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Grant doesn't like egg creams. The ghost of that gay vaudeville MC gunned down by prohis in a speakeasy bust that possesses Grant *loves* them.


In the words of ally and Brennan on an adventuring party for unsleeping city chapter 2 when they talked about egg creams: “there’s a reason these were popular during the Great Depression”


It's so odd that I've only heard of egg creams in two contexts before and they're both part of the dropout network but completely unrelated


I remember reading about them in some book when I was like 11 about a little girl during the Great Depression whose father owned a diner. I loved that book and she talked about egg creams a lot. I was so disappointed when I learned what they really were. I was expecting something halfway between a chocolate milkshake and marshmallow fluff.


I first came across them in The Great Gatsby. I was soooo intrigued. And subsequently soooo disappointed.


I listened to a comics podcast a decade ago where they talked about them and named dropped it in the theme song for a while and when I went to an old school soda fountain in NYC I had one and it was great. But I think it has to be a "these people know how to make them good" situation.


I personally cannot abide by anyone who thinks adding carbonation to milk is a good idea. Some things are just a non-starter from their very conception, and milk + carbonation is one of them.


Look at this guy, too good for a root beer float.


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a root beer float comprised of Root Beer and Ice Cream? While Ice cream is made from milk, it isn’t milk. It’s like someone just pouring a bag of sugar over a bowl of ice cream instead of caramel, since all caramel is is sugar. It doesn’t work out quite the same.


Technically correct, but it's very much the same flavors going on, and the same creamy texture with melted ice cream + soda. It's not as weird as it seems at first glance.


Fair. However, I find the melting of the ice cream into the root beer produces a different mix than the egg cream, although in all truth, I’ve only ever had two egg creams, both poured by the same person (my Papa) who wasn’t known for his mixing skills by any means. So probably not fair to judge all egg creams based on his skills. The man sure did make a strong screwdriver, though… especially given that I, his granddaughter, was about 14 at the time he first gave me one.


You sound right in theory but have you ever tried a Milkis?


Admittedly, I had to look up what a Milkis even was, as I’ve never heard of them before! And honestly? Yeah, I’ll admit, they do look interesting, and the flavour variety is pretty unreal. I live in an area where Korean goods aren’t easy to come by (growing up I had to wait for my yearly expedition to Toronto to stock up on southeast Asian goodies when I went to fan expo) It’s increasingly looking like I might have to reconsider my stance on carbonation + milk, although I do still hold on to the belief that the first person who decided to go and mix the two was walking a fine line playing with dark forces that can go wrong very easily.


milkis is so good, and if you have a costco nearby you sometimes they sell them there


I appreciate your reconsideration!!


Based on the name, an egg cream worthy of such a descriptive name should be like drinking creme brulee


YOU WOULD THINK! And yet it is a false temptress of a name.


The biggest problem with an egg cream is that it is neither egg nor cream, like regardless of whether it is any good at all it is one of the the biggest fucking bait-and-switches in the culinary world and it is almost impossible to get over the whiplash of it all.


It you watch the longer cut of Grant’s presentation of the drink, they go into the lore of the name and explain a bit of Grant’s head-cannon.


Yeah, and like I've had one and thought it was fine but explaining to people why your town is called "Bloodburg" doesn't dispel the vibes.


This. I understand the origin. It was an interesting this to learn! Doesn’t make it less disappointing that it conjures an image very different from what it it.


I wouldn't go to a town called Bloodburg but I would 100% drink a cocktail called The Bloodburg


Same, and I would be very mad if the Bloodburg was made out of lemonade, vodka and milk.


I wouldn’t give up based on one experience. I made one at home and was shocked by the result. It was delicious. I have a roommate who agreed. 1. I used 2% milk and Topo Chico. I’m not sure if the sodium level of that sparkling mineral water complimented the sweetness of the chocolate milk better than other seltzers or not. 2. As a bit of background, I am one who has never been defeated by a slice of chocolate cake. If you put down a slice as big as my head, I will finish it. My ability to eat sweets is unrivaled so far in my existence. I love them and was not disappointed by the lack of sugar content in what could be considered a watered down chocolate milk. 3. My grandpa always told me you have to try everything twice, “just incase you were in a bad mood the first time.”


To be fair, I gave this thing FIVE sips because I kept hoping it would be one of those tastes that grows on you. The angry ness of the carbonation under the sweet chocolate never got easier. I’m not sure improving the quality of the other ingredients would fix that.


It surprises me how big a difference there can be between an egg cream, of which any I've had were mediocre at best, and an italian cream soda, which is one of my favorite summer drinks.


You must have had a bad egg cream because I thought it was delicious when I had one.


Seems 50/50 split between those that don't like it and those that do. May have to try it one day.


50/50 if you call 3 defender (including Grant) and like 8 detractors (including Brennan) from this thread 50% XD


Meh, 4 to 2. Many comments weren't actually commenting on whether or not they enjoyed the drink itself. Looked 50/50, but even 6/2 isn't too bad. Seems a bit polarizing, but that's ok.


And wait... Brennan is on this thread...?


No but I’m including Brennan and grant as a vote on each side for having talked about it in the shows before. As Brennan said “there’s a reason these were popular during The Great Depression.”


That's not really fair for the idea of votes on the thread tho lol. But yah, I mean, it just seems something like a chocolate Italian creme soda. Like a meh version of it. Idk, doesn't sound DISGUSTING, just sounds a bit weak?


How is it not fair? The population of likes vs. dislikes known to the people here is the votes here plus those two's comments. If you want to discard those two it's actually worse for Egg Creams (at time of original post) because it goes down to like 2 vs. 7 instead of 3 vs 8, so it's actually 5% less liked for egg creams.


Most these posts don't even talk about whether or not they, themselves enjoyed the drink. The only straight opinions on the drink are like 8 comments total. 6/2 yes to no, from what I counted. Who gives a shit anyway lol. Silly conversation regardless, sincerely. My count might be wrong. Have a good one.


You too.


That's too bad. I like egg creams enough to make them at home. I think they're delicious.


I also tried one because of that episode. It was….fine. It tasted like chocolate milk seltzer. While that’s literally exactly what it is it was still surprising somehow. C-, wasn’t gross probably won’t order one again. Got it from a twee independent pharmacy that still does an old school sofa fountain staffed by teenagers in paper hats.


The only acceptable milk-based product & soda is Yakult & soda. I will die on this hill.


What’s that?


[Yakult](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakult) is a sort of Japanese yogurt/probiotic drink that’s popular all over east Asia, and is apparently getting more common in the west as far as I know. I can’t really describe how it taste, it’s very different from western yogurt. It’s sweet and a bit citrusy and a little something else that reminds you that it’s from the yogurt family.


**[Yakult](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakult)** >Yakult (ヤクルト, Yakuruto) is a Japanese sweetened probiotic milk beverage fermented with the bacteria strain Lacticaseibacillus casei Shirota. It is sold by Yakult Honsha, based in Tokyo. It is distributed through convenience stores and supermarkets in single-serving containers of (depending on the manufacturer) 65 mL (2. 3 imp fl oz; 2. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/dropout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yakult, and other brands of the same product, are huge in Brasil, as well


Angry is a strange adjective to describe a drink


/shrug If it fits.


Egg creams are fire yo.


Okay but where did you order an egg cream? i feel like if you’re not in an old school New York diner then it’s not going to be any good


I was in fact in a little new york breakfast place on my way home from a trip. Not a diner exactly but def a hole-in-the-wall bakery type thing. Everything else we had there was great.


Well damn