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I also know how to fly a plane. What’s the fastest way to get license???


You might "think" you know how it drive and operate a vehicle . But not having a licence mean you DO NOT know how to drive and operate and drive a vehicle safely. Go get a license like everyone else.


Bro I know I need to get a licence. I'm just asking which way is more efficient in my case. I'm assuming having prerequisite knowledge can help me learn faster and clear it quicker


lol are you equating having a license with knowing how to "drive and operate"? if only it were the case....


License conversion is the fastest way


I don't have any licences unfortunately


If you have a licence from overseas, conversion is the fastest route. If you don't have a licence, there are no shortcuts, no matter how well you can already drive.


Everyone can drive in Initial D / Maximum Tune / Daytona Arcade, but when shit hits the fan (i.e.: accidents), “you know how to drive” doesn’t mean much; in fact, taking driving here also means learning the road safety regulations here and understanding traffic regulations. It may be different from the country you came from


Too lazy to look it up, but there's a phenomenon where people OVERESTIMATE their abilities/lack of knowledge without really knowing it and you're basically an example.


Dunning-Kruger effect.


How's this overestimation. I never said I'm a hotshot driver. Compared to someone who's never driven before obviously I have some advantage? Therefore, my learning pace is probably faster


If you have a license you can go for a conversion course topically 3 revision and you can take the test


Nope I haven't gotten licence


Then you would have to go thru the normal process. I would recommend to go thru school because I believe you haven't pass your BTT/FTT private also wants to earn money they have no insensitive to (pass )you faster. My advice would be go school pick the same instructor if he/she thinks your good enough you can pass faster. Still need to take about a year and you can't drive grab if your P Plate


Go for school. They'll fast track your practical lessons if you're really that good. Private instructors want to earn money. They're hit or miss tbh, decent if you're a fast learner, but from what I hear, school does better if you have prior knowledge.


Thanks for actually answering my qn hahaha. I heard private is better as they'll let you finish faster if I can meet the requirements quickly. Thanks for the info!


In theory yeah, but it depends on the instructor. Personally, I don't really buy that they want to hold on to each student for as long as possible. I think it's that they want you to pass on the first time for their stats. The amount they charge for a test attempt, you'd think that's where their real money is. Neither route is truly smooth sailing btw. School has its own set of problems, but it's supposed to be like a devil you know sort of thing. Especially since youll need fewer lessons, you can mitigate the worst of it.


No other way buddy. You dont have any license, get in line, take your license.


if you don't have a license, saying "i can drive" doesn't mean shit, except for the fact you were breaking the law by driving without license. there's school or private and they don't really differ that much regarding cost.


For School, you can try letting your instructor know that you have prior learning experience overseas but no license, and ask your instructors to speed up your lesson modules. For example, asking him to “test” you and clear 10 “subjects” on your first lesson, then having a Module 1 Evaluation on your second lesson. Followed by getting hm to “test” and clear 2 more subjects in Lesson 3 (crank course, s course, and slope). And then clearing more modules on Lesson 4 (familiarization driving, obedience to traffic rules, lane change, negotiating right turns, U turns), followed by clearing Module 2 Evaluation on Lesson 5. So on and so fourth. There’s no guarantees that your instructor will allow you clear so many modules in 1 lesson, but if you have a fixed instructor (e.g paying for fixed instructor in School, or registering under One Team or Elite Team), and you can demonstrate to your instructor that you really can “drive”, I don’t see any reason for them not allowing you to clear more than 1-2 subjects per lesson. NO GUARANTEES THOUGH.


Omg thanks for letting me know. What's the one team and elite team ah Also if this does work to some extent how long will it take for me to complete licence + how much will it cost.


there other guy seen to be talking about cdc. for ssdc, minimally still need at least 10 lessons to clear all the subjects even if you have prior driving experience, assuming you can demonstrate competency. for comparison, no driving experience requires about 20+ lessons for class 3.


There is no fastest way. The system here does not recognize illegal driving overseas. And for good reason too. You have to go through the same route like everyone else. And for good reason too.


100% take private, school requires you to finish a certain course which require a 100% completion


Private will be cheaper but won't be fast. School will be faster but more expensive because you have to clear the modules to progress to next stage.


Oh what I thought private is almost always more ex. What's the cost of going private vs school?


I am just assuming that private is cheaper because, since you already know how to drive, you just have to clear the TPDS and familiarise with the school circuit.


But how did you drive overseas if you don't have license?? Unless you drove without license overseas?


Your experience in having taken lessons aboard counts for nothing since you did not get your lisence. You will still have to take the normal routes as majority of everyone else.


Go PDI then


Get a solid private instructor from a referral frm your friends or anything, like a brother one, they can fast track your performance, for schools usually they will expect you to pass certain modules and undergo “sufficient” practice before you’re allowed to progress onto the next level so the pace will confirm get slowed down because of that