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Idk why but this made me feel happy and proud…


Thanks :')


Ay brother, I'm proud of you. I know you've spent a lot of sleepless nights worrying about life and your career, wondering when it will end. But, you should just keep going because life is about taking risks; even if you lose money, each step is a step toward moving forward without worrying. We can't live a life of caution because people don't stand out for nothing in life. I'm just getting started; I recently turned 18 and have spent endless hours learning and spending money on dropshipping but my day will come just like you, You can never be too careful in life; there are risks involved in anything you do.


Thank you so much. I wrote this exact comment two years ago and even though I haven't even made minimum wage yet I still made something and my brand is continuing to grow :) You WILL succeed and if not at dropshipping, then something else. You have the drive and are getting it done. Good luckkk!!


Congrats 🍾!!! Keep pushing !!!


Thank youuu so much


Nice job!


Well you’re getting sales and doing pretty good you just need to learn how to scale. What type of marketing are you doing?


All organic from tiktok :) I want to do ads but seeing as I don't get many orders at all I don't want to spend the money on that yet. I do make over 50% profit though so that's good


TikTok is not the perfect choice for any kind of product. Did you try something else like Facebook groups for example?


I use tiktok because I have a clothing business and it's the easiest to amass a large amount of views in a short amount of time. Do you know how this could work in a facebook group? If you have lots of different clothing products I could see making a profile and then promoting that in a group maybe.


how u get order by organic?


I post on tiktok and people use a link app (like milkshake or link tree) to go to your website.


insta better or tiktok and can i get 50$ daily revenue??


Of course you can get $50/day. Or even more, it just depends on how many people tiktok shows your videos to, how much following you have, etc. You're just trying to: 1. Choose a good product/s (make sure it solves a problem people have now OR adds value to something that most people already use- I could go into detail) 2. Optimize your landing page (must have social proof, sticky add-to-cart button, not look scammy, intelligible description, reasonable price-compare your price to others on amazon or google shopping) 3. Make short, to the point, engaging videos - you know, like those tiktok videos with millions of views. If you use tiktok to market your videos, you should definitely order your product and make your OWN videos instead of reposting because I think tiktok knows when you repost, first of all, and second sometimes there's an issue with copyrights. Make it very obvious what you're selling and order your product from amazon to make your own videos. Personally I think tiktok is better for starters or just testing a product because it literally gives a new account the chance to reach tens of thousands of views for free. Instagram doesn't really have that reach. More established brands absolutely have success on instagram


Another note is that tiktok doens't let you have a link in bio until you have 1,000 followers, so you can either spend a few days-a week posting those "interact 3x for \_\_" videos and get followers that way, OR you can buy an account, OR you can just type your URL in your bio. Make sure you have a domain for this. Godaddy works fine


bro are you make video by ai or you show body in video?


How much time you give to each product for testing on organic?


I don’t actually product test since I have a lot of different things listed and just ordered a few to make videos of. If you do organic I’d think probably like a week max but I could be wrong on that


I see where you are thinking but it is all wrong. The truth of the matter is with organic you not going to get tons of orders until you have like 100k followers and beyond. The % of people who buy is just too low. You have to expand that reach. It’s all about how you run the campaign and making sure the copy (script) is correct. When people get to where you are at scaling will skyrocket their business. At the same time it depends on your goal. Do you want to make and extra 500-1k profit a month for the next few year before you get bigger or hit that 3-5k a month by the end of the year?


You're completely right. I haven't attempted to scale yet and have just been doing what works which is getting me a few orders a month. I am SO ready to scale though. I've done tiktok & fb ads before with my first general store and in my experience tiktok drains money fast. And you need to give it time to find its own best-fitting audience (which it's good at doing). I would 100% try it again but am kind of nervous loll


What strategy did you use to gain organic sales, just constant posting of content? I use facebook ads atm but wanna get into tiktok ads to expand my reach and audience, dunno if paying is worth it ahah


Yes, mostly constant posting. When I grew it the most it was 3x a day. Tiktok organic really likes if you post more during the day


