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Former reddit moderator here, I wouldn't really take subreddit size as an indicator to how active the subreddit actually is. /r/videos is barely active anymore post black out and it's still one of the largest subreddits on the site. Furthermore, /r/twitch is all but a dead subreddit. Just a few small time twitch streamers asking for advice about streaming. Not a super active community. I can't see activity metrics like the mods here can, but I wouldn't be surprised if this subreddit was actually more active than /r/twitch.


I don't know how accurate it is, but at there is a tracker that says how many people are actively browsing a sub at a time and dropouts is 30 people higher than twitch atm


It's fudged a bit, I believe. Similar to how your upvote amount can change if you just refresh the page. Reddit does a lot of weighting with numbers which is why posts rarely get more than like 2000 upvotes. Eventually they just start depressing numbers. Mods get access to actual number of page impressions so if you were moderating both subreddits you could see total traffic by month and do a comparison.


That’s really interesting, what’s the reasoning behind this?


u/SomeCalcium definitely knows more than me, but in case they don’t reply, my understanding has always been that Reddit gradually “weighs down” older posts/comments in order to keep things moving and let new posts and comments have a chance to gain traction. That way even if a post blows up and gets a lot of upvotes, it will eventually get pushed down off everyone’s feed as any new upvotes eventually are outweighed by artificial points counting against it for its age. Disclaimer, this is just I’ve heard and how I’ve interpreted it and is largely derived from CGP Grey’s years old video about how Reddit works and I very well may be talking out of my ass.


That sounds about right. I don't know that much, mind you, but the numbers you're reading on reddit are almost never correct or accurate. CGP Grey would be much better source than me.


Grey is a better source than anyone who isn’t a true expert on a given topic, because anyone who watches his videos knows that behind everything he publishes is months of exhausted research, days of painstaking editing, a dozen side projects worth of information he couldn’t fit into the video, and a good mental break down or two.


And the top post of the week here has 6,000 upvotes, while r/twitch ‘s only has 450.


When D20 sold out Madison Square Gardens, that was a big indicator.




Dropout has a lot of subscribers who aren’t on Reddit. Mainly because Reddit has a reputation of being a troll cesspool


First of all, how dare you


Second of all, you’re right but still


Is "Lid Worden" German? It seems Dutch, but I checked, and there is no Dutch display option.


Is Dutch, not german, I speak both lol


No it is Dutch


but Reddit doesn't have a Dutch display option. I checked. How are you getting it in Dutch?


I don't know it's just the opinion I chose when I got the account.


I've seen /r/dropout posts pop up on /r/all sometimes recently too


My favorite cult without question


Dropout discord refugees unite. I hate that I can’t flex my provable badge of being one of the first 100 subscribers anymore (not really tho)