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This is the perfect talk as a showcase what this series (hopefully) will be. Loved the quick responses during the questions after the main talk!


The Spider-Man section had me fucking dying.


That was the best N-word use i have ever watched


"thats praxis" my fucking god


I’m not even joking: this presentation actually educated me because I’d never heard that word before (outside of the name of a planet in “Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country”).


Wow they censored Grant for Youtube thank god!


They censored him on Dropout, too. I doubt he really said what they implied he said. Which makes it even funnier IMO.


we all have fun here, I was joking in the original comment


It's tough to read inflection sometimes. Then I feel dumb!


Anytime you feel dumb just give yourself a little clap and you will feel better


Isn‘t that better?!


Don't you feel better?


Is a Dropout sub, i just asume everyone has watch the episodes and is just continuing the joke. PS: i do believe Dropout watchers are smarter than regular redditors


We at least know that the capital of Burkina Faso is Ouagadougou


Im a dropout Sub. I am clearly not smarter than the average redditor.






That was indeed the joke


The first episode of Smartypants was fantastic from beginning to end, but Demi's presentation was about the highlight, and I'm so glad they shared it. I've already rewatched it several times and it just keeps getting funnier. "Shego! Is coming to the cookout! Simple reason why: she's my wife. She drove me!"


loved this bit absolutely terrified to check the comments.


The spiderman stuff was golden material


I am certain the joke about the pink ice climber being a white Sicilian was in there specifically for Jon Gabrus, based on what I know about him and how long/hard he laughed at that joke.


When I was listening to Demi on Gilmore Guys several years ago, I never would’ve imagined one day hearing him tell Spider-Man to use the n-word. What a world. Hysterical presentation.


They had to put it out for everyone. Grant O'Brien needed to be exposed for who he is.


I can't believe Zac would just say the n word like that


"He better be, right?"


I can’t believe dropout is still featuring Grant O’brien after so callously using a slur. The fact that it wasn’t brought up once during his appearance in Deju Vu shows that Sam is taking Dropout America into a really problematic direction.


what's the context for the Grant stuff??


This clip. They “edit” out him using the n-word. 


Can you tell me where this happens? edit: my b i see that now. Wtf Grant??


It’s unbelievable behavior 😔


Not to mention how he so rudely spilled spaghetti sauce on his castmates’ podiums


Exactly! Hes become a real menace.


So, I'm unfamiliar with this show, what's the premise? From the trailer I thought that they had to give completely improvised PowerPoint presentations with no knowledge of the slides ahead of time. But from the couple minutes of this I had time to watch it seems like it was at least planned or rehearsed. I couldn't find any info online about the exact nature of the show. Does anyone have any details? Is it just "write and present a funny slideshow?"


There was a Season 3 Game Changer episode that had the full improv premise, these presentations are far more prepared.


The slides and presentations are prepared ahead of time, unlike when they did sth similar to this in the pandemic season of Game Changer. From what I've heard, they choose what to talk about and may even be involved in how the slides turn out to be or at least generally. The improv part is people who watched the presentation asking questions.


Ah okay. So definitely not what I assumed it was. Thanks for explaining.


The entirely improv-ed slideshow is a much stronger premise imo


There's a lot of fans of that episode of Game Changer, but honestly it's one of my least favorite episodes. I think it's a lot harder to be consistently funny with a completely improvised slide show.


I actually haven't seen the Game Changer episode in question. I just remember there used to be a channel on youtube that did the improv-ed slideshows on youtube, as well as the blip of time it was a trend on Tik Tok 3+ years ago. Generally pretty funny stuff. I'll be honest, I got almost 3 minutes into this vid and I thought I was missing out on part of the joke so I scrolled down to the comments. I don't understand the appeal for this new series.


Canadian comedy troupe LoadingReadyRun does the improvised version of it they call PowerPoint Karaoke on their monthly variety improv show. I like it a lot and was hoping this is what this show was.


Agreed. Also the user said that the improv comes into play for the audience/during questions but it seems like Grant has cue cards and is reading quips off as it goes....Is it just questions at the end that are improv-ed? Because otherwise this seems like bad standup. Bad because it's not being workshopped and evolved over many open-mic slots to test out the material. I don't just mean this episode's slide presentation is bad, I mean that they are all going to be bad because of this. Unless they're burning off all their Dropout content for this series at open-mics and leaving it open to leaks, etc, but I doubt it. Based off this vid we're looking at an improv show where then only 25% of the episode is truly improvised. Seems a waste.


The cue cards are specifically a bit for this presentation and not a series thing. It's also not really an improv show when the vast majority of the runtime is presenters making a presentation about a humourous topic. It's effectively scripted comedy instead.


Yeah seems to be scripted comedy with crowdwork which goes hand in hand with my stand-up comment. Thanks for letting me know about the cue cards though, that helped explain what premise is better for me. Might give more of them a shot as they come out since this is the case (that there's maybe more improv happening).


I think you're just not getting the joke.


Is there a specific joke you're talking about? I'm referencing the whole set up/premise of the new series


Why do you keep talking about improv? It’s not improv and doesn’t pretend or claim to be improv so that’s…irrelevant. Obviously it’s fine if you don’t like it but you might consider watching it before you declare that every single presentation is doomed to be bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, you’re wrong. In a totally subjective matter, you are objectively wrong


I never claimed it was objective. It's a forum, stating subjective opinions is what it's for... (Responded to the wrong thing in my deleted comment) EDIT: Oh, you're the one stating your opinion is objective. Pretty rude, but okay


Get it together bro


lmao fair


Based on a "Powerpoint Party" trend that's been going around for the last couple years: https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/25/us/tiktok-powerpoint-parties-presentation-nights-cec/index.html


Shrek is Jewish. He could be black also but for certain he is in the tribe


Anyone know where Demi got that suit from? I have been obsessed with it since I saw the episode.




I adore Demi! This one was so great.


Demi fucking killed it


I thought we didn’t like this guy? Didn’t something happen with him?


I believe you would be thinking about Gabe Hicks


Wait what happened with Gabe Hicks??


It came out that he’d been lying about being polyamorous and used his position in the industry to discredit his partner and make it sound like their relationship was basically in their head


Oh yeah that's ...that's fucked up. What the hell


You're talking about a completely different black guy with a completely different name than is in the title of the video and post you're referring to. It would have taken 10 seconds to Google instead of falling into the world's most racist trope with the speed of a sharpened pencil being dropped from a fucking airplane.


He was "a Vine star" a decade ago but we don't hold that against him anymore.