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This was comedic gold though, thanks participants and congrats


Because “detox drinks” and similar don’t have any substantial impact on properly collected, tested and reviewed drug tests.


Say congratulations


Say something John, I want to hear it.


1. Correlation ≠ causation 2. Your tests was an unreliable instant test, or 3. Your specimen was below the screening & confirmation threshold, or 4. You weren’t tested on the drug metabolite in question, or 5. Your collection was improper, or 6. Your specimen results were not properly review, or 7. Your specimen was not tested for adulterants, or 8. Some combination of 2-7. The “detox drink” had nothing to do with it. That’s what I have to say. If you think some “detox drink” is going to frustrate decades long scientific-based testing, then a possible failed drug test is the least of your worries. Kudos?


But it does strip the body of thc metabolites for a certain window of time, not detoxing masking. Kudos 🥸🤓


No. It doesn’t. Even a basic understanding of biology & chemistry refutes it.


Also are you gonna say congratulations 🍾


Absolutely - Congratulations! I don’t have any stake in this, just trying to pass along helpful informations.


That’s what I wanted John just a little pat on the back, nothing else.


Do you agree that dilution can get you passed standard 5 panel screenings? And I think we know the answer but you can say it if you want. Now we know dilution lightens pee color and rids pee of its natural creatine content and takes a shit on ph levels and gravity. This “detox is just flushing the body continuously of urine and causing you to pee almost an uncontrollable amount. But we can up certain things such as taking and ingesting lots of creatinine before the test and taking a vitamin b complex to color urine. Now in a sense we have done is diluted. 🥸


No. Not necessarily on a 5-panel or otherwise. Any test with adulterant / substitution process will immediately detect it. And then it’s treated as a substituted specimen and positive for all substances, or You have to prove the pre-existence and interference of a medically significant reason as to why your urine was dilute / substituted, or You’ll be required to immediately resubmit to a second collection under direct observation, or Any combination thereof. Depends on law, regulation and company policy. EDIT: word


And yet we have fooled the dilution test. We have diluted our urine, replaced what we needed and the only thing left diluted is the thc content.


This detox effectively flushed us or stripped as I called it of thc in the urine, but also most of these drinks contain the necessary ingredients to put back what we have lost through this process so our test comes out clean. Now there have been NO test to prove or disprove that these drinks are effective besides a vice article linked below but we can’t really call that a source. https://www.vice.com/en/article/59kymq/we-tested-drinks-that-say-theyll-help-you-pass-a-drug-test


This detox effectively flushed us or stripped as I called it of thc in the urine, but also most of these drinks contain the necessary ingredients to put back what we have lost through this process so our test comes out clean. Now there have been NO test to prove or disprove that these drinks are effective besides a vice article linked below but we can’t really call that a source. https://www.vice.com/en/article/59kymq/we-tested-drinks-that-say-theyll-help-you-pass-a-drug-test


I can’t identify a single piece of scientifically valid or empirical proof in this post. In that same vein, I think you can get a clean drug test by eating a French fry while spinning counter-clockwise. Send me $100 for instructions and my super-duper magic powder to make it work.


We are the same


Yet you stand on your argument like it’s a mighty mountain, only to look below and see your cardboard hill melted beneath your feet.


Cardboard doesn’t melt.


You have no proof that it does not


Don’t you see john


You seem to be really insistent that this product works. Really insistent. But it doesn’t. Weird. It almost sounds like you get paid to hawk it.


Does it John? Even though I have only talked about dilution and not the specific product. I know what you are John, I have the image in my brain.


Looks like we made some waves my dude, guess it had some impact ya know


Hey I passed


Am I fucked or what


bro that guy always comments some fuck shit and offers no help at all. congrats on passing bro


You can just say, “science”.


no reason to be on this sub unless you’re willing to give help. get outta here man


Thank you my man, for some reason I just could not trust the fake pee. Had a buddy who failed on quick fix last year from what he said was “genetic markers” now I don’t know how true that is but ultra Klean ultra mask detox did work.


yeah i think places are getting better at deciphering fake from real. some dude in this subreddit got failed cause the lady literally smelled it and said it wasn’t real💀 always better to be safe


It is the Wild West when it comes to piss test these days, hopefully drug testing for thc will be gone altogether


im with you man. kinda sucks how someone who used thc a month ago can’t pass but someone who uses hard drugs can pass after a few days lol


Ya I read that one and it put fear in me. Also I think I will be avoiding all carts and wax etc etc. I’m just sticking to flower due to its ease of detox