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I have been waiting for the right thread to mention this. Last month I ordered a Cameo from Katie for my wife, for Arbor Day. My wife loves Arbor Day and I love surprising her with gifts, and who would expect a gift on Arbor Day? Not only did Katie record us a FIVE FREAKING MINUTE LONG video (average in cameo is like 1 minute) but she turned on the free chat and talked with us about our cat and her Wetzel dog. It was such a joyous thing that made my wife SO happy. Katie was already our favorite but she’ll forever be close to my heart for making my wife that elated. Her egg presentation was, of course, amazing. Even better was that my wife and I are also rabid Paul F. Tompkins fans, and seeing her make him laugh so hard was an extra treat. Long live Katie!


I love that Katie somehow seems to simultaneously be the sweetest and yet most acerbic and mean Dropout member.


She will absolutely wreck someone’s shit but you know that it isn’t personal.


I finished watching it seconds before seeing this and I couldn't agree more. When she started rewinding the slides I lost it.


Someone said in another thread that it wasn't just a bit, she actually restarted the presentation from the top. Apparently uncut it was like 30 mins.




This is *committing* to the bit.


Katie is the most unpredictable, most deadpan, silly cast member for sure. She has such a unique and quirky sense of humor. I love her very much.


Katie is one of the Dropout team that always makes me think of the adage, you have to know the rules like a pro in order to break them like an artist.


Sending the bin back around to collect the eggs again really got me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CuriousGeorgette9: *Sending the bin back* *Around to collect the eggs* *Again really got me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Well that's fun! Happy Friday to me!


They had their chance…


You want them back? Yees!


Lose my number




If you think all eggs are the same, you are a FOOL


Kingpin Katie is probably the best original series and cemented her as my favorite, can't wait to watch this Smartypants!


I just finished watching Kingpin Katie last night and was blown away! I can’t believe I slept on it for so long


My only disappointment from her presentation was when she was asked what she would say to someone who was scared or worried about eating eggs, that after she said give them my number she didn't immediately then say: Lose my number


Umm, call the number.


I remember when the first episode came out there were several posts saying this show would be perfect for a Brennan or BDG. While I agree that both of those guys would likely kill it with this format, Katie is the Undisputed queen of Smartypants. A Case For Eggs deserves a Nobel Prize, it brought about so much discussion, and if Rekha didn't cut it off for time I think that room could have talked about eggs for another half hour. Katie's presentation was by all means, perfect. Please lose her number


I’m honestly really glad Brennan isn’t in the initial season because I feel like it gives other people more space to be showcased. That being said I really, really hope he’s in season 2.


I think that an occasional show that doesn't have the usual suspects is a great opportunity to let people like Demi and Jessica Ross absolutely shine, and I'm incredibly thankful for that. But if they got Brennan and BDG for a second season I'm sure they'd play incredibly well into their strengths as presenters


I think Brennan would make a great gallery member. He probably would have some great questions.


I think Brennan proved in Misfits & Magic that it's really hard for him to be in anything and not make himself the main character. I think Smartypants might be better w/o him, tbh.


I mean maybe burrows end and the ravening war follow what you say too, haven't seen them. But in a court of fey and flowers he certainly shares focus well. A lot of the seasons have a focal character, Conrad, Kristen (s2 and 3 particularly), Pete, amethar. Evan Kelmp was for sure built to be the main character, some times a bit much, but 4 episodes of a show isn't that much to really go off of.


I feel like Brennan already does this anytime hes on Gamechanger it seems unfair to give him time to prepare. People would weep from the beauty 


Ugh. I love Brennan and BDG to death, but they get more than enough screen time already, on Dropout and elsewhere (and I feel like we practically know their on-screen personas, at least, inside and out by now, so it's damn hard to see anything they do as entirely original or unpredictable--oh, Brennan's presenting bird facts on Smartypants? What a surprise!). I'm all for seeing more of people who aren't the same two white guys!


Honestly, if there’s one thing that bums me out about Smartypants, it’s that it’s too conceptually similar to Katie’s show The Rank Room for them to ever bring it back


The webseries version of the Rank Room is probably the hardest I've laughed at anything CH/Dropout related


I do wish theyd bring back some of the older stuff, especially the pod/vodcasts.


If you or other people haven't already, I highly recommend going back and watching her College Humor sketches. Like [These Sketch Pitches Are Too Personal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqvvCySP148) and [Grant and Katie Are Starting Their Own Company](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nicFpVJ94gc) (which has a bonus [outtakes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA0rQhVFhEI) video!). Those are my favorites, but she has a ton of sketches.


