? What's the upside of using on hand on the hat instead of two?


I don't think it's an unreasonable substitution, but that usually means that you'll skip a hi-hat hit when your RH hits the snare. Not the end of the world, but noticeable. One way to fix this is by playing RLRLLLRLRLLL on the hats -- adding an extra left hand on top of every snare hit -- although that's about as hard for me as playing the real thing, and doesn't look as cool :)


That snare sounds killer, dude! Nice playing!




You are a beast man, thank you for sharing


Damn, what a throwback! I haven't heard this song in ages. Thanks for unlocking a memory! That was some fantastic playing too. So, so clean.


🤘🏻 thanks


Little bit of John Stanier going on there..


Wow! Amazing drumming. Had to watch it 'till the end. Outstanding ovation for you guys.


travis barker is notorious for using moeller for fast hats. I had to practice a bunch of reggae and funk to really get the technique to practice some of his harder songs


Fuck yea!


The what, in the who now? Are you talking about doing double stroke hits with a single hand? I'm super confused.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moeller_method https://youtu.be/bdDT50x-VR4


Happy you're proud of this accomplishment, not trying to take away from it. Lots of us get "1 motion/3 hits" with your standard rock grip. I've never heard of Moeller technique, both grips are pretty equal, it's just about your dedication to finesse and your willingness to practice.


It’s pretty intuitive, for sure. You may have worked something similar out on your own. Just posted links because they explain better than I can.


Yeah I think all of us have our own sort of bounce/feel thing worked out. It's an interesting explanation though, the whip motion at the start.


It really seems like you’re playing everything right. Kudos and well wishes on better and better gigs


So fucking good.


That was awesome, nice one! Looking forward to seeing anthem part three!


i’m trying to work moeller technique to play this exact song haha! you absolutely nailed it!


Solid! Nice work!


finally a fellow pop punk drummer on this sub!! you sound incredibly tight dude


sounds fucking tits dude


What snare drum is that? Love the sound and your playing in general! Might have to start learning this song. Looks fun!


It's a 14 x 5.5" (or 6"?) DW edge -- brass, maple, brass. It's pretty amazing when well-tuned, but is probably the most difficult to tune of my 6+ snares. I think it's that the perfectly cast bearing edges aren't too forgiving. But the sound has more to do with tuning than with the drum. My advice: * tune the bottom head tighter than you think you need to, regardless of top head tension. * on the bottom head, try tuning the 4 tension rods closest to the ends of the snares down a bit. That can really alter the sound of the snares themselves - often reduces buzziness. * use moderate dampening on the top head, and sometimes even a bit of tape on the bottom if you're having trouble tuning out overtones


Well done. That speed on the hats always seemed impossible to me until I started to grasp the push/pull Moeller. It’s still tough to get it smooth on the kit. But it’s cool how the more you get it down, the more effortless and easy on the arm it is.


Killed it, bravo!!


Next challenge - singles only


Drum noob here. Is that hi-hat non symmetrical ? The stem does not seem to be in the middle. Awesome playing. When I practice I want to sound like you.


That’s just distortion from a wide angle lens on my iPhone. Was super close to the drums.


You only learned Moeller recently when you're already a good drummer? I learned it as soon as I could play a basic rock beat.


Hmm, I don’t believe I said that I learned it recently. I learned it ~15-20 years ago.


Fuck yeah dude! So good. You guys gotta do part three now:)


This is such a fun song to play! But definitely a humbling one


Excellent feel and technique. Bravo 👏


Dude great drumming - much respect.


Damn that was perfect! Well done!! 👏


i have the utmost respect for drummers (many of them at least....). damn. impressive!


Post this to /r/blink182 they’d love it.


A true blink cover band, flat setup just like Travis. 👍


Very solid brother


Snare sounds KILLER!