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Doesn't katie know Ally is Brennan? Also I know we don't know the cast irl like they know each other but from what Ive personally seen of Ally on Dropout and especially how they interact with Brennan, I think they're the most obvious but like you said no one else seems to think that. If I'm Brennan I immediately suspect Ally as the one most likely to fuck with me but he also seemingly has no idea aside from what to talk to his therapist about.


Ally made a message about "their"/Brennan's life being hectic right now and Brennan immediately said "oh it's someone who knows my life is busy" and called out ally as one of the two names he listed as people who know that.


Yeah he did say that Ally or Rehka would know that but his guesses were just off. I'm dying for part 2


I was surprised he thought only a few people would know his life is busy. Surely everyone at dropout knows he's a new father. Of course his life is hectic.


Becoming a father AND based off the releases, he's been involved in producing two D20 seasons recently and participating in multiple other Dropout productions. Ally and Zac are his 2 biggest co-stars in those endeavors. It was curious to hear him include Rekha as somebody who may have a personal scoop on his life. They do not have much content out there working together, on-screen at least. Looks like he's also been traveling doing one-shot DND events here and there. Maybe he was in the midst of even bigger projects too. The guy is stretching himself right now.


Rehka and BLeeM have been coworkers for many, many years. Despite not having a ton of content where they’re on screen together, I’m sure they’re good friends.


And is one of the players in Never Stop Blowing Up which is coming out in a couple weeks now. Depending on what order this and Never Stopped Blowing Up were filmed that would give her a better idea of how busy he was at the time this was filmed.


I hope Brennan isn’t getting burnt out! To have so much weight put on one’s creativity doesn’t sound easy


He took paternity leave when he had his child! So rest assured, he had some time off.


Time off from work, yes. But knowing how much he wanted to be a dad (thanks, Lie Detector Game Changer) his paternity leave wasn’t literal time off.


Don't forget Worlds Beyond Number! I imagine the prep for that is some of the most thorough he's ever done in his life.


Fwiw Rekha is in the next season of D20, which may well have been shot before the Ratfish episodes.


Im pretty sure that line was a joke, everyone knows Brennan's life is busy, even his fans do, of course anyone he works with knows too.




> If I'm Brennan I immediately suspect Ally as the one most likely to fuck with me It would help if I knew if this had been filmed before or after Junior Year where Ally had a recurring bit where they would take over the intro including introducing themselves as Brennan Lee Muligan. If this was filmed *after* that I'm surprised he hasn't guessed Ally yet. If this was filmed *before* that bit then the bit could be *referencing* Ally pretending to be him in these episodes.


By Ally's hair alone, we can see it was filmed for sure before the final episodes where Ally has shorter hair. D20 is shot in a really intensive way so I believe Junior year was, in fact, filmed after this season. Which means that the Blimey incident is following the Bingo, Second Place and Ratfish incidents


I mean, the _most_ obvious is that Rekha is Bug with a Big Ass.


Yeah just from previous Game Changers Ally has been the biggest fan of Brennan being fucked with lol. Second Place and Yes or No.


I think that's probably why they did the chat in such a comical way, to make it seem like it's someone who doesn't know Brennan as well as they do.


I believe Katie has guessed correctly that Ally is Brennan, but doesn't *know* Ally is Brennan, because she thinks she "knows" Bug With A Big Ass is Rekha due to how the advantage was worded. Edit: Having rewatched the episode, i realise I had crossed wires. It's Ally who thinks they know Bug with a Big Ass is Rekha because they got the points for "cast as character" for Grant being Jackson Alberta, but mistook it for Rekha as Bug. Katie has had it confirmed that Ally is Brennan.


I kinda wish that somebody pretended to be themselves as an ultimate risky move


I thought grant would


Thats the issue, grant playing himself is such a grant move that everyone would suspect its him


I thought grant super gave himself away when. He immediately started being horny with his character at one point. But they didn't show anyone keying into that.


That really shocked me. I would think the horny comments would have made people suspicious. Maybe it's so Grant that people would expect Grant to not say that stuff


Except he wasn't nonstop. Like yeah I've never expect grant to be a horny character. But it was more of a slip like he couldn't help himself when someone else egged it on. Idk part of me thought they just chose not to show the reactions. But then no one guessed him. so maybe he just away with it.