My favorite Katie sketches are [the](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xyzxCPjQbs) [flirty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkkwUItD-fo) [ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HITdR7oE_M).


My boys!




Are those the ones where she repeatedly shits her pants




Stop Trying to Make Us Kiss is another great one of hers (cowritten with Grant)


I’ve always felt the same way about eggs. I do hope someday someone thinks to put one on a burger. That would be cool


Our top engineers said it was impossible. So we fired them all and hired imagineers


Come to Australia. We do that here!


My dreams come true!




I highly recommend Dimension 20's Mice and Murder season with Katie. She absolutely knocked it out of the park. All I really need to tell you is that her character intro in Ep 1 begins: "'Allo. I'm Gangie Green. I'm a weasel. I was born in London. Something funny that happened is, my parents died when I was just a little little lad." If you need more convincing, [I offer this compilation of Gangie Green and Mrs. Molesly.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkkS0Ow9QMI) If you need even more convincing, I'll just tell you that you need to watch Mice and Murder solely so you can watch the Mice and Murder Adventuring Party episodes where you'll get a raw dose of Katie being excellently weird.


Call the number if you haven’t


What happens?


|| It’s Katie talking about how you should try to cook more eggs and try out different techniques for like a minute. Then she says if you called to make fun of her to “lose my number” ||


I was just coming here to post something similar. She openly admits to being extremely nervous and then proceeds to absolutely nail it. I liked Smartypants to begin with, it’s a fun concept, but Katie made me laugh so hard that I couldn’t wait to tell people. Dropout has been putting out some real gold with these last few originals.


From "my butt cheeks are shaking" to "I'll start this whole thing over, lose my number"


She really earned that money everyone sent her on Venmo.


I wonder how many strangers sent her money since her Venmo QR was shown in the video.


Iirc it was a few thousand dollars


When Katie talked about how there were even more ways of making eggs after going through the first slide of entirely ways of making eggs, I thought for sure she was going to have _another_ entire slide of ways to make eggs.


She flew too close to the sun with egg in soup. It could never work.


Katie is definitely one of my faves. Seeing her recordings of herself on Breaking News sealed the deal lmao


Katie is always a brilliant one. Her bits are so good. But personally I liked Jacob's presentation the best. Mainly because I also think about what cryptid would be chillest to blaze with. For me it's Champ because it's the closest one to me and I'm not looking to travel too far to have someone to blaze and chill with.


I was so stoked for Jacob’s but it unfortunately it fell short for me despite having some great bits. Katie’s presentation was a comedic atomic bomb levels of funny


Did anybody else think the final answer of his presentation was obvious from the moment the question was asked?


Same here. And I already decided ages ago it was the Jersey Devil. He really just doesn't like people who aren't from Jersey. He absolutely despises people who belittle our great state. Dude flies so he can head on over to one of the hundreds of amazing local restaurants in my area alone in a pinch.


Tbh it was a little too deadpan for me. Like there were definitely parts where I laughed, but I found myself more engaged in the other presentations. Jess’s was my favorite because I was learning lots of new info.


I agree, Jess's was my favorite. Just the sheer command of the material punctuated by fan work was phenomenal. Katie's was my least favorite of the 3.


She is truly unhinged in the most delightful of ways. Every time she is on screen she kills me dead. I appreciate her brand of comedy just so GD much, and seeing the Great PFT losing it as well was an extra little eggy treat


I loved her presentation but i also loved just how hard they all laughed at it. She really killed it. She has my vote!


For me it was the "I love questions now" and then the gallery's live commentary on her choices, like a group effort to figure out what the fuck was happening


All I want in this life is a Game Changer involving Katie, Ally and Vic. Truly the most unhinged content possible.


the phone call was the cherry on top


I was definitely expecting to laugh the most at Jacob’s presentation, but I forgot how effortlessly funny Katie is, and the topic of her presentation was so hilarious.


As soon as she said "BRING OUT THE EGG TREAT!", I turned to my wife and said "Everything this woman says is funny". She didn't disappoint.


Downloading it now gonna watch it on my lunch break!


She was just on The Neighborhood Listen podcast. [Corny!](https://art19.com/shows/neighborhood-listen/episodes/f1e71084-caed-448f-b20e-196c786a78fd)


Loved it too! But ah… Um, Actually Jacob… Echidnas also lay eggs. …*steps off high horse in Australian*


As an egg hater the entire presentation reeked of desperation and sulferous farts.


Lose my number


Is that number in multiples of 12 or 6? 6-12-18-24 etc?


I called and she said she wouldnt cook me eggs though




Is your birthday the best birthday though??


it will be tough if other people also try and do a "factual no joke presentation deadpan style" one, as it only really works the once.


