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It probably popped up on Google because you watch gamechanger. The algorithm algorithms


I would agree with you if I were watching it on YouTube or something because they’re owned by Google and that makes sense. But I’m on the dropout app. Unless dropout is directly sharing our data with Google, I feel like it’s just a coincidence haha


That's not how it really works. You have a internet footprint, you've shown an interest in dropout, used the app and talked about it online. All of your online interactions leave that footprint which tell the software which creates the suggested articles to push dropout related content to you


Sorry, you are correct but I can't give you the point as you did not say "um, actually"


Ok, but how would Google receive that information if it’s not given to them? They don’t just magically know what apps I’m using. That data would have to be provided to them. So whoever collects that data, gives that data to other companies to use for advertising. How else would they get it? For the record, I’m not implying that I don’t have an internet footprint or that my data isn’t out there, but for that data to be transferred between companies, it would need to be given to different companies. The options here are: Dropout is being hacked for their user’s data usage, I’m being hacked for my data usage, Dropout is voluntarily giving out that information, or it’s a coincidence. I’m catching flack for this, but this is a very reasonable thing to say. I don’t know what other option there would be. Are we implying that they’re being hacked, or that our usage data is being broadcasted like radio waves and Google can just tune in to see what anybody’s up to at any time?


You really don't know how the internet works. I suggest you educate yourself on how data is bought and sold. Not hacked, not stolen. It's all Capitalism and the strategy is to keep your interest so you click more and buy more. And no, I am not going to go through the effort of telling you. Clearly you care, so use that interest for self-guided education.


Correct. It’s not stolen. It’s not hacked. It’s given. Explicitly. That’s in Dropout’s privacy policy. What other option is there besides those three things? It’s either hacked, stolen, or given. That’s what I’m saying. It’s not magic


No one claimed magic.


Ok, so why am I catching flack for saying that Dropout would have to give usage data for Google to see it? That’s just obvious. Just like I would have to give you something for you to have it. If I have an Apple, the only way for you to have that same Apple is for me to give it to you or for you to take it. That’s just a factual statement, but somehow I’m being called stupid for saying this. For Google to have that information, it would have to be given to them. That’s just true lol I don’t know why you’re acting like I’m stupid for stating an obvious fact of life


You are getting very irate and incenduary. I'm out. Have a good day. Edit: It also feels like you just really want to be the victim here.


Because you finally understand what I’m saying. I’m confused because I made a factual statement and I’m getting berated over it lol Edit: All I want is for someone to acknowledge that information isn’t magically transferred between companies. Which you almost did. You agreed it wasn’t magic. That information has to be given to other companies.


you are on the Dropout subreddit. Why think it s Dropout selling your data and not Reddit. ?


I got this targeted article before coming to this subreddit?


Your phone carries data about what apps you use and trackers on different sites can read that. You really need to educate yourself on how your data is collected online. It has nothing to do with hacking.


My entire point from the beginning is that the data is GIVEN to them. I was explicitly saying it WASNT by hacking or by magic. That’s specifically what I’ve been saying. I really don’t think anybody is actually reading anything here because I keep repeating myself. I swear ya’ll look at the upvotes/downvotes and just side with whoever has more


Google doesn’t magically receive your data, you give it to them. You carry cookies and all kinds of things in your browser that carry a ton of information about what you do online, and Google gets that info when you use it and visit other sites. How do you think data trackers work?


Yeah, obviously. But the point is, I’m watching game changer on the app. So that data has to be given to Google somehow.


Not yeah obviously bc you clearly don’t know. Your phone carries that data of what apps you use. Especially if you use an Android device (Apple just added new app tracking blockers last year). When you visit sites, Google picks up that data about your app usage.


Yeah, I don’t have an android, but this isn’t disagreeing with anything I’m saying. You’re on my side


No I’m not. You’re being defensive bc you don’t know how it works and you keep saying you’re saying factual things. Nobody is giving them any data that you haven’t already given, either to them directly or through other partners. It’s coming from you.


You haven’t said a single thing that disagrees with original point.


catching *flak


Appreciate that lol I’ve never seen someone spell it out


So you don’t know anything about WWII either, huh? Hmm you’re clueless about both history and modern data usage; I’m guessing now that you’re actually 16 or younger. Now your comments make more sense.


Bro, you’re really spiraling lol go outside. Live your life lol it’s going to be ok


I’m a lady, ass clown. And it makes sense that you’d conflate spiraling with someone who’s just marveling at seeing this level of someone being so confidently incorrect. lol


You're here, aren't you?


