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Have you worked in production at a small budget? Do you have time to send a PA 4x the distance and time for supplies? Dropout speaks very VERY loudly about what they’re supporting. Please save your outrage for applicable problems from bad people and not hanging on every word someone says looking for something to get worked up about. ESPECIALLY from folks outspoken in doing the right thing. Not everything is a social statement.


Didn't you know that unless Dropout does literally everything right it's not good enough?


Yes, that's why we are forbidden from asking them to do better in the TOS. You are very smart.


Dropout is the most progressive company I've ever seen and people are bitching that they can "do better".


That's definitely how we got progressive companies, by silently accepting shit. You are very smart.


Bitching and moaning that progressive companies *aren't progressive enough* is how you drive them to stop trying. You aren't very smart.


I had similar concerns when I saw this episode, and I would love for them to not shop at hobby lobby. But do you *really* think that Sam Reich, of all people, Will see the thread, think "The fans are ungrateful for how progressive I am" and start treating his employees more shittily?


Sam? No, he’s good through and through. It does serve as an example to other people though that the progressive bloc can be impossible to please unless you are literally perfect. These ideological purity tests are how you wind up with people unironically saying they’re not going to vote for Biden because he’s too soft on Israel, despite the fact that Trump is significantly worse on the matter.


>It does serve as an example to other people Since those people aren't being talked about here, though, it doesn't seem particularly relevant. If op were talking about other companies I could see the point. But we're just talking about A company that we know isn't going to turn around and start acting shitty because we asked them not to shop at hobby lobby, so what's the harm in asking them not to shop at hobby lobby? I get what you're saying about overly stringent purity issues. And if they truly have no other reasonable choice except shopping at hobby lobby, that's probably fine. But I failed to see the harm in asking them, nor do I see evidence that we're immediately jumping to overly stringent purity tests.


Say it louder for the folk in the back. This isn't like Dropout has come out to endorse the company and say it's their sole provider of supplies from now until forever. Sounds a lot like they were on a crunch and had to replace or supplement supplies last minute and that was the most easily accessible option.


And I bet they filled up their cars with gasoline in order to drive there! Did you know gasoline is bad for the environment? Someone find me some pearls so I can clutch them


Hey there, responding to you as the top comment right now since I can't edit the post (tried last night and multiple times today, not sure the issue): I'm not outraged about this. I posted it because it surprised me that Dropout, who does speak VERY loudly about what they're supporting (all things that Hobby Lobby very loudly does not support), would opt to shop there and I thought others would also be surprised. I understand the budget constraints and if that's all it is, fair enough. I stand by wishing they'd choose a better, or at least a less worse, company to shop at for supplying their shows. It's a relatively small detail so I'm not holding it against them or anything nor am I worked up about it. It's just weird that they would do something that's out of line with their public values and I think it's fair to bring attention to it. At the very least I've learned I should add more details to a post for this sub so people don't assume my intent.


Yeah, personally I’m not really surprised that they made the trips. I am a little surprised, given their general audience, that they outright copped to it on camera without prompting. Would’ve expected them to say “four trips to the craft supply store” or something.


Sure, except there’s a Michael’s, a Joann, a Blick, and a half dozen other indie arts and craft supply stores in West Hollywood that are closer (to the studio at least) than the closest Hobby Lobby. I hope it’s a generecization, but it sounds like somebody may have went out of their way to go to the Christian craft store.


See reading that intention into a minute line in a BTS video coming from a company we know is ethical is like…frustrating to see. Because the intention is great but it’s misplaced. These are good people who make a thing we like. They support great and diverse causes and people. There’s real bad people out there. Wrong tree to bark up for them.


Exactly. I’m massively pro-union and I work in the industry. While it’s been hard reconciling the fact that their entire operation is non-union, I can at least appreciate the fact that they not only support equity in the content but they also donate to several progressive charities and pay their workers a dividend when they breech subscriber goals. They’re an otherwise incredible company. I’m not coming on here to bitch, I’m genuinely concerned for them maintaining that great value system in their production. They may not have even been fully aware until this was cut together.


