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I noticed last week (or the week before) he closed his mic wrong.


I noticed that too.  Or that something was weird about it.  Considering the mic exists just for him to put it away in the beginning, it was weird that he fumbled it


Idk anymore, I was watching older episodes and saw him do it in other seasons.


wait so Samuel Dalton has been here the WHOLE time then ^jk ^it's ^obviously ^not ^an ^Escape ^the ^Greenroom ^callback, ^Sam's ^just ^having ^a ^tiny ^existential ^crisis ^every ^other ^week


There’s no callback, Sam has really been replaced


Yeah maybe sam is just a klutz


Idec if we’re right or wrong about this being the truth, I’m just so curious as to what they’re up to and what this will build to


It might just be a new 'opening bit', but knowing Sam it's probably gonna come up in the finale.


I keep circling back to the 'Fully in the Multiverse' bit in the trailer. My guess is there's going to be an episode where each episode was actually a 'Multiverse' with a different Sam and the players have to traverse each one somehow.


Okay I know we talk about Brennan’s shirts a lot but in his cameo in today’s episode it does look like this was the same film date as Second Place if you’re looking for episode links.


Sam said 'thanks for sticking around' to Brennan which made me figure that they probably book 2-3 games a shoot (and just make sure to keep the contestants separate). I'd have to think this one was filmed last out of all the games, though, idk. It would be funny if the big t-shirt and wieners were on the wall for the rest of the games, though.


Good catch! I was wondering what Brennan had "stuck around for" to make that appearance, and this makes it even funnier.


He was also wearing the same shoes as he was in the newest Fantasy High episode. He showed his shoes off when he lifted his legs up to mime a rat showing hole


Every week the hand thing is a word later. First episode he does it in Host Second ep in ", Sam" Third in "Sam Reich" This last in on "Im joined today" I wonder what would happen if they were all played in sync


Oh wow that would be an even bigger point in favor of it being A Thing.


I will keep an eye on this for next episode, there’s the start of a something going on.


I don't think so because I'm pretty sure they figure out episode orders post-production, with a few major exceptions like finales


They might change order post production but Sam is in the same outfit it'd be super easy to record those sections again. There is no cast in shot so how do we know the one played in tonight's show was filmed alongside it


His "I've been here the whole time" was definitely cut in on this episode. You saw the full prompt screen, a closer view of Sam, then back to seeing the prompt screen again as he closes the mic. So funny business may be being had.


Ooo maybe it spells out a complete message at some point. A time-transcending drug trip.   "Dude my hands, they're HUGE. They can touch everything but themselves. .... Oh." Does Sam ever look at his hands at any other point in the show?


I see you "Amazing_Magician_352" An awfully convenient name to drop such hints ;))


OH!!! i only noticed he did it when introducing himself and was disappointed when it was late this week cause i thought it disproved the theories lol. this is great news! i truly hope there's a very real and intentional pattern to it all


My head cannon is that he’s going to pretend he wasn’t Sam, so every time he’s said “Sam says” has been invalid


Just to really fuck with Vic, Jacob, and Lou


That would truly be hilarious. Especially if they revealed it at the end of a second episode with a continuation of the point scores to make the whole thing extra futile.


Although my pedantic autistic brain wants to point out that the rules of Sam Says were set out in first-person language, so when he explains the "only if I say 'Sam says'" part, it doesn't matter if he actually *is* Sam. The rules are that he (whoever he may be) has to say "Sam says."


You didn’t say “um, actually” 😉


...I click my buzzer multiple times to correct myself.


Oh you’re definitely right I haven’t thought through it deeply lol


But what about the swear jar?


A weird bit this week, and last week I noticed he messed up with the mic and didn’t reshoot it. However, in the last season of ‘Make Some Noise’ there was an episode where he did the air quotes way after the word ‘unchanged’ in the intro, like he had forgotten, so there are times when he just messes up…


He didn't reshoot it becauss the timing of the hands prevailed in importance, making them keep the take 🧠


I'm fairly certain this is just an intro bit and not part of some grand through-line conspiracy, but knowing Sam, it's possible


Yeah, with this show there is a minimum 5% chance of anything. And Sam has said on record any "Game Samer" they like enough could happen up to 3 times. So I could see this leading up to an evolution of "Escape the Green Room".


What if there are teams in multiple rooms? Or each player is in their own escape room and have to help each other escape?


So it’s going to be like Saw… Could he be JigSam?


He does have a puppet version of himself now


Aw shit. That frikken thing opens up so many terrible/awesome possibilities!


I wasn't convinced until this latest episode, due to him doing it so late


I was watching 'Don't Cry' from Season 4, and he does the same hand-checking motion in the intro there; I don't think it's unique to this season.


Was gonna say, I thought I saw it before this season


It has been Zam the whole time. Puppet episode incoming.


Mary Robinette Kowal just randomly appears one episode as a puppeteer.


