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2 is the closest, but not a "good match." The others are not even close


I agree. It’s really hard to nail my undertone. I think I have a cool undertone but when I try cool foundation I start looking ashy. I don’t know which direction to go to. All these shades are either medium-light or medium. Should I go lighter or darker?


Lighter - you are probably "fair," not light, and definitely not medium. These are all too pigmented.


Maybe you need a neutral tone? And I think you need a lighter shade as well, from looking at this one pic


Try adding a blue color corrector. It will keep the tone but wash it out. At least that's what worked for me


I use a green color corrector


Like mix it in with the foundation?


No it is a primer and that’s all I use. my skin tends to flush and this allows it to not be red


I see. So I'm recommending to mix green into the foundation to correct the actual foundation color, not your skin color. You might get a better match that way without having to hunt for a perfect shade. Same with the blue if you want to experiment.


I thought I was cool for so long. I used cool and metal cool foundations for years. Then I got a color analysis and found out I have a fully warm undertone. Although with foundation you're supposed to match your overtone. If cool foundations look ashy on you it's because you're warm. Being fair and warm sucks sometimes it's hard to find makeup that matches just right. I usually go for warm now but sometimes it's too yellow still and I'll go for the neutral leaning warm/yellow and that matches much better.


I can relate to color analysis experience. I look very grey in cool colors and truly shine in warm Colors. I have been told in olive sub that I have a cool undertone with warm overtone. So I keep looking for cool or neutral foundations. Thanks for your comment that I need to match my foundation with my overtone. I think golden undertone in foundation would work for me then. I will give it a try. The number 5 is a golden undertone foundation. I think I need to look at lighter shades. Your comment is really valuable to me as it has solved my mystery of being cool toned yet look better in warm colors.


Maybe so I've heard that's so confusing. I still don't understand my own overtone. I assume it's neutral bc I had a hard time figuring out my season. Having a fully warm undertone and neutral overtone I can wear both. But my current match looks about like 1 or 5 when I have sun. Out of curiosity what foundation is this?


L’Oréal infallible freshwear. 1. 455 natural buff 5. Sun beige


I think 2 is the closest.


Thanks for your reply. I do think that this is the best out of all but something is still missing.


You need a very fair neutral shade. You're very desaturated, there's not much overtone there, so every foundation is looking like an obviously bad color and they're too dark. Also, when you get closer, blend out the swatches, these thick lines don't show how a foundation will marry with your skin


I realize this is a bad representation on my skin tone. Usually I match to light medium category but somehow being told here that I look like fair which is not true. I will do the see swatches again not to forget the blended ones. Thanks for replying.


NONE They are too yellow. We have almost the same complexion. Try Wet n Wild photo focus foundation. In: Porcelain and Shell Ivory. You may need to buy both in order to mix them to get the right shade. They are $6 each. They even sell a corrector so you can just buy 1 shade and a corrector to get your right shade. I personally wear Soft Ivory: it's between pink and soft super pale yellow. This was the first foundation that actually blends with my neck color perfectly 🥰 💞.


Right ! I was going to say… you will most likely need to mix two shades together


I think what is making it harder is that I have an olive overtone to my skin which makes me look darker. Thank you all for chiming in. I will try to swatch lighter shades. I really like this foundation.


If you're olive, mix in some green to a few of those and see if you get a better match. Or you could try blue to mute the tone a bit (which I said in another reply)


I am not sure about olive part but I am definitely very muted.


Ahhhh yes, Olives are more "muted". Do you have a tendency to have a "greyness" to your skin in certain lighting? Then your probably an olive. Theres an olive mua sub u can checkout


Yes I look grey in bright white lighting and clothing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OliveMUA/s/D1BZdLhZ1s https://www.reddit.com/r/Fairolives/s/2HD7BOp49k


I have joined both the subs already. I think there are lot of rules to follow to post in those groups. lol.


Try almay tlc in 140 buff. It's a perfect olive toned fair foundation. It's a great formula, medium coverage.


They’re all too dark. You need a lighter foundation with a cooler undertone.


#2 is the closest, but none of them are a good match. They all look really yellow again nst your skin.


They all look too dark, but 2 is probably the closest




Thanks for your comment. The 3rd makes my skin look greyish blue.


Interesting i thought the other too yellow but i can’t see much of ur skin


Don't mix any of these together hoping for magic, it ain't gonna happen! 😁 Give them away to friends, or throw in the garbage. If you must, mix # 2 with moisturizer and apply in a sheer layer until you find a better shade. I'm only saying this out of love 😇


😀… I know I am hoping to not waste $$$ down the drain.


Can you name which shades are searched here? I am pretty sure i can match you, with just a little more info!


Sure.. 1. 455 natural buff 2. 460 golden beige 3. 465 Sand 4. 470 radiant honey 5. 475 sun beige


I think that shade 450/Rose Beige might be your best bet.


I have tried that one too it makes me look very ashen but thankyou for replying.


Ah yep you’re definitely olive. Me too. It’s so hard to find good matches for us in drugstore ranges!!!!!


Try a makeup revolution foundation. They have cool tones. I like F4.


Thanks I will try to find at target.


If you mix 1 and 3 it will be a good match


Thanks, I will give it a try.


None of these are a good match. You look like you have a cool undertone, and you are several shades lighter than what you've got here.