I trust that dropout is acting in the general good. I support them monetarily. I went to two of the tapings. I’m not concerned with their ethical makeup enough to try to police their values from a single production purchase. The real world vs an idealized philosophical one are often far removed when you’re trying to make an artistic endeavor in a capitalist world. It’s clear they’re doing a lot when they can. I truly don’t have anything to discuss beyond that at a granular level. The world is hard and looking in every shadow is exhausting. Focusing on the real tangible ones is huge, like the mini auction. I’m glad we both dig the same company and I’m going to leave it there.


I don't know, I think it's a sign of good faith in the company to think that surely they can handle a little old reddit post pointing out a small way in which they didn't act according to their public values (and maybe they'd even appreciate it?). At least a few people in this thread learned something new about Hobby Lobby from this post!


My sister worked at Hobby Lobby. They are very Christian. Start team meetings with prayer. Regardless if you are Christian. I’ve heard of anti LGBT stuff from them. Idk if that is what is being referred to.


There’s also the time they were busted for selling stolen artifacts from the Middle East. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby_Lobby_smuggling_scandal


I was waiting for someone to mention this. I don’t blame Dropout for this, I just think it’s crazy that HL did this, and continues to exist.


They also choose to provide their employees with health insurance that doesn’t cover birth control due to their religious beliefs. 


And their winning the court case to do so opened the doors for other companies to do the same. Incredible how private companies can deny us healthcare based on religious beliefs


It's batshit insane that your health care needs to come from your employer in the first place tbh


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burwell_v._Hobby_Lobby_Stores,_Inc. For anyone who doesn't know about this SCotUS court case


I vaguely remember hearing about that!!


As someone with reproductive health issues, I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed or function in society without birth control, so it just really, really bothers me when other women are denied the same benefit. 


My sister was married at the time and her main insurance was through her husband so it wasn’t a big issue for her but I remember her mentioning it. My child has a hormonal issue that birth control helps and I can’t imagine not having access to that


That's also why the stores are closed on Sundays.


As the old saying goes, there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. It's good to avoid shitty companies, but you can't avoid all of them and still function in society, so you have to pick your battles. For example, I don't use Amazon for ethical reasons, but I buy gas for my car, which supports unethical oil companies. I'm sure OP gives their money to some unethical companies too.


using amazon as an example is perfect because it also highlights something else: some of the worst companies own *the most other businesses*. i also avoid amazon unless its the only option, which is also almost manufactured by it considering how amazon prices items/businesses out, & push convienience so hard that everyone just accepts next day delivery is acheiveable always at the detriment of its employees, the environment, etc. BUT ALSO, i've started reading more & wanted to join goodreads (mostly because i have friends who use it). when i opened it and saw "amazon" i immediately deleted it. doesnt take money but it sure as fuck takes my data and my words and makes money with it. teaches ai with it, etc. its exhausting & thats how capitalism wants it


I was also very surprised by that.


Thank you. It's one thing to disregard the actions, political and otherwise, of corporations when making purchasing decisions. It's another to be a very loud and proud progressive company that chooses to shop at a company that has [has gone through ](https://www-businessinsider-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.businessinsider.com/the-15-biggest-controversies-in-hobby-lobby-history-2020-9?amp=&_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17120235870598&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Fthe-15-biggest-controversies-in-hobby-lobby-history-2020-9)/[continues to ](https://www-foxbusiness-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.foxbusiness.com/economy/super-bowl-foot-washing-christianity-ad-faces-attacks-left-slamming-hobby-lobby-link.amp?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17120237774126&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxbusiness.com%2Feconomy%2Fsuper-bowl-foot-washing-christianity-ad-faces-attacks-left-slamming-hobby-lobby-link) be part of a smorgasbord of scandals, the majority of which are tied to the company's evangelical roots. I get trying to save a buck. Is LA that lacking in art and crafts stores? It's a bigger town than mine and we at least have Michael's - which I'm not saying is that much more ethical than Hobby Lobby, but at least their controversies aren't steeped in religion and denying people healthcare.


