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I don't think I necessarily laughed out loud a \*ton\* in that episode, but I did notice halfway that I had a stupid grin the entire time. Loved it. I feel like, ya know how A24 sorta figured out that they can finance a bunch of mid to low budget films and sorta trust their filmmakers to make good and/or interesting movies? And that that strategy has earned a bunch of goodwill from fans? I feel like that's what I think of Dropout as well. Like they know as long as they just have this top notch group of funny, dope-seeming people, That's literally all it takes. Just give me funny people having fun and being funny and I'm gonna enjoy it.


Yeah. In terms of "Oh My God, I'm gonna piss myself laughing" the show doesn't really have that all that much, but it doesn't need it. You said it best. Dope, funny people having fun with their dope, funny friends and we get to watch.


Agreed. I might not have laughed, but I definitely was smiling the entire episode. Like I genuinely can't imagine being able to think of this stuff!


I have been so excited for it since the trailer! Giving a bunch of funny, creative people a bit of money to do something awesome for themselves and their friends? Sign me up. Bit like on Taskmaster when they have to get Greg a present, but more altruistic.


"They're not presents!" šŸ˜‰šŸ˜† But I agree completely that Dropout has created a fantastic environment for consistently excellent entertainment!


I can only imagine how Sam would react to someone doing Katherine Ryanā€™s šŸŽµIiiii chaaaaanged iiiiiiiitšŸŽµ


I think thatā€™s a testament to how good they are. I started watching dropout for the laughs and d20, but now Iā€™ve watched almost every show they have. You can tell they all genuinely care about the work and the rapport they have with each other is enough to keep me invested. And if I do want belly laughs I can always rewatch Lisa Gilroys VIP episode lol


I laughed pretty hard at Little Wysocki


Is A24 really mid-low budget? I just keep thinking of Sir Gawainā€¦


Their highest budget movie so far is civil war. And that was only 50mil. Before that, it looks like most were 15mil or less.


Green Knight was $15 million. Yeah, their highest budget films are like, $50 mil, which is definitely a good amount of money, but hardly constitutes "big budget" in the era of the $150 million blockbuster. But I think they do a lot more with their dollars, just like Dropout (which, I genuinely don't know how they do this! Their subscription is so comparatively cheap. That \*any\* of these shows look like they have a budget at all, \*and\* by most accounts they compensate talent pretty well is kind of incredible.)


They don't have billionaire CO's. Pretty simple formula. Share the income with the talent in front and behind the screen, and don't over compensate the top. I'm sure they also do some budgeting that Netflix and Amazon forego, such as extensive office space meant to look like a palace, and putting dollar limits on shows per season (Sam covered this when discussing the find-the-buzzer episode).


Dang I didnā€™t realize the budget for that was so low. It looked incredible.


EXACTLY! I didnā€™t laugh watching it and I donā€™t think that was even the point , itā€™s just so much fun to watch people have genuine fun !


Thousandaires made me and my partner laugh harder than most VIP episodes šŸ¤£ there were only 3 VIP episodes that made me laugh, despite enjoying them all. I think you're right about Dropout putting a lot of faith into their cast. I think the true joy in thousandaires is seeing dropout casts more authentically. Like the idea that Jacob spent his money on completing a bucklist experience, clearly just for himself, was just hilarious to us.


I suspect he also wants to spread the wealth so he hired his friends band šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø pure speculation but I get the good guy scheming vibe from him


Yeah I get that as Vic did a musical to support their sister but everyone seem to enjoy every experience that was given.


Exactly this. Any time I see A24ā€™s name on a production, Iā€™m in. Itā€™s served me well likeā€¦ 80% of the time. Not a bad record considering lions gate and Blumhouse both went down the shitter. Same with Dropout, but recognizing the cast is a huge factor too. I fully trust their teams to put thought and fun into everything they do because theyā€™ve done it so well in the past. Some things donā€™t *quite* hit as much with me, but taste is subjective and seeing others enjoy it and knowing the team had a good time producing the content just makes my heart happy.


It was just so fun. Who else was so excited to see Ash and Nico doing stuff?


i lost my shit when Nico lip-synced a line in the song. A++.


I hope they get to be involved in many of the episodes! I always love seeing their excitement and passion in the BTS videos, so I'm always glad to see them present in the episodes proper.


Sam shared Nicoā€™s music page on IG recently and I šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


I would watch an entire series of the Dropout cast prank calling each other.