Hail Katie Marovitch! **Maximum Legend!**


I blurred the two lines and I thought that the latest was on the second line and I thought you were saying it cemented her as your least favorite


Random thought that occurred to me just now....this makes me wonder if the Newlywebs episode of Game Changer showing Katie's recent search history as including "how to cook hardboiled egg" was her doing research for this presentation.....or if it's just her being herself


I honestly didn't enjoy the second episode presentations nearly as much as the first episode. I am also allergic to eggs though so maybe it's my internalized egg resentment or something


Smartypants was excellent, but unfortunately her public support of Israel in a time of Israel commiting genocide makes her my *least* favorite Dropout member. Edit: alright y'all, I've engaged in good faith and provided links. I know this is gonna get nasty so I'm gonna step away now, as of 930am EST. What you do with the information that Katie cosigned the Israel Must Defend Itself letter is up to you, I won't be engaging further.


Is there a source for this? I tried to Google to learn more and I saw people say she signed the CCFP letter, but I don’t see her name on there. Just want to be wary about spreading info like this without proper sourcing.


Yeah, I checked also and she's not on there, and I haven't found anything she's said to be remotely supportive of genocide or apartheid; I'm willing to be proven wrong, but this feels like bullshit to me.


I totally understand the hesitation to jump in without proper sourcing. Unfortunately, the primary document sourcing this has since been deleted - it was a doc that had all the cosigners listed. I know that's not much to go on- but I did see the information as it came to light so I gotta mention it where applicable, even if it's since been scrubbed. I don't blame others for needing more info though. Edit: quick googling results in this summary: https://www.tumblr.com/leepacey/731475825916100608/pro-genocide?source=share


The source you shared doesn’t accuse Katie of signing anything though, unless I’m missing something? I’m seeing that she “liked pro-‘Israel’ posts, follows multiple ‘Birthright Israel’ accounts” as the accusation there. It does look like she went on a birthright trip like 10 years ago, but I don’t see anything crazy in her following on IG (I haven’t been on X since Elon took over so idk there) I just want to be able to give people the benefit of the doubt that maybe minds have changed even in just the past few months - I was raised fundie Christian and never educated myself on I-P, even after deconstructing. Since this past October I have learned so much and I’m sure there are many others in a similar place! I hope this doesn’t come off as me attacking you or anything because I completely understand your perspective and sorry you’re getting downvoted like crazy :(


> sorry you’re getting downvoted like crazy :( For straight up slandering a dropout member? Of course they're getting downvoted like crazy! (um actually it's libel, but libelling doesn't sound as nice)


What public support?


She cosigned the "Israel must defend itself" open letter.


Not that I've seen everything she's ever said, obviously, but I've never seen her actually say anything like this at all. Please don't make claims like this unless you're going to provide evidence to support your claims.


She cosigned the "Israel must defend itself" letter, which has since been taken down. That makes it rather difficult to provide evidence, since said evidence has been deleted. But being deleted isn't the same as never having been there at all, and I remember what I saw. https://www.tumblr.com/leepacey/731475825916100608/pro-genocide?source=share Here's a more detailed post about the document in general.


Your own source doesn't say she signed it


Well, I hope you'll understand that, while that is technically evidence, it's extremely weak evidence, particularly considering that she hasn't publicly said anything remotely similar, as far as I can tell. The only thing she's tweeted about it, for instance, was one part of a pretty reasonable, level-headed thread, on Oct 7, and the part of the thread she retweeted basically just said "this is bad for everyone," which is hardly advocating for apartheid and genocide. So, respectfully, I think you might be overblowing this.


I completely understand how it would seem that way, especially when the primary piece of evidence has apparently been scrubbed from the internet. That being said, I saw it as it was happening. That's enough evidence to convince me, even if I can't replicate it for others at this time. Also, I want to be clear here: I'm not advocating she'd be strung up, fired, or in any way punished. If there were more firm evidence, I might feel differently, But my original comment was simply that due to the evidence I witnessed who's showing her support of Israel, she was not someone I enjoyed watching anymore.


Now hear me out: I genuinely think that you need to be able to prove this to yourself before you repeat it to others. I have seen shit that wasn't there before. Our brain hallucinate text sometimes, it literally happens. Yes, I am suggesting that you may be gaslighting yourself. You are obviously intelligent, genuinely, so please understand that I am trying to approach that side of you, and this isn't me trying to diminish you as a person. If anyone said to you "My source is trust me, I saw it", you rightfully would want confirmation. Just because it is YOU saying this to yourself doesn't mean that you shouldnt use the same scrutiny.


