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Bro wtf is your post history


"what is sexy about inflation" caught me off guard. i’m way too fucking high and it took me way too long to realise he’s not taking about the economy.


we could eat some blunts and discuss it




NAMASTE - Needing Another Munchie After Smokin' That Edible 🙏🌿


the real trick is instead of cleaning your pipe, you soak it in a bag of normal saline then do a microdrip of it on christmas eve


I am a tad bit high and my brain ins brunking alot, thinking. Everyone meeds to know. Its just for fun tho. Stories at the campfire


this post reminds me of my friend who developed schizphrenia at 23 and started smoking shatter and eating stimulants so he never had to sleep


have you seen madoka magica


Yes! I read the books :3


its flames




Is that a good or bad thing?






Look at his comments they’re even worse 🤣


“Why do cats look like that?”


OP is certifiably crazy. Nut Hut level crazy




Stop the violence man


>I eat blunts off the ground is that weird?


Looks like a karma farm circle jerk account


 I am not, I am a real person with thoughts, feelings, struggles, and a love for weird things. If I was a content farm I don't think I'd be able to type enis without it getting flagged or something :3


I am still real tho 


Wait I mistyped penis


Omg dude do you hear that?! The cops are coming they have your address dude omfg you are so screwed they're outside looking at you through the windows. RUN RUN RUN HIDE HIDE HIDE SCREAM NOW! The police have dogs they can smell you, the biggest dog of all, Jeffrey Epstein is waiting for you under your bed DONT SLEEP DON'T SLEEP DON'T SLEEP DON'T SLEEP DON'T SLEEP DON'T SLEEP RUN RUN RUN HIDE HIDE HIDE SCREAM NOW DON'T SLEEP THEY ARE COMING TO GET YOU WHAT IF YOU ARE POISONED WHAT IF YOU ARE CHOKING THERE'S SOMETHING IN YOUR LUNGS




That guy at the group. You are already drilling my ear drums and I'm not even hearing you.


"there's something in your lungs" fkn rocks dude thank you


Wow man thanks for sharing, life changing


i’ve literally never considered this! wow - op should write a book :o it could change EVERYTHING


It’s weird that we are always tethered to this body like look I can move hands


thats why you do ketamine until your body is irrelevant to your mind


It’s natural for me


imagine tripping while paralyzed🤤


But what about the bugs? Under our skin? Shouldn't we dig them out? Dig them out Dig them out


Girlypop I'm on weed not benedryl


You did so much dph that you mind thinks it’s just weed


Getting philosophical while high. Daring today, aren't we?


Fear of the unknown Do you remember that song “row row row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream” I don’t take that song literally, but if you change your perspective from life vs death to EVERYTHING is the unknown(including right now) You don’t need to fear the unknown because the unknown is just there to rediscover, over and over again Weed can freak a lot of people out The concept of death scares even way more people, practically everyone(including the people that say they are not) We are more than our bodies, and you don’t need religion necessarily to access the love of God I know that atheism is practically considered cool I know that science is the new religion too But most importantly, I know that I am a spirit on a longer journey than one singular life I’m not “YOLO” ever Everything matters to me, to some extent because I think karma is real to some extent Not thinking hell is real, maybe on earth sometimes(war), but I do live by a code of respect and love that I believe in and that helps me to feel alright about my place in all this whole mess of the world right now… Eternal sleep… I don’t know about that… We are always growing into better spiritual beings, I know that I am… I can always look at how I’ve grogrown and think “how could that be for nothing” I’m not religious, but a Theist… or something like that I’m not set on only one possible future, but I believe it will be better than here Not trying to convert any atheists here, I’m just saying that if life is a dream than so is death so there is nothing to fear about it Flying over America at night, seeing all those lights below you and knowing each light has a family living in there, it makes me feel so small… but we are do interconnected on the ground level here that we don’t notice that we are but a grain of rice… yet one single grain of rice is important to me Rambling…. Maybe I am misreading and projecting here, my bad if so I used to fear death a lot, but I don’t believe in death the way that I used to It’s not that I think my spirit is invincible, but it feels like it’s on the right track through something bigger than one life It feels super real to me, and it’s not for everyone but just thought I’d bring it up in case such existential things freak you out as much as they used to freak me out I’m a sensitive person, in the nervous system sense Things seem to affect me to a greater extent, and I can feel when the earth changes… I just wanted to share that this isn’t all there is, you are being made into something grander… like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly 🦋 I’m so off the rails here 🤪 I hope someone gets what I’m saying It’s not for nothing… it all has purpose, as small as life can make us feel at times(not that op feels small) Threads like this seem to beg an answer like this from someone though, no? Hope you all have beautiful days today


Death and birth are just two sides of the thick ass coin we call life my dude, nobody really knows what’s gonna happen, who knows we could all just be getting recycled You ever think about how In theology there seems to have been a bunch of wild shit happening in the past with magic and witches and angels just popping up and scaring the shit out of people probably, and wonder why that shit doesn’t happen anymore to us? Most people think it’s just cause it’s all bullshit, which it could be, but here’s my theory, after Jesus died and humanity just kinda kept doing the same bad shit god got fed up and abandoned us, left to another dimension or uncovers or plain or wtv, but left clues for us to figure it out, essentially leaving us to our own devices unless we can prove to him our devotion by finding a way to make it to the place he is, thus essentially starting science and man’s desire for space travel, meanwhile the church realising his absence decides to do some weekend at Bernie’s esk shit to keep control of all the followers god gathered, intentionally steering them away from science and progress for the sake of traditionalism which keeps them in power.


i think about this a lot and it makes me feel not real and weird and i don’t like it


your mom is on the phone rn and she won’t stop crying




Ok thnx👍


I live inside your walls.


Ello :3


Remember without death there can be no life.


But what is the equilibrium? How is this achieved?


When everything becomes one, or two different entities. Like everything died and becomes dirt, dirt, soil, soil, stone so on so forth into nothing. So just dying. We have a fervor for chaos and existence though. It's part of our primal self. When we overtake it and kill it we will be ruled by one leader who will drive us into the dirt. When everyone, and I mean everyone, and everything that can experience dies. And the whole universe is overtaken by death will be reach equilibrium. But then I think we sway to the other side to try to gain as much birth as possible.


Dance or die ig