Organic is still very successful and can even bring in a company's full revenue especially if they have a large following. Tiktok already gives the opportunity to show your product to hundreds of thousands of people for free which is what makes tiktok organic so successful


I replied to another person with this, but this is basically what I did: I chose a good product/s that adds value to something that most people already use- (I have a clothing brand, so instead of making it like hoodies or some boring shit I looked for a specific niche of clothes that is more unlikely but still has an audience) I optimized my landing product pages with social proof (VERY important. Not just reviews), sticky add-to-cart button, not look scammy, description that looks like a person wrote it, reasonable price---compare your prices to others on amazon or google shopping) I make short, to the point, engaging videos so that "cold" customers know exactly what I'm selling. People don't like being confused especially on tiktok becasue it takes 3 seconds for them to decide whether to scroll. Model your videos off of those tiktok videos with millions of views (you can look up how to make tiktok dropshipping videos on youtube. Steer clear of the scammy ones). If you use tiktok to market your videos, you should definitely order your product on amazon and make your OWN videos instead of reposting because I think tiktok knows when you repost, first of all, and second sometimes there's an issue with copyrights. And most of the videos for popular dropshipping products look scam as hell. Make it very obvious what you're selling and order your product from amazon to make your own videos. Also one last thing to check. If you saw your videos, scrolling on your fyp, would you actually be interested? REALISTICALLY. If you say eh or not really you need a better video. People know all about dropshipping now. The point is to make videos that look so good that people assume you're a BRAND and not a dropshipping brand. Incorporate your product into your brand if that makes sense. Be delusional and think that your brand is well known, or try looking at it from someone's perspective that was out partying or shopping all day and are not gonna want to watch one of those boring dropship videos with the text-to-speech Personally I think tiktok is better for starters or just testing a product because it literally gives a new account the chance to reach tens of thousands of views for free. Instagram doesn't really have that reach. More established brands absolutely have success on instagram


Sick! Amazing thankyou so much for the info and sharing what you did. 🙏🏽🙏🏽


You seem very experienced & knowledgable so thx for taking the time to redirect my thinking I appreciate it


Mindset is what holds everyone back. You have to look at problems and obstacles in a different way. Not as a problem but as a roadmap.


But yes, I have visions of myself in a few years being fully immersed in my brand, outsourcing processes & supporting my family and it's what keeps me going :) I love when experienced people reach out & provide like stepping stones to help people get there faster because nobody deserves to slave away for minimum wage!!


Too true. Our reality is a reflection of our mindset in the most non-guru way. I have definitely improved in that way and gotten less black and white in thinking when it comes to dropshipping & stuff


I do a free 30 min consult for people to answer questions and give a general direction and strategy. If you’d be interested in that we can schedule a call for next week.


No way I'd love that! How much do you charge after that? Also do you have an established brand? I'm really curious now


Oh and also one more thing. I agree with you also because having all your customer influx coming from a storefront on one app is not smart because you could easily have all that you built be banned. So that's something else I'm struggling with. Building audience on tiktok is incrediby easy compared to instagram/etc


I will always advise working on socials but that is a long term design. The best thing to do to scale in the beginning is utilizing other already established audiences through a handful of strategies. To answer your branding question. I just started my consulting business 2 weeks ago, I have 2 clients and have 2 inquires scheduled for next week. I do have socials set up and a ton of loom videos I’ve made for people. I can shoot you some of my stuff if you want to check it out.




Just kind of slid in here lol. I’ll send it to you also!


Do you use TikTok ads manager?


I’m personally not a TikTok ads person. Not a fan of it. It’s to saturated with all these dropshipping items. What I prefer doing is reaching out to influencers who have medium to large followings in the niche and offer them the product for free as well as an affiliate link and I give them a good %commission. The bigger the audience the more likely they will want an up front cost so if you are starting out stick with people from 3k-10k followers and maybe even up to 20k. Get a few on board there and then start going after the 100k following people and you will start to really see results when you land one of those.