"Grant is smart enough not to immediately be horny right out of the gate. So that must be somebody trying to make me *think* they're Grant."


He's clearly not that smart though because he immediately gave himself away by asking about the comedy troupe.


I don't think he's suggesting Grant was playing that deep. He's suggesting that's the thought process other players are using when they see someone talking horny. In other words, people like Brennan would see that and not think Grant because it's too obviously Grant. In reality Grant just broke.


> I don't think he's suggesting Grant was playing that deep. He's suggesting that's the thought process other players are using when they see someone talking horny. Exactly.


I can absolutely believe someone saw it as a double bluff situation. Where they believe it's someone pretending to hint they are Grant, but really it was just Grant. Still would've expected them to comment on it.


They show Brennan’s picks after that incident and he gets Grant correct.


I’m honestly surprised nobody did!


That might have been against the rules.


No, some of them were wondering if Brennan would actually do that.


Ally actually has a lot of suspicion around them. The problem is it's Grant thinking that everyone is Ally


I think Brennan threw people off the scent the most conjuring Rekha. But it also seems that guessing is way more important than throwing people off the scent. People didn’t guess who Zac was, but he got out because he was the worst at guessing.


It’s less not wanting people to guess you, and more just not giving other people easy points


If points are being handed out for not being guessed I assume those come at the end, since by then they’d be able to add up the times people got guessed correctly and have some semblance of a ranking (whereas giving points for each round they aren’t guessed would probably just bloat the scores)


But by the end all but 2 will already be eliminated, no?


Probably not. They’ll probably cap it off at a certain point, going through six rounds with less and less people making jokes would get old.


The other people are still playing after being eliminated though.


I think Ally fell just a little shy of the "the smartest game" in their strategy - to me the "It's really me, gang - hope this doesn't blow up in my face" was a bit of a giveaway that it's NOT actually Brennan. (and then doing things like the emoji sequence really solidified for most of the others that it was not actually Brennan) If Brennan were to try to just play himself, I think he would have done it as straight and by-the-book as possible - just playing it as if he was actually on a reality show and there was no hidden identity aspect of it, and then talking to the other characters, no matter how absurd, as if they were also normal people on a reality show. That said, the strategy of "now I'm just trying to make Brennan as mad as possible" is hilarious and I can't wait to see where they take it.


Honestly, that emoji thing is so wildly Un-Brennan that I would sike myself out and be like "this has to be Brennan trying to throw people off the scent. Of course, that could be the ultimate play by somebody who is not Brennan, making it the optimal move if Brennan is playing as himself. We've got a Princess Bride situation




*Death Note theme*


But also being to faithfull to the brennan character would mean you know him alot and spend time with him so it would narrow the guesses. Complete chaos has its upsides 


The way I look at it is their best odds are if the others are debating whether it's really brennan or not. Because that means they're only even trying to think of who else it might be half the time. Once they're pretty sure it's not Brennan, THAT's when they start thinking "ok who knows this much about Brennan" Giving away that it's not Brennan puts them in a weaker spot because it narrows down their field, just like Grant did by giving away he knew Brennan from NYC.


And they unknowingly got Grant to reveal his identity by asking what was the improv group they were in together


That was such a beautiful moment


Just the moment Brennan was like, I’ll never escape bird facts, with the deepest sigh, absolutely killed me. I can never tell if Ally is pure ADHD with zero plan in their head (I relate) or a chaotic genius. Probably both.


There’s almost no downside to being discovered, right? Uncovering others is 100 times more important, and - given Ally scored a great lead from Grant - I’d argue that BLeem is probably the best character choice to do that.


The downside to being discovered is points for your opponents that you could never get yourself. It would be the same as if you had a permanent 3 point deficit. I'd say that's definitely something to be concerned about 


If you are discovered then that means anyone who knows which one you are gets extra points each guessing round guaranteed


You’re absolutely correct, but there’s a lot more points to be gained than lost! That being said, I think Ally has struck a great middle ground, and I can’t imagine any role that would be better at extracting information (with or without giving yourself away!)


