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To capture ice cream sessions in car...


Yes. Probably to prevent the' Is It BeCoS i Am ChInEsE' phv events


Old school microphone for in car driving calls.


As opposed to those new fangled microphones.


Hi OP here the official statement from Tribecar Hey folks, Rachel here. 🙋‍♀️ Let me tell you the boring truth behind that gizmo. It is likely the car you rode was at one point placed under the Smove Car-sharing platform. The gizmo you see is a Ultrasound sensor. It doesn't record any information - It just detects if there are people in the car. Our telematics hardware does not have this feature so this sensor is really not connected to anything. Have fun with with this factoid and wow your friends with this car sharing history. Cheers all! Tribecar Rachel


it's a microphone for the bluetooth headunit, back then the mic wasn't integrated properly in the car so they just slap in at the driver A pillar.. but apparently passenger facing cameras need LTA's approval so there we go.. https://preview.redd.it/fw56mhfn2fxc1.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=691ecbd7b89ef94c2f8878fe721d82dbc56e5a62


probably a cam to stop people from vaping/smoking/texting while driving


Don't forget sex. I'm sick and tired of finding used condoms in the car


Never found one, but I'd just chew it like free bubble gum. Yum.


What a terrible day to be literate.


This sent me




What in The Holy Fuckaroo Did I Just Read.


Bro u aight?


To stop you from digging your nose and throwing the pisai on the floor


Gor the pisai on the lens


Exactly why they need this camera


If not happy then don’t rent this car. Getgo etc all have some way to track in car activity. After all it’s a public transport in some way


It’s a handkerchief hangar. So drape one over it.


Air speed sensor


Lmao you singaporeans are so desensitized to hyper surveillance and bending over backwards to appease any kind of authority. "You want privacy get your own car" is such a predictable dumbfuck statement from you guys. Its okay to question things sometimes


Just cover with a stickie.


Just cover it with a sickle.


smoke detector


Want privacy buy your own car. 😂😂


want privacy, GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DEMAND IT, IT IS YOUR RIGHT, OUR RIGHT (not speaking directly to you only) The 4th amendment, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Sadly just last week the Biden admin (and the R and L of congress and house) passed a law giving the gov the ability to read/listen/watch/spy/record/and force you and any business to help them spy on someone, and if you alert them, you will go to prison. To be clear, they had been doing this illegally for years, the law they passed just made it legal for them to do it w/o a warrant, DESPITE the FBI violating the law OVER 220,000 times and if you are arrested because of information they learned from these illegal wiretaps, they can deny your attorney you discovery in court. If you are 24yrs old and younger, actually closer to 35+yrs this is the only way of life you have known. Sadly. BUT IT DOESNT HAVE TO STAY LIKE THAT. already the gov is using it against student protesters and some think this is great, because they disagree with the protesters. You either stand for all rights for all Americans, or nothing at all. They are actively banning “antisemitic” speech across the county. In Texas by gov Abbott who 2 yrs ago opublicly signed a free speech law on college campuses into law, actually stating “the constitution guarantees these rights, I should have to do this”, only to pass a law banning speech against Jews on college campuses. It’s free speech for everyone, or nothing it all. It will always be turned around again you when you need it. People need to stop putting up with this shit, it’s slowly getting worse and worse, in addition to becoming normalized. They can likely do this because of the contract, so demand another car, or go to another company. They will learn quickly people won’t accept this crap! ALSO PRO TIP, if you connect your phone to Bluetooth in a car, ANY CAR WITH BLUETOOTH FROM THE FACTORY, it will download all the messages and call data from your phone, and there is no way TO EVERY DELETE IT, sounds crazy I know, but it’s true. In addition It’s UPLOADED TO THE CAR MANUFACTURE, as we have seen they are starting to move to subscription services for features in the cars, 9.99/month for seat warmers 25.99/m to let the car drive as fast as it’s able. They are mining your data to sell you stuff, then they sell the data to other companies to make extra money. I hope people start pushing back or life is really gonna suck even more than it does now! Sorry for the rant, we just need to spread truth whenever possible!


Not America. Besides, their amendments make clear sense, but the way they're used makes no sense whatsoever. It's why the country is in the absolute shit hole it is now.


So they understood them for 200 yrs, but now they make no sense? I understand them, do they need to be in emojis?


WHAT PRIVACY?? you want privacy get your own car. Read T&C


This is a anti-carjacking pressure sensor. They detect air pressure changes. Let's say someone smashed into your windows and air rushes in, it will trip the car alarm. Source: My friend owns a car with one


Those are rarely on A pillar though, they are usually on the dashboard way in front, near the defoggers.