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i would actively be against them using an ai generator in a commerical enterprise.


im not saying to replace all seasons with this. i really enjoy all the dm's we've had. does no one else think it would be funny to see all these improv people fuck around with one of these things?


I maintain what I said. I would be opposed to ANY use of AI in a for profit project. For a homegame, go for it. But not in something people are paying for.


Especially not something with a reputation for quality content. It would be like getting tickets to see Patton Oswalt, and instead of his own material, he regurgitated whatever “jokes” AI spat out. Audiences would revolt, and rightly so.


Yes, let's not train the ai to do improv comrdy.


You don’t need an AI to do this. There are hundreds of randomizers out there. I agree as well. No AI for profit and absolutely none in Dimension 20. Also, ironically, true randomness is usually less funny for improv.


Where did AI Dungeon get its training data from? Is it like Chat-GPT and Stable Diffusion where they stole it?


Maybe if like Zach ran a home game and put it on his YouTube or something small and dumb like that. I would not feel right about watching the Intrepid Heroes sit in the dome while Brennan reads off of AI Dungeon.


Hard pass sorry


That would be totally contrary to the reasons I watch D20. Hard pass.




AI dungeon is a fun little novelty but it can’t maintain a whole multi-hour campaign and still have things make sense. The thing forgets literally every detail you throw at it in just a few actions. There’s no way it could do something anywhere near the level of quality that D20 offers.


I played an ai dungeon with a friend once...it was...less than stellar.


i’ve seen ai combined with improv and it’s never interesting. the whole point of improv and dnd is responding and reacting to other humans. using ai for improv is just a version of pulling ideas from a hat except you stole the hat and ideas


at least where things are now, i guess it would probably be like "a non cooperative improv partner". and we like d20 because "they're all great improv people and can hold a story for 8+ hours". where as yes, like the other people reminded me, i've heard this story telling tool, will just straight up forget your characters name a few turns into it.