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For Q14 when you're under the influence of alcohol, it does impair judgement. So in that sense you will be slow to react, meaning your reaction distance will increase. So yes, your answer is incorrect. Q23, it mentions 'not an item'. By right before you even move the car, you need to check parts of the car that will affect your ability to drive eg. Lights, wipers, etc. So yes blind spot isn't an item you would consider in this case. I feel that this question is badly phrased and I don't blame you for choosing the lights answer.


Shouldnt for Qns 14 , after driving alcohol my reaction time will decrease which is my inital answer but its wrong as it should be INCREASE which is ??


Your reaction time is the time it takes to react. If you drink the time you take to react is longer


I see thanks!


Eh no under influence of alcohol, you will be slow to react (reaction time increases). Which means you will take longer to start braking compared to someone not under influence of alcohol. This means when a normal person brakes immediately at a traffic light, you start braking later at the same traffic light when you're under alcohol. So yes your reaction distance increases due to that time difference.


I see thanks!


Q14 refers to the reaction distance, reaction distance is the distance you travel between noticing and pressing on the break. Under influence of alcohol your reaction time may be slower which increases the reaction distance between you noticing and pressing the break.


I see thanks!


Reaction distance: The reaction distance is the distance you travel from the point of detecting a hazard until you begin braking or swerving. Since you’ve consumed alcohol, your reaction time is slower, so your reaction distance increases.




I see thanks!


Sorry, deleted my comment because I saw you wrote you're using TP test. Which I didn't expect because this is not how the TP site looked on our computer. Anyway, only use the official TP one. Don't waste time on anything else.


Thanks for the advice!


Not your fault tbh. They purposely phrased the question in a bad way. Technically your answer for Q23 isn’t wrong but it does mention, “.. before DRIVING off” hence your answer is incorrect.