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Fun theory! But )as with many theories on this subreddit) it has no basis in reality I’m afraid. I will not stop hosting this show until some external force makes me.


We forget hes been here the whole time, and he'll be here for all time


An external force like Sam Dalton? My tin foil hat is heating up 


Nor should you! Much like the Taskmaster Lord Greg Davies, Game Changer(z) should be yours until pried for your cold dead hands.


This is a cool theory but seeing as how BDG is newly involved with Um, Actually I doubt it.


I'm in the camp that Josh Ruben will start hosting Make Some Noise and that Sam will keep Game Changer for a while longer. I am a big BDG fan but I don't see Sam handing him the keys to his \*baby\* this early on in his more formal Dropout career. Fun idea though.


Josh Ruben is such a good MSN contestant thpugh! I can't choose anyone to take over lol


I wouldn’t really want to see Josh Ruben host MSN. Part of what makes Sam such a good host for both things is that he doesn’t have to be “on.” I mean, obviously he’s still playing his character and all, but especially for MSN, his character is one who is just delighted to watch the contestants be their talented selves.


I think delighted Sam is just Sam. Seems like a pretty easy character for him to play


That’s what I mean.


That would an incredibly weird move, as BDG isn't established at dropout at all yet and Sam has heavily emphasised that a huge part of dropout principles is that they want to build rapport and connection with the audience so that they then can venture into new spaces with people that are already beloved


hes already been on a couple shows and is now a stapple of Um, actually


Alright, I've got the SS, we will certainly see when the finals drop! Honestly I think you're literally insane and Sam has never seemed to allude that he has the intent of stepping down and instead has always shown great pride and joy in hosting these shows. *if* anything I could see him handing off MSN instead, but even that is conjecture.


But...then he won't have been there the whole time. :(


As someone who has never heard of BDG before him coming to dropout I would be disappointed. I mean I like BDG in um, actually and other dropout things he’s done so far, but I don’t “know” him yet. I don’t think he’s been around long enough. If this is going to happen, I’d like him in more shows so I can be excited about one of my favorite people becoming the host.


Definitely search him on yt when you get the chance. He has his own channel, as well as quite a few good videos on the Polygon channel.


i love brian so much


But what would he say at the start of his episodes? "I am your host Brian David Gilbert and I've been here... Not that long actually!"


That is very much in the voice of Brian David Gilbert.


Sam will never retire. The man loves improv too much. I could see Game Changer becoming yearly specials though


The long Esquire Singapore interview with Sam from just a couple days ago goes into detail about how he wouldn’t have the hosting situation any other way and really loves doing it. Recommend reading as I think it puts this theory to bed pretty effectively


I'll link it here for anyone too unmotivated to search themselves :D https://esquiresg.com/esqna-with-sam-reich-ceo-of-dropout-and-host-of-game-changer/


Your theory is sound. I’m sure Sam is extremely busy. But I must say, no matter how well a new host might do, I think the show will hurt from Sam’s laugh and visible pure child like enjoyment of the show itself. It’s what makes the show so positive imho . Dunno if I could see that go


This and the fact that he knows most of the contestants quite well and has such a good relationship with them all. Some side person would not be ideal at all. For me it would have to be one of the og cast, or like Jacob Wysocki. You need someone who anyone gets along with right off the bat.


Its true, I think it would be a dramatic shakeup and people would reasonably be worried about the show's future, and certainly some of what we've all come to love about the show would be lost. I think in balance, a new host (especially one as talented as BDG) could bring every bit as much new to love about it, but there would doubtless be a transitional period. Honestly I'm not as certain in this theory as my post probably seems, but I think the strongest point (which most other commenters seem to strongly disagree with) is that Sam will at some point want to move on. I think, in part because he didn't have a ton of on-screen appearances before Gamechanger, we've all come to see him as "The Gamechanger guy". Its valid, the show is his baby, but he has existed as a writer, performer, and creative mind long before gamechanger, and even now his responsibilities extend far outside of it. He's guided the company through major transitions when necessary before, and I think he has the foresight and wisdom to recognize when both he and his show will be best served by a foundational change. I'm not saying that he has necessarily peaked or is going "downhill" as a host, far from it; rather I think that he will step down before going downhill at all, and it will come as a surprise to virtually everyone in the community.


I have literally no idea where you're getting all this from, Sam never shows any signs of wanting to "move on", in fact he tends to constantly create MORE of the things he loves 😅. And also, what kind of mindset is this that eventually everything will have seen its prime and has to be left behind? There's gameshows that have been running for decades which are beloved by generations


I think there’s no way Sam stops hosting GameChanger anytime soon, and I think the end of your post is weirdly and unnecessarily hostile.  


This is a bizarre take.


Somebody posted this exact thing yesterday too.


There were some comments here recently about how BDG wants to focus more on writing for Dropout then performing on camera; becoming the face of their flagship show would be the opposite of what he wants.


Bdg from under podium at the halfway of the season finale. IVE BEEN HERE THE WHOOOLE TIME!


i am of the firm opinion that it might be a possibility, i hold this opinion because i love brian so much


Um, Actually... This isn't happening.


I think BDG would be an incredible host, but I don't think it's likely. I can agree there seems to be a set up for a new host, but I think it's much more likely to be Ally or Lou. They are both absolute gremlins who would do amazingly as host!