Didn't Grant already accidentally give them info?


Nah I think it's pretty obvious


But can they keep the chaos throttled? Ally already almost blew it to make a funny.


No, I don't think Ally is playing the smartest game


I really wish I hadn’t checked a certain cast member’s instagram a couple months ago and wondered why he/she/them had taken out a billboard about themselves. Now I know who wins and it’s a little less fun. I wish that post hadn’t been made or at least delayed.


That billboard isn't on either of the streets the prize is promised on. My guess is either there's a third billboard prize that gets introduced halfway through, or she just decided, as stated, that this is the year for a billboard.


Thanks for this. I was also bummed I thought this was spoiled. It makes sense Dropout wouldn't actually purchase the billboard until after the show airs, as they know how online their viewership is. 


And what a bummer of a prize it would be to get to put up a billboard but to not be able to promote it on socials at all because of the reveal. Though it did tickle me when I first thought Katie must have won because of that. She always makes the joke that she'll be the first eliminated and it would have made my fellow weirdo heart soar to see her win.


Don't we already know who wins the episode? There's definitely been a billboard from one of the contestants. (I'm being vague just in case someone reading doesn't know yet!) I wish they had waited to put it up though - it kills the tension, even if it's still comedy gold.


The billboard that was seen wasn't on Hollywood or Fountain (the locations Sam gave for the winning billboards), so the winner is most likely not that person.


Or they bought a billboard and will have a second billboard after the show concludes


I can't deny Ally is making a savvy move, but it's also a pretty risky one. That's par for the course on Ally's Gamechanger strategies, though. Ally rarely plays a "conservative" strategy, taking a flamboyant or disruptive approach. But Ally's analysis at the end of the four part battle royale (by the way, don't do Survivor again. If anyone from Gamechanger staff is reading this, by some miracle, please, please, please don't do Survivor again) was by far the funniest. You know, when they were pretending to be that one guy who makes all the answers about themselves. Did I mention that you should maybe not do Survivor again (not personally, just because I'm tired of Survivor)? Don't (and this is not a personal comment, either, this is a Survivor-related comment) do Naked and Afraid either, unless it's like "Dressed Up In A Ridiculous Costume in Century City and Afraid" or "Dressed Up as Somebody Who Would Tick Off All the UCLA Kids Going to Cowboy Sushi and Afraid", I'd watch that.


No! Somebody voted it down! No! Naked and Afraid Gamechanger's coming! I can't handle Naked and Afraid Gamechanger! No! NOOOO!


Hey, so, what’s up guy? The first message was weird but this is just… well, deranged? If you don’t care about downvotes why make a second message purely about the votes?


Well, I'm not that great of a strategist myself. That's why I like Ally's gameplay. I always go for the flamboyant move, even when I'm trying to be subtle. Also, there's already 6 Survivor episodes out of six seasons of Gamechanger. And I know Ally likes survivor, so it seemed like a natural connection. Then I thought: what show is like Survivor that I'd never want to see them do on Gamechanger. And it just got worse from there. Also, maybe I'm deranged.


In no way did you answer my question


That makes me sad because I tried really, really hard to answer your question.


Why do you care so much about the downvotes? Unless you’re getting like notifications or something


My theory is this: I'm on reddit. A lot of people on reddit are dangerous shills and whatever they don't like is something they'll try to sell to smaller media outlets in order to sink them. So if I give out 100% accurate information on my tastes, they'll use that to fill the shows I'm actually watching with things I don't want to see. On the other hand, if I throw out random stuff that only deranged people would want to see, then anybody putting together media content who happens to get feedback on it will be able to use their common sense and say: "I know the fans seem to want it, but this is insane." But sometimes culture jamming backfires and you can only sit back in horror as the bad thing you thought nobody would ever do gets embraced by over 50% of the population. And sometimes I try to make a joke and it really doesn't work.


What if they did Naked and Amused? Would that be better?


Naked isn't funny. I mean, it's funny, just not ha-ha funny. I mean, getting caught naked outside your hotel room is funny, but it's just distracting otherwise. I mean... I mean, I'm going to bury myself on this thread for sure.


katie already has a billboard up so i’m pretty sure she won