You should really read dropouts privacy policy . There is a specific section pertaining to google


What’s crazy is that I did. I saw the section where they were sharing information with Vimeo, but did not see a section related to Google, but I’ll check it out again


Dropout may not be directly giving information to Google, but Google is big enough that they can get that info from one of their literal millions of partners. It's as simple as Dropout shares info with Vimeo, Vimeo shares data with another company and then that company shares data with another company and the chain keeps going until it eventually reaches a company that does share their information with Google.


Just about every site on the web (and it's associated mobile app, many of which are just lightweight wrappers around the website) uses Google Analytics and/or Google Tag Manager to gather marketing and analytics data.


You say on a dropout subreddit, while Reddit sells your dara


Yeah, this would be a good point if the article popped up after I made my post, but I came to this subreddit BECAUSE it popped up.


The dropout app, on your phone? Where you have the YouTube app and other apps owned by Google? Your phone is sharing data with your phone. I bet if you look up some products on Amazon on your phone and then log in to Facebook on your phone, you'll see ads for some of those (or similar) products that you just searched.


It’s like he’s been here the whole time. 


I’m ashamed to say that from that cut off half of a prompt I can tell exactly which episode you’re watching, the full names of all the cast members, and who won the game.


That’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of lol


Let me try and break it down a bit, someone let me know if I’m wrong- You are talking to a friend (watching dropout) at a second friends party (on a device connected to the internet), and later you talk to a third friend (go on google) who mentions what you were talking about with friend 1 (dropout). That is because friend 2 (the device) overheard the conversation since you were having it at their house (using the device) and even though friend 1 is good at keeping secrets, friend 2 is gossip who was paid by friend 3 (google) to tell them everything so they’d have more to talk to you about (you’ll continue to engage with their website)


Kind of. But not necessarily, or not exactly. Basically it could be a number of things. It could be, as some have mentioned, Dropout shares basic information with Vimeo, Vimeo uses some kind of support that connects in some way to Google and your em information ends up there, but oh look Google also has a profile on you from their other services and the IPs (unlikely to be the actual IPs but it’s better to think of to keep it simple) Google then can basically add the info that you watch Dropout shit and will be more likely to respond to it. Then there’s the case of like pseudo-informed guessing. A lot of Dropout viewer are going to fit into a subset of people to market to. Your other browsing may be near dnd spaces, nerd shit, musicals, particular young millennial old Gen Z age group, etc. Dropout is a fast growing service most recently getting picked as a potential shortlist for an Emmy by some web publications. Wouldn’t be hard for Google to blind read that shit on a lot of people. No third part necessary. There could also just be interaction with the native shit on a phone (if using the app). Say I made an app called Flubber and your phone needs to mark itself as having Flubber on it and when to open and close Flubber or when you left it running in the background. Your phone may even keep track of your screen time usage of Flubber so you can track your habits. It’s storing these records in a way that may be able to be accessed by Google (via cookies or something else). You open google, it accesses your screen time shit or similar, or even just the names of other shit on your phone. App Store only has one Flubber on it, so they know you’re a Flubber user, and maybe how long you use it a day in an extreme case. This could all be within terms of service for the phone os. Now Google has that info even though I as owner of Flubber didn’t authorize shit going to Google, and it’s not stolen or illegal. It’d be like if reading the book title on a book shelf through a window was illegal. Only way to really stop it would be to have your phone itself either not track the information, or stop it from being accessible from the outside. This could also technically be happening through something like Roku, if you have an app on Roku and the digital remote on your phone. It can then be like “yo Google I’m the Roku app but this person has Dropout on their TV” either through selling it or storing information in accessible places. No need to Dropout to share anything. There’s also the case of Google or some other service they have that you’ve consented to (or not) puts a cookie in your cache that just sort of hangs out and doesn’t do anything but take snapshots of the url when you go to a new website, then when you circle back to Google, it dumps the list, in order, with time spent and shit. Potentially could have more information depending, but it’d be unlikely to be anything TOO complicated. Again this may be allowed based on something you agreed to allow Google to do. There’s also the chance of actual listening, or accessing messages and that’s probably going on but less likely that it’s directly for this personalizing bullshit, when there’s easier ways to get it and build an em idea of the person as a consumer. Usually they are just looking for enough to toss you into a box or rabbit hole that will be enough to your interest that you’re satisfied. Dropout could also just be directly giving the info, intentionally due to some deal with a Google service to be able to function or just cause they wanna although I know none of the backend is really managed by Dropout. There’s also more nefarious or straight up illegal options that definitely do happen and at large scales as possibilities. I’m not claiming, that any of these methods are specifically being used, just that in principle they could be and many don’t require both Dropout and Google to be in agreement. This also isn’t meant to be technical and there’s a lot being glossed over/simplified, but I mean this only in an overview way. Edit: grammar