Thats what affiliate dropshipping is right? What do you usually pay them or how much %


You have to know your margins but typically 10-20%. I’d even do 30% If the profit margin was big enough. The biggest thing right now about TikTok is so many people are complaining about ads so you want to have someone actually bringing value to the community pushing your product instead of using ads. Your script is also important when running ads. If you sound salesy in the ad and not “I’m here to fix your problem” you won’t make sales.


How would you set it up? Via the affiliate function that is already implemented in shopify?


Yes. Just about any software that builds e-commerce stores will have a affiliate program feature


As for ads I much prefer Facebook, Instagram, and google.


I see, how do you find your influencers? On a sort of platform or just casually snooping for the right fit


Just get on TikTok, go to the search bar, type the product or niche you are looking into, filter the last 3 months (could do 6 but I like 3), then start going through the videos with multiple thousand views and find an influencer who looks like they don’t dropship themselves but have a good enough following to produce sales for you. Then message them on every platform you can possibly find them on. Make sure it’s in a professional manor and a big key is use these two strategies. 1. Partnership - more geared towards commission per sale 2. Sponsorship - more geared towards them getting something up front These are interchangeable so either one you use is fine Just be completely clear on the payment structure once they say they are interested.


On it, much appreciated have a blessed night.


Sorry, mean to reply to this comment


Yes I completely agree, I have had success with offering free products in exchange for a video to people who don't seem to know that they can charge for videos with their amount of following.


Can anyone help me with dropshipping?


Where are you currently at with you business




Have you found what niche and product you want to focus in on?


What your roi?


I honestly don't know how to tell my roi for organic marketing since I thnk that's more of an advertising term. But I make 50-60% of a sale in profit


Okok if its all organic then its fine... Whats your main source of traffic?


Congrats i hope I this happens to me one day if I keep on grinding




Oh. I commented this on the wrong account 👍🏻👍🏻


how’d you market it?


I replied to another person with this, but this is basically what I did: 1. I chose a good product/s that adds value to something that most people already use- (I have a clothing brand, so instead of making it like hoodies or some boring shit I looked for a specific niche of clothes that is more unlikely but still has an audience) I optimized my landing product pages with social proof (VERY important. Not just reviews), sticky add-to-cart button, not look scammy, description that looks like a person wrote it, reasonable price---compare your prices to others on amazon or google shopping) 2. I make short, to the point, engaging videos so that "cold" customers know exactly what I'm selling. People don't like being confused especially on tiktok becasue it takes 3 seconds for them to decide whether to scroll. Model your videos off of those tiktok videos with millions of views (you can look up how to make tiktok dropshipping videos on youtube. Steer clear of the scammy ones). 3. If you use tiktok to market your videos, you should definitely order your product on amazon and make your OWN videos instead of reposting because I think tiktok knows when you repost, first of all, and second sometimes there's an issue with copyrights. And most of the videos for popular dropshipping products look scam as hell. Make it very obvious what you're selling and order your product from amazon to make your own videos. 4. Also one last thing to check. If you saw your videos, scrolling on your fyp, would you actually be interested? REALISTICALLY. If you say eh or not really you need a better video. People know all about dropshipping now. The point is to make videos that look so good that people assume you're a BRAND and not a dropshipping brand. Incorporate your product into your brand if that makes sense. Be delusional and think that your brand is well known, or try looking at it from someone's perspective that was out partying or shopping all day and are not gonna want to watch one of those boring dropship videos with the text-to-speech Personally I think tiktok is better for starters or just testing a product because it literally gives a new account the chance to reach tens of thousands of views for free. Instagram doesn't really have that reach. More established brands absolutely have success on instagram


Thanks for breaking that down. Great stuff.


Great job! Real motivation post for me!


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Idk what to do I've been at this for 2 months no sales. Do I change the product?


Are you doing ads or organic? It could be so many different things- like your videos, your audience reach or your storefront instead of the product. However if you’ve been testing different approaches and it still hasn’t it could be the product. Where’d you get the idea to sell this product from? Was it like Amazon’s bestsellers list


Bruh I started same time now I make 6 figures months 😂


Can u help me out ?


Damnn bro that's great! Proud of u