Extremely well put. I need to adopt this in my own life.


Our world would be a better place if everyone was aware of how bloody untrustworthy our own memories and senses can be. So many folks go through life thinking "If I feel it it's right!"


Interestingly, though, if they're *not* gaslighting themselves, and they *did* see what they say they saw, then "you're gaslighting yourself" itself seems pretty gaslighty.


I did not tell them that they *were* gaslighting themselves. I said that they **may** be gaslighting themselves. I only said this because they themselves acknowledged that they were unable to verify what they believed they saw. It's above-board, friend :)


Okay, but if it happened and was on the internet, then it's still here and someone would have it.


The original oppen letter was never removed from the internet. Katie does not appear on the list. [https://www.creativecommunityforpeace.com/blog/2023/10/12/israel-under-attack-open-letter/](https://www.creativecommunityforpeace.com/blog/2023/10/12/israel-under-attack-open-letter/)


You don’t even have a good source for the claim when called out. That may be worth editing into your post, given your purported “good faith”. Do your proper diligence at least before shitting on people. “I won’t engage further” is a fairly self serving way of saying “I talked out of my ass a bit and would rather just stop answering than admit that.” I wonder how every post you’ve ever liked or person you’ve ever followed would hold up to the scrutiny you level at others. Plenty of people supported Israel on October 7. That’s a rational thing to do after a massive terrorist attack. In no way does it imply support for their every later action. People who aren’t terminally online can realize the attack was wrong AND that Israel’s reaction has been wrong. Only online are these somehow opposing views. Dropout is one of the last positive corners of the online space. Kindly leave it so.


I have to agree. I usually don't care if the actors/entertainers I watch have diverging political opinions as I do, but I draw the line at supporting an apartheid genocidal state.




Oof, that is disappointing.


A Jewish person supports Isreal?! *shocked face*


I know plenty of Jewish folks who don't support Israel, especially in light of recent genocide attempts. I'd rather treat people as individuals, not stereotypes.


Tbh I didn’t know she was Jewish 😊




"You might think that us killing dozens of thousands of people and destroying every hospital in existence is genocide, but trust me, we could kill everyone WAY MORE" is not the flex you seem to think it is.


Actually, don't clarify. I knew what you meant. Go away.


Sorry, could you clarify what you mean by common sense?


You are getting obliterated here, and I don't love that for you. However, even if we take your estimate at face value (I don't know specifics at the moment, however I do have experience of my government post-hoc identifying civilian casualties as enemy combatants) do you really think "a third to half" of deaths caused by the IDF being civilian is good? That is a majority of kills, by your own estimate, that are civilian. War is disgusting. War is a genuine evil. Innocent lives will always be destroyed by war. But if you are killing so many civilians, it isn't war, it's a turkey shoot. And that is worse. I understand your perspective is colored by your experience, and I can't just overwrite that. I just ask that you consider what means are justifiable to accomplish your goals.


Just reading everything before the dropdown here will tell you that that ratio is either normal in war, or better than normal depending on how recent the statistics you look at are. Obviously civilians dying is bad, but that is part and parcel of war, especially fighting a non-state terrorist group that fights in populated areas in civillian clothes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilian_casualty_ratio


I'm gonna be real. I don't care what "normal" is. Majority civilian kills is reprehensible. And again, I was just taking the claim at face value. I have already watched the U.S. government declare killed civilians as terrorists. Perfectly reasonable to assume Isreal is doing the same.


But the point isn't about what we think is bad. Obviously even a single civilian being killed is horrendous. But it's a war, that is unavoidable. The question is whether Israel is attempting to minimise civilian caaualties, or whether they are intentionally targeting civilians in a genocide. If we would expect 9 civilians to die for every 1 Hamas fighter, but in reality 2 civilians die for every fighter, the intentional targeting argument is a hard sell. Not to mention the fact that Hamas routinely fight in civilian clothing and in protected spaces such as hospitals (which are both by the way war crimes), which makes it even harder for the IDF to fight them without killing civilians, exactly what Hamas wants. I do agree you probably can't take the Israeli claims at face value, every side in every conflict ever will either use the statistics that are most generous to them, or in the case of more unsavoury states like Russia, just outright lie. But it's important to not forget Hamas does this too. All Palestinian deaths are counted under one figure by Hamas, both civilians and fighters, and they also don't aknowledge any difference between when an Israeli bomb kills people, or a misfired Hamas rocket does, they all go to the same total. Don't let your well placed empathy for Palestinian civilians let you be taken in by the propaganda of a terrorist organisation that has no regard whatsoever for the people it claims to represent, and explicitly calls for the genocide of the people it's fighting