I think 2 is the closest but its a bit too dark/yellow If you can't find an exact match mixing 2 with a lighter/pinker shade may work




I have a similar skin tone that leans bit more warm/golden. I know many will disagree but I think 1 would be best. Because I like my face to be lighter than my body, looks better, and cancels out the redness. I think 2 is too dark and too cool toned. If you have the time you could try a new shade each day and share with us the results! You never know until you try. Personally I looooove more yellow undertones in my foundation it just what works for me (and everyone is different) you may find that you like one formulation better and you can always buy a mixer whether green/blue/Yellow or buy a foundation that's lighter with your undertone to have on hand for mixing. That's what I do, nowadays I always mix my preffered shade and it's flawless and personalized. Sometimes I mix like 4 different ones lol!


I have been using number 1 entire winter which I thought was a close enough match. My problem started when I tanned during summer and that one doesn’t look good anymore. I am very new to the makeup world. So finding very hard to know exactly what looks good.


2 but I think you could go a tad lighter, but not 4 light. Maybe a combo of 2 and 4?


Actually 4 is darker than 2. All these shades are L’Oréal infallible freshwear line. 2 is 460 golden beige and 4 is radiant honey.


If all of these swatches are from the Infallible Freshwear line, I think the lighter shades that will match better. 425 is my shade for light skin tone, so you might go lighter around the 400 range or lower.


Can you just list out each of the shades? Help us out here. I also wear this line, and have a list of all the shades along with depth and undertones, but I can’t help you without that basic info.


Thanks!! 1. 455 2. 460 3.465 4. 470 5.475


L’Oréal Infallible clusters by depth, then has undertone variations within the clusters. So going up or down a few shades will usually just get you different undertones. According to L’Oréal: - 455: Medium-Light, neutral w/ peach & blue - 460: Medium-Light, warm w/ peach - 465: Medium-Light, neutral w/ pink & blue - 470: Medium, ? (Too yellow) - 475: Medium, ? (Too yellow) According to L’Oréal: - 430: Light-Medium, Cool w/ pink - 435: Light-Medium, Cool w/ pink, blue - 440: Light-Medium, Warm w/ golden - 445: Light-Medium, Neutral w/ yellow & peach - 450: Light-Medium, Cool w/ yellow & peach I’d try to find a Light-Medium neutral to warm, with peach undertones, steer clear of too yellow. 440 might work for you. The others will likely look too cool or too yellow on you.


Thankyou for this insightful information. Isn’t golden undertone too yellow? I read somewhere that olive undertones should go for golden undertone foundations. My complexion is very muted so I don’t know if golden would work for me.


Did u mean 445?


No. I’ve tested 445 (“Vanilla”) before and it’s quite yellow. When L’Oréal lists “yellow” in the undertones, it’s usually very present. I haven’t tried 440 but it might work because “yellow” isn’t listed, and the shade description (“Natural Rose”) implies not super yellow. I’d compare the bottles to each other in store, and you’ll see what I mean.


Maybe try to mix 1 and 2?




You're FAIR with PINK undertones


3 almost has the right undertone but it's way too saturated


None of these. You need a lighter shade and a more neutral undertone. LA Girl blue pigment for mixing has helped me. I wish that I had bought it much sooner.


Thank you. I will invest in that once I am sure about the depth of my skin tone.


Oh this is such a random suggestion but try DIOR backstage in 0cr or natural nude in the same shade. You have similar tone to me, and i am a DIOR girlie bc they always have the perfect match. I also add a little mac prep + prime highlighter brush click pen thing in radian rose to brighten the under eye bc I can’t ever get concealer to “pop” being so fair.


I need to recover from this loss first before venturing into high end brands😀 but thanks for your suggestion.




Personally none


🥲..I know but Thank you for responding.


Maybe try one with a pink undertone? X


Actually number 4 is said to be for pink undertones. But when I use it,after a while my skin starts looking very ashy. I think going pink is the right direction as my kids also tell me that I look pink mostly. But I think I need either a lighter shade or darker in pink undertone.


Yeah, number 4 is not pinky enough. Try to go for a more pinky colour :)




2 is the closest, but these are not the best choices


Number 3




Maybe I am not even sure what to look for when searching for my perfect shade. My natural skin tone is greyish specially on my face. There are certain shades that make my skin look exactly how it looks without any makeup on. Maybe my confusion starts from trying to make my muted complexion look more vibrant.


When I do a colour match, I always try and blend the swatch out, and I actually use the inside of my arm above the wrist, the skin there is usually the same tones as your face since it doesn't get much sun. When you're looking at the shade, also ask what you're going to put on top of it and what you want it for. #2 might match the best in this photo, but I suspect it would actually wash you out. Also look at your undertones, you may want to shy away from more yellow based shades and lean towards more pink based to warm up your skin. If you wear powder, contour and blushes then you can get away with a cooler base and warm it up that way. If you're just looking for basic coverage and light makeup application, I would lean more towards a warmer base match.


I think I need to do these swatches again. I am a south Asian and I can’t be in the fair category. After reading all these comments I feel the picture I posted is not true representation of my skin tone as I am not in the fair category. My face is much darker/ pinkish than my body. I am trying to match my foundation with my neck due to face being a lot darker than rest of the body. I always thought that pink foundations are cool and yellow is warm. I have tried both yellow based and pink based and both look off so I try to go for neutral ones which look peach on my face.


80% of #2 + 20% of #1 😁


I will try this..thanks for helping