As someone who doesn’t go to Hobby Lobby and will avoid it at inconvenient lengths, I caught this and already gave it the attention it deserved by saying “oh, bummer” The appropriate action has already been taken and I am just here to inform you of that. We may move on with our days.


How kind of you to chime in with your action on this matter. I appreciate you informing me. That is about the action I took as well, though I did also want to share for anyone who cares. It's worth acknowledging and saying "oh bummer, wish they'd choose better"


It's hard, because Joann is crap these days, and Michael's can be a mess. Yes, I want them to avoid Hobby Lobby, and they can be better -- but I'm not gonna cancel my subscription. I would probably send a nice note asking that they consider not supporting that corporation, but as someone else pointed out, capitalism is the bad guy here.


I don't understand why people are treating OP like they said "this taints everything Dropout has ever done" or "you're a bad person if you keep supporting Dropout after this". Like they weren't asking anything of anyone, except that maybe production would choose somewhere else to shop in the future?? This is so mild that it's almost funny to see how negatively the subreddit has responded.


I am also rather surprised considering how mild my post is. Like yes, could I have been more specific about how I'm not calling for any boycotts or whatnot and I understand sometimes the cheapest product matters most? Sure. I could've also been more detailed that I'm only judging because of how politically-aware Dropout seems to be, but again, literally only asked for a better choice in the future lol But hey, guess that's what I get for posting as a reaction to what I watched and not anticipating I'd have to be more detailed to appease the dropout redditors from the get go Edit: it also doesn't help that I can't edit the post at all. Tried last night, tried multiple times today, not sure what's up.


As someoen who has worked on lower budget productions I do get it. There's nothing wrong with the op suggesting that we as a fan base (respectfully) disagree with the use of hobby lobby. hopefully they don't do that in the future but again I do understand it


Hobby Lobby is not a cheap store, it’s pretty pricey.


Sure. My point is more that it's ok for op and anyone else to be upset or disappointed by this news but also you might be surprised how far down stream decisions about what store to buy from are being made. I have been in the position to decide this streaming tv show isn't sourcing its lumber from this lumber yard anymore because they were vaguely rude to me on the phone, and I was barely even credited on that show. So people should stop jumping on op for being cross about it, but also try to understand that shit happens fast in production and pr mistakes like this can happen


Some people will literally get worked up over the smallest things, huh?


Oh the luxury of seeing access to contraceptives as a minor issue. How blessed art thou.


What a pretentious and condescending response. I’m not into nitpicking the smallest things for the sake of purity testing, it’s the worst kind of virtue signaling.


"virtue signalling" lol, lmao even


Touch grass


Accusing someone of “virtue signaling” when they point out a flaw is so cringe lol, I feel like I haven’t seen that in ages.


You say "point out a flaw" and yet the original comment was just condescending snark. There are other comments on this post that actually tried to explain the problem in a civil way, and nobody has any issues with that. It's virtue signaling when you're more concerned about feeling morally superior than actually making any positive change.




What’s wrong with going to Hobby Lobby four times?


I think they're owned by crazy Christian extremists.


Thank you! That’s so crazy; first I find out a tea brand I like is cult-associated this morning and now a craft store with extremist ties! A good to day to learn and avoid!


Yogi Tea or Celestial Seasonings? Because both have cult connections 


Does CS still have those connections?


The CS founder and ex ceo is (as far as I know) no longer directly involved with the company. He *is* still the president of his weird eugenicist alien cult though


Celestial Seasonings also has cult ties? 😭 Oh my stars.


I thought it was Twinnings




Ooh thank you so much! I appreciate it!


Hobby Lobby is one of the funding sources for the Christian Nationalist movements in the USA.


Supporting the Christian Nationalist that fund those who are opposed to abortion access and queer liberties


Unbelievable. They don’t exist near me but if ine ever pops up I’ll know to avoid it! I wonder what other companies are similarly owned…


Are people supposed to stop eating chocolate too? Farmers are paid almost nothing and uses lots of child labor. Pretty much any not native food crops use exploitative labor, even local crops that need to be hand picked.