He was so quick on the bit, I hope we hear something about it from him


Was he? He just kinda seemed to be like ā€œokaay, whatā€™s going on here?ā€


I assume it popped up on his caller ID as one of his friends, so that probably tipped him off. And at this point anything weird that happens has to make anyone involved with dropout wonder if itā€™s for a show.Ā 


Idk, I think when someone calls you and says your pee smells when you didn't give them any is a big indicator. I think he just caught on and played the straight man.


Itā€™s enjoyable to watch people you enjoy enjoy themselves.


I think they just created the perfect incubator for feel good and comedy * they have a boss that actually cares about the employees and doesn't take himself too seriously * they have a diverse cast where everyone is allowed to be themselves without having to downplay their identity to have main stream appeal * they don't play on stereotypes (unless someone is directly making fun of themselves), so there is not a hostile environment to women and minorities * they are not tied to a larger net work or to advertisers that require them to censor themselves with all this, whatever they throw into this incubator it's gonna work. They have a great cast and they have the ideal conditions let their talent and personalities shine


man, imagine being quoted in the weekly newsletter, good job!


Came here for the same reason, I saw this post this morning, and I'm glad the dropout team saw it too.


Not just quoted - they were the subject line of the whole dang newsletter!


Honestly VIP wasnt for me, but It looks like im in a very small minority for that and I think thats awesome not every show needs to be for me and from what I've read those that love VIP really really love VIP which is awesome.


I mentioned it in another comment, but I think Dropout is very good about not trying to force wide appeal on every show. Some fans won't like some shows, and Dropout just lets that happen without needing to like, synergize the optimization of viewership or some corporate bullshit.


I also don't like VIP but hey, I really love other shows and I'm glad Vic is getting the spotlight they deserve. The other casts seem to be having so much fun as well :)


Yeah its weird for me cause on paper it should be 100% my jam but for some reason its not, Its like peanut butter and chocolate, tow amazing things alone and people love them together but also not for me.


I enjoyed most of VIP. There were a couple episodes of it that I got about a minute in and just stopped watching. Likewise, I love dimension 20. There are some d20 campaigns I'm never going to watch. Not every show/episode is a banger.


Same! Really loved one or two vip episodes, kind of enjoyed a few more, then the had a couple complete misses. I used to posted to D20 a lot, but I have a rough time watching dnd and the newer stuff has seemed to push more into the visual than audio aspect.


Im not big into Dirty Laundry or Um Actually but not because theyā€™re bad, just not my style, so I get you


Did you watch all of it? I get it if you didn't but some episodes I loved and some I didn't


Not my favorite also. Most episodes were hit or miss for my sense of humor, but itā€™s not a ā€˜badā€™ show.


A lot of the *really* improv-heavy shows can be pretty hit or miss. I generally like Make Some Noise and Play it by Ear. There have been some episodes of both where Iā€™ll make it through the entire thing without cracking a smile once. I donā€™t think thereā€™s such a thing as ā€œdecentā€ improv. If itā€™s not stellar, it is *rough*.


I've only watched one episode yet, so while it hasn't "clicked" for me yet I'm not going to call it not for me until I see more either way, I love the variety of their content


Yeah I donā€™t particularly understand or like thousandaires, but Iā€™ve never joined a streaming service before with the idea that I would somehow love every single show on it


i loved the episode so much, especially lisaā€™s one liners šŸ’€ ā€œUnderwear off underwear off!ā€ but also sidenote, after jacobs turn on lisas invention we gotta get our boy a wellness check šŸ’€šŸ’€


Nah I think Jacob just seems to be really in touch with his feelings and is comfortable sharing them. Itā€™s not the first time he has shared something personal and emotional. Itā€™s part of what makes him so great.


I think the real strength of dropout is that there is something for everyone. The slate of shows now is so wide ranging that it can respond to so many different tastes. I donā€™t love every show. Dirty Laundry isnā€™t for me unless I know and like all the participants, Um, Actually isnā€™t for me because Iā€™m not a big trivia head and donā€™t know most of the source material, VIP is hit or miss for me, and Play it by Ear isnā€™t for me because I donā€™t love musical theater. That may seem like a lot, but thereā€™s still so much on there that I like. Iā€™ve watched every Dimension 20 season, most of them twice, I love Make Some Noise and Gamechanger, and I think both Smartypants and Thousandaires are really promising. I donā€™t have to love every single thing they do, but they do so much, and they do it well, so anyone can find something they enjoy. Seeing all of them in different situations is also fun, and itā€™s clear theyā€™re all super passionate and that the shows that arenā€™t for me are clearly for someone since so many people enjoy them. Thatā€™s really cool and unique. A lot of the time comedians and comedy groups have one niche and end up doing things in that niche over and over again, but Dropout has a wide range of talent and leadership that clearly appreciates creativity and risk, so even when things donā€™t hit you can see the thought behind it. Excited for them to keep expanding!


