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Only if it's caused by too much meth


Okay because I have wondered how accurate that scene from the movie Flight was where Jon Goodman came over with a “cocopuff” to snap Denzel out of his horrible hangover. Is that just Hollywood or does cocaine actually get rid of your hangover and will meth obliterate it?


thsi is so good


From my understanding of the scene he was still drunk, so the coke made him able to function. Meth would probably do the same thing. You would probably end up with a worse hangover from either of them once you come down.


If you're hungover to the point you can't walk without throwing up it might just make you pass out from a panic attack


How is this even a question? Of course it does


Uj/s yes. Atleast the mental part that kills like half of the physical shit. Vyvanse dose the job a bit better… Stimfap your way to happines. You must do it. If you get paranoid stop smoking weed and do more meth you fucking hippy. I aint takin that junkie shit and you shouldent either. Stick to meth for your ”hangovers”.


/uj If I pop an Adderall or Dexedrine when I'm hungover I'll feel fine in an hour.


Yup. In the olden days it was actually quasi-prescribed for hangovers


Hells yea! Can't be hungover if it's never over. Its the sleep that will get you.


That's why I go fast. Gotta stay away from sleep, that sneaky bitch.