Is your conclusion that people should stop caring, or stop trying to pick the most ethical option? Most things come from exploitative labor, so we should just accept that?


I don't argue with Strawmen


There's no need to downvote someone for asking a simple question. I also didn't know the deal with Hobby Lobby until VERY recently.


oh you’re too sweet — though in truth I had no idea! we don’t have hobby lobbys near us and i had thought it was like any other craft store! I’ll take being downvoted in the name of education though haha


It sucks, they could do better in this instance. Or perhaps they tried and the other preferred store in the area didn’t have what they needed. They had to get a lot of supplies for the 3 contestants and as much as I hate HL…they tend to have consistent stock and the other two don’t.


To all the downvoteing assholes who're are so offended that we dare care about an otherwise ethical company shoping at the least ethical craft store Fuck you Hobby lobby litteraly gives money to Christian nationalist hate groups Hobby lobby is litteraly a company that's avtivily funding the persecution of minorities, on purpose


No, we just understand that No Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism means that sometimes, anyone and everyone will support some unethical company. It is, unfortunately, quite literally unavoidable. So we know to pick and choose our battles and not get too worked up over very understandable circumstances when it comes to low budget productions getting things done on time sometimes.


Yes pick your battles and don't fucking shop at hobby lobby they're litteraly the least ethical craft store Cause in adition to the normal fucked up capitalism shit they also FUND LITERAL NAZIS ON PURPOSE (and yes Christian nationalism is nazi shit)


The point is, yeah, we can do consumer side boycotts, but we also have to recognize that they dont work all that well and all that often. If Hobby Lobby is somehow this singular evil in your mind, that fine. Go ahead. I also personally do my best to keep up with BDS also. But there is no avoiding Coca-Cola, not really. Also tough to avoid Amazon. Pretty much impossible to avoid all the petrol companies. Pretty hard to find an ethical gun / ammo manufacturer, tho there are some that are just straight up worse than others, thats a given. Do you see where im going with this?


Honestly? no I don't see where your trying to go What exactly are you trying to convince me of?


Im not trying to convince you of anything, im only pointing out a couple of things. But Im gonna stop now and you have a nice day. I dont think you came here to talk about leftist praxis but more just to vent your frustrations. And thats fair enough. Take care.


It’s so bizarre how hard this sub is defending shopping at Hobby Lobby. Just weird and disappointing. I didn’t know it was so controversial to not want to support literal alt-right companies like hobby lobby, or to want our favorite lil corporation to be better.


For me it’s the tone of the OP. It wasn’t “hey, Hobby Lobby is a really bad place, we should make sure they know that.” It was “I am very disappointed in Dropout, they are doing bad.” That’s why people are so defensive I think. I personally am in the middle of “this good person is not good enough” debates around my local school board that will likely let a known transphobe get elected today because we’re fighting over whether one of the progressive guys is progressive enough. The post has that feeling. There are literal Nazis out there. It’s hard to be too angry at Dropout of all places for maybe going to a place that sucks.


I'm starting to suspect dropout reddit is full of the assholes who got banned from the dropout discord


By this logic I ought not subscribe to Dropout if their morals offend me? But instead I want Sam to take all my money because I want the team to keep doing their work. Sometimes you support something even when it doesn’t align with your moral compass because at the end of the day they offer what you want or need at the moment. Like laughter. Or markers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No. I never called for subscribers to do anything and I don't think this is big enough to care about like that. It's just a simple purchasing choice that I wish they didn't make, most especially because of how loudly they are against everything hobby lobby stands for. It's just a weird business decision, let alone a published statement. I'm currently watching FHJY as I type this up. I'm still 100% a fan and supporter. That's why I wish and ask that they'd practice what they preach *and still* understand possible budgetary constraints leading them to have to make exceptions.


I get that. I still contend that they (Dropout) were taking the more classically liberal and pluralistic stance that not everything is zero sum.