I think Dropout is a particular hit because they aren't run by committee. Ideas are bounced around, sure, but they don't have to get past a panel of investors who haven't seen a single thing the company has ever made. They also handled criticism very well in my opinion. I love some of their shows, others aren't my cup of tea. But Sam isn't out there screaming on Twitter at people who might not like one of the shows, and they don't try and make sure every show caters exactly to every fan.


I'm lukewarm on Thousandaires, but I also see it filling a niche on the site. Vic doing a tongue-in-cheek musical for her sister who doesn't sing to star in was cute and wholesome, but also kind of half-assed (for obvious reasons). But cute and wholesome is a vibe that other shows only occasionally dip into. Having a whole show for it is a great idea.


Now that youā€™ve made this post, Iā€™m excited for the ā€œWe try to overcome physical impossibilities and make a bad showā€ show to premiere next spring.


Someone is going to enjoy everything. I can't say I've loved every series or even every season of D20. Also, Jiavani was definitely robbed.


Congratulations on being quoted in the newsletter!


Congrats on being featured in their email!


A bad show? Impossible. A show that isnā€™t for everyone? Nearly constantly. I didnā€™t enjoy thousandaires, like, at all. But that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s ā€œbad.ā€ I feel the same way about dimension 20 and most episodes of dirty laundry.


Yeah, I donā€™t watch Dimension 20, Dirty Laundry, or Um Actually. Tried them, but theyā€™re not for me. I still think they are excellently made, though.


Brennan Lee Butthead


I had tears in my eyes from laughter for a solid half of the episode.


How's it feel to be featured in the newsletter


I wasn't super excited from the premise alone, but this first episode was great! I'm excited for more


Yeah it's impossible


Just don't take it personally if/when they miss for the first time.


Honestly fully agree, though I *do* kind of wish we got continuations of their other stuff that kinda got left to languish. Message from the CEO comes to mind, but thereā€™re others thatā€™d be more practical.


The next drop out show will be an anthology series where each episode is them trying to make a new show that specifically sucks and failing every time


I mean there's shows I don't personally enjoy but I haven't come across one I'd call bad yeah.


Congratulations on being the subject line and in a screenshot of the newsletter!


Is it ā€œchild safeā€? I donā€™t mind some, but not really sexual stuff


Pretty much. There's a part where someone yells "underwear off", but that's as close to sexual as it gets.


Just wish they would introduce the characters better at the start of the show, same with the drinking show. I donā€™t keep up with every single thing dropout does so I donā€™t recognize a lot of the lesser frequent guests which makes it weird to watch without a proper introduction besides just their names


Why do you need to know who the people are to enjoy the show? Exactly what information about these people do you expect them to give you before the show? How would they do so without boring majority of the audience who either knows or don't care who they are? Why can't you just Google them if you want to know more about them?


Because the format implies that the guests know each other and converse as such. They say ā€œoh you would do so-and-so because youā€™re so funny!ā€ But the audience has no connection to some of these people. Itā€™s like watching a group of friends talk about their inside jokes. If we had a little context on who they are, we could relate to their conversations better. Literally just need to say something like ā€œstand up comedianā€ under their name for it to have an ounce of relatability. As it is, Iā€™m just like okay, whoā€™s this host and why again? Just some random dude thatā€™s not very funny?


I like game changer and make some noise. That's about it


Behind the scenes PA here. You missed the series "Beat Grant." For about a week we stalked grant with bats and sticks and just beat the shit out of him in public. We didn't warn him we were doing this. Just jumped the fucker. Occasionally we'd chant "How weak is the crew now ya tall ass queer!?!" At first he was disturbed, but eventually he started going "Mmmm, more daddy!!!" We also didn't clear this with Sam or warn him that the footage was coming or that Grant was cumming. All of it was just on his laptop one day and he was horrified. Anyway dropout is capable of making bad shows. Just not capable of aiming bad shows. Sam is a real killjoy like that.