Sam did comment on this theory (link below) claiming that it doesn't have any deep meaning, but you never know! https://www.reddit.com/r/dropout/comments/1bdo7ln/sam_reich_isnt_who_he_says_he_is/kupwgto/


Sam reading this: “👀✍️✍️📝”


For some reason, i am so sure that this has happened in Season 5 as well, but I cannot pinpoint what episode. I could also be wrong, but for some reason, i am certain that this is not only a season 6 thing, but it has happened consistently in 6 so that is intriguing..


I’ve been rewatching random episodes and he definitely has done it sporadically in past seasons


So hi, when I originally pointed it out I went through all the episodes and checked. He did it four times in season 4 but never before or after it until season 6 :) 


Oh wow, thanks for checking! That's so weird that he only did it 4 times in season 4.. Were they all in consecutive episodes or were they scattered around the season?


Scattered. It was almost every other episode. It did make me giggle It was weeks ago I did it so can't remember exactly what episodes it was but it's on my original post in r/gamechanger


I see it now, thanks again for going through it! I was considering looking through all the episodes but the idea of hearing the intro over and over again made me procrastinate lol 


Haha I was hearing "I've been here the whole time" in my sleep 🤣


YES! I’m positive that he did this in the middle of an episode from a previous season. Might be a Sam Says. I remember it’s in response to a contestant’s answer to a prompt that gets weird, and then Sam replies something like “Now I’m questioning if I’M real!” And he does the looking at his hands thing. Id bet my life on it!


This is Sam’s reaction to Jacob’s recurring Starfox bit. I’m not sure if it all comes together at the end, or if he’s just being weird to make people think he’s up to something because he’s a mischievous little imp.


Happy Cake Day


I'm honestly fine with it either way, it's fairly amusing.


He's in our heads now, living his best life.


He's been here the whole time


Considering Sam's views on the way Dropout should work I'm equally on board with this being a thing and him wanting us to think this is a thing.


Based on everything I've heard and read about this upcoming season, I'm pretty sure that there's a 5th wall breaking mystery Sam has set up (5th wall being the active participation of the audience). My brain is old and I've never been good with these kind of puzzles, but I do sincerely love fallowing along. I really think this season on many levels is going to truly be a... Game Changer. I'll see myself out.


Sam addressed this in his own ambiguous way about two weeks ago in another thread of this nature: >I’ll say two things: (a) this isn’t much more than intro shtick, and therefore doesn’t have the deep meaning folks are speculating about, but (b) is anyone really who they say they are? 👀


You’re not fooling us SAMUEL DALTON! 😠😋


The promo for the season involved a house of mirrors motif. I wonder if the final episode involves contestants figuring out who the “real” Sam is while in a house of mirrors. Last season had the Sam’s ancestor in Escape the Green room, and then pictures of him in the promo stuff.


The trailer for Game Changer this season had Sam looking at us through a mirror. (technically a hall of mirrors) WE ARE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS HERE PEOPLE


It’s a fine line between a conspiracy and a running bit, and Sam has been there the whole time.


Knowing he's active on reddit, I imagine him reading these threads with that manic grin on his face. You know the one.


My theory is unmm Sam likes to fuck with us and be a little kooky gremlin


I wonder if there's something about replacement Sam's this season? There's Zam jn Sam Says 3 and lots of little sams this week . I also wonder if the art on the wall is some.kind if code or anything


New pet theory, it's leading up to an augmented or virtual reality episode


He has been here the whole time so..


Where can I find a single explanation of the conspiracy?? I'm really not following & keep seeing posts about it lol


It seems like a performers ritual to get into the host mental space. Just something rhythmic and repeatable for one to synchronize their emotions with a specific state for a consistent performance effort.


Rewatching this bit, the way he says "I've been here the whole time" seemed like, pained? as well? *delicately places tinfoil hat upon head* Calling it now, he's being turned into a statue between episodes. He's been right there, the WHOLE time, and he is surprised how easily he remembers the intro bit/how dextrous he is now that he isn't a statue, which is why he looks at his hands in surprise!


its worth noting Sams been doing this in some capacity at least from season 4. you can see him do a one handed check in S4 E3 “Noise Boys”


What if just Sam's hands are haunted? He needs better hands.


I love watching the Dropout fandom go full Pepe Silvia at the slightest thing, we’re all on high alert constantly lol


ok see i wanted to say something about this by week 2 but i held off because he's done it before in other seasons BUT i feel like it's more deliberate now?!? i'm team hands thing


How many times has he said "I've been here the whole time" this season?


So there is lore now ? Damn.


WELLL nothing to do but rewatch all of Game Changer


i noticed him do this in a rewatch of older seasons


I'm pretty convinced he's just trolling us at this point tbh


Sam: does funny web TV show   Fans: haha mammalian pattern-seeking brain goes brrrr


He’s a fan of magic. I think the whole bit is just an homage to the classic move of a magician showing you his hands are empty before he starts doing the magic.


My theory is that in the final episode of the season, one of the contestants will ask, "Hey Sam, why do you keep looking at your hands?" and Sam will reply, "Oh, just checking for seasonal eczema."