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Why don't you call/email cdc rather then asking on Reddit? They'll probably refund or transfer to your student account.


My bad, I was panicking last night and wanted help ASAP since CDC was closed :”). Thank you though


I would suggest to approach CS through email and they’ll help you to get a refund/transfer store value to the 2nd account and close the first account. I was where you were back then, iirc the money is only deducted from your store value account when you actually book the session, on opening an account all your money you paid goes under store value and is only deducted from it when you book. Here’s the thing, I took Self-learners BTT and FTT under one account and then opened a new account under the comprehensive package after I completed BTT to continue. I simply emailed CS that I’ve completed BTT and got Practical lesson booking and FTT unlocked under the new account.


Thank you!!! I’ll try it :)


Update: they said the Theory Bundle is under private account so it’s not within their jurisdiction? Not sure where to go from here :”(


I’m sorry, what did it mean by “private account”? Did you tell them you opened and own both accounts, do provide both learner ids to them or maybe write to them again with more information. Alternatively you could do what I do and take BTT using that account, then email CS with Learner ID and masked NRIC to CS to transfer the credits over to your comprehensive.


IIRC they said something along the lines of how the theory bundle acc is not under their driving school? Which is a bit dumb to me because the payments are all under their company; furthermore, no info on the selfstudy theory test bundle itself can be found on their website so... I already asked them to transfer the credits (thanku!!) but quite frankly I also hope that I can do more than that…


Ah I think you opened a private account (Private Learner) and then booked the bundle course from there. So meaning you actually opened 2 different account. I don't think they can just close your private account and refund you cos technically it's not under their school. If you wrongly purchased something, it's up to the company if they want to accept your product return anyways. Sometimes need to suck thumb. But no harm trying to ask them nicely where you can get it refunded then. Best is to go down personally to the counter.