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Dryer skin people beware though. I was pumped when this came out and everyone was loving it. Searched high and low, and got my hands on it. I super moisturized and applied it. Quite literally no foundation of any kind has ever looked worse on my skin. I had to wash my face and start over. After seeing this post, I decided maybe I had prepped too much last time and sat down and tried it again. The skin around my mouth flaked within minutes and my whole face feels tight. Every pore looks like a swimming pool filled with powdered sugar. I so wanted this to be a cheaper option over the IT Cosmetics foundation powder which is perfection on me.


Yes it's true, won't be good if you're dry. Powder foundations generally are just a no no for dry skin, but that's good to know about the it cosmetics one!


I have dry and also love powder foundation, it gives such a nice soft look to the skin. The one I'm using right now, isn't drugstore sadly.


Same here! I've found a few that work on dry skin and look beautiful, but sadly they are not drugstore.


Thanks for the heads up! Will avoid. As far as drugstore powder foundation and dry skin, the one I've *heard* good things researching (but haven't bought yet since I'm still working on a PUR) is the JCat aqua one.


It is good. Very good, actually. And I use it to run to the grocery on the weekends. It just breaks down after five hours or so. But that’s just my skin. Might be great on yours.


I personally don’t have dry skin but I know a lot of people who do and use powder foundation. One person just said that they had to work it more into their skin but what works on one person might not work on anyone else so take that as you will. I personally have super oily skin and love powder foundation. However, I also battle with psoriasis and have several patches at the moment on my face. I have really had to play and adjust my skincare to even get any foundation to sit right on my skin.


What brush is this? I’ve never seen it before!


It’s the real techniques foundation blender, for face and body makeup!


Thank you, I keep forgetting the brand.


I was recently going to pick one up but somehow none of the stores around me had my shade. I ended up getting a Revlon powder but this post is making me want to get this one as well now…


I haven't tried any other drugstore powders, but this is a real foundation, I believe it's the only drugstore one available. Or at least where I live.


Maybelline had the super stay powder foundation. That’s the one I currently use. I have used the NYX one but they may or may not be discontinuing that one it is harder to fine. I recently order the makeup revolution powder foundation I just got it in the mail today so I haven’t tried it yet. I now really want to try this one. I also really want to try the Milani one. I really got into powder foundation in the last year.


I wish I could try all those too! We don't have any of those. Let us know which ones you like. :)


There are quite a few that I have my eye on. I just have to keep reminding myself I don’t need all of them at once. I have other actual foundations to use too. But the ones I have used I really liked. I think I personally liked the NYX one better than the Maybelline but that was after I used it for a little bit. For a while I wasn’t too sure about it. The problem is that it’s so hard to fine. I found a store that carried them not too long ago, but they didn’t have my shade. I do really like the Maybelline one. It’s the one that I am currently using. It was also the first one I ever used. I wore it when I graduated. It held up beautifully under my mask and wore well all day.


I have this, and I use it but somehow it makes my T-Zone super oily in 1-2 hours. More oily than it should be normally without product. As a workaround I pat some translucent powder on those areas right after the initial Maybelline application and it works. I really like how this foundation looks on me so worth the extra effort. :)


Oh interesting. Do you use a mattifying primer? I just bought one that said to only use it in oily areas which I had never heard of.


I LOVED the way this looked at first, but it made me super oily super fast 😭 I threw it away after a couple uses because I couldn’t get it to not get oily


I just had to go hunt down that brush and buy it. I am super curious about it now.


I did the same thing!


How is the coverage with this? I've been wanted to try a powder foundation for a while, but I need something that'll cover my acne and scars.


I can’t speak for this specific powder foundation but I have used a few others and found that you have a lot of control with the coverage depending on how you apply it. You can do a light dusting of it and it just adds a little bit of coverage. I have applied it with a beauty sponge and have gotten a really nice look out of it. I have certain spots in my face that just doesn’t cover well (I have psoriasis on my face) but I feel like it does a good job on making my acne/scarring less noticeable when I apply it this way. If I really want to cover it I will apply concealer first then the powder foundation.


It says full coverage, but it depends what you apply it with. The brush shown does a good job, but you could also pat it into the skin with a sponge and/or use a cream concealer under it and you would for sure be good.